Oct 28, 2017
I Can´t believe they recycled the plot of the first one.

MR. Incredible and Elastigirl are both hired by rich people who turned out to be the bad guys. Incredibles 2 there are 2 rich siblings one of which is evil. It´s just a focus shift from Mr. Incredible to Elastigirl. The best addition in this movie is Jack Jack´s growing powers.

Violet´s plot is to still get a date with Tony.
i am just disappointed that after 14 years they could not make original plot without recycling the first movie.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Madrid, Spain
While the kids don't really have a character arc in this one I liked it a lot and I'd say it is a decent sequel to an excelent movie. It looks completely gorgeous too, specially with Frozone's and Void's powers. Honestly, the only things I wasn't crazy about were how obnoxiously loud the music can get, and that there was too many jack-jack scenes.


Oct 26, 2017
Plot-wise it's weak, but I'm always surprised people expected extended universe stuff for The Incredibles, and some continuing plotlines. Character-wise it's great. I think its a really great animated film, and has so much fun with the elements of an animated film. I think its honestly the best animated film since Toy Story 3.


Oct 27, 2017
It felt like a direct-to-video sequel, or an episode in a hypothetical TV show. Kind of flat compared to the definitiveness of the original.


Oct 31, 2017
Literally within seconds of the surprise female woman appearing on screen I turned to my friend and called that she was going to be the twist villain.

With Mrs. Incredible taking center stage the main villian was obviously going to be a female to get that Kim Possible vibe of two smart, powerful women going at it. (I have no idea how to word that without sounding weird).


Oct 27, 2017
I really enjoyed it. It took a much more comedic tone than the first one and the action set pieces were phenomenal.


Oct 31, 2017
I think it's quite good considering it was rushed through production and they had to cut a lot of stuff out just to get the movie done on time.

Do you have a source for that? Because Bird said that he had ideas of the sequel back in 2007 and Disney announced the Incredibles 2 in 2014. They had no issues during production.


Jul 30, 2018
I don't even remember the plot of the 1st movie and I doubt any casual movie watcher would either.
14 years is a pretty damn long time.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
Was entertaining enough but disappointing if you were expecting something great. The Jack Jack humour was way overused.


Actual Brazilian
Oct 24, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
I was insanely disappointed by it. In terms of its script, it felt like a sequel that they could've come up with minutes after wrapping up the original, like in a 1990s direct-to-VHS Disney sequel kind of way. It did not feel like something you'd expect from such a late franchise revival.

I guess the bike sequence with Elastigirl was pretty cool, and the baby x squirrel fight was funny. The rest, though, I can barely remember.

And there's also that one scene in the "villain"'s hideout that I still can't believe made it into the film. That was harder on my eyes than anything from the banned Pokémon episode.


Oct 27, 2017
Do you have a source for that? Because Bird said that he had ideas of the sequel back in 2007 and Disney announced the Incredibles 2 in 2014. They had no issues during production.
Bird said the constraints helped but the film lost a year. It was supposed to come out in 2019 but took Toy Story 4's release date when that film ran into trouble.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
The only thing I didn't like were the new superheroes. They seemed wholly uncharismatic for the sake of... I dunno, half-hearted humor?

The rest was a blast, and I appreciated the number of scenes focusing on their family dynamic.

Do you have a source for that? Because Bird said that he had ideas of the sequel back in 2007 and Disney announced the Incredibles 2 in 2014. They had no issues during production.

Toy Story 4 and The Incredibles 2 got their releases swapped. That's a full year.


Oct 28, 2017
It is visually quite spectacular and I'm glad they made the focus on Elastagirl. The whole plot was really weak and a rehash of the original, the villain was super obvious, and they really screwed over Dash. I think they would have benefited from not continuing right after the first movie. I still really enjoyed it though.


Oct 25, 2017
Literally within seconds of the surprise female woman appearing on screen I turned to my friend and called that she was going to be the twist villain.

With Mrs. Incredible taking center stage the main villian was obviously going to be a female to get that Kim Possible vibe of two smart, powerful women going at it. (I have no idea how to word that without sounding weird).
Given that her name was basically Evil Endeavor (Evelyn Deavor), it hardly a twist either.


Oct 25, 2017
Is the plot as tight and purposeful as the 1st? No. Is it the best directed superhero movie in several years? Unquestionably. It's a good time even if the movie feels like it doesn't have much to say.
Do you have a source for that? Because Bird said that he had ideas of the sequel back in 2007 and Disney announced the Incredibles 2 in 2014. They had no issues during production.


Oct 31, 2017
Toy Story 4 and The Incredibles 2 got their releases swapped. That's a full year.

Doesn't necessarily mean that the film was rushed for quality. They still have from 2015-2018 to make the film. It's typical for Disney's films to have that production schedule. It wasn't something like Emperor's New Groove that shifted from drama musical to comedy non-musical midway through development.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
It felt like a direct-to-video sequel, or an episode in a hypothetical TV show. Kind of flat compared to the definitiveness of the original.
I would take any direct to video sequel that featured the spectacular visuals and creative action set-pieces in the Incredibles 2. I do agree with some of the plot related complaints in this thread, especially when it comes to the villain, but Brad Bird is still the GOAT when it comes to directing animation.


Oct 26, 2017
But the plot was recycled. Did that not bother you?

I thought the stuff with Violet was so good, and reminded me of my sister a lot growing up. The use of powers to eat ice cream, the embarrassment at the diner. Jack Jack and his powers were great. Bob being grinded down is extremely well done. I thought it was really smart when the kids were nearly abducted, and that the movie is handed over to them, once the adults were all put under. It's a really cool way to emphasize it as a kids film, as a 10-year old me would have been jazzed.

In some ways it reminded me of influences of a Goofy movie in father/child relationships, The Simpsons (Homer Alone), and Batman TAS in the Elastagirl helicopter scenes. I like that the movie is domestic, and not overcooked. Elastagirl's plot was certainly the weakest part though, and the movie for me is well less interesting once the domestic plot is over.

I don't think The Incredibles was begging for a sequel as much as people thought, and I'm not sure of the movie they were expecting. To me it's pulled off as well as I could of hoped for an Incredibles sequel, and sits head and shoulders above "Monster's University" or "Finding Dory". It sits as the only true sequel Pixar's made since Toy Story 3. Which is a really hard thing to pull off


One Winged Slayer
May 7, 2018
Really disliked it. I did like the scene with ominous monologue of the villain and elastigirl doing her thing, swinging through the cityscape. If it wasn't a kids movie, that could've been an amazing lead up to an insane and scary plot twist. But it was still the most memorable moment of the movie for me.

The villain just wasn't interesting at all compared to Syndrome who I really sympathized with. And the action set pieces outside the bike and train scene came nowhere close to the first ones best moments.

I did like Bob Odenkirk's character and am glad they didn't make it TOO predictable and derivative by making him the villain as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't remember the exact quote but Brad Bird said in an interview that it was important for the movie to feel real and dangerous in terms of the action that's happening on screen. Remember when Void was visibly struggling to time her portals?And like...that little moment when Elastigirl is riding her motorcycle, trying to catch up with the train and she fucks up by bumping into a car. That entire sequence feels like DANGER in a way that a lot of other action movies just don't.

The action in this movie is just much better than the 1st.

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
I wanted more action than the first and I got it. Couldn't care less about the plot in either movie. I watch these for the action.


Oct 31, 2017
Every action scene was literally "big object going to smash into thing. We just stop it"

Oh no the drill is going to hit the building.

Oh no the train is going to fly off the track and hit the people below.

Oh no the ship is going to run onto land and hit more buildings.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Madrid, Spain
Every action scene was literally "big object going to smash into thing. We just stop it"

Oh no the drill is going to hit the building.

Oh no the train is going to fly off the track and hit the people below.

Oh no the ship is going to run onto land and hit more buildings.

That's just disingenuous and ignoring some of the best fights, like against the enslaved heroes. Its as if you described every action scene in Jurassic Park as "people running away from a dinosaur"


Oct 31, 2017
That's just disingenuous and ignoring some of the best fights, like against the enslaved heroes. Its as if you described every action scene in Jurassic Park as "people running away from a dinosaur"

Fighting against the enslaved heroes was not one of the showstopper action scenes. It was the drill, train, and boat. All which followed a very similar set up.


The Fallen
Nov 9, 2017
Denver/Aurora, CO
Yeah...I was also pretty let down, I remember loving the first one, but this one really seemed by the numbers and way too safe imo. I was also seriously annoyed by Mrs Incredibles voice this time around, to the point that it ruined any scene she was in.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
Just a note, it seems like the Dimension Gate powers is always used for someone in a superhero group movie like this one, huh, hahaha.

Well, I like it more than the 1st one, the action can be breath-taking at times, although yeaa the later part of the movie is kind of weak. I don't like how the public would just handwave the broadcast of them being brainwashed so easily, it seems like... lazy writing?


Oct 25, 2017
Compare to the first one, it falls short at 3rd act, drags too long and not very interesting. But still is the best action movie of the summet.Comedy on point too, everything involve JackJack is top notch.
Oct 25, 2017
I really hated this movie. Seems like so many of the plots were half baked.

And also Mr Incredible is a piece of shit with the most fragile masculinity I've ever seen and he does the absolute least as a father and yet the film politely pats him on the head like "there there big guy, even though you literally left your baby at some tailor's house because you can't handle simple shit"


Oct 27, 2017
It's miles better than the mediocre first movie.
I never understood why people liked the first one.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a fun film, but it's certainly a little disappointing and not up to the insanely high quality of Bird's other animated films.

Fridge Freezer

Alt Account
Jul 21, 2018
I was disappointed. It was just average. Nothing really worked for me or got me as excited as the first. The ship as the climax was so fucking dull.

The dad looks after baby stuff was fairly by the numbers. There wasnt much to like in tbe whole film for me except it looked good.


Oct 27, 2017
I was underwhelmed, and the recycled plot was a big part of it.

It was strange to me that the film picks up just about where the first leaves off. I think it would've been more interesting if several years had gone by, which would've allowed them to do some different stuff with the characters. It still has some top notch kinetic action scenes that put just about every other super hero movie to shame. Any scene with Void was some mindbending fun.