Oct 27, 2017
Looks like all he did was crop out the edges. This is a non-story, especially when you consider the cropped photo is the one that's used in the infamous comparison shot with the Obama inauguration.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks like all he did was crop out the edges. This is a non-story, especially when you consider the cropped photo is the one that's used in the infamous comparison shot with the Obama inauguration.

Not really. Especially when you have officials actually involved with this. And its documented.

Read the article, this is a bit misleading.

Maybe about the part where it says he intervened.

But the question remains....why not just go with the orig photo....

And what made him accept this altered one and go with biggest inauguration crowd ever.

Someone knew and lied. That Trump was upset about the orig photo, accepted the altered one and went with the biggest inauguration crowd ever says something.

That he saw the orig photo, and was upset comparing it to Obama's, he's not completely off the hook on this.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 27, 2017
Louisville, KY
Looks like all he did was crop out the edges. This is a non-story, especially when you consider the cropped photo is the one that's used in the infamous comparison shot with the Obama inauguration.
The story, IMO, is that Trump personally asked for the photos to be cropped so that he could more easily lie to people about it.


Oct 27, 2017
That he saw the orig photo, and was upset comparing it to Obama's, he's not completely off the hook on this.

I'm not saying they're off the hook, they lied about it and we all know this.

I'm just saying read the article because the title is not accurate.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not saying they're off the hook, they lied about it and we all know this.

I'm just saying read the article because the title is not accurate.
I agree.

Right now it's the people from National Park Services word vs. Trump and WH staff word. Right now...that doesn't favor Trump n Co. Once Trump made the call and didn't like the photos, that's what got the ball rolling.

In the end, he shouldn't have worried about it. This also shows again just how obsessed he is with Obama.


Oct 25, 2017
They had to mirror the crowd because using content-aware fill just painted Nazis and KKK members everywhere in the crowd.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I keep waiting for myself to stop being embarrassed and surprised by how ignorant and petty Trump is but it just keeps happening.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks like all he did was crop out the edges. This is a non-story, especially when you consider the cropped photo is the one that's used in the infamous comparison shot with the Obama inauguration.
Lol, one of the first things the President of the United States personally saw to was the editing of a photograph to comfort his damaged ego, and you think this is a "non-story"?


Oct 28, 2017

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Looks like all he did was crop out the edges. This is a non-story, especially when you consider the cropped photo is the one that's used in the infamous comparison shot with the Obama inauguration.

They cropped a photo and claimed it was the largest inauguration ever. Yeah in the grand scheme of things it's a non-story because of this absurd fucking administration but people should be made aware.


Oct 27, 2017
Surely its just easier to question what he has said that's true. Because I very much doubt it's a lot.

Just assume everything he says/does is a lie.

What a joke of a leader. Public embarrassment on the largest stage...

ps3ud0 8)
Oct 27, 2017
Lol, one of the first things the President of the United States personally saw to was the editing of a photograph to comfort his damaged ego, and you think this is a "non-story"?

Yes. They are trying to turn a small story into a big one. This is a small, small story for Trump.

Cropping is an intentional edit of a photo that requires no editing
Judging from some people's initial takeaways, the article title implied much more involved editing than cropping.


Nov 6, 2017
It's still amazing that this issue was so important as to make his press secretary into complete laughing stock by having him cry about it on national television.
The perfect start to the Trump presidency: Stupid, petty, compulsively lying and antithetical to common decency.

No kidding, I was floored when that happened. When the statement to be made was some petty shit about how big the crowds are.

God, fuck this guy. This country has failed if it doesn't clean up its own loose turd.


Oct 30, 2017
Not surprising at all, but should we really even be giving the time of day to this dickhead's incessant focus on his own ego? Shouldn't we be focused on his literal crimes against his own country and against humanity?

Actually... Yeah on second thought let's keep damaging that ego. I want to see him suffer.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Finally reading this.....

Here's the thing. This article doesn't say Trump specifically said crop the photos.

But..if he didn't like the unedited photos, what else could be done to make him happy?

In the end he accepted the cropped photos, it appeased his dumb ass ego.

What can't be passed off is the White House staff involved with this knew. I believe someone saw all the photos, took the one that looked the best, then said it was the biggest inauguration crowd ever.

Knowing that it wasn't. Did Trump give the final go ahead after looking at all the photos? Don't know.

But....why the fuck...would you even care about this? All this for a crowd that was smaller than Obama's?

Context would tell you Obama's was gonna be bigger regardless. It was a historic event.

Trump's ego is gonna be his down fall.
Trump hates Obama, it's been known and his term as president has had a lot to do with trying to kill his legacy

I have to hope that someday soon Trump is under oath and every stupid meaningless thing he's lied about gets brought up against him.
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