
Oct 25, 2017
Perfect timing for me tbh, I'm wrapping up Abby's portion of the game on my platinum run right now.

I grew to care for her the first time through, but this time I hold her in as high esteem as Ellie. Gonna be rough to play that ending again smh


Oct 25, 2017
Ellie said "it can't all be for nothing" five years ago under completely different circumstances and people really need to stop treating that line as a "gotcha" against the game's narrative as if six years doesn't pass between that line being said and the ending of TLOU2. It also assumes that killing Abby would've been fulfilling and Ellie realized long before throwing the first punch of threatening Lev that it wouldn't, hence not killing her immediately.
Also, I feel that I should have to point out that just because a character says a line, it doesn't have to literally come true, it just has to be meaningful to the story. "It can't have all been for nothing." is what happened to Ellie at the end of TLoU1 because after their whole year long journey, Joel decides they aren't going through with the surgery and turns back to Jackson.

So the line is layered in it's meaning. In the most literal sense, yes, it was for nothing because the world didn't get it's cure and is doomed to deal with the risk of infection forever as a result. In a more character centric sense, Joel telling Ellie that she actually isn't special has wrecked her self identity somewhat - she went in with the expectation that she would be the savior of humanity, and while she didn't think of herself as some hero for being born with an immunity, she was thinking she had a purpose in that - especially since the people she lost, Riley and Sam and maybe even her mother were due to the infection. Joel telling her that she's one of dozens of people with immunity that can't help takes away what she thought her destiny was. Her journey was all for nothing because she's told in the end she's not special and can't do anything to fix the world. Then there is the interpersonal perspective where she gained a undying father figure in Joel and Joel gained healing for his soul. In that sense, her journey was not for nothing because both characters gained something special, and going through with the surgery where she died and they lost each other, THAT would have been for nothing.

But all this narrative analysis aside, even if you do take it as some personal statement of intent, she said it at when she was fucking 15 years old. It's not some fucking sworn oath she is not allowed to deviate from.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Also, I feel that I should have to point out that just because a character says a line, it doesn't have to literally come true, it just has to be meaningful to the story. "It can't have all been for nothing." is what happened to Ellie at the end of TLoU1 because after their whole year long journey, Joel decides they aren't going through with the surgery and turns back to Jackson.

So the line is layered in it's meaning. In the most literal sense, yes, it was for nothing because the world didn't get it's cure and is doomed to deal with the risk of infection forever as a result. In a more character centric sense, Joel telling Ellie that she actually isn't special has wrecked her self identity somewhat - she went in with the expectation that she would be the savior of humanity, and while she didn't think of herself as some hero for being born with an immunity, she was thinking she had a purpose in that - especially since the people she lost, Riley and Sam and maybe even her mother were due to the infection. Joel telling her that she's one of dozens of people with immunity that can't help takes away what she thought her destiny was. Her journey was all for nothing because she's told in the end she's not special and can't do anything to fix the world. Then there is the interpersonal perspective where she gained a undying father figure in Joel and Joel gained healing for his soul. In that sense, her journey was not for nothing because both characters gained something special, and going through with the surgery where she died and they lost each other, THAT would have been for nothing.

But all this narrative analysis aside, even if you do take it as some personal statement of intent, she said it at when she was fucking 15 years old. It's not some fucking sworn oath she is not allowed to deviate from.


Oct 30, 2017
why a trailer for a 6 month game has a 6 page thread

Because it's the best game ever created. And will be talked about for decades. 6 months there's still a ton of fans old and new that haven't played it yet.

I have a few friends that finished 1 but are waiting toplay it on PS5 with enhancements eventually.
Sep 21, 2019
Soooooo, as someone who had problems with the way the whole structure of the game was handled, and the surprise of Abby and all that....in my opinion, had we known about Abby from the start, it would have made her more appealing to some people. I think they could have made it a dual story from the start, and that the trailers could have shown Abby and how she wanted revenge. The gotcha moment of playing as Abby really bothered me, and took me out of what I always thought was Ellie's story. I spent the majority of the game wanting to get back to Ellie, and didn't care about Abby. Now looking back, I feel more empathetic towards Abby, and wish I had a better experience with the game.

I think this is one of those cases where knowing the spoilers for me ahead of time in some ways actually enhanced the experience.

I had over a month to grapple with the fact that I would play over half the game as Abby. And I think that enhanced my enjoyment of the experience in the end.


Oct 25, 2017
I think this is one of those cases where knowing the spoilers for me ahead of time in some ways actually enhanced the experience.

I had over a month to grapple with the fact that I would play over half the game as Abby. And I think that enhanced my enjoyment of the experience in the end.
I like to have one spoiler free experience because you can only experience the surprises once after all, but I agree the richest experience comes with foreknowledge. Not just this game, but most games, or movies, or books.
Sep 21, 2019
Did naughty dog really think that TLOU part 2 is The Godfather part 2 of videogames?

It's fine for devs to be proud of their work but jeez...calm down a little on the placement of the pedestal.

But I guess it's award season so it make sense I guess.

It is the best game ever made in my opinion.

It is in the top five media experiences of my life, all games, movies, and TV shows included.

And I've seen/played A LOT of each.

It is an absolute triumph in every way. A flawless masterwork that I seriously doubt will be equalled in the medium for decades.
Oct 18, 2020
I've already beaten the game so thankfully, I'm not being spoiled
but WHY would you do a trailer on Abby ? If someone is coming to this game for the first time and they're looking for trailers
to get into the title, it would spoil such an awesome aspect of the game.
I went in not knowing the switcharoo ND pulls.


May 15, 2018
I do not understand the purpose of this trailer.... Maybe they are trying to build up to something eventually? Surely they do this stuff in jest knowing how much it pisses people off to not get what they want?


Mar 28, 2019
Interesting that they are showcasing Abby's storyline more openly now. It may be a move to get more sympathy for her regarding new players, as they kept everything (for obvious reasons) a secret until the launch date.


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
Radio silence on PS5 from one of Sony's biggest studios and one of their most critically acclaimed late gen titles on PS4. Something is brewing.


Oct 25, 2017
Interesting that they are showcasing Abby's storyline more openly now. It may be a move to get more sympathy for her regarding new players, as they kept everything (for obvious reasons) a secret until the launch date.
I don't view it as sympathy so much as celebration. They're proud of what they accomplished with Abby. They want to be able to publically flaunt her as another of the Great Sony Characters.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't view it as sympathy so much as celebration. They're proud of what they accomplished with Abby. They want to be able to publically flaunt her as another of the Great Sony Characters.
I agree. Laura is being nominated for multiple awards and the story itself. This is mostly seen as a feat for stories and characters in games.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't understand the purpose of this trailer if not even to spoil the game for those who didn''t play the game yet. First I thought it was an announcement of DLC starring Abby like left Behind. Dunno tbh why they did this.
Hopefully during TGA they will announce Factions and PS5 patch or remaster.
My best guess is there is going to be surprise DLC announced at TGA. Either in the form of more story, or factions and maybe even both. We know factions does exist because of the leaked gameplay, but whether they scrapped it or not is still the big question.

For now it is odd for them to plug a trailer like this out of the blue, especially this close to TGA.


Oct 27, 2017
The first present day scene we have with her is her waking up to another nightmare of her dad, which she has had since the day Joel murdered him. She's also overcompensating whenever someone brings up Joel that makes it obvious that she feels guilty for brutally torture-murdering him like that. Mel and Owen, two of the three people she has the best relationship with, show they think less of her for doing that, even if they still care about her with Manny being the only one who actually has no problem with what she did. And the whole thing with the Seraphites would have still happened, meaning she'd have to experience the loss of Yara as well as being witness to a genocidal event and being then framed as a betrayer to the WLF by everyone she was even causal friends with. The only real difference is that Manny would possibly still be alive if he wasn't killed in the fight on Seraphite Island and maybe she could have escaped with Owen (but not Mel, who would have probably died but atleast split with Owen and been left nowhere to go since the WLF has been destroyed after the invasion).

So yeah, I will have to somewhat disagree with that ride off into the sunset assessment.

And the framing not working for you isn't an issue because it doesn't work for Ellie as well. That she was able to force Abby to fight for her and Lev's life doesn't change that she knows that Abby ISN'T actually the monster that she's up until that moment dehumanized her as. Like, being an enemy combatant in the situation I described isn't just literally fighting against her, it's the fact that you are able to view your enemy as a monster for whom the only solution to is to kill them before they kill you. She couldn't do that with Abby, with one of the reasons being that she knows she can end the fight at any time if she just lets her go. Which when she does, that's exactly what happens, Abby gets up and leaves.

Basically, when she's killing Rattlers, she has no reason to view them as anything other than bastards deserving of death. She just can't do that with Abby because of how weathered and starved she is, how she's defending a kid, how she's going out of her way to signal that she doesn't want to fight even when Ellie attacks her first, etc. The realization had a lot more going on in addition to that (Her warmer memories of Joel, her role in the world, her sense of agency, her memory of how Nora's torture didn't make her feel better, etc), but one thing she realized is that if she did this, it's a kind of murder she knows she doesn't actually want to commit.
You're pretty much only bringing up things that aren't really related to Joel's murder. She didn't get ptsd from that, that's not a consequence of her revenge. Same with the seraphites and so on. And while she is hesitant to talk about Joel it didn't exactly feel like it weighs too much on her conscience. Hell, she was still eager to torture some seraphites when arriving at the FOB. Killing Joel didn't solve her problems but it hardly created any social or mental issues for her. If the intention was that she swears off revenge because off the toll it takes on her mentally and socially they imo failed there.

And this leads back to Ellie's own moral quandary.
Abby committed "that kind of murder" and walked away pretty fine if it hadn't been for Ellie. This turns the whole message on it's head for me when it's presented as Ellie being on the abyss while Abby already showed the life beyond that abyss, and that life actually isn't so bad.


Oct 25, 2017
I think naughty dog aren't gonna drop a simple patch, they're probably going with a more substantial update.


Jul 16, 2020
Great trailer, Abby ftw. Now give us some multiplayer news, ND (and add a 60fps option on PS5 while you're at it).


Oct 25, 2017
You're pretty much only bringing up things that aren't really related to Joel's murder. She didn't get ptsd from that, that's not a consequence of her revenge. Same with the seraphites and so on. And while she is hesitant to talk about Joel it didn't exactly feel like it weighs too much on her conscience....Killing Joel didn't solve her problems but it hardly created any social or mental issues for her. If the intention was that she swears off revenge because off the toll it takes on her mentally and socially they imo failed there.
Your original comment was that Abby was "fine" after killing Joel. She wasn't fine, she was miserable before she killed him and after she killed him she was substantially more miserable than that, and even before killing him a lot of her problems were the result of her obsession with killing him. When she finally did it, her relationships with the people she loved were permanently scarred and all she felt was self-loathing. All she ended up with is more nightmares and friends that couldn't look at her the same way again.

I think you're saying "consequence", when what you actually mean to say you want her to experience is "punishment". And for some reason, you're framing "punishment" as needing to be a new effect on her life, which it doesn't have to be. Her murder of Joel had a escalating effect on everything wrong with her life. Joel's death weighs on her because not only was it excessively brutal for her, but it also didn't solve her problem of having unending nightmares about her dad, which was the whole reason why she did it, and BECAUSE it was so brutal, this means she butchered a man for nothing and she is contending with what kind of monster that makes her. She hates herself for it. Her killing Joel made her life materially worse. But I think what you want to say is that it didn't make it "worse enough" and my response to that is....that's not how this storytelling works.

The reason she isn't being directly punished for the killing Joel is because Joel isn't special to Abby except as a personal demon, and once she exorcises him and all it does is make her life worse, she changes. To her, Joel was a landmark mistake, and in making that mistake and sinking to the lowest she felt about herself...but due to sinking that low, she decided she'd rather improve her life instead. And that then lead to the plot of the game where endeavors to save Yara and Lev, which itself leads to all sorts of consequences for every character.

In other words, she wouldn't have made the changes she did if her killing Joel didn't make her fucking hate herself so much that she'd do anything to stop feeling what she's feeling.

Hell, she was still eager to torture some seraphites when arriving at the FOB.

Okay, this one is just wrong. She does the WLF soldier thing of dehumanizing the Seraphites because that is just the culture of war. Soldiers do that as routine mental conditioning because they want to have as little empathy for their enemy as possible. And it frequently works, but for those who are empathic people, it tends to stop working when confronting the reality of a situation. She may say that she wants to torture the Seraphites who just jumped and nearly killed them as a display of viciousness, but when she actually arrives at the FOB and sees people who have been tortured by Isaac, she's clearly uncomfortable. Out in the field? "Yeah, fuck the Scars, I'd love to torture some myself" Okay Abby, here's Isaac's torture hotel, are you having fun yet? "*tense silence*"

And honestly, if anything, it's a bit of a running theme with her that she is either in denial or dishonest about how she feels until she is actually forced to reckon with the harsh reality of whatever she's saying. She'll agree with Manny that Seraphite kids deserved to be shot for being enemies, but one afternoon with Lev has her tiredly saying "They're just kids..." to Owen and reflecting how fucked up being a WLF soldier is. She'll tell Owen that their night together didn't mean anything and tries to force him and Mel together, but she breaks down so much she vomits out of sickness when she finds his dead body and realizes the love of her life is gone. And she'll brush off her torture-murder of Joel as justified and projects judgement from others onto others, because she's actually judging herself.

To understand her as a character, you can't just take what she says at face value, because she talks a lot of bullshit, either intentionally or otherwise. Her typical emotional state is "thisisfine.jpg" You have to decode her through her body language, her actions, her relationships, etc to get at her true self.

And this leads back to Ellie's own moral quantity. Abby committed "that kind of murder" and walked away pretty fine if it hadn't been for Ellie. This turns the whole message on it's head for me when it's presented as Ellie being on the abyss while Abby already showed the life beyond that abyss, and that life actually isn't so bad.

This is a strange thing to say. There is no abyss, atleast not the way you're thinking of it. Or, alternatively, there is, but you're trying to be dismissive of Abby's feelings.

What you basically seem to be saying is that if Ellie had killed Abby at the end, then she couldn't equally 'ridden off into the sunset' like Abby apparently did in your mind after killing Joel? Yes she could. She'd still have to deal with her ruined relationships and the guilt that would come from the fact that she murdered a woman who was just brutalized and helpless right next to a child she see loved Abby as much as Ellie loved Joel. And it wouldn't have stopped the nightmares, it wouldn't have mitigated the guilt over never reconciling with Joel, it wouldn't have fixed Dina or Tommy, and it wouldn't have done any good to anyone. And the only reason that Ellie is undertaking this journey is because she wants to all those things to stop, and it would just get worse. But those are all literally the same problems Abby had to contend with - ruined relationships, depression, lack of catharsis, etc.

And apparently that's fine? Because that's still less than what Abby deserved? No. The journey of both of these women is to move beyond a life of hatred because that hatred is toxic and kills everything they love. Abby had to kill Joel to realize that killing Joel does nothing for her. Ellie, meanwhile, was able to realize this before she killed Abby. But both these women were already in the abyss long before they held the life of their hated enemy in their hands. Them being beyond the abyss is when they put the hatred aside.
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Nov 3, 2017
If they wanted to remind ppl of the game it would have make sense to do a ps5 upgrade so ppl will replay on latest and hottest console and it will also help sell a few more copies the game. Like wtf are they doing, a spoiler trailer?