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Oct 27, 2017
Burning to cd seems worse than a hard copy. Rare that laptops even have drives these days.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, I thought it was going to be nothing exciting in it. But, if Barr is tipping of Trump and doing a narrative-shaping press conference before it comes out, there must be some great impeachment porn coming.

Here's the thing: Barr is a fossil. He thinks he can control the narrative with stunts like this but I don't think it'll work like it's 1990.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
What if the digital copy is a word document and the redactions can just be removed?

They are that stupid, right?


Oct 25, 2017
Eastern Time
It still boggles my mind that Mueller had Flynn testifying so much that they argued that he get no jail time for traitorous behavior, and NOTHING could come of it. I just don't see how that makes any sense.

Well Mueller, if we even remotely take Barr at his word (which we shouldn't anyway...) seems to have taken the Justice Department rule to not indict a sitting president and instead give that responsibility to congress via the AG.

Mueller may simply have underestimated how in the tank Barr was. For all we know the report could be a slam dunk on obstruction of justice and not quite a slam dunk on conspiracy and collusion - and collusion isn't even a crime so in that sense collusion could also be presented as a slam dunk.

We will know a little more tomorrow but tomorrow is a highly orchestrated White House snowjob and probably obstruction of justice itself.

Barr has done this before on an fbi report, almost verbatim. Barr has zero interest in this job or his public reputation. He has a private cigar club reputation that is vastly more important to him and is already a hero for helping pardon war criminals in that very circle.


Oct 27, 2017
Well Mueller, if we even remotely take Barr at his word (which we shouldn't anyway...) seems to have taken the Justice Department rule to not indict a sitting president and instead give that responsibility to congress via the AG.
I guess this makes sense if Trump is the only person that Flynn could rat on. Seems unlikely? I dunno, I guess we'll wait and see.


Oct 27, 2017
There are ongoing investigations. Mueller isn't the only one who can indict people related to evidence he found.

Those were his investigations. If he uncovered evidence of them regarding Russia, he would either indict (anyone other than the President) or continue investigating until concluding there was no case. He would not close down his investigation while passing off the actual main investigation he was charged with to someone else.

Some of the speculation here is just the worst kind of wishful thinking.


Oct 27, 2017
Those were his investigations. If he uncovered evidence of them regarding Russia, he would either indict (anyone other than the President) or continue investigating until concluding there was no case. He would not close down his investigation while passing off the actual main investigation he was charged with to someone else.

Some of the speculation here is just the worst kind of wishful thinking.
I guess it depends on the real meaning of "no further indictments" - maybe this doesn't include cases handed off? Who knows. Maybe it is wishful thinking.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess it depends on the real meaning of "no further indictments" - maybe this doesn't include cases handed off? Who knows. Maybe it is wishful thinking.

Right, but what I'm saying is Mueller would not hand off cases involving Trump Team members conspiring with Russia, because that is exactly what he was appointed to investigate. He would not close up shop without either indicting them or concluding there is nothing to indict them for.


Oct 27, 2017
Right, but what I'm saying is Mueller would not hand off cases involving Trump Team members conspiring with Russia, because that is exactly what he was appointed to investigate. He would not close up shop without either indicting them or concluding there is nothing to indict them for.
I guess we'll see! Disappointing, but sadly realistic.
I should have learned after following the Scooter Libby/Valerie Plame deal a decade ago. So much talk of Patrick Fitzgerald was similar to how people talked about Mueller, with similar outcomes.


Dec 2, 2017
This distribution schedule and methodology is beyond trolling at this point.

Holy shit how convoluted could they possibly make this shit?

Not only are they burying it as a dump at the technical end of the week but they're filibustering the release to try and make people too emotionally exhausted to actually dig into this before the late afternoon/evening.

Barr towing that company line like no one else. Who would have thought we'd prefer Sessions for at least having the decency to recuse himself from this fiasco?


Oct 25, 2017
None of this shit should be redacted. Unless its the ongoing investigation stuff, everything else should have full transparency.

Fucking system is fixed man.


Oct 27, 2017
Right, but what I'm saying is Mueller would not hand off cases involving Trump Team members conspiring with Russia, because that is exactly what he was appointed to investigate. He would not close up shop without either indicting them or concluding there is nothing to indict them for.
Its crazy that we literally have documented evidence of trump Jr meeting with a foreign entity in hopes of receiving stolen information. The foreign entity in return was looking to undermined the current administration in power by trying to influence the potential next government to lift sanctions. Apparently the only reason this isn't illegal is because they didn't have the goods.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
Apparently the only reason this isn't illegal is because they didn't have the goods.

And did they not have the goods because of massive obstruction including most likely ending the investigation prematurely?

Remember when after the Barr letter there were people all over social media and in this forum calling Rachel Maddow a lunatic conspiracy theorist equal with QAnon for continuing the Russia coverage, and that maybe the media and Democrats need to apologize and drop it?

I remember.


Oct 25, 2017
God the fact Mueller will just let all this shit happen is fucking infuriating.


The Wise Ones
Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
What if we got another Spiro Agnew situation on our hands and DOJ have been negotiating Trump's resignation for weeks and they're going to announce it at today's presser?


Nah.....there's going to be a whole lot of under the rug sweeping today.....


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
What if we got another Spiro Agnew situation on our hands and DOJ have been negotiating Trump's resignation for weeks and they're going to announce it at today's presser?


Nah.....there's going to be a whole lot of under the rug sweeping today.....
We should be so lucky.

Trump's ego would never allow it in a million years.


Dec 18, 2017
So the public gets the heavily redacted version, and Congress gets the less heavily redacted version?

Who gets the unredacted version?


Oct 28, 2017
So they are going to bring charges for spying before releasing the report, so they do not have to release the report? That's the only reason they would have this meeting earlier . F them

Yankee Ruin X

Oct 31, 2017
You just know they are going to mess up with these digital versions somewhere along the line and the redactions will be able to be removed.


Oct 25, 2017
Over or under 3 mentions of Hillary by Barr today? You know he'll work her into this somehow.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually don't even think I want the FULL report to leak, because it's possible that it might expose agents in the field.

Of course I would also like to see as much of it as possible while still keeping people safe.

I guess we'll soon find out what we're going to get to see.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually don't even think I want the FULL report to leak, because it's possible that it might expose agents in the field.

Of course I would also like to see as much of it as possible while still keeping people safe.

I guess we'll soon find out what we're going to get to see.

Cheney did that.. Nothing happened to him... Though we did get that kick-ass decemberist song out of it.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Am I the only person who has really low expectations for all of this? I don't mean to be defeatist, but even if there is something in the Mueller report worth knowing what can anyone do about it? Idk.I just think my belief in the system and the rules put in place to stop someone like Trump have just been whittled away. I have no more damns or fucks to give at this point. I gave them all up everytime before this where "We got him this time" and nothing came of it.

Trump is a criminal and a racist. That cannot be disputed, but he is just too protected at this point for anything to happen to him. And then on top of that the Dems seem to be fighting each other over petty nonsense rather than uniting against the enemy like the Right is doing. Say you what you want about the Right and its hypocrisy and its bullshit, but they come together to face a common enemy far better than the Dems at this point. The Dems seem to want to fight over every little thing under the sun regardless of the fact they are on the same side. Doesn't matter what it is or who says it. They need to nitpick and they need to fight about it.

Instead of realizing that even a "Bad" democrat is still better than the worst Republican they instead feel the need to go after each other like petulant children. And that is very concerning in the long run.
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Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Could you theoretically open an investigation into Barr for obstruction, won't he have to toe a very fine line to not look like he is doing that, maybe impossible and in the end he can only delay the full report or whatever Mueller deems redacted. Barr can't actually hide this, only delay it ?


Oct 29, 2017
God the fact Mueller will just let all this shit happen is fucking infuriating.

I know right. But it seems there is nothing he can do at this point. He got stuck on a team with 73 Angry Democrats. He never asked to submit his report to a presidential-excrement vacuum like Bill Barr. Imagine having the worst insider view of the destruction of the US government by foreign and domestic terrorists and being able to do nothing about it.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Am I the only person who has really low expectations for all of this? I don't mean to be defeatist, but even if there is something in the Mueller report worth knowing what can anyone do about it? Idk.I just think my belief in the system and the rules put in place to stop someone like Trump have just been whittled away. I have no more damns or fucks to give at this point. I gave them all up everytime before this where "We got him this time" and nothing came of it.

Trump is a criminal and a racist. That cannot be disputed, but he is just too protected at this point for anything to happen to him. And then on top of that the Dems seem to be fighting each other over petty nonsense rather than uniting against the enemy like the Right is doing.

It's what stems from the investigation also, what they handed off to other investigators and the pressure on Trump and his associates that might lead to prison and what not. I think Trump is only safe for now because he is President but after, I think they've probably got many things lined up to get him on crimes. I know they usually get away with it and nobody likes to air dirty laundry but America needs to show this shit doesn't fly and clean house.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
It's what stems from the investigation also, 2hat they handed off and found out about and the pressure on Trump and his friends that might lead to prison and what not. I think Trump is only safe for now because he is President but after, I think they've probably got many things lined up to get him on crimes. I know they usually get away with it and nobody likes to air dirty laundry but America needs to show this shit doesn't fly and clean house.

You have far more optimism than me at this point I will give you that.
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