
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, the Cobb is 100% Raylan Givens. Who is, granted, kind of a Clint Eastwood riff himself, but still.

Boba Fett originally had Eastwood swagger.
Mando inherited that in his show.
Then there's the marshall (maybe a touch more Dirty Harry).
And now we have Cad Bane, Eastwood in full mean mode, straight from the backend of Unforgiven.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
Finally caught up on the entire show. Slow start, but it really picks up in episode 4-6.

This is the first time Star Wars has ever had a sense of place through the use of cities, culture, and characters.


May 17, 2018
For the longest time I've heard MCU actors have to sign their likeness as the character away so Disney can do stuff like in this last episode. Does anybody know if its true for every MCU actor? We might be seeing any MCU actor again in 15 years if we want it or not.
Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, what do we really expect? Favreau and Filoni are Star Wars fanboys who are now running Star Wars essentially. To expect anything other than copious fanservice is to set the bar too high.
So what ?
In fact thats the best thing happened to star wars in a long time ! This is what story should have been. Not the mess ones we got in the sequels.
And fan service ? Everythin that has ever been created became popular due their "fans". Of courcr they should be the priority. If some one dont want that, then they should just look for something thatbis suitable to their liking not changing something that is popular for its community


Oct 25, 2017

This is the Clone Wars Cad Bane everyone is jizzing over? Corny af in animated form.

His live action appearance, dialogue and the actor's vocal performance were infinitely more menacing, even in that short scene. I didn't need to see anything from the Clone Wars to infer that this guy is dangerous and charismatic as hell.


Oct 27, 2017

A Jedi, Like His Father Before Him

Luke Skywalker's latest return to Star Wars in The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 6, "From the Desert Comes a Stranger," is meant to bridge the gap between bright Jedi Knight and disillusioned Master—only to miss the mark at capturing both.
If The Last Jedi is to give us a Luke who is an altogether different teacher, one traumatized by the lessons he re-endured losing Ben Solo, then it is perhaps befitting that The Book of Boba Fett gives us a hopeful foil before that fall, a Luke who is coming to grips with being the guardian of the Jedi's future. And yet something didn't sit right. By the end of "From the Desert Comes a Stranger," when the stage is set for Book of Boba Fett's finale, Luke's teachings with Grogu millions of light years away from the sands of Tatooine come to a shuddering halt, as Luke turns to his young ward and offers a choice [...] The Luke that offers this ultimatum is not loving as he was teaching Grogu earlier, but in the moment cold. the reflection of a Jedi dogma that Luke has never abided to before.


Oct 25, 2017

A Jedi, Like His Father Before Him

Luke Skywalker's latest return to Star Wars in The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 6, "From the Desert Comes a Stranger," is meant to bridge the gap between bright Jedi Knight and disillusioned Master—only to miss the mark at capturing both.

Eh, we already know he adheres and makes the same mistakes as the Jedi before him.

He thinks he's doing what's right, but his teachers are dead, and he's reading old books.


Oct 30, 2017
This is the Clone Wars Cad Bane everyone is jizzing over? Corny af in animated form.

His live action appearance, dialogue and the actor's vocal performance were infinitely more menacing, even in that short scene. I didn't need to see anything from the Clone Wars to infer that this guy is dangerous and charismatic as hell.
Pretty sure its the same actor.


Nov 27, 2017
Me personally, I thought it was supposed to be ironic, with Luke basically dealing in absolutes in making Grogu choose like that, being a dick kinda. Right when he was making him choose, I was just shaking my head, haha.

Maybe Luke learns a lesson about this next episode when he choose the armor and the lightsaber, heh.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the Clone Wars Cad Bane everyone is jizzing over? Corny af in animated form.

His live action appearance, dialogue and the actor's vocal performance were infinitely more menacing, even in that short scene. I didn't need to see anything from the Clone Wars to infer that this guy is dangerous and charismatic as hell.

You crazy.

You're also only seeing shortened clips without the context.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Cad Bane looks 100x more creepy and menacing in live action. Yeah, the mouth is higher and the voice is slightly different, but it works better. His animated form never gave me the slight sensation of terror seeing his face now does. When he lifted his head and we saw his eyes, and the characters looked at him like "what the fuck" - I felt that. Scary vibes through the roof.

Luke was great this ep as well. Felt like seeing a real immediate sequel to RotJ, if only for ten minutes. (I'm not dunking on the ST, at least not at the moment - I just mean seeing Prime Luke again)

It's Star Wars, so of course some people will be SUPER pissed no matter what is done, whether there is "fan service" or none, but personally I love how Mando and BoB are giving fans what they want and telling compelling stories at the same time. It's my cup of tea, I guess.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think it's saying what you think it is. The writer likes it

i gues he likes TLJ, but his complains about how Luke "could never" be someone that offerst that choice to Grogu are exaggerated.

even if he choose his friends and family at every turn, doesn't mean he discarded "everything jedi" already, so he can still try to be like the jedis before him, even if himself doesn't addhere to the code 100%

the jedi existed for thousands of years before they fell, they must have been doing something right.

we still need luke to believe in the jedi, before his own fall.


Oct 27, 2017

A Jedi, Like His Father Before Him

Luke Skywalker's latest return to Star Wars in The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 6, "From the Desert Comes a Stranger," is meant to bridge the gap between bright Jedi Knight and disillusioned Master—only to miss the mark at capturing both.

Exactly what I've been saying.

TLJ did not state Luke was some dogmatic teacher that went back to old teachings. In fact, his failure almost requires him to be a different teacher for it to make sense thematically.

The whole point is Luke had been doing his own thing his whole life and had racked up nothing but wins. This created an aura and legend that even he bought into when he created his academy. Thus when he finally failed like any normal human, he snapped and went away because the great Luke Skywalker doesn't fail. So obviously it couldn't be Luke just being human, no it had to be something grander like the entire concept of Jedi being wrong and needing to end.

If he was just a dogmatic teacher like the past Jedi then his failure doesn't have the same effect. It's not a failure and reaction to it caused through his own hubris, but failure of Jedi text. It makes grumpy Luke in TLJ right when the whole point of the film is he's wrong.

Luke should be trying to do stuff different and he should still fail. I mean this is a guy that got bored reading the sacred jedi texts and gave up after a couple pages.


Oct 28, 2017
Exactly what I've been saying.

TLJ did not state Luke was some dogmatic teacher that went back to old teachings. In fact, his failure almost requires him to be a different teacher for it to make sense thematically.

The whole point is Luke had been doing his own thing his whole life and had racked up nothing but wins. This created an aura and legend that even he bought into when he created his academy. Thus when he finally failed like any normal human, he snapped and went away because the great Luke Skywalker doesn't fail. So obviously it couldn't be Luke just being human, no it had to be something grander like the entire concept of Jedi being wrong and needing to end.

If he was just a dogmatic teacher like the past Jedi then his failure doesn't have the same effect. It's not a failure and reaction to it caused through his own hubris, but failure of Jedi text. It makes grumpy Luke in TLJ right when the whole point of the film is he's wrong.

Luke should be trying to do stuff different and he should still fail. I mean this is a guy that got bored reading the sacred jedi texts and gave up after a couple pages.

it makes no sense for luke to say "the jedi suck!" when he didnt even tried the jedi ways himself.

he still needs to try the jedi ways to be able to dismiss them as wrong.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
it makes no sense for luke to say "the jedi suck!" when he didnt even tried the jedi ways himself.

he still needs to try the jedi ways to be able to dismiss them as wrong.



Oct 27, 2017
and here you have a point also, he believing himself the big shit and better than the jedi, is also a very way to make him fall.

we would need to wait to see how it plays out.

Indeed. We will have to wait to see, but I just never figured post-ROTJ Luke to have to first try and reject the old ways before starting his new ways. Luke is not exactly a disciplined mind. I get the current comic runs have him trying to find old Jedi shit to learn, but that just doesn't match with the Luke we know. He is very much a "jump first, look later" type of person. He's not going to read books. He's not going to spend a lot of time studying. He's just gonna wing everything and it'll workout like it always has. Sure, there might be a few stumbles, maybe lose a hand, but in the end it'll all workout because I'm Luke Skywalker and I know better than everyone else.

This stoic, disciplined Luke who is the perfect Jedi of the Old Order is just like not him at all. It's an image fans have created in their heads and the Legend he was talking about in TLJ that got built up. The real Luke is a cornball who is always winging shit without any long-term plan. "This one. All my life I have watched as he looked away, to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was, what he was are reckless."

Yoda's sum up and condemnation of Luke seemed to be true right until his end in TLJ. He got better, but that's always who he was.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
But he won because he spared his father and believed him to be good??? Like, he won because of his emotional connections and rejecting Obi-Wan and Yoda's advice. This doesn't track.
As I've mentioned, it's a constant battle. He's seen the good and bad from attachment and potentially sees the strict dogma as the solution. This doesn't make what he's doing with Grogu right and this is assuming what he's doing is actually that and not a test within a test.


Oct 28, 2017
maybe Luke tries the dogmatic way with grogus, and he fails,

then he tries his way with ben and then he fails again.

it would make more sense right?

he tries the jedi way with grogu and fails then he is all like "i knew my way was better",

then he tries again with ben with his way and he fails again

so in that way, the jedi ways and himself being LEGENDARY Luke Skywalker, would make sense


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
it makes no sense for luke to say "the jedi suck!" when he didnt even tried the jedi ways himself.

he still needs to try the jedi ways to be able to dismiss them as wrong.
Exactly. My bet is that he eventually loosens up by the end of the Mando story and foregoes this "choice" he's presented.

I don't see any way Grogu doesn't end up with the chain mail and the lightsaber by the end.

Luke is only 5 years out from RotJ at this point and has never trained anyone before. All he has are Obi-wan and Yoda's bootleg lessons to go on. He's like a first year teacher who has nothing but textbook knowledge.


Oct 28, 2017
Exactly. My bet is that he eventually loosens up by the end of the Mando story and foregoes this "choice" he's presented.

I don't see any way Grogu doesn't end up with the chain mail and the lightsaber by the end.

Luke is only 5 years out from RotJ at this point and has never trained anyone before. All he has are Obi-wan and Yoda's bootleg lessons to go on. He's like a first year teacher who has nothing but textbook knowledge.

he already trained Leia


Oct 25, 2017
How do we know this whole persona he's putting on for Grogu isn't just a front? Maybe he's making Grogu face this choice because it's some kind of meta-lesson about learning to defy what's placed on you


Oct 26, 2017
I have been watching Star Wars since I was a kid and I still don't understand what the fuck spice is. Is it powdered organo? They want to make pizza that bad?


Oct 27, 2017
I ain't gonna lie... This last episode was bullshit.

I legit loved the 1st 4, but Jesus Christ this production team is incapable of branching out and following thru with what they established. I'm legit beginning to resent The Mandalorian :(
Oct 25, 2017
I ain't gonna lie... This last episode was bullshit.

I legit loved the 1st 4, but Jesus Christ this production team is incapable of branching out and following thru with what they established. I'm legit beginning to resent The Mandalorian :(
Book of Boba Fett is literally just S3 of The Mandalorian, they're just prominently marketing the name of this particular story arc. This isn't a Boba Fett TV show that spun out of the Mandalorian, and it was never intended to be its own separate thing. It was even specifically announced as "The next chapter of The Mandalorian". Accept all that and it all makes much more sense.

Be ready to expect the same for Ahsoka, and The Mandalorian itself too. It's all just one big ensemble show largely following a group of characters during the rise of the New Republic and early foundation of the First Order, with Din and Grogu's relationship being the primary focus/driver/emotional core of the story. But Din and Grogu aren't the exclusive focus either, and won't be, even in the arcs called "The Mandalorian", and the characters they meet along the way will have their time has POV characters with their own interconnected stories to progress.

So this particular arc of "The Mandalorian" is how Boba Fett took over his little slice of Tatooine and interfered with the Pyke's spice trade, but that story is still in some part connected to story of Din & Grogu, and will help contribute their story in some way. It's not a "Boba Fett TV show that gave up and became a Mando show", because it was always a part of Mando's story to begin with, even if we didn't see him for a few episodes and the show focused on filling out the story of a secondary character for a while.
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Oct 28, 2017
Book of Boba Fett is literally just S3 of The Mandalorian, they're just prominently marketing the name of this particular story arc. This isn't a Boba Fett TV show that spun out of the Mandalorian, and it was never intended to be its own separate thing. It was even specifically announced as "The next chapter of The Mandalorian". Accept all that and it all makes much more sense.

This explanation still doesn't make any sense, as why would they have the need to rename the series anyway? Even if the name would have been different it is very strange to see the main character of the first 4 episodes (who is inexplicable totally differently depicted to his earlier appearances in movies and EU) abruptly swept aside and reduced to a mere cameo in what was clearly marketed as his own series.


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano standing in the same shot, in a live-action show, in 2022 is some wild shit, man.

Also I'm here for old man Cad Bane.

Congrats to Dave Filoni for what he's been able to do with his two OCs, lmao.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Having seen only like a couple of seasons from the Clone Wars, I guess that Cad Bane hype went over my head. He does seem like a badass though.
Luke's definitely looking better this time, but his voice sounds pretty robotic and overall he doesn't really speak like.. an actual human being? I dunno, something was very off-putting about the way he speaks for me.

Boba not even having a single line is hilarious. This show really couldn't last 5 episodes without fan-service (not that I'm complaining because it was starting to become pretty lame)


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
I'm hoping Cobb is gonna be okay since it looked like a shoulder shot. Honestly, I hope Cobb becomes a regular in Mando or Boba or whatever comes next. Timothy Olyphant has always been one of my favorite actors and he is delightful as Cobb. I don't know if they could make an entire show around him and his town but I want to see more of him, regardless.

Luke's definitely looking better this time, but his voice sounds pretty robotic and overall he doesn't really speak like.. an actual human being? I dunno, something was very off-putting about the way he speaks for me
It's the lack of dynamics in his performance. For example, a real actor would probably choose to get quieter and quieter as he is asking Grogo if he'd like to remember his past. It doesn't seem like the tech they're using is capable of recreating whispers or really any kind of dynamic range. Instead, everything comes out within a very narrow range of emotions and volume.
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Oct 25, 2017
They made Mando what everyone imagined Boba would be like so they couldn't do the same thing for actual Boba anymore.
The OBI-WAN series initially also shared a lot of similarities with Mando. It's probably the reason why LF hired a different writer en rewrote most of the scripts.

edit: found the source.

It is unclear why scripts became an issue so late in the process. One source said the Kenobi story trod similar ground as The Mandalorian, seeing the Jedi master lending a protective hand to a young Luke and possible even a young Leia, perhaps mirroring how the Mandalorian took Baby Yoda under his protective custody.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Hold as Calls Go Out for New Scripts

Disney+ and Lucasfilm’s 'Star Wars' series centered on Obi-Wan Kenobi has been put on hold as the companies attempt a retooling.