
User banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 31, 2017
I had lofty expectations of this movie and I still liked it more than I expected. This movie loosely appears to be modeled after the second book of Don Quixote. In spite of all Quixote's foolishness the knight is redeemed by the readers love as seen through the supporting character's eyes. You can't help but love that man by the end.


Oct 25, 2017
Just saw this in the afternoon with my brother, who saw The Room and hasn't read the book, and we both thought it was okay. Franco was perfect as Wiseau. A little more animated in places than I would've liked but his voice and mannerisms were spot on. The cast in general were great for their parts. Not as funny as I was hoping for, but the dramactic scenes were handled well.

What really holds the film back from greatness though is the pace. I understand that not every detail from the book is gonna be in the movie but I felt it went by too quickly.

From Greg and Tommy's early years, to their strained relationship and struggles in Los Angeles, to the conception of The Room. That's a lot of years and material that was rushed through in what felt like 45 minutes. I liked the dramatic moments sprinkled in but I dont think they went far enough in showing the ups and downs of Greg and Tommy's relationship to make it believable.

Also Dave Franco was just not right for Greg Sestero. In the look or persona. Seemed like any Dave Franco performance and not enough material for him to work with.

A good film but after waiting so long in anticipation, I was a bit disappointed.

Agree with everything you said. I watched it shortly after finishing the book and found myself disappointed mainly due to the pace. It runs through way too much and needed to slow down. There's so much to cover about the actual making of the movie and they just move quickly past it, which sucks bc a lot of the comedy is during these parts.

The recreated scenes at the end saved the movie for me. They were really good.

Like the book, I wish the film went into their lives after it's release. I know the core of the story is them achieving their 'dreams' but it just kind of ends, which I found disappointing.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I didn't like that they didn't cover so much of the making of the movie, I also would have loved to have seen more of Tommy's jeans business and the restaurants in his building and all that that was in the book, i would have liked to have seen scenes of him selling little birds on the beach or some of his backstory that was in the book. There was just too much left out of the movie for my tastes.


Oct 25, 2017
A friend of mine dragged me to the movie and WOW, it was legit one of the best movie I've seen in a long time. Tommy is such an interesting person, you can tell that he's obviously a bright guy but his emotional issues (it's clear that he was badly hurt in his personal life) are hurting him. I'm also glad they didnt almost go for a 'rain man' angle with him (aka special genius) and showed that he had flaws and had no problems with manipulating people.

Every actor in this movie brought their A-game. This movie has it all, and I gotta admit I was moved by the ending.

James Franko was incredible in this.


Nov 8, 2017
I liked it, didn't love it. Kinda wish it was a bit longer, I've never read the book it was based on but I get the impression that there was a lot more insane hijinx going on during the set of the Room's production that they didn't really cover. James Franco's performance as Wiseau delivers in a big way, everything else was mostly just entertaining but not exceptional.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked this movie, but I was in a weird zone where I felt I knew too much about the backstory to be surprised, but hadn't read the book so I couldn't compare them.
Franco was amazing though.


Oct 24, 2017
DFW, Texas
Watched this last night and loved it. Sounds like the book has a bit more so I'll hopefully check that out. James Franco nailed it.

Also, I met Tommy back in 2011. Funny, nice guy. Film portrayed the events as a bit tragic but seemed to work out for him.


Oct 27, 2017
As far as I know, this never played anywhere close to me, as in within a thirty minute drive. I've borrowed it from the library twice now, because I was under the weather after the first time I took it out and didn't get to it, but got them to allow me to renew it for another three days.

I've never seen The Room, nor have I really wanted to. I don't particularly like almost any so bad they're good movies, but my friends do and they loved it. My one friend from this group also raved about this movie.

Will I enjoy and appreciate it if I haven't seen The Room?


Oct 27, 2017
You will definitely get more out of it if you have seen The Room. However, I think it works very well on its own and you don't need to be a The Room fan to appreciate The Disaster Artist. I'd say just go for it.


Oct 26, 2017
Boy did Franco torpedo the buzz of this movie. It should have been up for best picture and because of his disgusting behavior that buzz wAs wasted. If I was Greg I would be so pissed. The movie is so funny.


Oct 25, 2017
Watched it the other day. Was a little disappointed- had high expectations of it after listening to the book. I think they left a lot out and glossed over a lot of other stuff, which is weird because it was only ~100 minutes. They definitely had room to add at least 20 more minutes in there.

Best parts were the recreations of the scenes. I wonder if they just ended up filming the whole movie- would love to see a release of that.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
I had meant to watch it before but I didn't feel like checking out a movie based on how another movie was made. Luckily, it returned to Netflix this month so I got the chance to check it out.

Well that was a fun little movie. Franco did so well doing an imitation of Tommy it sucks that he ended up to be such a jerk. I saw that they didn't mention how The Talented Mr. Ripley influenced them as well (a movie I watched recently), but a lot of the other stuff was fun to watch. It probably would have been low on my radar given how many great movies came out that year, but I'm glad I finally got a chance to watch it. 7.25/10