
Oct 25, 2017
Not only that, he also wanted to rediscuss Bethesda titles. The entitlement of that guy, geez
I mean he's just trying to get the best deal he can while he still has leverage on MS, I don't blame him for doing his job. The issue then becomes when SIE also tries to argue to the regulators that their business is at risk because the two parties can't come to an agreement, taking such an aggressive stance weakens their position.

I don't think the argument is in bad faith, but it surely wasn't going to sway most regulators, or stand up all that well in court.

I still think there's an outside chance the judge grants a PI since nothing in this case has been all that expected, and I think the cloud/subscription argument could have merit if anyone had bothered to quantify it. But so far it seems like the FTC has quite a challenge ahead of them to reconcile their theory of harm in the console market at least.

The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
wasn't call of duty 2 an xbox exclusive
Well, yes and no? It was a 360 launch title and also launched on PC, because it was (supposedly) the only console powerful enough to run the game as the PS3 wasn't out yet. However, so as to not leave last gen behind, Activision had another title, COD 2: Big Red One which launched on PS2, Gamecube and OG Xbox

That falling through might be why Square has shunned Microsoft after.
To be fair, we don't even know if there were negotiations between the two companies. It could have solely been a matter of executives at MS kicking the tires and running the numbers before even approaching them for a deal. All I'm saying is that in retrospect it makes sense why XO19 had such a strong Square Enix presence, with the Kingdom Hearts ports announced, the Final Fantasy games coming to Game Pass and basically everything else that the two had been doing.


May 16, 2020
Kotick is saying that Sony has a massive competitive advantage because of their strong position in consumer electronics as well as their role in movies and music, giving them innumerable amount of IP to draw from. He even states they are the best consumer electronics company of all time. He confirmed PlayStation has twice as many Call of Duty players as Xbox, and thus also makes double the money from Playstation.


Jan 3, 2018
It's really fitting that I'm also unable to join the Discord stream as there are too many people. 😅


Nov 13, 2017

Looks like redactions are kinda broken this time. Whoopsie.

Which document is this?


Oct 27, 2017
North East, UK
Reminds me of old UK laws where people were dubbed over.

You could have a AI reading the a closed caption translation in theory couldnt you, any way, doesnt help now.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh, good! That's much batter than the other video I was listening to where dude was like play-by-playing it.