
Oct 28, 2017
Verge - The P30 Pro is somehow even better than Google's Night Sight

I know what date it is, but let me assure you that this is no April Fools' gag: Huawei's P30 Pro has the best low-light camera, better even than Google's Pixel Night Sight, and it sets a new benchmark for night photography. It's so good that it will make iPhone and Samsung Galaxy phone owners question their fealty. Huawei has taken the most challenging situation for any photographer and made it as easy and casual as snapping a shot in broad daylight.

It will still be a few days before I can publish my full review of the P30 Pro, but I spent this past weekend comparing its camera against Google's Pixel 3 and struggling to believe my eyes. The Pixel 3's Night Sight mode is algorithmic magic, granting that camera something akin to superhuman night vision. It requires up to six seconds of exposure time, during which you have to hold the phone steady to obtain a sharp image. Huawei has a similar night mode, but I find that completely unnecessary with the P30 Pro: this camera shoots better low-light photos than Google Night Sight without the need for a long exposure.
Let's dive into some examples. This first one includes the output from the default Google Pixel camera to give you an idea of what the human eye sees. It's also an accurate representation of what you'll be able to obtain using an iPhone without the help of either the flash or RAW image processing. Even adapted to the pre-sunrise darkness in the room, my eyes couldn't discern any color. Google's Night Sight image is the best, I'm confident in saying, that any smartphone before the P30 Pro could achieve in the circumstances. And the P30 Pro makes that shot look like a splotchy mess.


I should make the point that the P30 Pro doesn't win every side-by-side contest with the Pixel's Night Sight. Going outdoors, I found little difference between their results. But that is, in itself, a huge achievement for Huawei, which is doing in a single quick exposure what Google requires multiple seconds' worth of steadiness to accomplish. Few other phone manufacturers are even trying to do stuff like this. The following example illustrates the closeness in performance between the P30 Pro and Night Sight when there's a bit more light to play around with.

The less light there is in an image, the stronger Huawei's P30 Pro advantage grows. In the following example, featuring an unlit bathroom where my eyes could detect shapes but no colors, the P30 Pro does the unbelievable by actually focusing and producing a very respectable image. With 30 seconds of editing in Google Photos, I can make it look like it was taken in the daytime. The Pixel attempt, by comparison, is out of focus. The Pixel, like the vast majority of mobile and even pro DSLR cameras, can't obtain focus with so little. The sample image below is the best of multiple tries I made to get the Pixel to focus.

It's hard to find the words to articulate just what a leap Huawei has accomplished with its nighttime photography coming out of the basic, default camera. This company has made its own long-exposure night mode superfluous. Ironically, due to the product's name, I feel no need to use the pro mode of the P30 Pro's camera because the default is so damn good.

And more of Vlad's photos on Twitter
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Oct 27, 2017
Wow, even better than google's. That's crazy.
Almost no noise. With some VR googles we could have cat vision.


Oct 26, 2017
Do I want to know how noisy those images are?
They are looking pretty sweet on a first glance though, for sure.
Oct 29, 2017
We always end up debating the artistic merits of tech like this in photography, but the power of it as a practical life-simplifying tool is superb.


Oct 25, 2017
Its harder and harder for me to justify bringing trip after trip, my heavy photobag, spending time to to process all pictures for hours with dedicated software, when my brother snap a pic that is clearer and brighter than life and instantly instagram it with great color correction


Oct 28, 2017
welcome, nowhere
There still seems to be some algorithm in there cleaning up the image, as the flowers on the dress look a little like a "water painting."

It basically looks like it has some DSNR, but regardless it looks really good.


Oct 27, 2017
Its harder and harder for me tu justify bringing trip after trip, my photobag, spending to to process all pictures for hours with dedicated software, when my brother snap a pic that is clearear and brighter than life and instantly instagram it.
I love my camera, but with it's slow as molasses focus speed and unwieldiness, it gets harder and harder to justify bringing it.
Taking photos with it becomes more of a specific hobby than a tool you bring casually.


Oct 28, 2017
Its harder and harder for me to justify bringing trip after trip, my heavy photobag, spending time to to process all pictures for hours with dedicated software, when my brother snap a pic that is clearer and brighter than life and instantly instagram it with great color correction
If you enjoy photography there's still a lot to get out of it I guess. If your camera is only a means to get photos for social media though I could see it not being worth it lol.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
It's really weird how people compare phones to older ones. Pixel 3 came out 6 months ago. p20 pro came out, like, a week ago. When the next Pixel drops, they're most likely going to have an even better low light than Huawei.


Oct 27, 2017
Computational Photography is getting really huge. Camera makers however only use it for auto focuses, respectively "only" Sony


Oct 27, 2017
If Huawei had a Samsung Pay alternative, I'd switch. I'm too tethered to that shit to move from Samsung until NFC payments take over the United States. Hopefully this gives them a kick in the ass for the Note 10 and S11. This, along with their 50x zoom camera (even if it's digital, it's still impressive, especially the regular 5x zoom) are game changers for sure.


Oct 28, 2017
When will apple catch up to this? They used to have some of the best cameras and now they are just far behind.
The zoomed shots are crazy too.


Oct 27, 2017
Very impressive software, but the second example is basically distorting reality by turning a night scene into morning. That's not really photography anymore, more like digital art.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
It's really weird how people compare phones to older ones. Pixel 3 came out 6 months ago. p20 pro came out, like, a week ago. When the next Pixel drops, they're most likely going to have an even better low light than Huawei.

The Pixel 2 camera wasn't surpassed until the Pixel 3 came out. Hell, even the OG Pixel still has a top tier camera. What Huawei has accomplished here is super impressive.


Oct 25, 2017
If you enjoy photography there's still a lot to get out of it I guess. If your camera is only a means to get photos for social media though I could see it not being worth it lol.

Social media is the only place I post my pictures, but I do it for me, not for others (I don't do follwers) it's a way to enjoy practicing photography (I like going out and the technical aspect of it, I don't like the software and editing part that much) but I also post on FB to keep some sort of diary of places I went and things I did.

But yes, as time past, I take less and less gear with me. I still do photo for me and only me. I don't plan to invest in gear in the future, I'm set for now for my usage


Oct 28, 2017
Very impressive software, but the second example is basically distorting reality by turning a night scene into morning. That's not really photography anymore, more like digital art.
I remember when the Pixel Night Sight shots were first released some people were getting mocked for saying similar stuff. You can agree the technology is impressive while also saying the end result is not the ideal for every photo. That said, a lot of these comparisons using pitch black photos are a bit odd since it's not really a photo you'd be taking normally anyway.

Social media is the only place I post my pictures, but I do it for me, not for others (I don't do follwers) it's a way to enjoy practicing photography (I like going out and the technical aspect of it, I don't like the software and editing part that much) but I also post on FB to keep some sort of diary of places I went and things I did.

But yes, as time past, I take less and less gear with me. I still do photo for me and only me. I don't plan to invest in gear in the future, I'm set for now for my usage
Yeah I guess it just depends on whether or not you can justify it and how much enjoyment you get from it. I've wanted to buy a fuji x100f for like a year now and while I'd enjoy using it, thinking "is the cost worth it for literally twitter posts and my own enjoyment" keeps me from bothering.


Oct 27, 2017
It's really weird how people compare phones to older ones. Pixel 3 came out 6 months ago. p20 pro came out, like, a week ago. When the next Pixel drops, they're most likely going to have an even better low light than Huawei.
Except that there' been several phones since the Pixel 3, Galaxy S10 included, that don't match this.

And the only thing that came close to the Pixel 3 before this was the Pixel 2. People have reasons to be excited.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't bought a new DSLR in ten years – are these advancements in software also happening on actual cameras or do they still output horrid JPGs? After editing the RAWs my photos look flawless as well, but these kinds of results really make phones seem superior outside of studio work.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

Quite impressive, but also rather noisy. Curious to see how they'll improve on this.


Oct 25, 2017
Cool, how are the photos in regular day time use? Most of these phone makers go for the overly processed saturated look, wondering if its the same case here.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow. How the hell did they manage to create such a gap with the other tech giants?
Take note Samsung and include this tech in your next Note10!

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's just taking a ton of frames really quickly and merging then to eliminate noise, right? Aweseome that it's built in and almost instant of course.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
This is absolutely jaw dropping feat of engineering. Absolutely revolutionary to be able to preserve that amount of detail without notable noise.

Still, I can't touch this brand.


Oct 25, 2017
So the default is what the human eye sees?? Wtf??
No, human eyes are much better in low light than most cameras, let alone tiny phone cameras.

He says in the bathroom photo that he could see well enough to see shapes, whereas the default photo is just black.

Very impressive software, but the second example is basically distorting reality by turning a night scene into morning. That's not really photography anymore, more like digital art.
Agreed. Technically it's astonishing, but I would never want to take a photo like that. The Huawei is much better - it actually looks like nighttime.
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