
Nov 22, 2017
Plenty of cheats including true infinite health.
Metal radio station.
Some kind of non lethal weapons like in MGSV. Rubber bullets and such.
Better melee combat system with grabs and stuff. I wanna be able to german suplex people.
Oh and BotW style climbing (Hello! human fly here!) make the character a parkour master.


Oct 27, 2017
UK setting, more gang style stuff like recruiting people to work for you and building your empire


Oct 25, 2017
- new area or combining all areas from previous GTA games to make one massive world.(updated ofcourse)

- A great singeplayer

- GTAO needs to work somethings out, its going to crash and burn day one no matter what but the content drops need to be faster. Microtransactions are huge in it I would want it to be used somehow on something else but honestly i dont know how so whatever.

- Online AND Offline Heists added later (but sooner than GTAV)

- Great visuals/Great World.

Thats kinda it tbh.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
I don't think the Houser brothers are willing to risk having a sole female lead. It would probably annoy a big part of the playerbase and I just don't see it working honestly. I think making one of the protagonists a female lead would work though. The multi-protag-system is the best to happen to the franchise IMHO, it allows them to go bold with the playable cast + gives players who don't want to play as a female character a fallback one.

I, for one, don't enjoy playing as a female character because I always try to put myself into the game. That's how I play, that's why I love games that let me make choices or create a character via editors or whatever. I haven't finished Horizon because I can't relate to a female character, there is always a certain kind of disconnect for me. I don't want to further go into this though cause I've gotten massive backlash on that other forum for not wanting to play as a female so yeah.
These were all the things people said before San Andreas. I'm sure Rockstar learned their lesson after that commercial flop lol.

I honestly don't think we'll get a female protagonist until there's been a crime movie with a GTA-style female character though. The Housers just draw way too much influence from films. Heat was a huge influence on GTA V, The Proposition was a huge influence on RDR, Man On Fire was a huge influence on MP3... other movies too, but those ones quite notably. Maybe there's already been such a movie though?

Some kind of non lethal weapons like in MGSV. Rubber bullets and such.
There's a stun gun in GTA V.

GTAO needs to work somethings out, its going to crash and burn day one no matter what but the content drops need to be faster.
They've been releasing a new vehicle every week for the last 5 weeks, and there'll be a new vehicle every week for the next 8 weeks. All for free. If that's not fast enough for you, I'm not sure that you'll ever be satisfied! This is on top of the Doomsday Heist itself, which came out last month and might be the biggest update the game has ever received.
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You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
All I really want is responsive controls. I didn't even bother with V's single player campaign and played nothing but multiplayer with friends until we got bored of it. I didn't want to deal with the loose/floaty gameplay more than I had to.


Oct 27, 2017
Manhattan, New York
GTA Pyongyang or bust. I tend to get bored within a couple of hours with GTA games in general, and I believe it is because they create open worlds that simply reflect things we're already familiar with (except with floaty physics). It's not that exciting to be running around digital 'New York City' because I live there. I'd like to see them take up the challenge of providing us with cities/regions that people aren't that familiar with. That would be true innovation for the series, imo, rather than any fancy new graphics or gameplay mechanics.

Yes, it's nice that you're this 'sorta criminal' in a big city we all know, but wouldn't it be so much better to be a sorta criminal in some entirely different culture?
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Oct 31, 2017
Paris, France
You know in the end there gonna be none of the things listed here, in the game. But they'll come up with things we didn't think about and it will be glorious, that's the beauty of it.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
GTA Pyongyang or bust. I tend to get bored within a couple of hours with GTA games in general, and I believe it is because they create open worlds that simply reflect things we're already familiar with (except with floaty physics). It's not that exciting to be running around digital 'New York City' because I live there. I'd like to see them take up the challenge of providing us with cities/regions that people aren't that familiar with. That would be true innovation for the series, imo, rather than any fancy new graphics or gameplay mechanics.

Yes, it's nice that you're this 'sorta criminal' in a big city we all know, but wouldn't it be so much better to be a sorta criminal in some entirely different culture?
Mercenaries, by Pandemic

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
building destruction, and the ability to go inside every single building


Oct 25, 2017
- I'd like a world dedicated to Las Venturas or maybe Vice City again. Rockstar is amazing as creating immersive worlds so whatever they decide, I'm not too worried.
- Keep GTAO separate.
- More stuff to do after completing the game to 100%. This has become a serious problem since GTA IV.
- More action-oriented side missions that can be replayed.
- Eliminate the collectibles/hidden packages and stunt jumps from being required for 100%. These haven't been fun since GTA III. Who is doing this without a guide?
- No more tedious side missions like Zero's missions or The Epsilon Program missions. Who thought the Epsilon missions were enjoyable? I just don't understand this.
- Bring the heist stuff back. In GTA V SP, it was very underutilized. Expand upon it. Let me get a crew and rob locations in the city. Make it like a side mission or something I can activate. I remember being extremely hyped about planning missions and leveling up crew members. I was going in thinking Rainbow Six 3-style planning and it was disappointed to learn that all plans were just choices between multiple very scripted sequences. And the crew members leveling up had so much potential. But they seemed useless considering you only use crew members in two or three heists.
- Make customization mean something. It was awesome customizing weapons and vehicles. However, you can easily get through the game without customizing a single weapon and the modifications only made minor differences in my experience. The races in GTA V are so easy that it's pointless to waste money on vehicle customization.
- Bring back the ability to crouch on command. Why was it removed from GTA V? Characters only crouch when entering cover.
- Better cheats. I like to use cheats after I complete the game. If I remember correctly, the cheats in GTA V were pretty bad. A timed God Mode? Wtf is that?
- More ways to make significant amounts of money. You can fuck yourself over in GTA V if you don't exploit the stock market and not be able to afford all of the real estate. To earn enough money to buy some of that would take years since you can't farm heists or missions for money. Or simply restart the entire game.
- A better in-game stock market that's affected by your overall actions and other stuff, not just the plot.
- Even if you don't focus on gang stuff, I'd like the ability to recruit friendly NPC's to assist me whenever. It's fun getting into gunfights with cops and having a few friendlies to back you up.
- Bring back gangs/factions. Even if it's not the focus of the story, it's cool to see random firefights in the streets, getting into gang wars, etc.
- Environmental destruction would be cool.

I could probably go on and on. I really feel GTA V was gimped in favor of GTAO and I don't want that to happen again.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think the Houser brothers are willing to risk having a sole female lead. It would probably annoy a big part of the playerbase and I just don't see it working honestly. I think making one of the protagonists a female lead would work though. The multi-protag-system is the best to happen to the franchise IMHO, it allows them to go bold with the playable cast + gives players who don't want to play as a female character a fallback one.

I, for one, don't enjoy playing as a female character because I always try to put myself into the game. That's how I play, that's why I love games that let me make choices or create a character via editors or whatever. I haven't finished Horizon because I can't relate to a female character, there is always a certain kind of disconnect for me. I don't want to further go into this though cause I've gotten massive backlash on that other forum for not wanting to play as a female so yeah.
Oh my gosh, not another one of those I can't relate people. All those penis weilders who would be turned off can fuck the right off like with San Andreas. No reason to cater to them.


Oct 28, 2017
Oh my gosh, not another one of those I can't relate people. All those penis weilders who would be turned off can fuck the right off like with San Andreas. No reason to cater to them.
I played GTA SA but didn't really enjoy it cause I couldn't relate to the main character. The last 2 characters I could relate to were Tommy (VC) and Michael (V).

I never said they have to cater to me, all I said is that I'm almost certain they wont go with a sole female lead.


Oct 25, 2017
The only feature that will bring me back is 2 time periods, you can have your modern day but then also do the same city in the 70's or 80's. Either with multiple protagonist or even the same character at different points in his life.


Oct 27, 2017
I played GTA SA but didn't really enjoy it cause I couldn't relate to the main character. The last 2 characters I could relate to were Tommy (VC) and Michael (V).

I never said they have to cater to me, all I said is that I'm almost certain they wont go with a sole female lead.
I'm sorry, so you will only relate to murderous criminals in a videogame if they're white males?

What the fuck? Is there something you need to confess?


Oct 25, 2017
I'd like a GTA set outside the US that, to keep with the themes of GTA poking fun at elements of the US, instead deals with the international perception and influence of the country. This includes tourism, political manipulation, extradition, and the arming of militant groups.

Make at least one protagonist as a woman. Wouldn't hurt to have a cool antagonist one as well.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
i want to go to an airport and actually take a flight somewhere, like a ski resort or something very different from the main area. could be cool, going on various vacations between missions.

also ffs give me a skateboard! GTAV had endless skatespots and even a literal skatepark or two, i felt like it taunted me.. the physics dont need to be perfect, just let me do ollies, one flip trick and maybe boardslides.
Oct 26, 2017
I want more interiors of buildings to explore. Forget convenience stores and clothing shops. Give us malls, casinos, apartment buildings, hotels, etc to go into outside of missions. Let me drive a car through the front of a building, wreak havoc on the inside, and escape out the back. Let us rob houses in neighborhoods and fight people in bars.


Nov 4, 2017
Totally agree with you, OP, regarding copying Max Payne 3 for on foot controls and shooting. I thought for sure they'd be doing that for 5. I wonder if they were too far along development of 5 to implement that or if there is a technical roadblock making it not possible.

Aside from that, I would love a robust fighting system

And the ability to scale buildings.

And for the feature I want the most but know will never happen... fully destructible environments.

I would much rather they focus on making it a fun sandbox to play in than spending all of their efforts on another boring as fuck single player story mode.

Deleted member 11986

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Japan, China Taiwan setting.
Female protagonist.
Better wanted system.
No more calling the police BS just because you happen to be near someone more than 5 seconds.
The ability to own your cars in game. Not just stealing.


Oct 27, 2017
London, UK
All the classic maps intertwined, with abilities to fly between cities.
A Hispanic or black female protagonist in modern America.
Focus on smaller scale crime and family dynamics.
Refined cop systems, random patrols should be included again.
New physic engine, with inspiration taken from GTA IV.
Combat in the style of Max Payne 3.


Nov 15, 2017
Man I'd love an Asia setting. So much opportunity. But that won't be happening any time soon (sleeping dogs, you'll be missed)

A must :
1) multiple protagonist
2) Max Payne 3 gameplay/combat


Oct 28, 2017
Man I'd love an Asia setting. So much opportunity. But that won't be happening any time soon (sleeping dogs, you'll be missed)

A must :
1) multiple protagonist
2) Max Payne 3 gameplay/combat

I always felt like GTA was a parody of American culture so I don't know how they'd do Asia


Oct 25, 2017
If they stick to the USA then I hope it's a southern border/Mexico affair, there is plenty of scope for crazy shit on both sides of the border.


Oct 27, 2017
Was going to post this on the 'The Know" video thread, but it's now locked.

I have mentioned this before, but; a friend who did the game design course at the university of Dundee is still adamant that the next game in Vice City will have Tommy Vercetti as the bad guy and the player character trying to take him down. As a bonus, he'd also heard that the "Quadraphenia" Mods vs Rockers game they'd planned as a successor to 'The Warriors' had been absorbed into the sequel to 'Bully' which was to take place at a British boarding school, and have you picking a side. Both a pretty open secret in and around Dundee at the time apparently.


Oct 30, 2017
I have mentioned this before, but; a friend who did the game design course at the university of Dundee is still adamant that the next game in Vice City will have Tommy Vercetti as the bad guy and the player character trying to take him down. As a bonus, he'd also heard that the "Quadraphenia" Mods vs Rockers game they'd planned as a successor to 'The Warriors' had been absorbed into the sequel to 'Bully' which was to take place at a British boarding school, and have you picking a side. Both a pretty open secret in and around Dundee at the time apparently.

That falls in line with the "The Know" rumor, I hope it's true, Vice City is one of my favourite GTAs and I would love to go back in an HD update, even more so if it's still set in the 80s/90s.


Oct 28, 2017
I was going to say they should let you craft your own protagonist and let you choose a range of non-binary genders... but seeing as GTA writing is about on par with South Park, they'd handle this with the subtlety of a brick.


Oct 27, 2017
That falls in line with the "The Know" rumor, I hope it's true, Vice City is one of my favourite GTAs and I would love to go back in an HD update, even more so if it's still set in the 80s/90s.

This was actually post GTA 4, so it's pretty old...

Not spoke to him in years, works for Nintendo UK in Basingstoke now.


Nov 27, 2017
United Kingdom


Or something like it. Use that next gen power for something good and give us a sprawling world to explore! GTA V was too small.

That would be the dream!

Bran Van

Oct 28, 2017
I think Rockstar are missing a big opportunity that the whole of the gaming community is crying out for if they don't include a transgender main character


Oct 30, 2017
I know people won't like this idea, but I say wait until next gen, then return to Liberty city. Yes we were just there. Even though it's only been one entry in between it will have been a long time since. And after The Divisions absolutely amazing rendition of a near apocalyptic Manhatten, I would love to see a next gen GTA simulation of the same city.


Oct 27, 2017
Full southern GTA. Miami/Orlando - New Orleans - Atlanta. Lots of nature too, Mississippi Delta, Florida bayou etc.


Oct 29, 2017
GTAO 3.0 should include plastic surgeons that way you can customize your character and make adjustments without starting an entirely new character.
What happened to 2.0?
Anyways, id like to see only one protag.
A mostly city map with almost every building enterable and explorable.
And make the physics as good as Gta4s and Rdr's especially when it comes to bullet and car damage. And smart police and ped AI please. Also, good controls while on foot please? No one likes unresponsive and sluggish controls. If it feels half as good as max payne then ill be satisfied


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
Just do what they always do but in a unique setting, not outside America, though. Trump's presidency should give them plenty of material to work on for the entirety of the game.
Oct 27, 2017
A Cave
God I spent way too long just emptying all of my ideas into a Wordpad Document and it just becomes an incomprehensible mess lol most of it doesn't really 'fit' GTA but ah well...

The basic idea for this GTA6 is to play around with timelines and decisions,taking the idea of the multi game storyline that links all of the 3D era games into 1 single release, Keep the 3 protagonist system but instead of all 3 being in the same place they all get their own time period to play in, the map stays the same but big changes happen depending on the Era your in and the decisions you made during them.

80's Vice City - Play as a Tommy Vercetti style character, your basic GTA/Scarface story, Rise up and take control of Vice City by any means necessary

late 90's/Millenium Vice City - Play as a CJ/Claude style character, Vice City has been almost destroyed by the actions of Tommy in the 80's, VC has become a hell hole filled with drugs and weapons and you have to survive in that street life and choose who to side with

Modern Vice City - Play as a completely new character type, an Undercover female cop, Vice City has recovered after the events of the 90's Era but Tommys kingdom still exists and needs to be destroyed from the inside


I'd love to see the idea of the Player Character of 1 era become the Mission Giver/main NPC of another and then the main villain of the last era, in 1 game.

Really there's a lot you could play around with in a system like that

Deleted member 11926

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Well, if Rockstar are still adamant on staying inside the US, then Vice City would be my choice. Also: Please release it for PC alongside the console versions. Oh, and implement the weapon handling from Max Payne 3.

If Rockstar are willing to look outside the US: Hong Kong in the early 90s, Tokyo (or Osaka) today, 70s Berlin (Agent?). Or straight up cyberpunk Los Angeles in the future.