Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
While I think 2018 has been a bit of a slowdown so far from just how fantastic 2017 was right out the gates, there have still been a few great games out that I think will go on to rank as some of my favorite experiences on their respective systems, and really, maybe even of the generation.

With the first half of 2018 now wrapped up, I figured it was time to take stock of what everyone's favorite games so far are. Make sure to specify what your reasons for your choices are.

As for me, here's my list; please note that this is not in any order.


God of War (PS4)

Cory Barlog led Sony Santa Monica to give Kratos and God of War the reinvention of a lifetime. God of War swaps out the Greek trappings of the series for Norse, switches up the camera angle, and gives Kratos a beard and a son; more that that, however, it completely rethinks what God of War is supposed to be, restructuring the game as an action RPG, rejigging the combat to be slower, more methodical, but no less brutal, and putting Kratos in a full world for him to explore at his leisure. It manages to nail such an incredible amount of things right the first time that it's actually astonishing. I have my fair share of problems with the game- I dislike the camera angle, the boss variety is truly lacking, enemy variety starts to sag in the second half of the game, and its pacing is hugely inconsistent. And yet in spite of all this, God of War, to me, feels like a monumental achievement, and definitely one of the best games Sony has put out this generation- which is really saying something.


Monster Hunter World (PS4)

I was hoping against hope that Monster Hunter World would be great, but even I couldn't have imagined the extent to which it would exceed my wildest expectations from the game and the series. Taking the Monster Hunter formula, trimming down the unnecessary fluff, retaining all the depth and nuance the series is so beloved for, and finally reinventing Monster Hunter for the HD generation, Monster Hunter World is a glorious achievement that kept me glued to my PS4 for months and months and months on end. Hundreds of hours into the game, I still have no complaints from it- I legitimately think it is as close to perfect as a game gets. Really, my only complaint from it right now is that there wasn't more of it- that's how you know Capcom got this right.


Hollow Knight (Switch)

I've actually just started this yesterday, so it's way too early to tell where on my list it will land (which is also one of the reasons I have so far refrained from ranking this list)- but god damn is this game sublime. Everything, from the art style, to the atmosphere, to the storytelling, to the tight level design, to the precise control, to how finely tuned the combat is, everything in this game is absolutely perfect. I'm very early in, and it's already bowled me over, even before I've had a chance to see it truly pull no punches- I can only hope the rest of this gem will be every bit as captivating as the early hours have been. If it is, then this may end up becoming my favorite game of the year.


Detective Pikachu (3DS)

I... actually really like this game. Unironically so. It's charming and sweet, and really wittily written, with some surprisingly adult humor thrown in there. I love the characters, I like how the central plot unfolds, though it's a bit predictable, and the voice acting is top notch. It's a great effort, and I'm a bit bummed more people haven't had a chance to play this, because of Nintendo's unending wisdom in launching a new 3DS game in 2018. I do hope it gets a Switch port eventually- while I have a fair few issues with it (it's way too easy, which makes it very short, and some of the cases feel like just fluff), I think it's a title that most people will find themselves pleasantly surprised at just how much they enjoy it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Celeste and God of War are at the top. I'm currently playing Hollow Knight, and it's really enamoring so far.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Apr 27, 2018
Haven't played Celeste, but Hollow Knight, and GoW.


Oct 27, 2017
Has definitely been a slower year for me. But, God of War blew me away. I wasn't super hyped for it leading up to release. But, got it and loved it. Loved the combat. Loved the story and characters. Loved the graphics, of course. Wound up getting the Platinum trophy and can't wait for a sequel. Can't imagine anything beating it out for my game of the year.


Oct 25, 2017
Celeste is incredible. Great gameplay, writing, music. Felt like it came out of nowhere and really surprised me by how good it is.


Oct 27, 2017
I think God of War's the only game I've put significant time into this year.


Feb 25, 2018
Been playing alot of older games but

God Of War - Went in totally blind, and thought the E3 demos looked a bit rough on the combat side. Turned out to be a great story, presentation, and with a really excellent combat system

Monster Hunter World - My first monster hunter since tri. Amazing, so glad to have a monster hunter on a modern system. Will add generations to my switch library

Vermintide 2 - Left 4 Dead with swords and even more deep mechanics and loot, with more levels. You cant go wrong

Far Cry 5- Had some major issues with it, and not as good as previous games, but still a fun experience


Oct 28, 2017
Celeste.. simply because every thing about it from the level design, story, characters, dialogues, soundtracks to the gameplay mechanics were all nicely done and memorable


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America

OnRush is a lot of fun, and as per the usual Codemasters fling, provides a vehicular rollerocaster ride that is fluidly maneuvered and pleasant to watch. Boom booms and vroom vrooms haven't been this afternoon-soaking since good 'ol Twisted Metal. ^^'

And the soundtrack.

It is toe-tapping good.

Toe. Tapping!


Technically, Atelier Lydie and Suelle: The Alchemists of the Mysterious Paintings is a 2017 release, eheh. But after coming out for western regions in March, I was finally able to get my hands on the latest Atelier entry, and as you might have guessed, it is what you've come to expect from this trade simulating, casual sparkly series. Jolly, sweet collectathons and item synthesizing, plenty of pastoral fantasy setting to chew on, and a mystical adventure against blobs and cat dragons; not always even, but makes for a mostly harmonious sitting.


Runners-up: Moss, Far Cry 5, Celeste

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Technically, Atelier Lydie and Suelle: The Alchemists of the Mysterious Paintings is a 2017 release, eheh. But after coming out for western release in March, I was finally able to get my hands on the latest Atelier gentry, and as you might expect, it is what you've come to expect from this trade simulating, casual sparkly series. Jolly, sweet collectathons and item synthesizing, plenty of pastoral fantasy setting to chew on, and a mystical adventure against blobs and cat dragons; not always even, but makes for a mostly harmonious sitting.
Oh right, I forgot about this one. I actually really like this too.


Apr 23, 2018
My favorite games would have to be Celeste and Hollow Knight (switch). I loved the story, music and platforming of Celeste. I haven't gotten too far in Hollow Knight but the atmosphere, gameplay and art style already has me feeling like this may be my favorite game of the year.


Oct 26, 2017
I only beat one game: Valkyria Chronicles 4, so that. 2018 really doesn't agree with my taste.


Oct 27, 2017
God of War and Onrush for me.

I thought Far Cry 5 was sort of meh. Monster Hunter didn't click with me at all. Haven't played Celeste, and not much else caught my attention.
Oct 25, 2017
Hm... only beat two releases this year, Far Cry 5 and God of War, both were really good but GOW took me aback, fucking great game.


Skate 2
Call of Duty WWII
Nier Automata (ending A got it on Xbox so technically old but... it's on Xbox now, favorite game this year so far)

I played some other 2018 releases but the two I finished were probably the ones I remember the most.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Detroit: Become Human by a pretty substantial margin.

It feels like the culmination of previous Quantic Dream games, and ties it together using a sci-fi theme that I'm obsessed with. Sure, there's some vintage David Cage melodrama at times, but the stakes felt real; I had a clear path in mind for each of these characters that was shaped by the universe and the situations they were put in (unlike Beyond: Two Souls, which I struggled to connect with).

The soundtrack is phenomenal, the game looks gorgeous, and the high replay value is obvious.


Oct 27, 2017
Vermintide 2 - Left 4 Dead with swords and even more deep mechanics and loot, with more levels. You cant go wrong

Forgot about this. Definitely the surprise of the year. Didn't even know it existed until the giant bomb quick look. My brother, a friend, and I wound up getting it and put in a good number of hours. I have been craving another Left 4 Dead for years now. This gave me what I wanted.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I haven't played a single 2018 game this year aside from the betas of Cross Tag Battle and DBZ Fighters... Though I have just bought the new English release of Evenicle, so that I guess.
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"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
God of War: amazing level designs and some breath taking seceneries. Wish there are more huge set pieces just like in III, the few it has are awesome.

Monster Hunter World: Could never get into the series until World. All the QoL improvements made the difference for me.

Ni No Kuni II: Not joking. It's a great game to just play and unwind. If you leave your game critics hats off, you could have fun with the game.

Yakuza 6: probably tied with 0 as the best in the series. Combat is more fluid, graphic is prettier, and Onomichi is a very charming town.

Detroit: the character interactions are what made the game.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
God of War - I never played any of the GoW games other than renting the very first on PS2 and playing a level or two when I was younger. GoW 2018 was a near perfect experience IMO. Fantastic combat and story. After getting the platinum, I wanted to keep playing but there was nothing left to do haha. Excited for NG+ to drop so I can jump back in.

Detroit: Become Human - This was my first Quantic Dream game and I don't usually get into this genre much, but I really enjoyed this. Connor and Kara's arcs were really engaging and there were tons of surprisingly emotional scenes. Your choices make a huge difference on the outcomes and it forces you to really think carefully about what you're doing at every turn. The flowchart after missions were a neat way to give the game more replayability too, and there are large chunks of the game that you can straight up never see in a playthrough depending on your choices. Also Detroit has one of the best soundtracks I've heard in a game in a long time.


Oct 25, 2017
God of war I guess. I didn't like how few bosses it had and the optional areas it had but it's really the only thing that stands out in this awful gaming year so far. I loved all the engine improvements yakuza 6 had but the game itself wasn't very good. Everything else I've played was a letdown.


Oct 28, 2017
Disappointing year so far overall. That said, a few standouts:

God of War - 8.7/10
Detroit - 8.3/10
Far Cry 5 - 7.8/10


Oct 25, 2017
Can't decide between Celeste and Hollow Knight. Two incredible games.

I played God of War and Sushi Striker, both were good but not great.

I think that's the only new stuff I've played.


Oct 27, 2017
God of War and Dark Souls Remastered so far. Honorable mention to Florence on mobile. Guess I haven't played too many 2018 releases yet!


Oct 27, 2017
So far my top 3 games are:

1. God of War - Great game, but I felt like it was missing something to put it up there with the likes of Horizon Zero Dawn and Witcher 3 as my games of the generation.

2. Detroit Become Human - My favorite Interactive drama game ever. Quantic Dream really outdid themselves with this one.

3. Moss - Only behind Resident Evil 7 as my favorite VR game. Such a delight to play and hoping we get a sequel sooner rather then later.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Battletech by far, what and addictive yet enjoyable mech-collection strategy game. Followed by Kingdom Come Deliverance and God of War.

I haven't played Monster Hunter World as I'm waiting for PC version. Ni No Kuni 2 was my biggest disappoinment.

Tyrant Rave

Has A Pretty Cool Jacket
Oct 25, 2017
I guess Dragon Ball FighterZ? It's the only new game I've spent a good amount of time on. Not my favorite fighter or anything, but it's fun enough. Would say Under Night In-birth Exe: Late[st], but I bought an import version last year.

Celeste and Mario Tennis are good too but I didn't beat Celeste yet and I haven't played enough of Mario Tennis. Otherwise, I've just been playing old games this year. Nothing else has interested me, but last year was packed enough to give me plenty to play.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
God of War and Dark Souls Remastered.

Does that 2nd one count? I played it years ago, but it still holds up so damn well.

Bonus: Shadow of the Colossus (never played it before the remaster)
Oct 25, 2017
God of War was fantastic. Story had me really engaged for a series that has been drowning in meh the more it's gone on, and I loved the sense of scale and adventure the world provides. If I had to give a criticism, the "do this to win" message during a particular boss, along with boss checkpoints made them significantly less satisfying and tense than they could've been.

DJMax Respect is a runner up. Great collection of songs. At times it feels like four rhythm games at once with all of the different charts and difficulties and button modes.

I enjoyed Persona 5 Dancing Star Night a lot but it doesn't hold a candle to the above.

I'm also enjoying Muv-Luv a lot but I'm not even close to finishing it, let alone alternative.


Oct 25, 2017

1. Beat Saber - Most fun game I've ever played, period. But obviously physically demanding and fogs and sweats up your headset so fast. It takes a great rhythm concept, applies it beautifully, and has you dancing without realizing it. Magical.

2. Frostpunk - Very tight city sim with an amazing game world. I will spend years thinking of this game world. Fantastic graphics, too.

3. Kingdom Come Deliverance - Some of the most immersive stuff you can experience outside of VR. Amazing setting and world they've built.

Elephants in the room:

VRChat is probably my favorite new to me 'game' I first played in 2018. Can't really rank it because it's not a game and it's not from 2018 but it was super important to me. Memories for a lifetime right there.

I have to play more God of War but so far it just seems more or less like more of the same. I love some of the new set pieces, but the actual moment to moment gameplay is cool but not amazing me. Moss is real good, but again the gameplay isn't standing out to me. Absolutely no interest in Celeste.

There's a lot of decent titles, Budget Cuts, Vermintide 2, DBZ Fighter Z & Battletech among them.

Future predictions:

As an aside I got into the backer beta of Hypnospace Outlaw, and I fully expect this game to be in my top 10, maybe even top 3, by year's end.

Monster Hunter might be cool, but waiting for PC version.

Racing Apex looks great. Noita looks amazing if it comes this year. Then there's wildcards like Vox Machinae.

Prediction for end of year:

1. Beat Saber
2. Hypnospace Outlaw
3. Smash
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Oct 25, 2017
The city beautiful
It hasn't been a good year so far. I haven't bought a single new game from 2018.

I aim to play Hollow Knight and Dark Souls Remastered on Switch but those aren't new releases. I've opted to just watch playthroughs on Twitch for GoW, Detroit, et al. My wallet is happy at least.
Oct 25, 2017
God of War

I also enjoyed my first foray into the Bayonetta series

Kirby Star Allies was fun but a little disappointing as well. Feel like it could have been much much better.

Deleted member 3183

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Can't decide between Celeste and Hollow Knight. Two incredible games.

Having played both - Celeste by a mile. Hollow Knight has too many small issues that really detract from the experience (bench placement in particular) compared to Celeste, which I found to be damned near flawless as a platformer.

As for my choices - God of War and Celeste are the two standouts.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
God of War

Fantastic combat really brings a game together for me, and it's what kept me going.

Monster Hunter: World

Never played a Monster Hunter before this one so I was in awe the whole time. Sadly I stopped after 70ish hours in, but that 70ish hours was nothing but fun and challenging monster fights which was a breath of fresh air after playing so many shooters.


Oct 27, 2017
So far my highlights have been Monster Hunter World which I put hundreds of hours into, I'm hoping an expansion drops soon because I'd love a reason to go back to it! I also got into Dragon Ball FighterZ and put around 100 hours into that, someday I'll pick up the season pass and jump in again. God of War is another obvious pick, great adventure with awesome combat and I'm anxiously awaiting the next one.

I recently bought Yakuza 6 and I'm really excited to get into that too!


Oct 25, 2017
1. Celeste
2. God of War
3. ‎Subnautica
4. ‎Into The Breach
5. Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon
6. Warhammer: Vermintide 2
7. Frostpunk
8. BattleTech

There's a handful of indie games that I haven't gotten to that I'm surprised no one here has listed:

Yoku's Island Express


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
The first half of the year has been great! I loved the new God of War. Yakuza 6 continues to bring that "can't find it anywhere else" charm. Vermintide 2 shows that the L4D formula is still kicking and an absolute blast. But there has been one title that has stood out for me so far beyond anything in 2018:


This game came out of nowhere. Utilizing the slice-of-life aspects of Persona with the beat em up styling of River City Ransom, this game tells an extremely personal story about what it means to grow up and have to face a future that you probably aren't ready for.

For anyone familiar with the Crows Zero films or the manga series Worst, this game is nothing short of heaven. The fantastic sprite work and animations really help bring the citizens of this quiet little town to life. So many things are going on as everyone runs around according to their own schedule.

Whether you are ditching school to hit the gym, walking around smoking cigarettes with the boys, or earning cash part time at the video store, there's always something going on.


Definitely give it a shot. The game is amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
The first half of the year has been great! I loved the new God of War. Yakuza 6 continues to bring that "can't find it anywhere else" charm. Vermintide 2 shows that the L4D formula is still kicking and an absolute blast. But there has been one title that has stood out for me so far beyond anything in 2018:


This game came out of nowhere. Utilizing the slice-of-life aspects of Persona with the beat em up styling of River City Ransom, this game tells an extremely personal story about what it means to grow up and have to face a future that you probably aren't ready for.

For anyone familiar with the Crows Zero films or the manga series Worst, this game is nothing short of heaven. The fantastic sprite work and animations really help bring the citizens of this quiet little town to life. So many things are going on as everyone runs around according to their own schedule.

Whether you are ditching school to hit the gym, walking around smoking cigarettes with the boys, or earning cash part time at the video store, there's always something going on.


Definitely give it a shot. The game is amazing.
I've been eyeing this hard. How long is it?