
Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
My kids have spent the better part of the last few years totally engrossed with their Kinect games more than anything else released before or after them. They play a lot of Minecraft, as well, and got into Skylanders pretty hard when they were the big thing, but I would be willing to bet, even with a library of a hundred games or so at their disposal, they play Kinect games 70% of the time. Bowling, tennis, baseball, boxing, track and field, and so on. My 9, 6, and 4 year olds all love to play the Kinect. As a parent, I don't mind them playing as much, since they are sitting around vegetating like on other games. When I play with them, I am usually sweating by the end of it, as many of the games require a ton of movement, including running and jumping in place, and so on.

It's a shame that most of the developers who made games specifically for the Kinect or with it in mind didn't know what the hell they were doing.

Similar to how Nintendo made Wii Sports just "click" with people young and old alike, few other developers could replicate the gameplay and ultimate usability of the nunchuk and wii mote in such a seamless way. Most games either sucked and weren't fun because the controls sucked, or they got in the way of the gameplay, rather than adding to it.

With the Kinect, it was the same. Kinect Sports Season 1 and 2 on Xbox 360 were pretty brilliant and very intuitive to play. They're not perfect in the same way that Wii Sports wasn't perfect, but their replayability and fun factor are incredible because each of the mini games just works intuitively with few drawbacks. Kinect Adventures, Kinectimals, and a few others really understand that the game just needs to be fun. Movement controls, if implemented, need to be tight and fairly accurate.

Most developers who tried to tackle the hardware on the 360 sucked at it, and with the ax dropping on the much more advanced XBox One Kinect so quickly into its lifecycle, we never really got to see all the creative ways that developers could have incorporated the peripheral into their games.

I know you can still buy a Kinect, but with the Xbox One S and Xbox One X needing a discontinued adapter to use it, and with it being extremely expensive, we have pretty much seen the end of any Kinect development, unfortunately.

We even had a developer on here (or was it the old place? Can't remember) make a very well-rated Kinect game for the XBO: FRU (I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but will soon)

What say you ERA? I know many of you hated the peripheral when it was first announced on 360, and more even later when it was bundled with the XBox One in the box, but I think we lost something special when the plug was pulled on it.

If anyone has any recommendations for XBox One (or even 360, we still have one) Kinect games, let's hear them, I am always up for some fun.

Deleted member 37151

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Jan 1, 2018
I thought some of the fitness stuff was really interesting. I had Nike Kinect Training, which was really good. I lost a fair bit of weight with it. It's a shame that Nike abandoned their FuelBands and Nike Fuel never really took off. It was a much better comparison tool than generic 'steps'


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Kinect always had better uses for it than gaming and most of the content for it was garbage not to mention the lag and setup issues.

The Living Tribunal

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017


Nov 4, 2017
What say you ERA? I know many of you hated the peripheral when it was first announced on 360, and more even later when it was bundled with the XBox One in the box, but I think we lost something special when the plug was pulled on it.

They also ceased operations on the Halo MMO and halted construction of it's brand new campus because they were all in on the Kinect, while also regulating Rare to just creating Kinect games.

Kinect is still a vitriol brand to me for those reasons.


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
They also ceased operations on the Halo MMO and halted construction of it's brand new campus because they were all in on the Kinect, while also regulating Rare to just creating Kinect games.

Kinect is still a vitriol brand to me for those reasons.

Well, Rare did make the best Kinect games, and hadn't made much in the years leading up to the original Kinect release, so I am going to say that's a wash. My kids would probably be fat lards without Kinect Sports Season 1 and 2 :P


Oct 25, 2017
I'm torn, because like... it's interesting hardware. It was, at its launch, the fastest-selling electronic device of all time. YourShape: Fitness Evolved was neat.

But like, anyone could see what was happening to the Wii--people were buying it for the fitness reason, then putting it away and never using it again. Microsoft makes its money off getting its users constantly spending money in their ecosystem. A gaming device that required constant activity was never going to work well.

And it's weird, because Google Home and Alexa exist; it could have been the first one of those. On the Xbox One, it kinda is. But it's not... great at it. I have mine connected because I love weird tech, and I have a great love for the Kinect as the bizarre curiosity it is, but I don't know how anyone couldn't see it was gonna burn out quickly.

I wish they'd figured out how to do more with it.


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
It was horrible and it died a timely death. Fuck the people at Microsoft who thought this was ever a thing. 🤮🤮


Oct 26, 2017
Puerto Rico
For me it's the only way I can play Just Dance. Controllers only picking up your right hand doesn't feel right and the PS4 camera is notoriously bad with Just Dance games. Sometimes I wonder what Ubisoft is going to do in the future for Xbox consoles. How long can the Kinect function with Just Dance when it's discontinued? At this point, they should just create their own device that works with all consoles.

Shpeshal Nick

Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
If you view Kinect for what I really is - the Dance Central peripheral, then you'll grow to love it.

If you were all happy to buy plastic guitars for a music game or two, the Kinect is more than worth it corn dance central and OS control


Nov 1, 2017
You could do some pretty insane amateur motion capture stuff with the kinect and project sparks on xbox. Project sparks could have been an amazing creation tool in conjunction with the kinect but unfortunately i just feel like they made it way to complex for the audience they were trying to appeal to. In any case, i still have it installed on my xbox specifically to mess around with the kinect motion cap and make little animated shorts for myself and friends. i haven't in awhile since ive been primarily on the xb1x but just talking about it now makes me want to setup a solid kinect station at my new place in jan. Will have to look into potential 3rd party kinect adaptors for the xb1x, or maybe finally invest some time and figure out how to make one.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Eww. I suppose you could say it had potential.
Blame MS for trying to cram it into games that didn't need it on the 360 and then making people pay for it on the One even if they didn't want it.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
I thought it was a bit meh for games, as a creation and prototyping tool though, it was amazing, and MS is crazy that they pulled the plug. They're always trying to get the creative people from Apple onto Windows, and they were very nearly there with Kinect becoming pervasive in modern art, industrial design, building sciences what have you, and then they throw it all away.
Oct 27, 2017
It was a terrible peripheral and I'm glad it's done with. Can't tell you how many of those things we had to process when I still worked at GameStop.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I spent quite a bit of time dicking around with Kinect 1 and 2 programming, making small tech demos for myself, and feel like I know what it can do. What kinect is, is a really awesome 3D camera. It's a type of camera technology that really isn't available to consumers from any other company. It's neat for creating 3d meshes and things like that.

What kinect was not good at was being a game controller. Microsoft trying to make it into a game controller to be like the wii was the dumbest thing they could have ever done. It's not that people who made software for it "didn't know what the hell they were doing ," it was that it wasn't really good for video games.

Really? I didn't realize it was so unreliable? Always felt pretty "on" to me.

It is an inherently latent form of motion capture. Skeletal frames are interpolated through several sampled frames of video in software, with prediction helping it try to keep pace. This gives absolutely everything on it a very sluggish, delayed feeling. If you wanted to make things snappier, then you threw out less samples, which would mean less accurate skeletal creation, which would lead to jittery results. Microsoft took a really awesome 3D camera, and then applied the same old latent tricks they'd been using since stuff like Nick Arcade on Nickelodeon to make wii-like games.


Oct 25, 2017
Whenever I think about the Kinect, I think about Kudo and that entire Silicon Valley Jesus thing that he has going for him. I am glad this has been left in the past.
Nov 23, 2017
I dont disagree OP, but the real crime and flaw that undermines your whole point is that it basically wasted 5+ years of potential great traditional games from Rare.


Oct 25, 2017
I love innovations in the way we play games, especially the stylus on the DS, 3D on the 3DS and VR in general.

I hate the Kinect however and I am glad it's dead; it never worked reliably for me and its games were bad anyway.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I love innovations in the way we play games, especially the stylus on the DS, 3D on the 3DS and VR in general.

I hate the Kinect however and I am glad it's dead; it never worked reliably for me and its games were bad anyway.

Parts of Kinect are living on in Hololens and Microsoft's inside-out tracking implementation in the windows VR headsets. Specifically the spacial reconstruction using stereo offset cameras.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I am all for Kinect being cannibalised to make VR better!

It's neat stuff. The thing I was talking about, it being good at making 3D meshes? That's how hololens figures out how to occlude parts of your room for AR. As you look around the room, it scans it and creates a low-polygon 3D model of the room that allows for objects to occlude. They had actually posted a video not too long ago about their much improved version which is presumably for Hololens 2.


Oct 27, 2017
The idea was good, it was just too laggy to really work. Some games, like Dance central, could cheat, as having the player mimic a motion allowed it to conceal the delay. But any game where the player was in control was pretty much unplayable.

Still, Dance central was fun!
Oct 28, 2017
Kinect was an awful fad and I'm glad it's gone. Same for most motion based gaming. PSVR uses the move and switch has some motion functionality but it's mostly dead and I'm glad for that.

But it left us with some great memories :p



Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
They seriously should have tried to market the camera as an entry level technical camera for film makers and that sort, not as something intended for the general game-playing public. Let people create 3D scans of objects for film very cheaply with competent hardware. In this regard, Kinect 2 is actually awesome. If you know what you're doing, you can string together several of them in a rig and create a very high quality 3D scanner for relatively cheap money. The type of stuff they did for LA Noir or are doing for Star Citizen regarding face scanning? Kinect is actually good for that kind of stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Dance central 1 &2 were gems and its a shame what happened to them.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This is an old video, but it's one of the neater proof of concepts that shows just how neat Kinect is for fast 3D scanning:

This is 3 kinects capturing this guy's room in real time, then feeding the data back to his VR headset as a 3d model, which lets him see around the room and, being a free floating camera, even step outside his live body. When Kinect isn't being tasked with trying to decypher skeletal tracking, it's very fast at capturing a room. He has an entire studio set up for this, with white walls, that he chroma keys out of the video capture, to let him essentially scan 3d objects in the room and place them into VR, like reverse AR. This sort of stuff is really neat, this particular demo is done with Kinect V1. Kinect V1 was very low quality, hence the awful image quality being shown. But Kinect 2 is actually really sharp and makes really high quality models. It's a shame absolutely nothing released ever took advantage of what it could do. You had to write entire programs to get this stuff out of kinect, Microsoft's bundled PC software didn't even include a proper video recording software.
Oct 28, 2017
They seriously should have tried to market the camera as an entry level technical camera for film makers and that sort, not as something intended for the general game-playing public. Let people create 3D scans of objects for film very cheaply with competent hardware. In this regard, Kinect 2 is actually awesome. If you know what you're doing, you can string together several of them in a rig and create a very high quality 3D scanner for relatively cheap money. The type of stuff they did for LA Noir or are doing for Star Citizen regarding face scanning? Kinect is actually good for that kind of stuff.

Not sure if they still use it but the ghost adventures crew used to use the Kinect camera for seeing ghosts. It was pretty cool to see it utilized in that way.


Oct 31, 2017
Jokes and internet forum meme's aside, I enjoyed Kinect. Maybe not the most well-thought-out device but the experience that came along with using some games, was fascinating. Kinect Adventures online with friends and family was hilarious, as was Kinect Sports. Dance Central was also one of the best games that perfectly used what Kinect offered.

I just think Kinect came out at the wrong time.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Jokes and internet forum meme's aside, I enjoyed Kinect. Maybe not the most well-thought-out device but the experience that came along with using some games, was fascinating. Kinect Adventures online with friends and family was hilarious, as was Kinect Sports. Dance Central was also one of the best games that perfectly used what Kinect offered.

I just think Kinect came out at the wrong time.

I feel like all those games truthfully did not offer anything new that, say, the eye toy had provided years prior. And the other thing people liked about Kinect, the voice commands, could be accomplished by any microphone, as things like Alexa show.

I don't think it came out at the wrong time, I think it came out as precisely the right time to catch the tail end of the Wii boom to ride an old concept to record sales.


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
Jokes and internet forum meme's aside, I enjoyed Kinect. Maybe not the most well-thought-out device but the experience that came along with using some games, was fascinating. Kinect Adventures online with friends and family was hilarious, as was Kinect Sports. Dance Central was also one of the best games that perfectly used what Kinect offered.

I just think Kinect came out at the wrong time.

This guy gets it. ;)

I would love to see what developers could do with the tech today...or a few years from now. I think it will just scare them away at this point. You may be right, this came out too early.
Oct 28, 2017
Fruit Ninja, Dance Central and Sports made great use of kinect for me although the controling menus was quite bad.

I expected the update with Xbox one to take it to another level, sadly it was a much lower level and was removed the moment MS updated the system to work without.

I find voice controls with Alexa work better with Xbox than kinect ever did.


Nov 27, 2018
If they didn't force bundled it with xbox, it could have been a good accessory for some people.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I personally loved it, I used the voice commands daily and loved the fitness apps.

Was a sad day when I upgraded to the slim and sold it.

Handicapped Duck

▲ Legend ▲
May 20, 2018
I always was more excited for the non-gaming applications for Kinect. DIY home security, physiotherapy, room mapping. Admittedly I don't follow the hacking scene for Kinect at all, but I was hoping for more stories to come out on it's useful applications. Maybe they're there and I just need to look, but there hasn't been a whole lot coming out unlike with the OG Kinect.


Oct 25, 2017
As as a piece of hardware it was neat and quite impressive, but as a gaming accessory it was pure garbage, glad it's dead too.


Nov 27, 2017
Kinect as an accessory is dead, but fortunately the technology (or part of it) still lives in Hololens and Apple's FaceID.
Jan 13, 2018
I never expected to use it (Kinect was still a mandatory pack-in, when I bought my Xbox console), but I ended up cranking out hundreds of hours in the Just Dance series, and the criminally under-rated Xbox Fitness. I would buy a similar peripheral in the future, even if just for a handful of similar motion-based games or interactive titles.
Feb 1, 2018
A much smaller and more compact version of the tech might appear again. Then again, a lot of the Kinect tech still lives on in various devices (Apple for example) and it has been used in quite a lot of interesting PC homebrew software. Combine it with VR for some interesting things.


Mar 18, 2018
It's a shame that most of the developers who made games specifically for the Kinect or with it in mind didn't know what the hell they were doing.

Most developers who tried to tackle the hardware on the 360 sucked at it, and with the ax dropping on the much more advanced XBox One Kinect so quickly into its lifecycle, we never really got to see all the creative ways that developers could have incorporated the peripheral into their games.

I think Kinect was good at non-traditional gameplay stuff. Like moving left and right will always be better on a controller.

But theres a reason when it comes to motion control peripherals that people like dance games and vr interaction stuff and so on. I'd like to have seen a Kinect quantic dream game at least.