
Oct 25, 2017

You know, those B level shooters from the previous generation titles.


Oct 26, 2017
Unless I missed it, I'm surprised nobody mentioned... Bravely Default.


It may be the shittiest game title of all time.

This. Just terrible

Destiny is pretty dumb, especially "Destiny 2"


Oct 27, 2017
I've never understood why Dragon Age: Origins needed that subtitle. "Dragon Age" would have been an awesome name for the first game in a new IP. Not to mention "Origins" is just a generic and vague word salad noun in video game naming conventions.

As for me, I'd go with Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

It contains all the sins of bad video game naming conventions:

1) Overused generic fantasy game trope (any name involving "kingdoms")
2) Fantasy jargon in a brand new IP that no one is familiar with ("Amalur")
3) One-word generic subtitles ("Reckoning") that doesn't help in marketing what the game is about - I hate this trend in video game naming conventions.

Now, Fantasy jargon (2) is fine if the game itself is called Amalur, but "Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning" is a really bad word salad. I have to suspect that the name itself coupled with generic cover art is a big part for why the game sold below expectations and tanked 38 Studios. If I didn't know better, my first impression of it is that "bargain bin generic fantasy RPG".


Fat4All Ruined My Rug
Oct 26, 2017
WTF why are people answering unique video game names like Horizon Zero Dawn, Bravely Default, or Kingdom Hearts. Their title might make no sense when you hear it, but that just means they are unique, and not generic.

Better examples would be Street Fighter, Legend of Heroes, or Just Dance.


Oct 27, 2017
I've never understood why Dragon Age: Origins needed that subtitle. "Dragon Age" would have been an awesome name for the first game in a new IP. Not to mention "Origins" is just a generic and vague word salad noun in video game naming conventions.

As for me, I'd go with Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

It contains all the sins of bad video game naming conventions:

1) Overused generic fantasy game trope (any name involving "kingdoms")
2) Fantasy jargon in a brand new IP that no one is familiar with ("Amalur")
3) One-word generic subtitles ("Reckoning") that doesn't help in marketing what the game is about - I hate this trend in video game naming conventions.

Now, Fantasy jargon (2) is fine if the game itself is called Amalur, but "Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning" is a really bad word salad. I have to suspect that the name itself coupled with generic cover art is a big part for why the game sold below expectations and tanked 38 Studios. If I didn't know better, my first impression of it is that "bargain bin generic fantasy RPG".
Oh my god, this 10000%!
Just the example I had in mind.


Oct 27, 2017
3D Dot Game Heroes has got to be up there for the most generic and boring sounding game ever. It's a shame too, because from what I've heard it's a pretty great game.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else mentioning the likes of Kingdom Hearts or Halo completely missed the point of this thread.

I do agree KH is dumb, especially because we're 15 years in and still don't know what a KH is in the lore of the games, but it's neither boring or generic. Hell, if anything KH sins of being so convoluted we can barely follow the story.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I onto prescribe to the idea that a title is boring/generic without it being accompanied with a box art.

Arms for instance is a bland word. It's loterally just a body part. But once you factor in the actual subject matter with an image it becomes an incredibly good name. I would say majority of games have generic/boring names, but are elevated with their image.


Oct 25, 2017
Dino crisis, when people say they want another that name just sounds straight 90s, like would it sell with such a corny sounding name?


Oct 27, 2017
There's a funny thing about it, and if English is not your native language, many of those names sound a lot cooler.

Instead I imagine those translated names and yes, they would be a horror


Oct 28, 2017
The Crew would be pretty boring to me, if it was just read out of context. However, the DLC with the "Wild Run" subtitle attached to it makes it more interesting. I feel a lot of the mobile games have generic names, but that's seems like a given.
Nov 1, 2017
Kemco thread. And Kingdom Hearts titles are anything but boring or generic. WTF

Dark Gate
Eve of the Genesis
Fantasy Chronicle
Symphony of Eternity
Machine Knight
Covenant of Solitude
End of Aspiration
Mystic Chronicles
Symphony of the Origin
Chrome Wolf
Destiny Fantasia
Justice Chronicles
Link of Hearts
Soul Historica
Dead Dragons
Eclipse of Illusion
Blood of Calamity

Jan 10, 2018
Titles that include the words "battle" and "war" top the list I guess. And then there's also the "trying to sound cool" ones like Killzone, and Horizon: Zero Dawn.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Anything that is not a Japanese game with an awful title that includes way too many random words that don't actually mean anything, like "Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel" . Wtf is any of that? But at-least its not generic sounding