
Oct 25, 2017

The folks at GI are still shoring things up but it sounds like the podcast and magazine will continue, but they don't yet know the full extent of the impact the layoffs will have. Figured it was worth highlighting for folk.

Hello everybody, thanks for checking out this bizarre episode of The Game Informer Show. By now you might have heard that there were recently seven wonderful people laid off at Game Informer, so we begin the show with editor-in-chief Andy McNamara filling us in on the state of the company. After that, the conversation gets more uplifting as we talk about Death Stranding and the afterlife of Oninaki. After some wonderfully sweet community emails, we're joined by the creator of Magic: The Gathering Richard Garfield and Jeopardy super-champion Ken Kennings to talk about their upcoming trivia game Half Truth. Thanks again for all of the support throughout the years.

To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below.

:10 - Andy McNamara on the state of Game Informer
5:45 - Gamescom news recap (Imran would have been on this)
12:18 - Death Stranding
22:35 - Astral Chain
28:30 - Oninaki
35:50 - Rainbow 6 Major event
39:30 - Pokémon World Championships (Suriel would have been on this)
48:45 - Community emails (Kyle and Suriel would have been on this)
1:47:13 - Richard Garfield and Ken Jennings on Half Truth

Also, Replay this week will be a highlight reel of the laid off staff's best moments and they are soliciting suggestions from the community.

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Nov 8, 2017
Being someone who works in the commercial printing industry, I am glad to know that GI magazine will continue!