Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
So I ended up doing my replay of the classic 1-3 early this year, so not really following along per say and don't see myself replaying all the RE titles before Village, because like goddamn...just goddamn, but I actually did something a little different with the first game. I usually do the PS1 Classics on my Vita when I do them, which I did with RE2 and 3 per usual, but dug out my copy of Deadly Silence on DS for the first game to play through it.

I had forgotten how much I enjoyed that version of the game. It has a lot of QoL improvements over all the other releases like skipping cutscenes and door transitions, subtitles and quick turn, and even though I generally am not a big fan of the gimmicky stuff, I actually found the knife game thing kind of fun and all the remixed enemies is a nice change of pace. But you can also just straight up do the classic mode too that has all that QoL but none of the gimmick stuff.

Outside not having Battle Game, it's basically the definitive version of that game. I remember hoping they'd do a DS version in that vein for 2 and 3 as well, but never did. The Remake just overshadows it so much, too, it never gets talked about. Which I understand in some ways, and I love REMake, but there's something charming about the rough edges of the original and I still think it's quite good to go back to even if there's a very distinct prototype feel to it.
Oct 27, 2017
I replayed 3 last week and I still love it so much. Such a great game.
So I ended up doing my replay of the classic 1-3 early this year, so not really following along per say and don't see myself replaying all the RE titles before Village, because like goddamn...just goddamn, but I actually did something a little different with the first game. I usually do the PS1 Classics on my Vita when I do them, which I did with RE2 and 3 per usual, but dug out my copy of Deadly Silence on DS for the first game to play through it.

I had forgotten how much I enjoyed that version of the game. It has a lot of QoL improvements over all the other releases like skipping cutscenes and door transitions, subtitles and quick turn, and even though I generally am not a big fan of the gimmicky stuff, I actually found the knife game thing kind of fun and all the remixed enemies is a nice change of pace. But you can also just straight up do the classic mode too that has all that QoL but none of the gimmick stuff.

Outside not having Battle Game, it's basically the definitive version of that game. I remember hoping they'd do a DS version in that vein for 2 and 3 as well, but never did. The Remake just overshadows it so much, too, it never gets talked about. Which I understand in some ways, and I love REMake, but there's something charming about the rough edges of the original and I still think it's quite good to go back to even if there's a very distinct prototype feel to it.
Yeah Deadly Silence was such a great version of RE1. I find it even more fun than the remake (which is crazy I know). I hope Capcom rereleases this version one day.


Oct 27, 2017
Started Code: Veronica and at some point in the prison area.

Oh man, this game has definitely not aged well. The PS3/360 'remaster' adds new lighting with somewhat mitigates it but in numerous areas, Code Veronica feels like a step backwards even compared to Nemesis.

No free climbing stairs, backtracking up the ass, those bullshit 30 second long 'tension' building slow door animations, and despite the new lighting, the environments look very dull and drab ... that's early 3D for you I guess.

And holy fucking shit, Steve is the worst character in any game ever.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
finally finished RE: DC Jill. Took me over 9 hours and 25 saves lol. Moving on to 2 but might come back for Chris later, I'll use a guide if I do though. Also needed a break from Immortals: Fenix Rising so I'm kinda cheating and playing R3make as well.



Imgur: The magic of the Internet


Oct 27, 2017
Resident Evil 7 was my first one. I liked it, the enemies were too spongee to me. Since the first one is now in gwg, is it worth it ?


Mar 12, 2020
I'm tempted by a REmake 1 2 and 3 run again... I can't stand 4 5 and 6 so will just do the trilogy I think 🤔🤔🤔


Oct 27, 2017
Resident Evil 7 was my first one. I liked it, the enemies were too spongee to me. Since the first one is now in gwg, is it worth it ?
Yes. Absolutely. No harm in giving it a go since it's available for free for GWG.

Be forewarned it is a completely different experience compared to RE7.
Game 5: Code Veronica X


Oct 27, 2017

Game 5. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
Version played: PS3 HD Remaster


So, here we are. The first Resident Evil game on a new generation. Originally released on the Dreamcast, later getting an expanded re-release on the PS2 .. which is the version all future releases have been based on. The PS3/360 got a decent remaster which upgraded the lighting engine using MT Framework, making it much better visually but with the added side effect of making everything much much darker. Oh, they also did a really bad job cropping the FMVs to 16 : 9 ... so I'd say it's probably a better option sticking to the PS2 or Gamecube version.

That being said, Code Veronica used to be a game I held in very high regards, as I played this game the first time I was getting into my teens and was had a RE fever. Not to say I hate the game or anything now, however I will say this game has aged terribly and is now placed in the lower echelon of the RE rankings.

Being the first game with fully 3D graphics, it's kinda understandable why it hasn't aged well. This is early console 3D, which misses out on a lot of bespoke detail lovingly added in the pre-rendered backgrounds. Sure you can increase the resolution via emulation, but it just highlights the early 3D textures even more.

On top of that, for some reason or another, Code: Veronica lacks various game play enhancements added in RE3. For example, you cannot free climb stairs anymore, character animations (outside of cut-scenes) are more rigid and the characters don't feel as agile and nimble to control as Jill Valentine did.

Another key negative is backtracking. At the time of release, Code: Veronica was by far the biggest campaign of any RE game, however a certain part of it was due to multiple instances of forced backtracking.

Moving on from the negatives, the game also did various things really well. For example, the story is now beyond the Raccoon City arc and various plot points for the future of the franchise are set in stone here. The added Wesker scenes for the X version set him up as a recurring villain for the franchise, despite the fact that his sudden revival was received mixed by the fanbase at the time of release.

Replaying this game in 2021 felt like a chore to be honest. At multiple points I genuinely considered just youtubing the cut-scenes instead. To summarize, the game may be a great representation of classic RE, but it has not aged well.

Retrospective score: 6.5/10

Last edited:


Jan 2, 2020
I am replaying 6 right now and so far it is better than remembered. I enjoyed it when it came out and didn't hate it like a lot of people. Gonna clean up 5 with a friend after and then replay 7 before village comes out as I pre-ordered it already.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
Meanwhile I'm at the end of 2: Leon A. Probably finish it tonight or tomorrow. Not sure I'll play Claire, probably move onto 3.


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
New to the series and just starting RE2make.

Not gonna play the whole list, but intend to get stuck in to a fair few.

Mary Celeste

Oct 25, 2017
Finished 4 and 7 so far, in the middle of both 5 and REmake rn. Will play 2 and 3 remake next. Pretty sure I won't play 6


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017


Jun 12, 2019
I did the babytrip, skipping 5 and 6.
Remake 1
Remake 2
Remake 3
will probably do 4 in march (on GC probably), Cv in april (if my DC still works that is)
Oct 28, 2017
Finished Jill's Arranged campaign in RE Director's Cut and Leon A/Claire B in RE2.

I played Jill's campaign on Arranged on purpose. I know her Standard campaign like the back of my hand, so playing its Arranged version switched things up enough to bring this RTTP closer to something like a first playthrough.

Having not played this game in many years, I had forgotten how bad the dialogue is. There are so many lines that don't make a lot of sense, and others that sound like they were lifted from movies and forced into the script without much regard for flow or context. The soundtrack was kinda forgettable as well, it really isn't much better than the DualShock version.

I was also surprised by how well this game aged gameplay-wise. The controls are extremely responsive, characters run fast and turn at a perfect speed. Combat is okay, except when fighting crows, which are borderline impossible to hit compared to later games. Puzzles are decent and pleasantly varied, from pushing boxes to using basic logic to doing simple math by combining chemicals, all good stuff.

Leon A/Claire B was sort of a bummer, to be honest. Leon's arsenal is blatantly superior to Claire's, and the B scenario has much harder encounters overall. I also think it makes more sense for Birkin to show up more frequently on Claire's campaign, and for Mr. X to be more prominent on Leon's, for the sake of balance.

All the compliments I made to the first game can be applied to this one as well, except for one factor: the puzzles. These have been so streamlined it hurts, with most puzzles in the game consisting of just using placing some items in some slots (red jewels, Leon's plugs, Claire's tablets, wolf and eagle medals), or using either one or a combination of two items in a specifc area (lighter, crank, valve handle, golden cogwheel, fuse case, main fuse), the few exceptions being two instances of box pushing, the precint B1 power room switches, and the library's bookcases. I also disliked the sections in which you play as both Ada and Sherry in the RPD, despite how short they were, as I felt they don't add anything to the plot other than forcing each character to separate from the character they were with (their second sections were more important; still boring, but at least they had more plot significance).

But the soundtrack, oh boy. This game's and RE3's soundtracks are what I think of when I hear or read "Resident Evil". So many memorable, excellent tracks that really help setting the mood the game's going for. Whether it's a boss fight, tense exploration or a heartfelt moment, the soundtrack will have just the right song for the moment.

Before moving on to RE3, I decided to play Chris's Standard campaign in RE Director's Cut and Claire A/Leon B in RE2. Given the pace things have been going, I don't think I'll be able to go through the list I made earlier in the thread, so I'll most likely skip some spin-offs, maybe even some mainline titles as well. I also hope our good OP hasn't given up on his journey.

See ya whenever I finish RE3!


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
Bumping cause I'm still at this. Stuck on 3 so I haven't gotten very far but man,nemesis is so much more stressful than I remember: I mean, I haven't played the game since launch but he is so aggressive. It's bumming me out and I'm playing on easy. Not sure I'll get through this.

by the way OP, if you read this I think I'm using your walkthrough.