
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't really care for the first one all that much to begin with, but yeah, I thought Incredibles 2 was pretty bad. Obvious "twist," muddled message, pretty lackluster story, boring action, the tone felt off... just wasn't really into it in any way. Even my kid didn't really like it.


Nov 5, 2017
I enjoyed it but it definitely seemed like something that could have been released a few years after the original.
Expected more after the long wait.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Every action scene was literally "big object going to smash into thing. We just stop it"

Oh no the drill is going to hit the building.

Oh no the train is going to fly off the track and hit the people below.

Oh no the ship is going to run onto land and hit more buildings.

I remember having this exact same thought when leaving the theater. "Man, I would have liked any other sort of escalating situation other than something is going to crash."

Maurice Hamblin

User Requested Ban
Apr 6, 2018
I really hate the whole "This movie is for children" argument. It's flawed on so many levels.

1. This movie was NOT made EXCLUSIVELY for children. It was made for all audiences including, but not limited, to children. They kept people who saw the first movie in mind when they made this and those people would've grown up to be teens/adults by the time the sequel came out. And the first movie dealt with infidelity, suicide, and mid-life crises. The movie is rated PG which means parents are more than likely going to watch this with their kids. Parents deserve to not be subjected to mindnumbing media just like kids.
2. Even if it were made for children, we should still expect effort to be put into the media that our children consume. Not everything is going to meet that expectation but I would prefer kids watching something that makes them think rather than something that just entertains them. Being funny and being thoughtful are not mutually exclusive.
3. Being created for children is not an excuse for being uncreative and repeating the same ideas. Children can notice that more than you would think. They get bored and move on to the next thing that is more interesting. Especially in this day and age where they have access to way more options of ways to spend their time or things to watch.

Children deserve better than just the table scraps of leftover plots and ideas and lack of creativity. And so do the rest of us.

You're complaining about a plot-line where the good guy ends up not being good but is actually the bad guy. This is the plot-line of every action movie in existence pretty much. Calling out this movie for a "copy-paste" plot-line while championing the first is odd to me.

Even more odd when we're talking about a movie for children.

Maybe you simply outgrew this series and it's manifesting itself with this attempt at "discussion". There are better ways to direct your energy.

Goodbye I love you.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was going to be ass, ironically I feel like one of the only people that thoroughly enjoyed it and was satisfied.

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
I actually really enjoyed it, especially the scenes where me incredible is trying to be a supportive stay at home dad.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
It certainly didn't live up to the first one, but I still enjoyed it.


May 23, 2018
I actually really enjoyed it, especially the scenes where me incredible is trying to be a supportive stay at home dad.

While I did enjoy those dad scenes, it's like holding back a powerful force that you want to see and don't get too. I felt the same with Infinity War and Hulk. Not getting to see them do much is very disappointing.


One Winged Slayer
May 7, 2018
On a more positive note: I remember laughing reeeally hard at the scene where Dash destroys the house with the remote control and water features.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
It was fun. I never thought the Incredibles was high art like Wall-E or Rat, though. It's superheroes.


May 26, 2018
I thought parts of it were really great. The ScreenSlaver's monologue and subsequent fight against Elastigirl were really cool. As always, the family stuff is the best — I especially loved getting some interaction between Violet and Bob, since they didn't get much in the first one. The action scenes were great too.

Other aspects were disappointing though. I didn't really mind the plot, but I didn't like how the characters felt like they didn't progress much/didn't have as much to do. Like this was supposed to be Elastigirl's movie, but it doesn't feel like she's changed much by the end (as opposed to Mr. Incredible's arc in the last one, which was really well done).

Mr. Incredible's arc in this feels like it never goes anywhere (his jealousy towards his wife's superhero success just kind of goes away). Violet gets to do more, but what she goes through here feels too similar to the last one (wanting to be normal, hating how her powers affect her personal life, but accepting it by the end). Poor Dash had nothing to do in this one. And JackJack is fun but the antics with his powers got old after a while.

It was a fun movie, but definitely not on par with Incredibles 1 (which is my favorite Pixar film).


Oct 25, 2017
I can kind of cut them some slack considering a full year was slashed off their development time cause Lasseter couldn't keep his hands to himself.

The plot was eh but the the movie was a ton of fun. Hoping for a third.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
Watched this last week and was surprised on how much I loved. Action scenes were amazing (far better than in the first one) and the music was just as good.


Oct 25, 2017
My only disappointment was that Dash didn't run on water, even though the climax of the movie takes place on AN ENTIRE OCEAN


Oct 27, 2017
I finally saw this film yesterday.

I found the plots super weak but the film was highly entertaining all the same. The villain's motivations were very weak and hardly convincing. It made for a less compelling finale.


They gave Elastigirl huge boobs, right? Her boobs are so big that you can see both of them from behind her back.

I don't know why but her bust and butt seemed more accentuated in this film. I swear I saw breast physics. It's not something I noticed in the first.
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2017
Incredibly disappointing. I remember Brad Bird said something like "I'm not making Incredibles 2 unless there's a story to tell." Was this it? Because it looked like a dollar signs in your eyes kind of movie.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't really care for the first one all that much to begin with, but yeah, I thought Incredibles 2 was pretty bad. Obvious "twist," muddled message, pretty lackluster story, boring action, the tone felt off... just wasn't really into it in any way. Even my kid didn't really like it.

I completely agree with you, i went in without knowing anything about it besides the mom doing the job and the dad taking care of the kids and maaaaaaaaan, when it ended i was like "it's that it?".

That's why now I'm not hyped at all about Toy Story 4.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's lesser Brad Bird for sure. Another totally okay yet forgettable Pixar movie to add to the pile.

It's a shame Bird didn't have the balls to set this movie several years after the first one. We just ended up with a whole of recycling.


Oct 25, 2017
It was one of my most awaited sequels ever, and it under delivered in a big way imo.
The Jack Jack scenes were funny ... I guess, and I liked Voyd.
It was also painfully obvious at the end they were setting up in-universe sequels either as movies or tv series (or both).


Oct 31, 2017
Equal to the original if not better due to the themes it covers.

What themes did it cover? There was 'screens are bad', which was pretty feebly handled and kind of an odd choice since the movie takes place in the 50's or whatever.

There were two weak ass character arcs; mom worrying too much about the family, and Violet not doing what she's told or something? To be honest I don't even remember.


Jan 17, 2018
I thought it was very much in line with the original. It's not the best Brad Bird, but that can be said about his entire career post Iron Giant.


Oct 26, 2017
My son loves it. He watches it once a day.

Don't know which I like better, the first or 2nd one, but I find both pretty enjoyable.
Oct 28, 2017
I was thoroughly entertained even with it's obvious villain. That shit was a most excellent movie. Jack Jack vs. Raccoon was awesome. I don't know if is as good as the first one but what is? Violet fought a chick with Portal Powers, Frozone went full on Bobby Drake.

Shit was dope man.


Oct 29, 2017
I Can´t believe they recycled the plot of the first one.

MR. Incredible and Elastigirl are both hired by rich people who turned out to be the bad guys. Incredibles 2 there are 2 rich siblings one of which is evil. It´s just a focus shift from Mr. Incredible to Elastigirl. The best addition in this movie is Jack Jack´s growing powers.

Violet´s plot is to still get a date with Tony.
i am just disappointed that after 14 years they could not make original plot without recycling the first movie.
Thank you! My exact problem with it. If the first film didn't exist, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But after almost 15 years the best they could do was the first one only switching parents? The animation is stellar, and it's still funny, and the family dynamic is still great. But the plot is super predictable and lazy as hell.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I was really excited when it was announced, and then when it actually came out, I realized I didn't want to see it, because I felt like there was no way I could watch it and not be disappointed, since I loved the original so much.
My wife made me sit down last week and watch it, and I loved it. More than the first one, actually.

The one thing that bugs me is how often the Incredible family goes, "Jack-Jack has POWERS?" Guys, you ALL SAW HIM USE THOSE POWERS AT THE END OF THE FIRST MOVIE WHEN SYNDROME TOOK HIM. WHY IS THIS NEWS.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was solid sequel, with phenomenally framed actions shots. How it did that well at the box office, I don't understand.


Oct 25, 2017
I was really excited when it was announced, and then when it actually came out, I realized I didn't want to see it, because I felt like there was no way I could watch it and not be disappointed, since I loved the original so much.
My wife made me sit down last week and watch it, and I loved it. More than the first one, actually.

The one thing that bugs me is how often the Incredible family goes, "Jack-Jack has POWERS?" Guys, you ALL SAW HIM USE THOSE POWERS AT THE END OF THE FIRST MOVIE WHEN SYNDROME TOOK HIM. WHY IS THIS NEWS.
They did? I thought it was only the babysitter who knew of it. When Jack Jack is using his powers while Syndrome takes him away, the family was too far to see anything. I just checked the scene and Helen says "something's happening. what's happening? And then Jack Jack returns to normal by the time she gets close to him.


Oct 27, 2017
How anyone can give this movie a passing grade when it reused the plot of the first blows my mind. You'd think after the events of the first movie the characters would be at least a little skeptical of someone hiring them like this to fight crime. But nope, all in, no questions asked more or less.

The only thing the movie has going for it are the visuals, as the audio is also not mixed very well. I loved the first movie but was super disappointed with this one.


Oct 25, 2017
Just watched it again since theatres and I agree. Very forgettable. I still enjoyed it, but after the long wait I felt it could've been so much more


Oct 25, 2017
I was really excited when it was announced, and then when it actually came out, I realized I didn't want to see it, because I felt like there was no way I could watch it and not be disappointed, since I loved the original so much.
My wife made me sit down last week and watch it, and I loved it. More than the first one, actually.

The one thing that bugs me is how often the Incredible family goes, "Jack-Jack has POWERS?" Guys, you ALL SAW HIM USE THOSE POWERS AT THE END OF THE FIRST MOVIE WHEN SYNDROME TOOK HIM. WHY IS THIS NEWS.

He was high up in the sky and all they all saw was Syndrome fly crazy and into a jet