
Oct 30, 2017
I invite everyone saying that mobile controls suck to play Arena of Valor for a couple of weeks and report back.


Oct 30, 2017
Well mobile games come with a design principle of spontaneous pickup and play what dials them back to glorified skinner boxes with enormous potential of monetisation.

Bad controls are also a turn off for me...

I really love games in many ways but smartphone games don't entertain me. Maybe in the future when that market evolved some times.


Nov 5, 2017
It doesn't matter if games that were good on other platforms have been ported to mobile, the mobile gaming experience is still bad. Gaming is the one thing that would cause me to bother to use my phone if it was worth it. It isn't (yet), and Diablo doesn't change that. It isn't a "meme", not everyone is okay with playing the games you listed in this form just because you don't mind it. Why take other peoples preferences so personal?


Oct 25, 2017
Premium mobile games are awesome. I have loads of fun with the good ones. It's the free-to-play model and obnoxious time-or-cash sinks that get me.


Oct 25, 2017
I think if anything mobile games have been in steep decline for the last 5 years. They were really great for a while, then that market became a complete shitshow, and the quantity of quality titles diminished dramatically.


Oct 25, 2017
People aren't rational when they are upset. Did you expect a mobile diablo announcement to ever be anything but complete mayhem?

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
What i hate about mobile games is how many require a data connection even if they aren't actively online. It makes playing on the subway or plane miserable.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Shin Megami Tensei Dx2 out now on your mobile platform of choice.
Get out there and summon some demons. There's even a cool AR mode where you can transport them into the real world!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There is definitely more people showing their dislike towards it than love for it.


Feb 5, 2018
(often by giving lots of free currency for pulls, leading to an interesting equilibrium). The recent App Store change requiring games to list drop rates helped a lot as well. At the least, you can usually complete the main plot of a modern Gacha while being completely F2P; a pretty good time value.

This doesnt tempting at all...


Oct 28, 2017
It's a Diablo game on a touchscreen.

This is not trying to innovate, this is a money cash in.

There's tons of games like this in the asian market already, the devs previous game is exactly the same.

Blizzard had been hyping up a Diablo announcement for the past few months.

You got fans here at Blizzcon that are 99% hardcore PC players, they paid hundreds of dollars in airplane tickets, hotels, passes, to be there for an announcement.

The backlash is natural knowing the circumstances.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel you OP but that Diablo one isn't really a good example. That's more on "stupid, tone deaf announcements". If they announced it outside Blizzcon it well get a lot less flack or if they throw a quick D4 in development announcement after that.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
Mobile games can be great, but not action heavy games, I've never played one of those were I didn't think "this would be better with a controller"
Also most mobile games that are based on a series are watered down experiences from the non mobile games.


Oct 25, 2017
The market and available input options on mobile phones tend to lend themselves to design decisions that a lot of more traditional game players would find unsavory or hard to deal with. And that's not including this whole gacha/microtransaction garbage which is so overwhelming so as to render any positive game design developments and ideas inconsequential.

That said, there have been some genuinely neat games tailored exclusively for mobile devices, so it's not as if the whole platform is dead to rights, but the climate of the market just kind of ruins everything, at least from my vantage point.


Oct 27, 2017
When I think mobile game, the first thought that springs to mind is free to play, with loads of sleazy microtransactions.

I'd be more excited if this were a standard Diablo game, developed with mobile limitations in mind. One that I can flat out buy with no mtx.


Oct 25, 2017
I have literally never played a good mobile game. However, Desert Golfing does come close.

Nevertheless, the main issue with Diablo Immortal isn't that it's a mobile game. People are bothered because Blizzard either doesn't understand or does not care about its core audience, the audience that paid to go to a convention for Blizzard. The big reveal at the end is a mobile game being developed by a studio with 18k+ workers, a game that hardly anybody in that audience would actually enjoy.


Oct 25, 2017
So, a mobile Diablo was announced, which has received a lot of condemnation because it's not Diablo IV or Diablo II Remastered. That's fine.

This is what I don't understand, diablo remasters and diablo proper are all developed by different teams. This doesnt take anything away from diablo, if anything opens it up to a new audience...

Is this really the argument against it?


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Diablo Immortal was front and center as the only Diablo announcement in front of a core audience that spent hundreds to travel and attend a huge convention. As it's own thing, it's fine. As a product in front of core fans and closing the opening ceremony with, it's disappointing. And, the game is being outsourced to a chinese mobile dev, not even part of Blizzard.

This game wasn't made for core fans, yet it was presented to core fans anyways, people that paid hundreds to attend.


Oct 26, 2017
That energy system joke feels so outdated. Mobile games have long since moved on from it.


Oct 25, 2017
Consider the broader context of Diablo Immortal, though: they're taking the Diablo franchise -- which has historically had a pretty "hardcore" fanbase -- and (A) creating a casual version by (B) outsourcing to (C) a developer who has published other extremely similar games, and (D) announced it as their finale to (E) a crowd of people who likely prefer to play games on PC (you know, along with the rest of Blizzard's catalogue).

I'm not a Diablo diehard by any means but it's not hard to see what went wrong here

Deleted member 5167

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I have literally never played a good mobile game. However, Desert Golfing does come close.

Nevertheless, the main issue with Diablo Immortal isn't that it's a mobile game. People are bothered because Blizzard either doesn't understand or does not care about its core audience, the audience that paid to go to a convention for Blizzard. The big reveal at the end is a mobile game being developed by a studio with 18k+ workers, a game that hardly anybody in that audience would actually enjoy.

Yeah, I'm sure NOBODY at blizzcon plays Hearthstone, a F2P mobile title.

This forum is so hilariously out of touch.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Honestly, I viewed the Blizcon presentation with an open mind - and was excited to see how Blizzard would reimagine the Diablo format for mobile while having it remain a true ARPG.

Then they showed a game with on-screen joysticks & I promptly lost interest.

It looks like every other Diablo clone on mobile, because it was made by the same team as every other Diablo clone on mobile.


Oct 30, 2017
It's kinda of because someone like Apple or google could have used this as thier big " see you can play it on tv using ___ just like the switch!! " but instead we get this.


Aug 22, 2018
Mobile games that don't have their entire balance and progression schema built around payment-nags, adverts, and MTXs are the exception, not the rule, and you know it. It's the most financially and psychologically predatory segment of the gaming market. There's only one reason to bring one of your tentpole IPs over to it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It's not about being close-minded. It's about it being reality.

How much better would that Diablo game play and control and feel on an actual console? Much Better.

This isn't to knock off mobile games completely. I play a few on my commute each day but when you take a franchise like Diablo (and when fans have been waiting on a sequel for some time now) and put it on mobile.. well.. yeah. I'm sure it'll be a solid game, just that it could have been much better.


Oct 25, 2017
You're really not selling me when your argument is primarily based on ports (including the awful Final Fantasy ports/remakes) and some half hearted praise for monetization systems that aren't completely awful.


Oct 26, 2017
I had high hopes of mobile gaming. Up to buying a Shield Portable at launch. But all became freemium. There are some good games being released, but most of what it has to offer doesn't interests me.

Kid Night

Oct 27, 2017
I have to stop you at your very first sentence.

This Diablo outrage has zero to do with mobile gaming and more to do with closing the Blizzcon ceremony with the next NEW Diablo game, exclusively for mobile.

So if you're only issue with it is that they announced a mobile port, then at 100% has to do with mobile. Why don't you consider a mobile Diablo spinoff a legitimate game? why does the fact that it's a mobile game mean they shouldn't close their show with it?

To me, it looks like a very fun looking game. The dynamic environments alone makes it look better than Diablo 3 ever was to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Arena of Valor made me a believer in mobile games. It is legit good.

I am personally looking forward to this Diablo game.


Oct 25, 2017
When they don't control like crap and they don't nickle and dime you trying to bleed every single cent out of you, I will give mobile a fair shot.


Aug 11, 2018
I have no qualms with mobile games. I think certain multiplatform games (Stardew, Donut County, Fortnite Etc.) lend themselves well--usually games that are more casual and easy to pick up n play, and often time slower. Mobile specific games that utilize gacha/F2P mechanics I think do their job and like you said, have mellowed out. They could be better but for now they're okay.

Mobile only games that attempt to be something other than f2p/gacha just...don't work for me. I've never enjoyed one. I've tried a few--Reigns is one that comes to mind. I think they just tend lack that initial hook that encourages you to spend more time with the game and having awkward/bad controls (which I can only imagine this game will) makes me unwilling to spend the time *to* get hooked.

IDK. I just don't see it working. I've put plenty of time into mobile exclusive games over the year or so--FEH, Love Nikki, Pokemon Go, Dragalia Lost, Food Fantasy--the games I come back to are the ones that have satisfying reward or feedback for accomplishing goals and easy/good controls coupled with understandable mechanics.
May 9, 2018
That energy system joke feels so outdated. Mobile games have long since moved on from it.
I legit forgot about the modern energy/stamina systems since they've stopped being a factor, otherwise I would have included it in the OP. (specifically, the combo of Energy refreshing on Rank Ups, Energy overflow, and Energy items allow new players to go for a reeeeeally long time before hitting 0)


Oct 31, 2017
New Jersey
If it wasn't for mobile, ii wouldn't have experienced Dragon Quest 1 since i can't play it on any other platform and i had a blast with it.


Oct 27, 2017
I think Android owners had a bit more opportunity with good games because unlike iPhone users they can participate in the occasional Humble Mobile Bundle. I have played countless great games on mobile like the 2-Bit Cowboy series, A Normal Lost Phone, Slayaway Camp, Stellar Wanderer, Final Fantasy IV, etc.

Not all of them are up to console gaming standards but they are enjoyable enough experiences when playing away from home.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not so much that a mobile game exists, as that a mobile game is the only new game announcement in sight (or in recent memory), and it's what Blizzard expects its fans to be excited about. There will be, no lie, many people among Blizzard's fan base who are pumped for this. And a likely even greater number of people who will be first time players of Blizzard games who get hooked by this. But Blizzard has been teasing diablo news. And we are in the midst of Blizzcon, the conference dedicated to all their projects, which is attended primarily by their hardcore fans. To get this as the mainline announcement at Blizzcon will get disappointment from attendees and pass buyers because it's not really directed at most of them, and will get disappointment from a broader audience because this isn't at all the thing they'd wanted. For the same reason that Metroid Prime Federation Force and Artifact, the Dota card game were met with jeers and disappointment, people were bound to be let down by this. Blizzard fans, specifically Diablo fans, want more of the thing they love. They've been waiting for a while for that now. This will feel like a cruel joke to them, even though it obviously isn't.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
You didn't really start off strong with listing a bunch of ports. There's certainly a lot of decent to good mobile games, though I don't think many tend to be on the actioney side, personally. Most of the good ones tend to be puzzle, story oriented, or turn based.


Oct 27, 2017
Mobile games in general to me means an inferior game with bad controls on a tiny screen with bullshit ads and mtx. No thanks.

nowhere there did I say there aren't good mobile games.

Agree with this. There's only so much you can do with a touch screen. That doesn't mean all mobile games are bad by any means. I play Pokemon Go almost every day and love it.

It just means there are limitations here to the control scheme. For some games this doesn't matter. For others, it does.