
Oct 25, 2017
So, our Minister of Justice, Sylvi Listhaug, started a huge clusterfuck.
You might know her from this segment on Last Week Tonight:

The parliament was discussing if the passports of Norwegian foreign fighters returning from Syria could be revoked without going to court first. The Worker Party (Arbeiderpartiet) argued that this wasn't due process. Listhaug wasn't a fan of that response and posted this picture on Facebook:


"The Worker Party (AP) thinks terrorist rights are more important than the security of the nation - Like and Share"

Now, remember, the Worker Party was the one attacked by Breivik in 2011. The Minister of Justice posting propaganda similar to his ideology is just fucked up, especially since she posted it on the same day a movie about the attacks premiered in Norway. She didn't make an apology for several days and went for the "I'm sorry if anyone was hurt" type of excuse. She removed the picture even later, not because she was actually sorry, but because she didn't have the rights to the picture. As you can imagine, the media and other parties had a lot to say about this.

In a bizarre twist, a bunch of losers decided to send her flowers to show support. They felt she was the one being wrongfully attacked. She invited the media to take pictures, but they weren't allowed to ask questions.


Everybody saw right through this disgusting attempt at playing the victim card. One of the survivors of the 2011 attack criticized the flower debacle and got death threats ("you should have died on that Island"). Surprise surprise, turns out a lot of the flowers came from a racist/nazi facebook group.

The leader of the party Red (you can guess where they lean politically) started a motion of no-confidence against her. If it gets enough votes, she must step down. Instead of sending him flowers, people decided to do something morally superior and launch a crowdfunding campaign for Doctors Without Borders:

Right now it sits at around 9 million kroners (1,1 million dollars).

Anyway, the prime minister is now threatening to step down if the vote gets a majority. It's a coalition government so even though she probably isn't the biggest fan of Listhaug either, she has to stand up for her own government. Everything is now up to the centrist Christian Party. They helped put the government into power, but didn't want to be a part of it themselves (they disagreed too much with Listhaug's far right party). Did Listhaug take it too far this time around? Will the leader of the christian party grow a backbone? We will see this coming week.


Oct 27, 2017
Racist right wingers on the internet seem to love this Sylvi Listhaug woman (long before this latest incident) so you know she must be real scum...


Self-Requested Permanent Ban
Dec 15, 2017
About time something happening..
Last edited:


Dec 11, 2017
Interesting, but this actually does make Norway look good, again, just like how the aftermath of 2011 attack (and how Anders Breivik is treated by the public and judicial system) made Norway sound good.


Oct 30, 2017
See, I told you the Swedes would get to fire back at us ;).

:P. And don't worry her party will be elected again, we haven't had a Høyre -FRP government for nothing. People like being arseholes, just like people in the USA like being aresholes. I mean just look at those flowers. Even if she get's out of office, the FRP will keep ruling. :(

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What a weird thing to say when this is about the deaths of many many innocent children

Ah I didn't fully gather the context that the image was specifically accusing the party attacked by a terrorist of protecting terrorists. I thought it was a generic "liberals want open borders and want to get raped by immigrants etc" shtick from the alt-right. In that case it makes sense, but honestly in America's case after the Sandy Hook situation I feel like this wouldn't be remarkable if it happened with Trump


Oct 27, 2017
What a weird thing to say when this is about the deaths of many many innocent children

Yeah, but he's right. It's so chaotic right now here that believing in saving the lives of children from being shot by a gun in their school or being married off at 13 is a political statement. If this had popped up in in the US we would have half the country supporting it and saying we should drop a nucular bomb on all muslims and arrest anyone who thought different. Hell, I still see pictures and videos daily on social media of people wanting Barack Obama to be jailed or lynched because they think he was a Muslim or ruined the country or some shit.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
You know I kind of took umbrage when it was said in the past, but golly we Americans on Era do have a bad habit of co-opting threads that have nothing to do with us.


Oct 27, 2017
This has put everybody involved in a pickle.

The opposition would have to form a large coalition government in order to take over. Many of the involved parties have only limited common ground.
There are rumors that at least elements of the sitting government wants to be forced out, because they believe that they can benefit in the long run from a dysfunctional replacement.

Listhaug isn't really that popular internally in her own party, but she is too popular with parts of the base to be removed. So, if she goes so do they.
The Conservatives (which are the other half of the sitting government) Knows that they can't make the Progress Party fire her, and as a result they need to stand by her or risk the government unraveling.

At this point I guess large swaths of the political spectrum is hoping that the Christian Democrats won't support her removal, so that things can carry on as normal. Fun fact: Lishaug said that the leader of that party was "Licking Imams up the back".

Paradox House

Oct 25, 2017
Ah I didn't fully gather the context that the image was specifically accusing the party attacked by a terrorist of protecting terrorists. I thought it was a generic "liberals want open borders and want to get raped by immigrants etc" shtick from the alt-right. In that case it makes sense, but honestly in America's case after the Sandy Hook situation I feel like this wouldn't be remarkable if it happened with Trump

Point A; the alt right does not exist. It is just the far right. Why supposed critics of the far right use its favoured propoganda term I have no idea.

Point B; fuck everything being about America. Nother country, nother politics, nother issues.


Oct 25, 2017
IMO, social media and Facebook should not be the source of taking down a government. Especially considering what happened in 2016.
Does it really make a difference whether she posts that on her Facebook page or states it in an interview? I mean, she did it in her "official" role as the minister of justice. (And even if she did not, I do think even if this was just her "private opinion", she should face consequences for this).

Also, the Worker's Party originally didn't support the motion of no-confidence, only after her "apology" turned out to be of the "Sorry if you are offended" type.

Paradox House

Oct 25, 2017
Does it really make a difference whether she posts that on her Facebook page or states it in an interview? I mean, she did it in her "official" role as the minister of justice. (And even if she did not, I do think even if this was just her "private opinion", she should face consequences for this).

Also, the Worker's Party originally didn't support the motion of no-confidence, only after her "apology" turned out to be of the "Sorry if you are offended" type.

The flower stuff is amazingly tone deaf.


Oct 30, 2017
Does it really make a difference whether she posts that on her Facebook page or states it in an interview? I mean, she did it in her "official" role as the minister of justice. (And even if she did not, I do think even if this was just her "private opinion", she should face consequences for this).

Also, the Worker's Party originally didn't support the motion of no-confidence, only after her "apology" turned out to be of the "Sorry if you are offended" type.
Yup, that's like saying what someone said on radio doesn't matter in 1920 or on TV in 1960.


User banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 31, 2017
English not being a country's primary language must be a goddamned blessing.


Oct 25, 2017
It is indeed. Also, apparently a few hundred people turned up before Stortinget (the Parliament) and one of them was removed by police for showing the Nazi salute. Really surprising, this.

I love the old dude with a MAGA cap proudly telling the newspaper that Listhaug is Norway's Trump.
That will definitely change people's mind, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
That the decision that could end the current Norwegian government lies in the hand of KrF (Christian Democratic Party) is not a new situation, but maybe this is the final straw that breaks the camels back.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the old dude with a MAGA cap proudly telling the newspaper that Listhaug is Norway's Trump.
That will definitely change people's mind, lol.
...Please tell me you guys seriously didn't have a guy seriously say that having someone like Trump would be a good thing.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
That the decision that could end the current Norwegian government lies in the hand of KrF (Christian Democratic Party) is not a new situation, but maybe this is the final straw that breaks the camels back.

It's always funny as hell when parties like KrF,MDG,V,SV and Rødt etc acts like big dogs when basically nobody votes for them. It's both hilarious and infuriating at the same time. These coalition governments are always a cluster fuck.


Oct 25, 2017
That the decision that could end the current Norwegian government lies in the hand of KrF (Christian Democratic Party) is not a new situation, but maybe this is the final straw that breaks the camels back.

I love how this enormous weight is put on the shoulders of the guy who is always parodied as physically weaker than Mr. Burns.

...Please tell me you guys seriously didn't have a guy seriously say that having someone like Trump would be a good thing.


This was just a guy on the street at a protest. IIRC around 4-5% of Norwegians would vote for Trump. I guess you can't be completely immune to crazy.


Oct 25, 2017
A country where being a populist asshole actually has consequences? I'm pissed, I wish the rest of Europe would be more like this.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Oh man :(

I have such a high opinion of Norway, hope the good people of Norway come through, well done for not falling for her Trumpian attempt to distort the oppositions concerns. Workers Party believing in the system is support for terrorists? Wat (I hope I'm understanding this)


Oct 29, 2017
Oh man :(

I have such a high opinion of Norway, hope the good people of Norway come through, well done for not falling for her Trumpian attempt to distort the oppositions concerns. Workers Party believing in the system is support for terrorists? Wat (I hope I'm understanding this)

Why do they let isis members even come back to the country?

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What a shitshow, but I can admire the country even more than I already do if this has such consequences. In the meantime, elsewhere in Europe you have racist propaganda, antivax hoaxes, Soros conspiracies and all kinds of hate speech from governments and oppositions alike without consequences. Would be a nice change of pace to see such fuck-ups have actual consequences.


Oct 25, 2017
A country where being a populist asshole actually has consequences? I'm pissed, I wish the rest of Europe would be more like this.

Yeah, but then again some European countries wouldn't let populist assholes enter government in the first place. This far right party is pretty mild compared to the ones from other countries, but still...

Wait im confused so the donation is to who exactly? Im sorry I didnt fully understand the OP

Doctors without borders. I know, it doesn't make sense right away,
It was done as a counter-protest to people sending flowers to Listhaug.
Instead of sending a socialist materialistic things like flowers, people should spend money where it would make a difference.
They have raised 11 million NOK now (1,4 million dollars).


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, but then again some European countries wouldn't let populist assholes enter government in the first place. This far right party is pretty mild compared to the ones from other countries, but still...

Doctors without borders. I know, it doesn't make sense right away,
It was done as a counter-protest to people sending flowers to Listhaug.
Instead of sending a socialist materialistic things like flowers, people should spend money where it would make a difference.
They have raised 11 million NOK now (1,4 million dollars).

wow thats awesome!