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Feb 14, 2019
But looking beyond that and thinking critically the real question here is 'why did MS feature this so prominently in their showcase'? Couldn't they see how underwhelming it is? Surely they must have known that it wasn't going to blow people away, and if so why didn't they start the presentation with something else?
This is the part that baffles me...They must have been aware of how the game looked, what were they hopping to achieve with showcasing it!


Nov 20, 2017
This is the most alarming part of the whole game showcase. After the farce showcase in May they said they have learned their lesson and will showcase gameplay in the big showing on July.

2 months later and they have gameplay for HI and gameplay for The Medium and that's about it. Their in house teams have absolutely nothing gameplay to show and they are left with Halo or nothing.

Something has gone seriously wrong in the background and it appears that nothing is ready to show at all.

What is also very alarming is that the trailer should be showcasing more footage and the best looking footage from the game. Different environments, different times of day etc. But no. This maybe shows how far behind this game is and along with the rumours of Turn10 helping out which in "turn" has potentially delayed the new Forza as well is a double blow.

I fully expect MS to resort to more timed exclusives over the forthcoming months to shore up their launch roster.

Also as a potential 3rd blow, where does this leave Lockhart? We've not seen the power of the Series X yet so how can they possibly sell the Series S???

This is what I can't get my head around too, the showcase in May was hugely underwhelming but we all sort of took that on the chin as a 'miscommunication' where MS never intended to do a full on reveal and that dazzling spectacular would be saved for alter in the summer, fine.

Then came the July showcase and while there were some next gen titles there was nothing shown that really ignited the 'must have' among those looking to buy a Series X never mind potentially looking to buy one over a PS5

But if we're talking about this while looking at the situation (with TWO showcases done) from '30,000' feet then you get the feeling that something is possibly wrong at MS. What if they are so far behind schedule that the May showcase had to show off smaller third party titles and then when July rolled around they tried to get away with their heavy hitter IP (appealing to the hardcore base who were a Series X anyway) and some CGI announce trailers because they aren't as far along as Sony are as evidenced by their June showcase.

Either MS has fumbled the message by holding out on fans for too long and not being smart about how they are portioning out these 'reveals' or they are simply not ready which, given the enormous financial resources they have and the recent acquisition spree they went on, sort of blows my mind.


Oct 26, 2017
The simplest explanation is that Halo Infinite was designed for current-gen, and hence looks current-gen. That 343i aren't quite at the same level as the really top end developers like Naughty Dog, Rockstar, Sony Santa Monica, Guerilla and so forth. That to scale up from the base Xbox One they've taken the easiest option which is to boost the resolution and framerate. They plan for ray tracing to make up for some of the biggest shortcomings and give it a genuinely next-gen look, but they don't have time to get it done before launch. Unfortunately the game lacks the kind of GI solutions that a lot of modern games use to give their lighting a boost so without ray-tracing it looks extremely dated.

It's super hard to speculate unless you have inside info, but if you wanted an explanation to bet on, the above is it. They need more time and more resources than Microsoft seem likely to give them. I guess the real fear is that they made bad fundamental choices around the engine design that are massively difficult to solve.

Yeah that's fair enough.
When i was talking about the target being too high for XBO to, what i mean is, some XBO games will probably look way more impressive just with back compatibility. Something like gears of War 5 running like we saw on XBSX is probably a better next gen showcase than Halo Infinite when you think about it.. It looks amazing in 4k with some added details and screen space shaders.


Oct 27, 2017
4K/60fps is a technically impressive feat, but debilitating for higher end graphic effects. They aimed for the moon at too high of a cost. I'd bet lower resolution settings could help gain back some graphic muscle.


Oct 30, 2017
This is what I can't get my head around too, the showcase in May was hugely underwhelming but we all sort of took that on the chin as a 'miscommunication' where MS never intended to do a full on reveal and that dazzling spectacular would be saved for alter in the summer, fine.

Then came the July showcase and while there were some next gen titles there was nothing shown that really ignited the 'must have' among those looking to buy a Series X never mind potentially looking to buy one over a PS5

But if we're talking about this while looking at the situation (with TWO showcases done) from '30,000' feet then you get the feeling that something is possibly wrong at MS. What if they are so far behind schedule that the May showcase had to show off smaller third party titles and then when July rolled around they tried to get away with their heavy hitter IP (appealing to the hardcore base who were a Series X anyway) and some CGI announce trailers because they aren't as far along as Sony are as evidenced by their June showcase.

Either MS has fumbled the message by holding out on fans for too long and not being smart about how they are portioning out these 'reveals' or they are simply not ready which, given the enormous financial resources they have and the recent acquisition spree they went on, sort of blows my mind.

Yep, the situation is surreal. And MS had the luxury of going after Sony. So they could see how what they intended to show was going to stack up against their competition. As soon as they saw what Sony offered, they should have started changing the messaging on Halo, to reset expectations - This is a cross-gen game. Covid has slammed us hard. etc...

Instead, they showed something that doesnt showcase the strength of their hardware in the least.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah that's fair enough.

When i was talking about the target being too high for XBO to, what i mean is, some XBO games will probably look way more impressive just with back compatibility. Something like gears of War 5 running like we saw on XBSX is probably a better next gen showcase than Halo Infinite when you think about it.. It looks amazing in 4k with some added details and screen space shaders.

I don't really feel like what they are doing looks that ambitious though? Not compared to other open world titles this gen.


Oct 26, 2017
I think it would be cool if they killed off Masterchief and you got to control the normal everyday human. Outpowered, left alone, outgunned, he would find numerous upgrades along the way and become the new chief. Not exactly a spartan, but augmented from forerunner technology. You would witness he's personal growth and changes in character.


Oct 28, 2017
The problem with last week's show is that MS gave everyone a reason to subscribe to Game Pass, not get a new console.

It's really bizarre that all of my normal, hardcore gaming buddies who would buy a new console on launch are passing on the Series X. We all have Xbox One X units and feel we're good for another two years. Even beyond that, it's making more sense for us to upgrade our computers in the future and abandon the Xbox hardware family altogether.

We knew MS was going to have this issue going into the show -- the idea that PC could cannibalize interest in Xbox hardware -- but Halo: Infinite's inability to push the technological envelope just sorta seals the deal for hardware this year. It feels like the only good argument for getting an Xbox Series X is if you have an Xbox One S and are looking to make your first jump to Ultra HD. Otherwise, get a PS5 and experience the best of both worlds for a while.

Then build a PC in 2 years when the X is showing its age and PC components are cheaper.


Oct 26, 2017
The problem with last week's show is that MS gave everyone a reason to subscribe to Game Pass, not get a new console.

It's really bizarre that all of my normal, hardcore gaming buddies who would buy a new console on launch are passing on the Series X. We all have Xbox One X units and feel we're good for another two years. Even beyond that, it's making more sense for us to upgrade our computers in the future and abandon the Xbox hardware family altogether.

We knew MS was going to have this issue going into the show -- the idea that PC could cannibalize interest in Xbox hardware -- but Halo: Infinite's inability to push the technological envelope just sorta seals the deal for hardware this year. It feels like the only good argument for getting an Xbox Series X is if you have an Xbox One S and are looking to make your first jump to Ultra HD. Otherwise, get a PS5 and experience the best of both worlds for a while.

Then build a PC in 2 years when the X is showing its age and PC components are cheaper.
You don't even need to buy an Xbox? Aint all games going to run on PC?


Oct 26, 2017
I mean, Cherno is not wrong. Calling it a good looking current gen game is very generous. I expected better on next gen hardware/high end PC but at the same time it was obviously not going to look "next gen" given that the game started development for Xbox One several years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
The answer to how the grappling hook affects encounters is answered in the actual gameplay demo. A energy container is pulled to Chief and thrown at a turret... The devs also state that you can grapple airborne enemies and melee them...

I don't think this is the extent of moment-to-moment gameplay additions that will satisfy long time fans looking for an evolution of the Halo formula, much less a reinvention. I mean, that stuff was cool in 2011 when you could do it in Bulletstorm but I doubt its going to cut it for Xbox's flagship series in 2020 after a 5 year hiatus


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe they had to the audacity to show an extreme closeup of that purple brute, multiple times in the trailer. It's nothing to be impressed with to receive such intense focus.


Aug 23, 2018
And thats without touching on the gameplay... which grappling hook i guess is nice, but outside of a new framework for the campaign (well... new for Halo I guess), I don't really see anything new or interesting to move the IP forward

This expectation that xbox exclusives have to constantly be reinvented is hilarious.

there hasn't been a mainline Halo game since halo 5 in 2015. People want a great campaign (good storyline this time) that plays great and has great enemy encounters...and of course a great MP mode. Nobody is calling for a complete re-architecting of Halo.

Let's stick to criticizing the visuals for now.


Aug 23, 2018
Maybe it would've killed the hype, but I would've liked to hear someone in a voiceover on the demo clarifying those types of details. So far the information we've gotten from media outlets has been kinda inconsistent.

Spot on. This is what I'd have liked to see too. A voiceover talking about new features etc. new abilities, new weapons...the works.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think this is the extent of moment-to-moment gameplay additions that will satisfy long time fans looking for an evolution of the Halo formula, much less a reinvention. I mean, that stuff was cool in 2011 when you could do it in Bulletstorm but I doubt its going to cut it for Xbox's flagship series in 2020 after a 5 year hiatus
Just to expand on this. For me Halo and Metroid Prime are a bit of twin series, they are slightly different, but they seem to regularly swap each others artist from each other's studios. They are seemingly inspired by each other. So seeing the grappling hook in Halo didn't seem like anything new. It just seemed like a copy-paste from Metroid Prime 3. Even when they described slamming enemies mechanic, I already know how that going to feel like.

Halo fire fighting needs a fully fleshed out evolution and not just small additions that barely change very little.


Apr 7, 2019
This is the part that baffles me...They must have been aware of how the game looked, what were they hopping to achieve with showcasing it!

I think it was kinda too late to do anything about it.

They really don't have anything else to show, so they had to show something.

I understand people saying they shouldn't have hyped up the event, but that's literally their job.

chris 1515

Oct 27, 2017
Barcelona Spain
This is what I can't get my head around too, the showcase in May was hugely underwhelming but we all sort of took that on the chin as a 'miscommunication' where MS never intended to do a full on reveal and that dazzling spectacular would be saved for alter in the summer, fine.

Then came the July showcase and while there were some next gen titles there was nothing shown that really ignited the 'must have' among those looking to buy a Series X never mind potentially looking to buy one over a PS5

But if we're talking about this while looking at the situation (with TWO showcases done) from '30,000' feet then you get the feeling that something is possibly wrong at MS. What if they are so far behind schedule that the May showcase had to show off smaller third party titles and then when July rolled around they tried to get away with their heavy hitter IP (appealing to the hardcore base who were a Series X anyway) and some CGI announce trailers because they aren't as far along as Sony are as evidenced by their June showcase.

Either MS has fumbled the message by holding out on fans for too long and not being smart about how they are portioning out these 'reveals' or they are simply not ready which, given the enormous financial resources they have and the recent acquisition spree they went on, sort of blows my mind.

They aren't ready for next-generation that's all. They were probably thinking Sony will not be ready too. The two last beginning of generation were not very good for Sony.

But Mark Cerny told they begin R&D on PS5 in 2015 and they were knowing they need to be better for first half of generation. And this time they are ready.

Oct 25, 2017
I mean, Cherno is not wrong. Calling it a good looking current gen game is very generous. I expected better on next gen hardware/high end PC but at the same time it was obviously not going to look "next gen" given that the game started development for Xbox One several years ago.

I remember there was a thread where folks thought Halo Infinite's initial showing looked even more impressive after Sony's PS5 show.

Which was puzzling to me because Halo Infinite, at its best, looks like a good current gen title in high resolution. Which was my expectation given its cross generation roots and I didn't expect it to impress me at the showing.

I wasn't expecting, however, for Microsoft to botch the marketing so hard while showing a title that looks medicore even by today's standards (visually).


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
The problem with last week's show is that MS gave everyone a reason to subscribe to Game Pass, not get a new console.

It's really bizarre that all of my normal, hardcore gaming buddies who would buy a new console on launch are passing on the Series X. We all have Xbox One X units and feel we're good for another two years. Even beyond that, it's making more sense for us to upgrade our computers in the future and abandon the Xbox hardware family altogether.

We knew MS was going to have this issue going into the show -- the idea that PC could cannibalize interest in Xbox hardware -- but Halo: Infinite's inability to push the technological envelope just sorta seals the deal for hardware this year. It feels like the only good argument for getting an Xbox Series X is if you have an Xbox One S and are looking to make your first jump to Ultra HD. Otherwise, get a PS5 and experience the best of both worlds for a while.

Then build a PC in 2 years when the X is showing its age and PC components are cheaper.
It's like there's two Microsoft's right now, the one that's like "It doesn't matter where you play our games, as long as you play them" and the one that's pushing for people to get the Series X.


Oct 26, 2017
Man the villian in this trailer looks so bad. I don't even understand how it turned out so bad with such a huge budget behind this game. I'm thinking engine problem.
His face looks like unnatural. The art direction is also botched up. I mean check this guy out (He's so much more believable) and he's from halo wars 2.



Oct 30, 2017
I don't think this is the extent of moment-to-moment gameplay additions that will satisfy long time fans looking for an evolution of the Halo formula, much less a reinvention. I mean, that stuff was cool in 2011 when you could do it in Bulletstorm but I doubt its going to cut it for Xbox's flagship series in 2020 after a 5 year hiatus


Fans want evolution, but then are in a tizzy because they did not see a Magnum or a classic Shotgun in the demo...


Oct 25, 2017
It's dirt.
Like what in heaven's name looks bad about this?


It actually does not look as flat as he suggests. It's a bizarre complaint. Maybe he still has that UE5 demo in his brain and thinks all next-gen games are going to have infinite polygonal detail. Speaking of, it seems he does not know this is a crossgen game.
You are highlighting like the single good shot from the trailer - its a cinematic
This is the issue - the whole game was supposed to look like this shot


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
I won't comment on this dude's expertise because I am not qualified to make that judgment but there's a pattern on this website of attacking criticism. This guy wasn't malicious, he was just honest and even fans of Halo will largely agree with the take. The amount of backlash this thread is getting not because of the content of the video (in most cases) but because it's agreeing with the narrative of the game having issues is pretty sad. We can do better. Criticizing a game is not hating on it. Not everything is hate or love. I certainly think 343i knew before showing off the game more than anyone else how it looks and what they need to improve.


Oct 25, 2017
Similar reaction for the majority of people that watched this thing live or the 4k 60fps gameplay footage. Everything about it screamed current gen at best to me and a bunch of others that watched both right after each other. There was a clear lack of polish consistency at this late stage in the game if it really is holiday 2020(?)


Oct 25, 2017
This expectation that xbox exclusives have to constantly be reinvented is hilarious.

there hasn't been a mainline Halo game since halo 5 in 2015. People want a great campaign (good storyline this time) that plays great and has great enemy encounters...and of course a great MP mode. Nobody is calling for a complete re-architecting of Halo.

Let's stick to criticizing the visuals for now.

If thats all people wanted, they are already being served by MCC. No one is saying Halo needs to be completely reinvented i dont think, but to think that huge IPs like FF or Mario or Zelda could have survived for 30 years while still drawing in new players without adding anything new or revolutionary to the moment-to-moment gameplay is nuts. Hell, there were TONS of people that would have been more than happy never seeing Kratos again after GOW Ascension, and look what happened there.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean everyone thought this was an XSX show case not a PC showcase

Yeah what the heck is up with that.
it makes no sense because Phil took the console home with him last year and they were having people put it together way back in March.

I had always figured they were way ahead of sony in this regard. But then sony showed up with like 24 games running on PS5. Not really sure whats going on here.


Oct 26, 2017
This expectation that xbox exclusives have to constantly be reinvented is hilarious.

there hasn't been a mainline Halo game since halo 5 in 2015. People want a great campaign (good storyline this time) that plays great and has great enemy encounters...and of course a great MP mode. Nobody is calling for a complete re-architecting of Halo.

Let's stick to criticizing the visuals for now.
No one said reinventing, but spicing up the firefighting would go along way. You forget that Halo is an FPS and there's many other FPS. You can't expect people to be contempt with Halo staying the same, whilst having played other recent FPS, as it would feel outdated. So gameplay has to also evolve.


Oct 26, 2017
it makes no sense because Phil took the console home with him last year and they were having people put it together way back in March.

I had always figured they were way ahead of sony in this regard. But then sony showed up with like 24 games running on PS5. Not really sure whats going on here.
PS5 apparently is the easiest console to program ever. That, of course, could be marketing bullshit. Maybe PS5 devkits are more widely available for a longer period of time.


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
Cherno is awesome. I love his insights and how well he explains things. Will be checking this out for sure.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
PS5 apparently is the easiest console to program ever. That, of course, could be marketing bullshit. Maybe PS5 devkits are more widely available for a longer period of time.

it makes no sense because Phil took the console home with him last year and they were having people put it together way back in March.

I had always figured they were way ahead of sony in this regard. But then sony showed up with like 24 games running on PS5. Not really sure whats going on here.

I think it's pretty easy to program for. Road to PS5 cerny mentioned that new GPU features Were not required to make a game on PS5, which would say without any knowledge of PS5 but PS4 someone should be able to make a game. Thus why he claimed less than a month time to triangle on PS5


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
it makes no sense because Phil took the console home with him last year and they were having people put it together way back in March.

I had always figured they were way ahead of sony in this regard. But then sony showed up with like 24 games running on PS5. Not really sure whats going on here.
People confused Sony's silence with them being worried, behind schedule, and not having their shit together. On the other hand Microsoft was being super transparent, open, and confident. Hopefully, this is a lesson to us all not to read too much into marketing strategies.


The Fallen
May 9, 2018
I think it would be cool if they killed off Masterchief and you got to control the normal everyday human. Outpowered, left alone, outgunned, he would find numerous upgrades along the way and become the new chief. Not exactly a spartan, but augmented from forerunner technology. You would witness he's personal growth and changes in character.
Yeah no


Oct 27, 2017
But looking beyond that and thinking critically the real question here is 'why did MS feature this so prominently in their showcase'? Couldn't they see how underwhelming it is? Surely they must have known that it wasn't going to blow people away, and if so why didn't they start the presentation with something else?
tbf, this is what happens when you think your shit don't stink. from spencer on down, the kool-aid's been drunk. they've bought into their own hype, and nobody's looking at this series or studio with a critical eye. the deification they've created around their central character, the absolute holy reverence in the music and the writing; it all still works for them, they're enchanted by their own spell. it's why they said to themselves, "this is it" when deciding to showcase a minutes long monologue of a villain that makes Snyder's Justice League's Steppenwolf look like an inspired, shakespearean work of art. this game feels like it was developed back in 2007 and stored in a time capsule.
Last edited:


Nov 11, 2017
But looking beyond that and thinking critically the real question here is 'why did MS feature this so prominently in their showcase'? Couldn't they see how underwhelming it is? Surely they must have known that it wasn't going to blow people away, and if so why didn't they start the presentation with something else?
Apparently, they thought it looked fine.
But while it's easy to get carried away about the prospect of playing Halo Infinite, it's worth taking a minute to think about the enormous work put into this playable preview of Halo Infinite. While this is just a section of the final game, it took a herculean effort to make sure this little corner of our Ringworld was polished and pretty enough for its premiere! The art, lighting, design, environment, graphics, production and engineering teams involved in carving out and curating this little slice, are nervous and excited to show people a glimpse of what we're building.


Jun 3, 2019
You realise things go to the "top" because people post in threads, right? People like you?

Persecution complex in this thread is surreal. It's okay for people to criticize stuff, you know.
Yes yes ok the internet is a perfect place and there is never any over-reactions or bad faith narratives which I can ever be skeptical of or critical of myself.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
See, I really like The Cherno's videos because he's got good explanations that are easy to understand and he has a good personality that lacks that youtuber "schtick" that I've grown so tired of. His Flight Simulator video is great, for those who haven't seen it.


Oct 30, 2017
it's why they said to themselves, "this is it" when deciding to showcase a minutes long monologue of a villain that makes Snyder's Justice League's Steppenwolf look like an inspired, shakespearean work of art. this game feels like it was developed back in 2007 and stored in a time capsule.

Yeah, graphics aside, that's my major complaint with it. That exact same low-effort monologue has been in seven hundred things before. The substance of it doesn't even mean anything at this point, it's just shorthand for "Hey, I'm the piece's villain. Here's a shallow, overwrought speech to justify you shooting me later."

It's like their dedication to making it "Far Cry, but Halo" extended to the characters as well.
Oct 25, 2017
Never watched this guy before. I thought his commentary was very surface level stuff that highlighted strange complaints while glossing over much bigger issues, so I wasn't much a fan. However the end result is the same and plainly evident to everyone: Nobody is satisfied with how this game looks.
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