
Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
lol must have struck a nerd when i brought up comic books spoilers, the biggest way to lose a grip with reality.

this is a scene in a comedy movie, not news. biden is not gonna bring this up in the debate because this will literally not move the needle in any direction. if you think some qanon loser is gonna change their mind because of this scene, then you haven't been paying attention

You struck a nerve when you came into this thread, about a story involving a key member of the Presidential administration caught on camera trying to bang a woman during a pandemic, while downplaying said pandemic and drinking scotch, and downplayed it, then had the fucking audacity to complain about it being spoiled for you when it is literally a news story and a scary indictment of how terrifyingly awful the White House is.

And to top it off, you make a false comparison to it being the equivalent of someone spoiling a Marvel film.

I wasn't being cute when I said get a grip, you legitimately need to get a grip on reality if your response to this story is to complain about spoilers.


Oct 28, 2017
Geez people it's a fucking Borat movie that gets spoiled not Murder on Orient Express lol

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
Reading the first page and my only comment is this:

The fucking personal attorney to the POTUS, a man accused of being compromised by foreign intelligence agencies, being duped by fucking Borat into embarrassing and potentially career-ending shit right here and you people are focusing on spoilers? grow up
Jul 5, 2019
I can't believe I'm reading Borat spoiler discourse in the holy year 2020. Like, this is what we're focusing on? Is quarantine just getting to us?
Oct 27, 2017
Only in 2020 could I open a thread about a Borat sequel where Ghouliani agrees to eat a bat and that somehow not being the dumbest thing in said thread.