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Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, Marvel Studios is a Walt Disney Studios subsidiary (like Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar and Lucasfilm) which is in turn a Walt Disney Company division. Marvel Television is a division within Marvel Entertainment which is a direct subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I'm just used to thinking of Marvel as a whole entity and forgot about Marvel Studios glorious exodus from Marvel Entertainment.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
One of my big hopes for Infinity War is that Cap gets a scene or two like this where he stands up to Thanos, even though power-wise he's like an ant in comparison. Evans' Cap earned it.

I was hoping he would be able to wield Mjolnir against Thanos, but not sure if that's going to happen now.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen that rumor for a while that Fox traded the X-Men TV show rights with Marvel. But what makes it weirder is how X-Men characters are in games, or coming to games, but not FF characters.
I imagine they start including FF characters until they introduce their take on the characters


Oct 25, 2017
I hated Hela breaking the hammer. Felt like a cheap way to make her feel like a threat, quickly. Same shitty trick they used when Vision lifted the hammer in Age of Ultron. Felt totally unearned.

They should have saved the hammer being stopped or destroyed for Thanos, and being wielded by Cap. The tease in AoU was PERFECT, then they had to fuck it up with Vision actually lifting the damn thing. ugh.


Oct 25, 2017
I hated Hela breaking the hammer. Felt like a cheap way to make her feel like a threat, quickly. Same shitty trick they used when Vision lifted the hammer in Age of Ultron. Felt totally unearned.

They should have saved the hammer being stopped or destroyed for Thanos, and being wielded by Cap. The tease in AoU was PERFECT, then they had to fuck it up with Vision actually lifting the damn thing. ugh.
The breaking of the hammer also helped propel Thor's character in the movie as well.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Hela and Vision lifting the hammer are both instances of the characters bypassing the enchantment though. Cap is the only one who could actually budge Mjolnir just by being worthy enough. So he still gets that credit.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Weeeelll, one of the built over murals in the throne room depicted Hela with Mjolnir, no?

Yeah because she was the original wielder of Mjolnir, it was her weapon. The whole "needs to be worthy to lift Mjolnir" thing didn't happen until Odin banished Thor to earth in the first movie. It's also stated multiple times in the movie that she is more powerful than Odin, so she can basically just ignore the enchantment.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah because she was the original wielder of Mjolnir, it was her weapon. The whole "needs to be worthy to lift Mjolnir" thing didn't happen until Odin banished Thor to earth in the first movie. It's also stated multiple times in the movie that she is more powerful than Odin, so she can basically just ignore the enchantment.
Oh. I didn't make that connection.

Wait, did they establish how she got sealed away to begin with?


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if that ties into the Odinsleep from the previous movies. Like that's why he was so weak and weary his last few years.


Oct 25, 2017
I think that was implied that Odin needed his Odinsleep to maintain his power and that Loki sending him to Midgard weakened him.


Oct 25, 2017
I hated Hela breaking the hammer. Felt like a cheap way to make her feel like a threat, quickly. Same shitty trick they used when Vision lifted the hammer in Age of Ultron. Felt totally unearned.

They should have saved the hammer being stopped or destroyed for Thanos, and being wielded by Cap. The tease in AoU was PERFECT, then they had to fuck it up with Vision actually lifting the damn thing. ugh.
Mjolnir had to die to Super Saiyan Thor could live


Oct 25, 2017
It's really amusing to see people still salty about the hammer as if Cap is somehow less Cap because he can't lift it.

Is anyone saying Cap is less Cap because he can't lift it?

I just want cool things saved for the right moments for more impact. also vision sucks, they're probably going to kill him in infinity war and he won't come back.
Oct 25, 2017
Is anyone saying Cap is less Cap because he can't lift it?

I just want cool things saved for the right moments for more impact. also vision sucks, they're probably going to kill him in infinity war and he won't come back.

Not saying it outright, but the subtext of the complaint is that Cap's potential is somehow unfulfilled. The Vision lifting the hammer was a cool moment for different reasons than it would be if Cap had done it. You got too wrapped up in the moment in your head to appreciate the moment you got on screen. People do this all the time - they wait for something they've built up in their own mind that can never live up to their own self inflicted hype. You robbed yourself.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I never saw Hela (when she grabs Mjolnir in midair) as her lifting the hammer so much as blocking it. Like, it was exerting forward force, which is what was keeping it from falling, she was just stopping it from going forward.

But I'm still not sure how Mjolnir is supposed to work physically so uhh...


Oct 25, 2017
Not saying it outright, but the subtext of the complaint is that Cap's potential is somehow unfulfilled. The Vision lifting the hammer was a cool moment for different reasons than it would be if Cap had done it. You got too wrapped up in the moment in your head to appreciate the moment you got on screen. People do this all the time - they wait for something they've built up in their own mind that can never live up to their own self inflicted hype. You robbed yourself.

The Vision lifting the hammer was a cool moment if you completely ignore everything that came before it or after it. I audibly gasped along with the rest of my theatre when it happened, but yeah... Vision. Dude isn't even a top 10 MCU character. So I wish they didn't waste that moment on him in a feeble attempt to elevate him.

Also I create scenarios in my head for stories all the time... and the real thing exceeds my expectations all the time. Especially in the MCU!

I remember when you used to be cool, Anth0ny



Oct 25, 2017
I never saw Hela (when she grabs Mjolnir in midair) as her lifting the hammer so much as blocking it. Like, it was exerting forward force, which is what was keeping it from falling, she was just stopping it from going forward.

But I'm still not sure how Mjolnir is supposed to work physically so uhh...
Magic? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 25, 2017
Beta Ray Bill > Captain America, Vision, Hela

See over here I'm just disappointed they wasted Beta Ray Bill's big moment on Vision.

So like, if you put Mjolnir down on the seat of a car would the car be able to move?


Oct 30, 2017
I read the OT as something to do with Justin Hammer, but it didn't really make sense to me but then I remembered that rock dude said it. And chortled.

Caps going to die sacrificing himself against Thanos. That'll be his big heroic send off, and it will add steaks to the movie and perhaps make Thanos a villain to be feared.


Oct 26, 2017
Caps going to die sacrificing himself against Thanos. That'll be his big heroic send off, and it will add steaks to the movie and perhaps make Thanos a villain to be feared.

I almost want them to not go where everyone is expecting them to go... Maybe no new Mjolnir, maybe someone else as the last standing man. Black Panther ? I want them to surprise fans and non fans, with something new but equally cool...


Oct 25, 2017
I almost want them to not go where everyone is expecting them to go... Maybe no new Mjolnir, maybe someone else as the last standing man. Black Panther ? I want them to surprise fans and non fans, with something new but equally cool...
This is what I hope for. Something completely unexpected.


Oct 25, 2017
That new A4 set pic. Not all *that* surprising, given the casting calls we've had, but still nice.

Am I going to regret seeing this pic?

Wondering at what point I need to go blackout on Avengers news and whether it's pointless cuz the ads are going to spoil the biggest moments anyway.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
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