
Oct 25, 2017

During this conversation, one of the Russo brothers revealed a shocking detail about Tony Stark's death scene, where he delivers one final line before using the Infinity Stones to wipe out Thanos and his entire army. In that scene, Thanos believes he's won by again possessing all the Infinity Stones and says, "I am inevitable." But when he snaps his fingers, nothing happens. That's because Tony's nanotech Iron Man armor took hold of the stones and situated them into a makeshift gauntlet formation. Before snapping his fingers to stop this battle once and for all, he says, "And I am Iron Man."

It's a moment that brings the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Tony Stark's character arc full circle after beginning this long line of films back in 2008. But it wasn't in the original script. In fact, the moment didn't even come about until Anthony & Joe Russo were working on the final battle in the editing room. The directors explained:

"Tony used to not say anything in that moment. And we were in the editing room going, 'He has to say something. This a character who has lived and died by quips.' And we just couldn't, we tried a million different last lines. Thanos was saying "I am inevitable." And our editor Jeff Ford, who's been with us all four movies and is an amazing storyteller, said 'Why don't we just go full circle with it and say I am Iron Man.' And we're like, 'Get the cameras! We have to shoot this tomorrow.'"

Good stuff, Jeff Ford. Article also mentions it being the very last scene they ever shot for a Marvel film.

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Oct 25, 2017
omfg. full circle in so many different ways, seeing the first "i am iron man'' was improvised by Downey


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoy knowing all the little stories from movies like this. It was so secretive but the pay was great.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It worked great. Sure, it's cheesy, but that's what people want. I can't imagine the scene being quite as impactful if Tony said anything else, or even said nothing at all.

Deleted member 2145

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Oct 25, 2017
that's insanity given how they set up the "I am inevitable" line early on and then repeat it when 2014 Thanos sees 2018 Thanos say it during Nebula's footage. plus Iron Man and inevitable starting with the letter "i".


Oct 25, 2017
AC/DC should have played at his funeral and I still hate that they just dropped that after the first Avengers film.


Sep 25, 2018
When that exact moment came up, I really expected him to say "And I am tired of your bullshit"
Oct 27, 2017
I saw that line coming as soon as the shot cut to Tony, and I'm not saying I'm some kind of genius, but it's astounding to me that they were pounding their heads trying to think of some appropriate Tony Stark comeback to "I am inevitable" in the climactic moment of the entire saga.


Oct 27, 2017
I think after Thanos says "I'm inevitable" that they should have cut to the Jennifer Lawrence okay.gif. Or maybe surejan.gif

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
I have mixed feelings about it. It's a bit awkward. Other things would've made more sense. It feels oddly humble in the moment, not arrogant like Tony often sounds. It doesn't work for me, from a reason / logic standpoint.

But it does tie things up nicely, and RDJ's delivery felt to me as if Tony tried to think of something snarky, couldn't find it, and just went with that. Which works for me, emotionally.
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly that line was absolutely perfect for me -- it felt like such a Tony Stark thing to say, at once arrogant and humble acceptance of his coming death and how he's lived his life. That it also ties back and goes full circle with Ironman 1 is just perfect and gives layers to the line. I loved it.

Deleted member 54292

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Feb 27, 2019
Man, the music cutting out and the sound of the gauntlet was just insane. You're watching this dude literally die in front of you as his right side begins darkening, and he musters up the will to say those words. Epic

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
Thanos is very much inevitable. In 14 million possibilities, he wins; he loses in just one.

The Iron Man movie shattered all expectations and started this incredible saga.

To call back to the expectation-breaking movie that spawned this unlikely saga, in a moment about defying absolute inevitability... That's art.


Oct 25, 2017
That's one hell of an anecdote. Amazing that it was the editor who brought this up.

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
Kind of hard to believe that the most obvious and natural line had to be improvised or cooked up by an editor, respectively.


Nov 27, 2017
Definitely a good line, among many. Nice that it's been said at the beginning, middle, and end of this.