
Nov 14, 2019

This is the NYTimes, a day before now, saying they deleted it for "imprecise language" (didn't mention the Biden campaign at this point)

I know we have a topic on Reade, but I think, mods approving, this deserves its own focus given the original article/edit of that line already went viral. Now we know why it was scrubbed completely, the Biden campaign.

A reminder, Biden HAS had past accusations of inappropriate conduct -

Many people thought the phrasing was awkward too, like how you could say "no pattern of sexual misconduct, except this pattern".

I guess the argument will veer into is touching people inappropriately, sexual? Whoever gets to decide that though, I don't think it should be Biden's campaign. Time for the NYT to go viral... again

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It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
Huh. I didn't know reputable news outlets needed approval and proofreads from the subjects to run their stories. NYT is the reputable paper in NY, right? I get them mixed up


Nov 14, 2019
Huh. I didn't know reputable news outlets needed approval and proofreads from the subjects to run their stories. NYT is the reputable paper in NY, right? I get them mixed up

It makes it seem like they ran their story, then it went viral (people questioning the sentence because of how it sounds contradictory), then the Biden campaign said something about it and it gets removed completely. Because it did originally get released as is.

A correction on an article is one thing, something most big outlets try to avoid needing to do if they can, but a political campaign asking you to change things is always going to come under scrutiny.

The issue here is a lot of the public already thought the things listed are sexual misconduct (obviously just not as severe as rape), but the NYT doesn't seem to think so, or suggests it's not what they meant and then with a request of the Biden campaign, just removed the line completely.


Oct 25, 2017
This is some bullshit. Leave it as it was.
The media in this country has been an absolute disgrace.
Everyone's working so hard to defend the top class' economic rule over us all.


Nov 1, 2017
Nobody wins, everybody loses, nothing is gained, nothing in learned, rinse , repeat

Same shit, different person 2020


Nov 14, 2019

This got some flak in their printed version as well.

Words matter people.

I know the above is the Washington Post, but again, words matter. Be careful.

It might seem like nitpicking, but folks have heightened concerns when its allegations around sexual assault.

Their Kavanaugh allegations response is getting some flak too, but I think most people, even if they were agitated waiting, can see some differences in reporting this case.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe people still trust corporate media - on this site, even - because Trump says they're bad. They're run to make a profit and keep their bosses rich. Stay critical.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I posted this in the other thread because I was sure this was just some kind of conspiracy shit. Nope, the NYT actually did it! Christ. What can you say at this point? The news media is complicit in downplaying allegations of sexual assault and hurting victims.
Oct 27, 2017
Reminder: when referring to "the Biden campaign" it should be noted who one of his most important staffers is and her history of doing this exact kind of work. Say what you want about Joe but he knows how to pick the best!


Former Obama Adviser Anita Dunn Helped Harvey Weinstein Strategize Before New York Times Story


Nov 14, 2019
I posted this in the other thread because I was sure this was just some kind of conspiracy shit. Nope, the NYT actually did it! Christ. What can you say at this point? The news media is complicit in downplaying allegations of sexual assault and hurting victims.

I think what makes things worse is inevitably due to partisan politics everyone is going to be screaming "this person on that political side got different treatment!". It just goes to show that mainstream media, when handling ANY cases of sexual assault, has to be impartial and has to be careful.

It's just not acceptable to make mistakes in these situations or to allow any of your own biases or political affiliations to cloud judgement. Treat victims as victims until further notice when it either isn't the case or new evidence comes to light.
Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe people still trust corporate media - on this site, even - because Trump says they're bad. They're run to make a profit and keep their bosses rich. Stay critical.

The problem is, Trump says media is bad for all the wrong reasons. There's a shit ton wrong with modern day news publications, but almost none of it for the reason he states. Almost everyone knows this and regardless, journalism is still an extremely important part of a functioning democracy.


Oct 30, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Downplaying sexual assault, history of similar behavior.
what is with America and sexual harassment allegations? It's not like these things have had any impact on politics - at least not at this level. People need to stop making this a thing that can sway voters. most Americans don't are I mean look at who is in the office now.

what nyt Did is shitty but I doubt most dems would rather have trump re-elected then vote for biden.


Nov 14, 2019
Reminder: when referring to "the Biden campaign" it should be noted who one of his most important staffers is and her history of doing this exact kind of work. Say what you want about Joe but he knows how to pick the best!


Former Obama Adviser Anita Dunn Helped Harvey Weinstein Strategize Before New York Times Story

Well, the more you know!

Former Vice President Joe Biden is shaking up his presidential campaign as he promotes longtime advisor and Democratic strategist Anita Dunn.

The decision was announced in an email to Biden campaign staff, according to NBC News.

Joe Biden shakes up campaign by elevating veteran Democratic strategist Anita Dunn

Joe Biden promotes veteran Democratic strategist Anita Dunn in the wake of Iowa disaster and as the campaign prepares for New Hampshire primary.

Deleted member 6949

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They can twist it however they want. I don't even care anymore. I'm not voting for a rapist. I'll vote Democrat down-ballot but fuck this whole circus.
Oct 27, 2017
More garbage from NYT, this time from the op-ed section: What to Do With Tara Reade's Allegation Against Joe Biden?



There is, of course Another Article by the same scumbag writer about the Kavanaugh accusations that doesn't contain any clever concern trolling and using Russia Russia Russia as a cudgel to sow distrust in the liberal mind. There's a huge difference between these two articles and it sure isn't differing believability of Blasey Ford's and Reade's stories.

On a side note its really funny how quiet this thread is compared to others here based on the same subject. Couldn't imagine why!


Nov 14, 2019
More criticism

Despite this corroboration of contemporaneous disclosure from Reade, the Times article registers some notes of skepticism. "No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of reporting, nor did any former Biden staff members corroborate any details of Ms. Reade's allegation," the piece reads. "The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden." Lerer and Ember's unusually detailed description of their reporting timeline reads as slightly defensive but is perhaps a response to the criticism the paper has drawn from both ends of the political spectrum for the lapse between Reade's public airing of her claim and the Times' first acknowledgment of it.

From a certain perspective, the framing of Reade's allegation makes sense in the context of the Times' own role in the #MeToo movement and the broader landscape of contemporary reporting on sexual assault. Each of the paper's major investigations, which have led to a rapist's conviction and the end of a serial harasser's career, turned up several related stories of sexual violence or inappropriate sexual behavior. A "pattern of sexual misconduct"—plus documentation of monetary settlements—helped justify the Times' reporting on allegations that hadn't been evaluated in courts of law. Perhaps this helps explain why, instead of reporting on Reade's allegation on its own terms, Lerer and Ember made a point of indicating the pattern they didn't find. On the other hand, is that really necessary? If they'd left that qualification out, readers still would have assumed as much: that if the journalists had discovered a pattern of alleged misconduct, they would have reported it. The absence of such reporting indicates a lack of such findings.

Lerer and Ember, as they take pains to make clear, have not exposed Biden as a serial sexual abuser. That doesn't mean there's no troubling pattern there. In addition to Reade, several women have accused Biden of treating their bodies as if they were his to touch and acting with complete disregard for their comfort or consent. How might a person who does these things make a sexual advance on a subordinate? With deference and care, or with reckless entitlement? Generally speaking, a man with a healthy regard for women's bodily autonomy does not make a habit of manhandling and infantilizing them in the course of his job duties. When confronted with his accusers' versions of events last year, Biden responded by mocking the concept of consent and admitting to nothing more than being a pathologically friendly old-timer. He also tried to erase the gendered aspect of his behavior: "Whether they're women, men, young, old, it's the way I've always been," he said in a video response to the initial allegations. (For the record, no men have accused Biden of inappropriate kisses or squeezes.)

If the backdrop of how the journalists reported the story is bizarrely present in the piece, so too is their assessment of why it matters. The Times article attempts to address the inevitable calculus voters will have to make in November by providing a thorough accounting of the "pattern of behavior" laid out by the more than 20 women who've accused Trump of sexual harassment or assault. Indeed, before they describe Reade's allegation in any detail, Lerer and Ember write that the allegations against Trump go "far beyond the accusations against Mr. Biden."

It's not wrong to consider how a sexual assault allegation might affect a political candidate's chances. But Lerer and Ember chose to forgo any informed political analysis in favor of a simpler comparison: Whose sexual assault allegations are worse? It's a crude calculation that bears little relationship to the way actual voters think or behave. It also suggests that the allegation against Biden primarily matters because he's the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. Why else would completely unrelated allegations against a completely different politician have a place in a story about Reade?

There's a reason why Trump brought Bill Clinton's accusers to a 2016 presidential debate. By reminding voters of another set of sexual abuse allegations, Trump sought to minimize and deflect from his own. There may well be voters who'll choose their vote for president based on who has drawn a longer list of sexual assault allegations, and they should feel free to compare Biden and Trump by that measure. But journalists should know better than to engage in this obfuscating exercise of relativity.

Joe Biden Sails Under the New York Times’ Bar for Sexual Abuse

Tara Reade’s accusation got a bizarre treatment from the paper of record.

They ain't wrong about the Trump stuff, pretty crappy to see most outlets do that. "Oh, by the way, Trump is worse!". Yeah, most people know about Trump, but it just comes across as a way to make an accusation against Biden less serious.

And they wonder why Twitter and even some of this site were out the gates like greyhounds to go "Trump is worse, everyone calm down. This is probably a Russian conspiracy, the Krassensteins are the heroes we need!"?

On a side note its really funny how quiet this thread is compared to others here based on the same subject. Couldn't imagine why!

To be fair some posters probably have me on ignore for talking about this, so they wouldn't see this topic as I'm the OP 😂


Oct 26, 2017
It seems like rape and sexual assault is fine as long as you're a "good" white Christian conservative man.

The media will defend you as well as public opinion.


Oct 27, 2017
Very nice.

Cancelled my NYT Online subscription a few months ago and this just reinforces that decision.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The perpetrator of a sexual assault and his cronies being allowed to directly craft the media coverage of that incident. Just normal things. Right? Nothing to see here.


Oct 27, 2017
My life growing up in the US has taught me not to trust mainstream media. It is what it is. NOTHING should be altered in a news story at the request of the politician that's a subject of the story. If it's factually inaccurate that's one thing, but that's not what's going on here and we all know it.


Aug 19, 2019
My life growing up in the US has taught me not to trust mainstream media. It is what it is. NOTHING should be altered in a news story at the request of the politician that's a subject of the story. If it's factually inaccurate that's one thing, but that's not what's going on here and we all know it.
Anyone with the same sentiment is usually labeled a "conspiracy theorist" unfortunately. It's often used as a stigma especially in mainstream news outlets.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
Weird that Obama is going to endorse a rapist today. 2020 Dems, everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
Very convenient that this thread is getting buried, huh.

Feels like this should be the nail in the coffin for me reading NYT. Absymal reporting from them.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
This really needs to be picked up by other outlets.


Oct 29, 2017
My life growing up in the US has taught me not to trust mainstream media. It is what it is. NOTHING should be altered in a news story at the request of the politician that's a subject of the story. If it's factually inaccurate that's one thing, but that's not what's going on here and we all know it.
It makes it clear that stories like Spotlight (I.e. Catholic Church child abuse) being reported are kind of miracles in the medium because it's become clear that too often these institutions have zero actual integrity. They say they value "neutrality" or "balance" or "truth" but they cave once power or capital become involved. Probably not as critically as Fox or Breitbart but to continue down this very road is to become just like them. Lewis Raven Wallace has a book and podcast called The View From Somewhere where they talk about this exact thing: getting fired from their radio job because they were an unapologetic progressive activist and that was seen as "unprofessional bias". These companies are so fundamentally broken.

Gross. Media bootlicking and Orwellian type shit might be the new normal. Trump put too much fear in these folks.
And I'm not sure why when it really is news that can make or break things. They have and had the power to expose Trump and call out the GOP simply by reporting reality but just like with this they crumble at the idea that they might be denied "access" and mold themselves to the wishes of anyone with power under the bullshit justification of trying to be a neutral or unbiased source.


Nov 14, 2019
Anyone with the same sentiment is usually labeled a "conspiracy theorist" unfortunately. It's often used as a stigma especially in mainstream news outlets.

There's a difference between Donald Trump's unhinged "FAKE NEWS" rants, and more nuanced and pointed critique of any bullshit in the media.

Trump calls the media fake even when they are... being factually and objectively on point. Or having subjective opinions with credibility/evidence.

Sexual assault issues, or anything surrounding metoo, is still a widespread concern because often those at the top running companies are men and many men either have blindspots for systematic patriarchal ways/structures, or they relish in them.

Like how we're having a "debate" that inappropriate groping/touching/feeling can be somewhat brushed aside.