
Oct 25, 2017
I was also pleasantly surprised by how much Jeffrey Wright was in the movie. I enjoy his Gordon
If you still remember the ending from Year One, their relationship is basically like as if they immediately picked it up right after that. Batman-Gordon dynamic is really Year One/The Long Halloween bros4eva type.

And Gordon is so nice! He is really very down to earth, just an everyday guy trying to do the good thing. Not being idealistic preachy or righteous over other ppl.

Seems like a person you'd invite for a beer watching a game or for barbeque home. Wright played it very charismatic.
Oct 27, 2017
The Batman is a 9/10 for me. This is so much different than any other comic book movie yet is probably the most accurate early years Batman that's been on screen. Lots of Year One and Long Halloween vibes. Movie oozes with atmosphere and feels claustrophobic in a shit hole like Gotham. This version is more gritty and grounded than even Nolan's. If I had to compare it to anything, it would be Zodiac Killer/Seven/Silence of the Lambs mixed with a Sin City/The Watchmen like brooding and narrative/monologue atmosphere. Robert Pattinson is as much Batman in year 1/2 as Affleck was the Dark Knight Returns in year 20. He absolutely nailed it and don't even get me started on the Batmobile. Rocked the theater and damn near stood up. 🔥 Go see it in IMAX. 🔥


Oct 25, 2017
for those who seen it: can reeves easily slide in more fantastical characters like Clayface? Or would it be jarring because of the way Gotham is portrayed (like the Nolan movies)?


Oct 25, 2017
for those who seen it: can reeves easily slide in more fantastical characters like Clayface? Or would it be jarring because of the way Gotham is portrayed (like the Nolan movies)?
I'd say that'd be difficult to do in this interpretation of Batman. Reeves' take is a few shades away from Nolan's Batman, in terms of how grounded it is to reality, so I would think it'd be a bit weird for characters with super powers to show up.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait what..a arkham series? Edit: oooh it's probably the GCPD show that will connect to arkham.

"We're doing this Penguin series and one of the great things about that is Colin Farrell — he's like you've never seen him. He's so incredible and he's a scene-stealer. Along the way, we thought maybe we could do (his character) as a series. So I talked to HBO Max and showed them Colin in the movie and spoke to them about what this could be and they said, 'Let's do it.' So we're doing that and we're doing another series that connects to Arkham (Asylum).

'The Batman's' Matt Reeves on casting Robert Pattinson, his upcoming Batverse and ditching the DCEU

After Matt Reeves was given a blank slate to re-imagine the Batman on the big screen, he had only one actor in mind: Robert Pattinson.
Jun 6, 2018
for those who seen it: can reeves easily slide in more fantastical characters like Clayface? Or would it be jarring because of the way Gotham is portrayed (like the Nolan movies)?

it is definitely possible, imo, that villains like clay face could appear

this is the first time Batman has felt like the Batman I grew up with on the big screen. It's like they decided to adapt BTAS but slightly ground it. I can't wait for the next one


Oct 28, 2017
loved it....such a different take on Batman compared to what we have seen on film before.

hopefully in the next one, we can see more of Bruce Wayne and more interaction with Alfred which was kind of missed


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Just got back from it. Kind of mixed feeling for me, it kind of good but yeah it didn't need 3 hours long. The pacing is kind of bad imo. Its way better than TDKR for sure but below Begins and TDK.


Oct 27, 2017
Really interested to see where they take Pattman. Are they gonna leave it as its own thing? Would it even be *possible* to have him come over to the EU?
I dont even want a connected universe out of this. Please just give me more of what was in The Batman.

Goddamn I loved this. This is definitely the most Batman feeling Batman movie ever imo. I want to see more of the rouges gallery in the future. That could be what really sets this series apart from previous iterations. Just having an alive Gotham with villains running around.


Oct 26, 2017
Admittedly I was at a fan screening but the crowd absolutely loved it and every big moment in it. Claps, hell yeahs, and laughter at the 2-3 humourous moments.
Feb 16, 2022
Just got out. Will post full thoughts later but hot damn. That is some amazing, comic-booky ass movie. "Grounded" is one thing, Batman as a concept is inherently grounded even among his peers. But this is clearly a heightened reality deal. Clayface, Mr Freeze, Poison Ivy. They can take this anywhere they want.


Jan 31, 2021
The first two thirds were amazing but it falls apart in the end. I'll need a second viewing for final thoughts. It was good but didn't blow me away like I thought it would. I left feeling a bit unresolved.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
got Dolby Atmos sunday tickets! Haven't even seen a trailer! excited!
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Gonna need to see it a second time (missed some dialogue at times as I was too focused on the visuals), but I greatly enjoyed it. Fantastic start for a new series. I was struck by how much Gotham looked like concept art from the Arkham games, Knight in particular. At first glance it looks normal, but the more you focus on the small details there's something otherworldly about everything.

I liked that Riddler's hideout was visible (lights on and such) when the DA is trying to pick up Selina outside the club. Wonder how many other little things I missed.


Oct 26, 2017
So i went to the NJ IMAX showing last night cause it was the closest to me but I could have gone to the NYC IMAX @ LincolnSq. Regret it now. The cast showed up to that show!

Can't believe I missed out!



The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Would IMAX be better than Dolby cinema ?
I would definitely go the Dolby Cinema route. The image looked soft at times in IMAX and the audio didn't have the pop I would have liked it to. I'm probably going to rewatch it in Dolby Cinema to see if my complaint about the sound mixing is just IMAX audio being ass.


Oct 25, 2017
Another thing I have to give props to is the use of his gadgets/suit. How fluid his ability to grapple and use his tools has only ever been presented this efficiently in BTAS. No other film is close.


Oct 27, 2017
I would say the only thing that I felt was off was Batman's nigh invincibility to bullets. I feel like if they had the constraint of guns still being quite deadly they could've used that to get more inventive in the fights. Rather than the goons simply ignoring they have guns or doing weird stuff with them in the Nolan movies. Cool af movie though.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I would say the only thing that I felt was off was Batman's nigh invincibility to bullets. I feel like if they had the constraint of guns still being quite deadly they could've used that to get more inventive in the fights. Rather than the goons simply ignoring they have guns or doing weird stuff with them in the Nolan movies. Cool af movie though.
The damage people take is really inconsistent as a whole throughout the movie. Plenty of times where Batman and others should be way worse off physically than they are.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Another thing I have to give props to is the use of his gadgets/suit. How fluid his ability to grapple and use his tools has only ever been presented this efficiently in BTAS. No other film is close.

I need to watch again, but yeah- his grappling hook seemed to have almost a Travis Bickle 'wrist-gun' type mechanism where it could just fling out quickly. Really, really cool details in this movie.

Saw it in IMAX and I loved the persistent sound of rain during the first half (?) of the movie. Outstanding atmosphere all around.


Apr 14, 2018
Hmmm, as someone who loved Dawn Of Apes but was disappointed in War, can you be a little more specific? I really enjoyed the atmosphere and direction of War but felt it lacked the interesting nuance in human/ape relationships of the previous movie and made the "war" feel like a background event. Is there a similar issue here?
I'll use your words.
I really enjoyed the atmosphere and direction of The Batman but felt it lacked the interesting nuance in character relationships of the Nolan movies and made the Riddler feel like a background event.


Oct 29, 2017
I watched it last night and really enjoyed it. I need to watch it again, but I do I have some big quibbles beyond the messy plot mechanics.

In an early scene, we see the mayor and his son by way of a character's surveiling point of view. It's an unsettling scene. We can deduce that it was the Riddler who was watching. Later in the movie, we see Selina Kyle and her friend/witness being surveilled in much the same way. It is certainly voyeuristic, but in this case, we can deduce that it is Batman doing the watching.

This, combined with the whole riddler and batman are really using the same tools in vengeance and fear except that the riddler is successful in everything he plans and batman is only successful in helping the riddler isn't sitting well with me. Great performances, production, and some great visuals, but batman as the bumbling makes everything in Gotham worse as a misguided tool (exacerbated by his continuing to solve all of the riddler's riddles in spite of the obvious lack of positive effect) is not my favorite movie take. I also disliked the early Brandon Lee/Crow vignette.

I want to watch it again in a few days, though it is very long and I dread the la rata stuff, and seeing Alfred recognize conspicuous handwriting only to respond in the least careful manner. In the long run I think it is an incredibly package that will grow on me but that I also have to give a side eye to. The friend I saw it with, loved it, loved the horror movie aspects and loved the jokerized riddler.


Oct 26, 2017
and yes THAT scene was completely unnecessary and very frustrating…

Again maybe the crowd helps. The crowd I was with lost their shit when it happened. It did feel like it went on for 10 seconds too long but I'll get a better feel for it on my 2nd watch this weekend.

  1. I love the first time we see Batman! It's done so well with the 3 scenarios and seeing how everyone is shit scared of him
  2. The Alfred - Bruce scene in the hospital is amazing! Up there with the best scenes between Bale and Caine
  3. The lighting, sound, and visual of Batman coming out of the elevator to take down Falcone's men was beautiful!
  4. The entire funeral scene sequence
  5. The car chase
  6. Selina was surprisingly great and more involved in the plot than I thought she would be. Never been a huge fan of her character but here she was used really well.
  7. Loved Dano but some of his laughs/screams threw me off.
  8. Pattison knocks it out of the park.
Things I didn't like or didn't get. Mainly minor stuff:

It's detective story and Batman is shown to be brilliant BUT he doesn't really solve anything in time to stop the Riddle. All of his plans still go off without any interference with only the end result of the flooding and attack on the mayor elect failing. Also the big reveal at the end that its Falcone behind sort of expected? Like its not that shocking. The actual shocking part, if they intended it to be, would be to a show a decent pure mayor who in the end you find out is corrupt and behind it all. But we find out about the mayor and the commissioner right at the beginning.

I love the Joker character but I was hoping a sequel would have a different villain. Someone we haven't seen yet but most of these movies have 2-3 villains so I doubt the Joker would be the only one.

Again can't wait to see it again! Gonna go with my wife for the 2nd viewing (her first) so will be interesting to see her reaction to everything. She likes the Batman movies but isn't a comic nerd.


Oct 26, 2017
Still massive disappointed that there was no new/first trailers for Flash, Black Adam, and Aquaman. Huge wasted opportunity by WB.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Still massive disappointed that there was no new/first trailers for Flash, Black Adam, and Aquaman. Huge wasted opportunity by WB.

We only got a single trailer- whatever stupid new Harry Potter movie that is- and The Batman actually started exactly when it was supposed to @ 7pm. I don't think I've ever experienced that before (there were like 20 min worth of trailers before NWH started).
Is that an IMAX specific thing?


Sep 15, 2020
I'm admittedly biased as I am a huge Batman fanboi, but I thought this was absolutely incredible. This was the most Batman-y movie to ever Batman. Down to his code and into him actually doing detective stuffs... blown away. I'd still rank TDK higher, but that's only purely because of how much Heath Ledger elevated that film and absolutely nailed the Joker.

However, I really hate this batsuit, specifically the chest piece. I know I'm in the minority here, but that suit just ain't it. Especially following after the GOAT Batfleck suit. I hope they go sleeker with it, with less hard angles in the sequel.

Could have done without that Joker tease too I thought. It was too campy in contrast to the tone of the rest of the film.


Oct 26, 2017
We only got a single trailer- whatever stupid new Harry Potter movie that is- and The Batman actually started exactly when it was supposed to @ 7pm. I don't think I've ever experienced that before (there were like 20 min worth of trailers before NWH started).
Is that an IMAX specific thing?

I haven't been to the Lincoln Sq NYC IMAX in years now but I know when I went to see TDK and TDKR they didn't show previews. Just right to the movie.

Last night was a special fan screening so we didn't have any previews, just a countdown with movie wallpapers and trivia, then the same teaser for the WB movies coming up that was released online about a month ago. No actual previews or trailers.

I am seeing it again on Sunday, as a regular viewing, so wonder what they attach to it but if Flash, Black Adam, or Aquaman 2 were to be attached we'd know by now.


Oct 27, 2017
My screening had trailers for Superpets, the DC sizzle reel, and Fantastic Beasts 2 instead of 3, which really confused the audience.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
So i went to the NJ IMAX showing last night cause it was the closest to me but I could have gone to the NYC IMAX @ LincolnSq. Regret it now. The cast showed up to that show!

Can't believe I missed out!

I was there. You didn't miss much, they just popped in and out. I figured that we were going to get some guests drop by since they held up the movie for 30 minutes. Would've hated if I had gotten tickets for the second showing.


Aug 12, 2019
This _really_ wasn't for me.

I hope people enjoy it, but I'd be happier with a less grimdark approach to Batman going forward.