
User requested ban
Oct 30, 2017
Crazy I only heard of this game when I saw that Truant Pixel was doing the theme on their youtube channel. The game is definitely on my list after watching the trailer and finding out who is making it.


Truant Pixel
Oct 27, 2017
For those folks curious, this is the theme in question. It's available free for preorder but will also be sold separately later. We worked with their art director to get in game assets to use in its development. :)



Forza Photographer
Nov 9, 2017
For those folks curious, this is the theme in question. It's available free for preorder but will also be sold separately later. We worked with their art director to get in game assets to use in its development. :)

It's already available separately in the US store :)

Do you know if the theme is included in the EU pre-order? US page for the game mentions the theme but none of the EU pages mention the theme being included in the pre-order.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Not sure about getting this one. It looks like it could be great but I think I'm just a bit bored of the 'little kid/lone person' solves environmental puzzles in desolate world' type of game.

Don't know why that is though.

Bear and bird

Oct 27, 2017
Looks great! The Team Ico comparison is obvious because of the pedigree, but it also reminds me of Journey and Limbo/Inside in a way.


Jan 27, 2018
I remember this, i thought it was coming to Steam though, maybe that was another game i was thinking of.
Either way ill probably pick this up if the reviews are good.


Oct 27, 2017
Been looking forward to this one since the first reveal. I hope it turns out to be a great game (iirc development was a bit rough with the main guy leaving at some point). I love these type of games so this should be a day one purchase (depending on reviews).
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Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Looks awesome. If it reviews half decent I'll pick it up.


Oct 28, 2017
last year it had a bad framerate and the animations were kinda rough, but the flying component is well accomplished. some indie teams still riding in the Absolver copy wave it seems (Ashen).


Oct 27, 2017
last year it had a bad framerate and the animations were kinda rough, but the flying component is well accomplished. some indie teams still riding in the Absolver copy wave it seems (Ashen).

You're suggesting Ashen and Vane 'copied' one specific indie's art style? Unless you're referring to some gameplay component I'm not seeing between them wrt Vane. If you did mean art style...that's a pretty silly claim considering how prevalent minimalist styles are with indies to begin with. Also kind of belittling to their respective art teams as well.


Oct 28, 2017
You're suggesting Ashen and Vane 'copied' one specific indie's art style? Unless you're referring to some gameplay component I'm not seeing between them wrt Vane. If you did mean art style...that's a pretty silly claim considering how prevalent minimalist styles are with indies to begin with. Also kind of belittling to their respective art teams as well.
no, not just a generalised minimalism, they are somewhat visually specific. And no can OWN a style, they just can hope it is made "standard" by sheer popularity. something absolver never did, it just got early on the market than most of these small team and long development projects.


Oct 28, 2017
Nice find, did not know this existed... I'll double dip. This and praey for God's make team ico inspired games awesome.


Oct 27, 2017
no, not just a generalised minimalism, they are somewhat visually specific. And no can OWN a style, they just can hope it is made "standard" by sheer popularity. something absolver never did, it just got early on the market than most of these small team and long development projects.

I don't believe I ever mentioned anything close to that claim, so not sure why you're bringing it up (owning a style). No offense but I think you're attributing an influence that is merely coincedental. Looking at media for Absolver I see similarties to Zeno Clash's character designs, but would never deign to suggest the devs copied it. Inspiration comes from many sources (and budgetary contraints), so unless you have some specific material pointing to Absolver's influence on these titles, whether it be interviews with devs or otherwise it's probably best not to make such broad claims. It does a disservice to the work art teams put in to use something like 'copy' to begin with re: art styles. Inspiration is a bit more apt, and respectful :)


Oct 27, 2017
So this comes out in less than a week. I'm very curious how this game is going to be reviewed (anyone know the review embargo date?). If reviews are solid, this will be my first 2019 game purchase (well, i bought Detroit but this was a 2018 game). I've stayed away from most media but i love these type of games.
Oct 27, 2017
2 and a bit years ago I started considering buying a PS4 because there were 3 particular games that I had a strong desire to play: The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush, and Vane. I bought the Pro when TLG launched and having this finally come out is building a lot of excited anticipation in me.
Pre-ordered already but it's a shame that the theme isn't available in Australia with the pre-order but I'm used to that (we get shafted with themes regularly it seems).