Thread Q+A!
  • OP


    Top Mog
    Oct 27, 2017
    It's launch day! 🎉 I was curious about the split between old and new fans, so I have some questions for the thread.


    If this is your first Ace Attorney game:

    • How did you find out about the series?
    • What appealed to you about this game?
    • How are you liking it so far?

    If you've played one or more Ace Attorney games previously:

    What is your favourite (and why):
    • Game
    • Individual case
    • Main character (inc. assistants)
    • Witness
    • Prosecutor
    • Soundtrack
    🚨 Please put answers inside descriptive spoiler tags where necessary for those who haven't played every game ie. "Spoiler: Trials and Tribulations - case 5" 🚨

    ...seriously... use those tags
    PC port mod (improves performance)
  • FinFunnels

    Oct 27, 2017
    This is kind of a barebones PC port. The game doesn't handle resolution scaling well (1440p and 1800p don't look right, especially the text) and I have to mess around with the exe properties to get 4K working properly. And it seems to be locked to a stuttery 30fps. There's minimal scrolling and animation so it's not that big a deal. I guess it's to be expected for such a niche game. But at least it works and looks fine. Love how so many of the animations are similar to the original game hah.[/ispoiler].
    I highly recommend this mod, it's a game changer: