
Oct 27, 2017
Fyi, the makers of the Seamless HD edition have their own custom build of Dolphin that you download from their site.

Their version clears up bugs that normal builds of Dolphin have.

Also, OP, for the 1st game, there is a patch for the PC version to make it run better and adds in a few QoL features:


Classic REbirth

Make retro-gaming great again.
I remember seeing "emulator included" on something I downloaded. I still haven't unpacked it yet, though.


Oct 27, 2017
Fyi, the makers of the Seamless HD edition have their own custom build of Dolphin that you download from their site.

Their version clears up bugs that normal builds of Dolphin have.

Also, OP, for the 1st game, there is a patch for the PC version to make it run better and adds in a few QoL features:


Classic REbirth

Make retro-gaming great again.

I don't have access to the first game on PC, but have it on PS3 so that's what I'm using.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut (PSX)


Oct 27, 2017
Game 1.

Resident Evil: Director's Cut (PSX)


Managed to play through and extremely surprised at how well my memory of the game was retained, including puzzle solutions and locations of key items. With prior knowledge, this is actually a pretty short game. Easily beatable within 2~3 hours for a scenario.

Played one of each Chris and Jill's games to get the best endings for each.

- Extremely memorable
- A sense of mystery that future games in the series often lose out on.
- Good implementation of 'metroidvania' style mechanics in a 3D environment
- Each character has multiple endings which gives the game great replayability

- Probably the least well-aged game owing to the extremely low resolution backgrounds. This could definitely use the AI - Upscaling mod treatment.
- Chris's game is much more harder than Jill's game. It was a harsh reminder playing it how bad Chris has it, with the lesser inventory slots and not being able to access the GL.

Retrospective score: 7/10

In conclusion:

Chris's "YOU CAN'T KILL MEEEE" sound bite before the first Tyrant fight is arguably my favorite single line in the franchise.



Oct 25, 2017
It ain't RE1 but I just finished RE2 Remake on hardcore for both characters and both variations. I found the mode extremely frustrating overall, it kinda sucks ass.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
Started RE1:DC tonight. Not sure I'll keep playing tonight. I wanted to play it, still do, but I might wait until I get a PSX copy so I can play on OG hardware. Currently on vita and while it does look fantastic, I'd much rather play on a bigger screen and I can't do PS3. I tried, it looks terrible.

Mana Latte

Jul 6, 2019
My buddy and I have been doing this on and off before Christmas. We ran through DC and 2 at Christmas time and finished 3 last night. Started CVX on the series x today. I learned I can no longer use the DualShock 1-3 comfortably in these playthroughs


Nov 6, 2017
Santiago, Chile
Original RE, a game I haven't played in years. I occasionally watch speedruns of the game. I don't think I'll ever play OG again though, because RER basically surpass the original in every way.

When OP gets to play RE2 and RE3 I'll replay those games as well.


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't Revelations 2 set before 6? Also Revelations 1 between 4 and 5
Yes and yes on both accounts.

Revelations 1 ends with a teaser for Chris and Jill's Lost in Nightmares mission and Revelations 2 ends with Claire calling someone and telling Pearce to look after Chris (Not sure if its set before Chris has his accident or after).

When OP gets to play RE2 and RE3 I'll replay those games as well.

Playing RE2. Will post a similar post as RE1 hopefully tonight. Again, with prior knowledge and memory .. the older games are surprisingly quick to beat.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Thanks chandoog I reckon I have the full main story games in order now. I'm gonna play RE0 after 1 though because of the Wesker situation.


Feb 22, 2019
Well I replayed most of the RE games a lot, but if by some miracle they are rereleasing the OG Resident Evil games or some sort of collection for the PS5 then I am all in. I don't even need them to make the games prettier, though HD textures (like they do with the AI upscaled mods) wouldn't hurt.

RE3 PS1 1999 is my favorite to replay. You can set some interesting "restrictions" for yourself and have a lot of fun with it. Kill Nemesis every time, only do handgun, knife only etc.

Your idea sounds very interesting. Right now is not the best time for me to do it, but eventually I might take the story deep dive
Resident Evil 2


Oct 27, 2017
Game 2.

Resident Evil 2 (GameCube version via Dolphin Emulator)


Arguably the best old-school style RE game. Especially out of the one's from the PS1 era.

Gotta give huge props to the incredible Seamless HD mod for the GC version which uses AI up-scaling to enhance the backgrounds and even improves on the FMV quality by using the Source Next version's FMVs.

The mod can be obtained for free here.

Scenario played: Claire A Leon B. Because while the 'official' canon was always a mixture of the two scenarios, Claire A and Leon B made the most sense for the series to continue, as this is the only scenario where Sherry gets infected and Ada surviving seems a lot more plausible if she passes out from being hit against a control panel than falling down a bottomless shaft.

Like with RE1, I was surprised at how well my memory of the game was retained including minor things like the safe-code where you get the RPD map and acid rounds / shotguns hells (2236). With all the prior knowledge, both scenarios can be finished in a couple of hours but the AI Up-scaled mods make me want to take in all the amazing detail.


- Incredible sequel to the first game. Just about every single aspect is an improvement.
- What better say to expand from a single location to an entire city. It's the Alien to Aliens formula done right.
- The game has above average length and replay-ability thanks to the 4 unique-ish scenarios and 3 unlockable modes.
- Introduced two of the most memorable and quotable leads of its time, who've ended up becoming main stays of the entire franchise even 20+ years later.


- Lack of resolution for the surviving cast of RE1 for the time the game originally came out felt lacking (of course it doesn't anymore)
- Always felt like RE2 barely scratched the Raccoon City segments, again something which future games will greatly remedy.
- Even though they're only a few minutes long, the small Sherry game play segments drag because of how slow she runs.

Retrospective Score: 9/10

Final verdict: Excellent game, incredible sequel to RE1 and arguably the game which cemented Resident Evil's success as a franchise.


Hey. It's up to US to take down Umbrella.

*cue bad-ass music*



Oct 27, 2017
So I busted out my Metal Gear Solid Gun Metal Grey Playstation 3 and installed an SSD I had around today...


Thinking I'm gonna join the OP on this Odyssey as well.

Lifelong, franchise fan SINCE '96. I infamously traded my SNES copy of FF3 with another kid in middle school for the original PSX version. I was a huge Romero fan growing up and had been looking forward to it ever since I first started seeing it in gaming mags. I didn't even own a PSX at the time and had to rent one from my local Network Video.

Anyway, I've wanted to do a series replay for years and it truly seems like the 25th Anniversary is the best occasion one could ask for. No way in hell I can play everything tho, but I will try to play most mainline entries before RE8 drops.

- Resident Evil PSX via PS3 - original ver. of which I still own, big box and all
- Resident Evil 2 PSX via PS3 - Digital Ver.
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis PSX via PS3 - Digital Ver.
- Resident Evil 2 Remake via PS5
- Resident Evil 3 Remake via PS5
- Resident Evil 4 via PS5 (I've literally only ever beat this once, back on the original GameCube)
- Resident Evil 5 via PS5
- Resident Evil 6 via PS5
- Resident Evil 7 via PS5 - Going for Ending A, which I never did the first time

On the side:

Resident Evil: Damnation
Resident Evil: Vendetta
(watched Degeneration last October already)


Oct 27, 2017
Awesome AgentOtaku !

Should be done with Nemesis by tomorrow. It's the shortest of the 3 games I've replayed so far owing to a single story scenario only.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm surprised by how good your memory retention skill is, OP.

I'm also always astonished by how quickly and with so much ease people are able to go through RE1. No matter how familiar I get with that game, I'm always slow in making progress due to the constant tension which gets to me. I've never been able to beat the game as Chris lol.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I've redownloaded RE6 to try and force myself to play some because I always stop about a third way through because it's absolutely awful.


Oct 25, 2017
I've redownloaded RE6 to try and force myself to play some because I always stop about a third way through because it's absolutely awful.
The only real way to play RE6 as an RE fan who hates it, is to try to look at it as an action spin off and really embrace the combat.

Chris's game is really fun if you can do this.

Saying that, I got through Leon and Chris, but never managed to keep it going for Jake...
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, I'll be joining OP well. Just rebought the titles available for the Series X, so might as well play them. Here's my list:

- Resident Evil Director's Cut (PSX via hacked Vita because the Dual Shock version's soundtrack sucks)
- Resident Evil 2 (PSX via Vita)
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (PSX via Vita)
- Resident Evil: Gun Survivor (PSX via hacked Vita)
- Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X (X360 via XSX)
- Resident Evil Outbreak (PS2 offline with cheats, or will skip it)
- Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 (PS2 offline with cheats, or will skip it)
- Resident Evil: Dead Aim (PS2)
- Resident Evil 0 (XSX)
- Resident Evil Remake (XSX)
- Resident Evil 4 (XSX)
- Resident Evil 5 (XSX)
- Resident Evil 6 (XSX, might skip Sherry's campaign)
- Resident Evil Revelations (XSX, might skip it because I think it kinda sucks)
- Resident Evil Revelations 2 (XSX)
- Resident Evil 7 (XSX)
- Resident Evil 2 Remake (XSX)
- Resident Evil 3 Remake (XSX)

It's a long way until May 7th, so there's a lot of time for us to revisit the series. Very excited for most games, not so much for a chosen few.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not gonna replay all of that (good luck OP), but I might replay RE7 as we get closer to RE8's release.


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
I was just thinking about doing this today. I have a Series X and PS5. I am mostly trying to do 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and not worry about the spin-offs. Can I play all of these on Series X or PS5?


Oct 27, 2017
Oh I'll definitely be playing plenty of RE this year, but I'm not going to follow any specific order. I've started on a RE4 professional NG playthrough which is dope.
Next I'll either play RE: Directors Cut or if I don't feel like more RE right after I'll just wait for 8


Nov 6, 2017
Santiago, Chile
I just finished replaying RE2.

Not my favorite of the original trilogy, but it is a good game. Music is good, graphics are good. Characters, enemies and locations are memorable. Weapons are great (love the modified shotgun).
One of my criticism I have about this game is the difficulty. It has to be one of the easiest Resident Evil Games, about the end in both scenarios, I was stacked with ammo and herbs. The other is the lack of puzzles.

I can't wait to replay RE3 OG though. After that I think the next one will be RE4 (when chandoog gets to play it)


Nov 22, 2018
I'm currently playing through the main ones in release order, and I just got to Revelations. Unfortunately it's a real drag so far so I'm not sure if I should proceed or skip.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (OG Version)


Oct 27, 2017
Game 3.

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Version played: Gamecube via Dolphin Emulator using the amazing Seamless HD Mod.


This is it. For a long while this used to be my all-time favorite RE game. And arguably the first RE game I *really* got into back when I first started the franchise. I was maybe 12 when this came out .. all things considered I played these games at way too early of an age.

This was the first RE game which only has one scenario and 2 endings with very minor modifications, thus making it the shortest RE game at the time of release. To make up for it, we got Operation Mad Jackal. An amazing side-game with high amounts of replay value and tons of fun to be had.

Nemesis introduced various forward thinking advancements to the franchise which various future games would fail to implement successfully eg a persistent 'chaser' enemy, being able to free-climb stairs rather than pressing a button, and a very wildly fluctuating dodging mechanic etc. To this day I cannot nail down a dodge 100% and in most cases it's a stroke of luck when I manage to hit one.

Nemesis was also the first game in the franchise to implement real-time decisions at various points in the game which have minor modifications to the active game play scenario you are in at the moment, and can even determine which ending you get near the end. Dubbed "Live Selection", it's a shame we haven't seen much of this in future games. Nemesis also had randomization for non-key items and enemy placement in various locations in the game. You may not find the same amount of herbs or ammo in a location in play through B that you found in play through A.

Another game play advancement Nemesis made was the inclusion of gun powder. The amount of ammo you find in the game itself is very limited, the game makes up for it by peppering gun powder and an ammo tool which can be used to make basic ammo or combined in various combinations to make different kind of ammo (and even enhanced ammo).

And in terms of it's greater place in the franchise, we've all heard the rumblings about how this was not supposed to be a numbered game, but I believe the opposite. This game marked the closure for the Raccoon City portion of the lore, it deserves a numbered spot. The game also advances the plot for most of the key characters in the franchise thanks to the Epilogue files you unlock by beating the game repeatedly. Yes, most of this info would have been great in the game itself as files or character conversations .. but you get what you get I suppose.

I'm sure I can write a lot more about the game, but to summarize below are my pros and cons:

- The "most" game play variety in the franchise so far.
- Jill's portrayal and performance was also some of the most solid character work in the franchise so far.
- Nicholai is a great villain and a suitable alternative to Wesker. It's a damn shame the franchise hasn't made up its mind about which ending is canon regarding him even now.
- Nemesis was a revelation. While not a completely original concept, Nemesis is one of the best implementation of a 'chaser' enemy even today.
- While the game isn't the longest, it has enough minor variances through out that you can easily warrant a few runs through the game just to see all available content (eg seeing Carlos with Murphy instead of Nicholai, or seeing Nicholai in the gas station instead of Carlos).

- Average game length, it's kinda small and if you know what you're doing, you can easily beat it in 2~3 hours max.
- Carlos is mostly a terrible character. Thankfully this was greatly remedied in the remake.
- That motherfucking water treatment puzzle. Fuck that piece of shit puzzle.
- As fearsome as Nemesis is, once you get a hang of his game play ticks, it is very easy to avoid/fight him even with a handgun (i-e always stay on his right hand side cause he only grabs Jill from the left hand)

Retrospective Score: 8/10

Final Verdict:
A great follow up to the sublime RE2. While it hasn't held up as well as RE2, it's still one of the best games of its kind and a must-play for anyone interested in the RE franchise.

And we got one of the coolest one-liners.

Next up ... Resident Evil Survivor .... oh boy I'm not anticipating this one.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
Game 3.

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Version played: Gamecube via Dolphin Emulator using the amazing Seamless HD Mod.


This is it. For a long while this used to be my all-time favorite RE game. And arguably the first RE game I *really* got into back when I first started the franchise. I was maybe 12 when this came out .. all things considered I played these games at way too early of an age.

This was the first RE game which only has one scenario and 2 endings with very minor modifications, thus making it the shortest RE game at the time of release. To make up for it, we got Operation Mad Jackal. An amazing side-game with high amounts of replay value and tons of fun to be had.

Nemesis introduced various forward thinking advancements to the franchise which various future games would fail to implement successfully eg a persistent 'chaser' enemy, being able to free-climb stairs rather than pressing a button, and a very wildly fluctuating dodging mechanic etc. To this day I cannot nail down a dodge 100% and in most cases it's a stroke of luck when I manage to hit one.

Nemesis was also the first game in the franchise to implement real-time decisions at various points in the game which have minor modifications to the active game play scenario you are in at the moment, and can even determine which ending you get near the end. Dubbed "Live Selection", it's a shame we haven't seen much of this in future games. Nemesis also had randomization for non-key items and enemy placement in various locations in the game. You may not find the same amount of herbs or ammo in a location in play through B that you found in play through A.

Another game play advancement Nemesis made was the inclusion of gun powder. The amount of ammo you find in the game itself is very limited, the game makes up for it by peppering gun powder and an ammo tool which can be used to make basic ammo or combined in various combinations to make different kind of ammo (and even enhanced ammo).

And in terms of it's greater place in the franchise, we've all heard the rumblings about how this was not supposed to be a numbered game, but I believe the opposite. This game marked the closure for the Raccoon City portion of the lore, it deserves a numbered spot. The game also advances the plot for most of the key characters in the franchise thanks to the Epilogue files you unlock by beating the game repeatedly. Yes, most of this info would have been great in the game itself as files or character conversations .. but you get what you get I suppose.

I'm sure I can write a lot more about the game, but to summarize below are my pros and cons:

- The "most" game play variety in the franchise so far.
- Jill's portrayal and performance was also some of the most solid character work in the franchise so far.
- Nicholai is a great villain and a suitable alternative to Wesker. It's a damn shame the franchise hasn't made up its mind about which ending is canon regarding him even now.
- Nemesis was a revelation. While not a completely original concept, Nemesis is one of the best implementation of a 'chaser' enemy even today.
- While the game isn't the longest, it has enough minor variances through out that you can easily warrant a few runs through the game just to see all available content (eg seeing Carlos with Murphy instead of Nicholai, or seeing Nicholai in the gas station instead of Carlos).

- Average game length, it's kinda small and if you know what you're doing, you can easily beat it in 2~3 hours max.
- Carlos is mostly a terrible character. Thankfully this was greatly remedied in the remake.
- That motherfucking water treatment puzzle. Fuck that piece of shit puzzle.
- As fearsome as Nemesis is, once you get a hang of his game play ticks, it is very easy to avoid/fight him even with a handgun (i-e always stay on his right hand side cause he only grabs Jill from the left hand)

Retrospective Score: 8/10

Final Verdict:
A great follow up to the sublime RE2. While it hasn't held up as well as RE2, it's still one of the best games of its kind and a must-play for anyone interested in the RE franchise.

And we got one of the coolest one-liners.

Next up ... Resident Evil Survivor .... oh boy I'm not anticipating this one.

You are blazing through these. I'm still on RE:DC Jill. Not sure I'll do a Chris at this point. You're leaving all of us behind.


Oct 27, 2017
You are blazing through these. I'm still on RE:DC Jill. Not sure I'll do a Chris at this point. You're leaving all of us behind.
Weekend helped. Next game is Survivor, another short one but probably not gonna get to finish it any time soon.

When I reach longer games like RE4 it's probably gonna take way longer. I wonder if I can get through the games before May.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
Weekend helped. Next game is Survivor, another short one but probably not gonna get to finish it any time soon.

When I reach longer games like RE4 it's probably gonna take way longer. I wonder if I can get through the games before May.
I'm worried about the longer games as well. The only one I know really well is remake 2 as I most recently got the plat. Well, I guess VII as well.

I'd like to get them all done by may but I know I won't. I'm still playing PS5 launch games and trying to get the plat in blasphemous.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread inspired me to finally replay RE4, which I astoundingly haven't played since Gamecube. I'm an Hour or two in, and hoooooly fuck are these controls hard to get used to Again. I never had trouble with this game, but the opening village section killed me like four times lol. Moving around effectively is tough, but even aiming is just a bastard, I would kill for some aiming sensitivity options in the options.

im still enjoying it, but its definitely not the return I expected. I replayed RE5 last year with a friend and didn't have issues to this degree at all.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
Yes and yes on both accounts.

Revelations 1 ends with a teaser for Chris and Jill's Lost in Nightmares mission and Revelations 2 ends with Claire calling someone and telling Pearce to look after Chris (Not sure if its set before Chris has his accident or after).

Playing RE2. Will post a similar post as RE1 hopefully tonight. Again, with prior knowledge and memory .. the older games are surprisingly quick to beat.
REV2 ending is right before Chris goes to China.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm currently playing through the main ones in release order, and I just got to Revelations. Unfortunately it's a real drag so far so I'm not sure if I should proceed or skip.

I believe Revelations was always a game that got by on the back of being a "proper console experience" on the 3DS, at a time when the 3DS and Vita seemingly (and mistakenly) needed to prove they could deliver those. It has a couple of cool moments and playing a third person RE game on the 3DS was cool at the time.

Being ported to non-handhelds exposed it a bit, I think. I'd definitely regard it bottom tier of the franchise and say you're not missing much if you were to quit now.


Oct 27, 2017
Ok, chandoog, you wrote nice words about RE3, so I still like you. The water treatment puzzle is great tho. Just pay attention to the empty spaces.

I've written a freaking guide for RE3 and I still get stumped by that puzzle every now and then lol.

That and the clock tower obsidian/crystal/amber balls puzzle.

I believe Revelations was always a game that got by on the back of being a "proper console experience" on the 3DS, at a time when the 3DS and Vita seemingly (and mistakenly) needed to prove they could deliver those. It has a couple of cool moments and playing a third person RE game on the 3DS was cool at the time.

Being ported to non-handhelds exposed it a bit, I think. I'd definitely regard it bottom tier of the franchise and say you're not missing much if you were to quit now.

My memory of Revelations is that it held up surprisingly well in the HD remaster, I wonder if it was just because I was getting to play it on a bigger screen with proper console controls and if it will live up to that scrutiny this time around.
Oct 28, 2017
I'd definitely regard it bottom tier of the franchise and say you're not missing much if you were to quit now.
Absolutely. The game is a slog and, except for the first few parts with Jill, I can't remember of a single chapter I enjoyed.
That and the clock tower obsidian/crystal/amber balls puzzle.
Ok, I'll agree with you on that one. I never memorized how much each ball adds or subtracts from the clock, and it ends up being much easier to just brute-force it. Stupid little puzzle...


Oct 27, 2017
Aaand I've already bounced off RE1.

Basically got to the snake fight, killed it and.... just turned it off.
Essentially, in paraphrasing Marie Kondo, shit just isn't "sparking joy" anymore and I'm not gonna play thru it yet again out of obligatory nostalgia.

...like, I'm not bitter or anything, I've just played this game sooo many damn times over the decades that I'm just kinda exhausted with it.

Anyway, onto RE2 at least!


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
Aaand I've already bounced off RE1.

Basically got to the snake fight, killed it and.... just turned it off.
Essentially, in paraphrasing Marie Kondo, shit just isn't "sparking joy" anymore and I'm not gonna play thru it yet again out of obligatory nostalgia.

...like, I'm not bitter or anything, I've just played this game sooo many damn times over the decades that I'm just kinda exhausted with it.

Anyway, onto RE2 at least!
Kinda in the same boat. I'm gonna finish my Jill playthrough and jump over to 2. Currently in the caves running from boulders.


Oct 27, 2017
Aaand I've already bounced off RE1.

Basically got to the snake fight, killed it and.... just turned it off.
Essentially, in paraphrasing Marie Kondo, shit just isn't "sparking joy" anymore and I'm not gonna play thru it yet again out of obligatory nostalgia.

...like, I'm not bitter or anything, I've just played this game sooo many damn times over the decades that I'm just kinda exhausted with it.

Anyway, onto RE2 at least!

N oooooo :(

RE1 is fairly short. Ah well, at least RE2 is a tremendous improvement in every way.

Should be posting a RE Survivor summary soon.
Resident Evil: Survivor


Oct 27, 2017
Alright, time to post an update. Beat RE: Survivor and I'm glad to be done with it.


Not gonna be a long post cause I don't really have a lot of positive thoughts on the game in the first place.

So, this is it. Not the ideal swan song for the franchise on the PS1, but ah well. Played the PSX version with a controller, no gun con support for the US release I guess (not that I would go out of my way to get one in the first place). This is a bad game, there's no two ways about it. A lot of reused assets from RE2 (guessing this was being developed simultaneously with Nemesis, which is why it doesn't use any assets from that game instead).

There are some pros about the game, namely some really good lore-building files. However since the game has come out, some things about them have been put into question. Namely, one of the files in the English localized versions is written by Nicholai from RE3 post Racoon nuking, however the original Japanese translation does not have that entry, so Nicholai's ultimate fate and which of the RE3 endings was canon is still in dispute.

That being said, here are some basic pros and cons in my experience.

- The game has some variety to the locations you can visit/revisit I guess. You have a choice between some locations which determine the antagonist you get.
- A good variety of weapons and enemies. Seemingly every BOW from the first two games is in here, including a bucket ton of Mr. X's.
- The game is mercifully short.
- There are glimpses of a game which could have been much better than it became. A whole another island effected by Umbrella's antics is a plot that could have been much more relevant in the time-frame this game came out in.

- Abhorrently insufferable voice acting.
- Despite coming out on the tail-end of the PS1, the game looks like something you'd have been in its first year.
- Game-play is serviceable at best.
- Absolutely no puzzles.

Retrospective score: 3/10

Final verdict: Just a terrible game, wasn't really that fun to revisit and I'm glad it ended quick. I did not want to replay to check the other paths.

Favorite character: Vincent's mother.



Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
Alright, time to post an update. Beat RE: Survivor and I'm glad to be done with it.


Not gonna be a long post cause I don't really have a lot of positive thoughts on the game in the first place.

So, this is it. Not the ideal swan song for the franchise on the PS1, but ah well. Played the PSX version with a controller, no gun con support for the US release I guess (not that I would go out of my way to get one in the first place). This is a bad game, there's no two ways about it. A lot of reused assets from RE2 (guessing this was being developed simultaneously with Nemesis, which is why it doesn't use any assets from that game instead).

There are some pros about the game, namely some really good lore-building files. However since the game has come out, some things about them have been put into question. Namely, one of the files in the English localized versions is written by Nicholai from RE3 post Racoon nuking, however the original Japanese translation does not have that entry, so Nicholai's ultimate fate and which of the RE3 endings was canon is still in dispute.

That being said, here are some basic pros and cons in my experience.

- The game has some variety to the locations you can visit/revisit I guess. You have a choice between some locations which determine the antagonist you get.
- A good variety of weapons and enemies. Seemingly every BOW from the first two games is in here, including a bucket ton of Mr. X's.
- The game is mercifully short.
- There are glimpses of a game which could have been much better than it became. A whole another island effected by Umbrella's antics is a plot that could have been much more relevant in the time-frame this game came out in.

- Abhorrently insufferable voice acting.
- Despite coming out on the tail-end of the PS1, the game looks like something you'd have been in its first year.
- Game-play is serviceable at best.
- Absolutely no puzzles.

Retrospective score: 3/10

Final verdict: Just a terrible game, wasn't really that fun to revisit and I'm glad it ended quick. I did not want to replay to check the other paths.

Favorite character: Vincent's mother.

I bought this game when it came out and I was super excited for it. RE was my all time favorite series back then and it could do no wrong in my eyes.

I played the game multiple times trying to convince myself it was good but at the end of the day I had to admit it wasn't. Guncon support would help, but probably not by much. Trying to buy a physical copy off Facebook but the seller is being sketchy so we'll see what happens.

on a side note, I've just gotten the wolf and eagle medallions in RE:DC so hopefully I'll have moved onto 2 by the end of the weekend.