Suburban Thug

Nov 13, 2017
Finished the game today. What a ride.
Missing 3 achievements that require another playthrough, so started my dumb, supernova, solo run. I wonder if I can get the stellar bay nav key without actually paying Gladys, as I don't want to do any sidequests this time around lol.

Oh, and holy crap using ranged weapons is so much easier.

You can try running through everyone back to your ship and just enter it manually.

I cannot run to the ship there is no way to get to it other than fast travel unless there's some secret underground way the waypoint marker is too stupid to figure out, which could be the case. I've had the marker glitch out so many times, but when I get that container and try to run to meet Phineas the ship is down below with no way for me to get to it without fast travel which is impossible because every person in this city is apparently an enemy. So infuriating.
Oct 27, 2017
Word of advice....try not to get negative reputation with the board, when i got to byzantium i was getting shot on sight and it killed the game for me at that point, i had to use cheat engine to reduce my negative rep in order to continue.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
I cannot run to the ship there is no way to get to it other than fast travel unless there's some secret underground way the waypoint marker is too stupid to figure out, which could be the case. I've had the marker glitch out so many times, but when I get that container and try to run to meet Phineas the ship is down below with no way for me to get to it without fast travel which is impossible because every person in this city is apparently an enemy. So infuriating.

If you are looking down on the ship there should be an elevator close by that will lower you down, if I remember right.


Oct 26, 2017
I cannot run to the ship there is no way to get to it other than fast travel unless there's some secret underground way the waypoint marker is too stupid to figure out, which could be the case. I've had the marker glitch out so many times, but when I get that container and try to run to meet Phineas the ship is down below with no way for me to get to it without fast travel which is impossible because every person in this city is apparently an enemy. So infuriating.
Wait, where are you? You should always be able to get back to your ship on foot, not matter where it is.

EDIT: If you're in Byzantium there should be an elevator in the far east of town that brings you down to the lower area where your ship is
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Feb 12, 2018
I cannot run to the ship there is no way to get to it other than fast travel unless there's some secret underground way the waypoint marker is too stupid to figure out, which could be the case. I've had the marker glitch out so many times, but when I get that container and try to run to meet Phineas the ship is down below with no way for me to get to it without fast travel which is impossible because every person in this city is apparently an enemy. So infuriating.
I really don't understand. You should always be able to reach your ship. Where are you in Byzantium, inside a building?


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
Yes. It is probably the most encountered bug in the game.

There is another door you can enter by but it is a little tricky to get to, but there are videos on how to do it. Or you can just open the door and attack.

Well.. i end up glithiching throw the other door and finish the game, i only found 3 companions D: .

The final "boss" was really hard.. the only moment of the game where i died like 10 times at least.., i arrived with the wrong weapons :(

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
Well.. i end up glithiching throw the other door and finish the game, i only found 3 companions D: .

The final "boss" was really hard.. the only moment of the game where i died like 10 times at least.., i arrived with the wrong weapons :(

I didn't know about the other door, so after trying all sorts of ways to get through without crashing I ended up just killing the guy which was not what not my first choice as I wanted to hear him out, then most likely kill him.


Nov 1, 2017
I finished the game yesterday afternoon. I'd give it a 7 out of 10. I'm pretty disappointed, I had high hopes that this game would be my GOTY in what has been a disappointing year (for me).

The only areas that I really liked were Edgewater and its surroundings and Groundbreaker. I especially loved the look, layout and atmosphere of Groundbreaker. Came across as a mix of Bioshock and Fallout.

Monarch, which is where I probably spent most of my time (it is the biggest area after all) was okay at best. I thought that I might finally be able to get some Fallout style exploration going on there only to realize that there are just too many enemies and nothing really worth discovering anyway. Besides, the whole quest line on that planet was convoluted and not particularly interesting. It's after an hour or two there that I realized that the game just wasn't living up to my expectations.

Byzantium looks amazing but the lack of options when it comes to completing the story missions really spoiled it for me. The missions and areas after Byzantium are really not what I want in this type of game, not for more than say 5 minutes, anyway (I don't mind that sort of stuff when it is done like it was in "Heartache by the Number" quest in New Vegas).

Random opinions:

- The combat isn't RPG enough and too volatile without VATS. I much prefer VATS to TTD as it helps you cope this problem.
- I think that an open world is better for this type of game or at least much larger worlds with more downtime so that exploration is more fun and more random quests can be hidden in the middle of nowhere.
- There was a little too much cut and paste going on making the game feel a bit samey in terms of its look after a while.
- The perks are too straightforward and the weapon variety is lacking.

I enjoyed it at the end of the day but it is the first one of these types of games that I had no desire to do a second playthrough of which is telling.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
I am getting wrecked by these beasts on Monarch on Hard difficulty. I don't know if I am underleveled at 11 or undergeared.


Oct 25, 2017
Whoops I accidentally killed the entirety of Byzantium...

And it seemed like...that's....thats okay?

You know what...

I dont feel bad at all


Jan 3, 2019
This game is sex!

Easily my GOTY and it's not really close (Control was my GOTY before this). Jedi may have something to say about that in a few weeks, but this is the Fallout game we should have gotten.

Slim Action

Jul 4, 2018
I brought SAM on Max's quest.

Warming: inhaling toxic vapors can lead to permanent brain damage.

(Also I put the difficulty down to the lowest setting for the last stretch of the game, no regrets)


Jul 10, 2018
It's the last part of the game, it
has a sudden difficulty spike. Lots of very well armored/armed enemies and a poorly designed boss battle.
Or at least I think that's what they are talking about, might be wrong.
Probably the
robot boss right at the end. Maybe all the corp guards you might have to fight as well.
Maybe the final boss fight. I played normal and reached level 30. I still died once to it because Im a 🤡

I passed the whole area without fighting a single soul with that holographic ID thing.

Boss went down pretty quick, I spammed SAM and Parvati abilities (the perks for 20-25% chance of instant cooldowns helped).
Oct 25, 2017
The more I play this the less I like it. I'm contemplating dropping it actually.(11 hours in) It's just a really bland experience. Nowhere near New Vegas tier.

Slim Action

Jul 4, 2018
Once you've unlocked most of the locations the game totally does that Mass Effect Andromeda thing where some of the quests require you to go to 3 or 4 planets for no real reason.


Oct 27, 2017
I just finished the game tonight. Did almost all of the side stuff, I think play time totaled around 35 hours.

Enjoyed my time with it. The first big decision really made had me going back and forth. So much so that I went and did more side quests while I continued to think about it. Although, I feel like none of the games later decisions really affected me the same way. Maybe they used their best one in the first part of the game because the usual player doesn't finish a game, or maybe the later decisions were just easier because of my experience being a rootin', tootin', tough spacer.


Oct 25, 2017
The more I play this the less I like it. I'm contemplating dropping it actually.(11 hours in) It's just a really bland experience. Nowhere near New Vegas tier.

Yeah this is how I feel after having just finished it.

I liked it overall though, I'd give it a 7/10.While the dialogue itself is usually great, the world feels very...sterile. The game blows its load early on, the Emerald Vale is basically the best part of the game because it feels the most realized with how side quests loop into each other (kind of reminds me of White Orchard for Witcher 3, actually) and the moral greyness of the big choices in this section. I can forgive that its not going to be as big as NV because this is a smaller budget game, but in that case I find the budget was perhaps spread too thin.

The dilemma on Monarch is not nearly as complicated as Emerald Vale because you can pretty easily bring the two factions together without the hint of ambiguity present in the "compromise" choice for Edgewater. In general, the Board is portrayed as so cartoonishly evil, even moreso than Caesar who actually had a somewhat interesting (if twisted) logic to his barbarity.

I can forgive the weak exploration aspects, but I feel this game tried to be "too big", its about saving the Halcyon colony when for a game of this budget and length, I think the narrative and stakes should have been more scale, like the first half of NV where your entire goal is to find the guy that killed you. As a result what we get are several half-baked zones, when I think it would have been better if the entire game took place on on or two maps at most.

The quality of companions takes a nosedive after Emerald Vale as well. Max and Parvarti are the only well-developed companions, with interesting arcs I found the others pretty one-sided and they played up their individual shticks way too much- Felix the boneheaded revolutionary, Ellie the rebel, and Nyoka the drunk. It got annoying by the end.


Oct 25, 2017
Just completed it on hard with 23h 22m on the clock. I did all the companion quests, hit level 30 several hours before the end, did every sidequest I could find though I'm sure I missed a few.

Like a lot of other people in here, I liked it, but it started to get old by the end.

Not a ton of weapon variety. I think I used the same handful of guns for the last 10 hours.
Not enough weapon mod variety
Difficulty balancing wasn't great. It started hard, got super easy, and then ended weirdly hard.
Too many consumables with the same effects.
Performance on PC was not great.
Art style is uneven.
Main story was very whatever.
Dash and time slowing were pretty useless I felt. Lots of weapons have long windups/charging times which sucks with TTD.
Little incentive to specialize with stats. Btw who DOESN'T level up lockpicking in games like this?
Perks were boring.
UI sucked a lot of the time.
End of the game came very abruptly. I was expecting another planet or two.

The quests and characters were good. Combat was fine. At first I liked the focused, non-open world design, but eventually I ended up missing the immersion an open world gives. The boundaries and artificiality of each play area became apparent quickly. It was also very transparent how they littered the path through the game with sidequest opportunities.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what gear you are using, but that only ever happens when using the starting pistol. TTD scales incredibly well in this game, and it does more than the AP > VATS use did in Fallout. By level ten even with pistols you should be able to outright kill at least two enemies, and by late game you can take out up to six at a time within TTD. Until you are one-shotting humans in the head with a pistol though, they are mainly to blind and cripple while in TTD and finishing them off outside of it. Rifles are what you would use to guarantee one-shots early on.

But anyway, it is the spiritual successor to NV. It's just not a very good one.
Fallout 3 is actually quite bad and only looked in a more 'positive' light because bethesda kept lowering the bar game after game.

Also i have no idea how anyone can prefer VATS over TTD or say "you cant kill a single enemy with it"
I play on hard. While enemies did die in a single shot to the head early on, right now on Monarch they never do anymore. I've been using the dead-eye rifle and maxed out its upgrades, but it still wouldn't do the job. Headshots aren't as deadly as I expected them to be, so I usually have to spend the entire TTD bar to kill a single enemy. In Fallout, headshots are deadly especially with the corresponding traits. I could kill 2-3 enemies in a single VATS thanks to that.

Also, it's just different from VATS. In Fallout, I usually press the VATS button every now and then to scout the enemies. Most of the time, they may lurk anywhere or even patrolling an area, and you can't expect them. In TOW, you can fully predict where to find the enemies from a distance. Everytime I see a group of buildings with boxes scattered around, I'm 100% sure there will be enemies in the area. And of course, there are destructible boxes too to help you to deal with them. The combat is designed with first person shooters in mind, unlike in Fallout games where exploration is always thrilling and exciting.


Oct 27, 2017
Just completed it on hard with 23h 22m on the clock. I did all the companion quests, hit level 30 several hours before the end, did every sidequest I could find though I'm sure I missed a few.

Like a lot of other people in here, I liked it, but it started to get old by the end.

Not a ton of weapon variety. I think I used the same handful of guns for the last 10 hours.
Not enough weapon mod variety
Difficulty balancing wasn't great. It started hard, got super easy, and then ended weirdly hard.
Too many consumables with the same effects.
Performance on PC was not great.
Art style is uneven.
Main story was very whatever.
Dash and time slowing were pretty useless I felt. Lots of weapons have long windups/charging times which sucks with TTD.
Little incentive to specialize with stats. Btw who DOESN'T level up lockpicking in games like this?
Perks were boring.
UI sucked a lot of the time.
End of the game came very abruptly. I was expecting another planet or two.

The quests and characters were good. Combat was fine. At first I liked the focused, non-open world design, but eventually I ended up missing the immersion an open world gives. The boundaries and artificiality of each play area became apparent quickly. It was also very transparent how they littered the path through the game with sidequest opportunities.
a lot of those complaints are largely budget related, not excusing it, but honestly I preferred the hub/zone setup. games like fallout have too much meaningless space for my taste.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm several worlds in and I still think it's an amazing work. It may not be balanced, it may not carry the momentum all the way through, but damn if it isn't still engrossing. It recaptures the magic of F3 and FNV and even KOTOR like few games have done since. Even if it doesn't quite measure up, it's still a god damn beautiful thing.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
I am starting to recognise the complaints about the dialogue. It isn't bad by any means, but it's like every topic contains one or two lines too many. Considering the amount of things to discuss, this quickly leaves you wishing the NPCs would just get on with it.

I still love the gameplay loop however. Monarch is a bit too large for its own good, but I enjoy the back and forth between exploration, combat and looting in places like Edgewater, Roseway and Groundbreaker.

I also echo the complaints about perks and mods not being interesting enough. I can actually live with the perks offering small QoL improvements. But I wish the weapon mods would bring something more to the table than just "turn weapon's damage into shock". Let us actually tinker and finetune a weapon's stats and looks to our own liking. I'd love something like a spare parts system that lets you break down the crap you loot into stuff you can slap on your weapon, or even build entirely new weapons with.


Oct 28, 2017
Just completed it on hard with 23h 22m on the clock. I did all the companion quests, hit level 30 several hours before the end, did every sidequest I could find though I'm sure I missed a few.

Like a lot of other people in here, I liked it, but it started to get old by the end.

Not a ton of weapon variety. I think I used the same handful of guns for the last 10 hours.
Not enough weapon mod variety
Difficulty balancing wasn't great. It started hard, got super easy, and then ended weirdly hard.
Too many consumables with the same effects.
Performance on PC was not great.
Art style is uneven.
Main story was very whatever.
Dash and time slowing were pretty useless I felt. Lots of weapons have long windups/charging times which sucks with TTD.
Little incentive to specialize with stats. Btw who DOESN'T level up lockpicking in games like this?
Perks were boring.
UI sucked a lot of the time.
End of the game came very abruptly. I was expecting another planet or two.

The quests and characters were good. Combat was fine. At first I liked the focused, non-open world design, but eventually I ended up missing the immersion an open world gives. The boundaries and artificiality of each play area became apparent quickly. It was also very transparent how they littered the path through the game with sidequest opportunities.

This sums up a lot of my feelings too. The game felt very "static" to me, as if it never really evolved after the first few hours.

Also the loading times on the base Xbox are just terrible. Can't really imagine going back to this :/


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
Just finished it and its an ok game I guess. It does some things really well like the characterization of its citizens, the world building, and the combat. But a lot of things are disappointing in that you can see threads of how good they should have been. In general, it just feels like a game that doesn't live up to its potential. It's not nearly as good as its pedigree would suggest, given that its Obsidian at the top of their game working with the original minds behind the series it's trying so desperately to emulate. The first world is really a vertical slice of what the entire game will be like. Outside of the initial few hours, not much changes for the remaining 20ish hours.

It's decent but it lacks the feeling of progression and character development of something like New Vegas. I've seen people sing the praises of this game and say that it's even better than New Vegas and I can't help but wonder if we were playing the same game.

Like, the story really feels like it's about to hit its stride and then it just... ends? Obsidian is probably my favorite developer but I think this might be their worst game.

I'm very happy for them to be getting all of the positive press and that this game was well received. I just wish that I liked this game more than I do. I can only hope that the success of TOW and their being owned by a first-party publisher means that they can take the strengths of TOW and improve on them and the many issues the game has to create something really special.
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Super Havoc

Aug 24, 2018
The Haven
Guys, I'm in Byzantium and I completed that mission with Dr. Catrande or however you spell her name and I didn't have enough in the persuasion skill to cool the guard with her down so they began attacking me to which I quickly destroyed them. The issue is of course now the entire city's guards are all aggro'd and attack on sight.

Is there any way to cool them down like sleeping for a few days or something? I'm thinking I'm gonna have to kill everyone now. > _>


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
Guys, I'm in Byzantium and I completed that mission with Dr. Catrande or however you spell her name and I didn't have enough in the persuasion skill to cool the guard with her down so they began attacking me to which I quickly destroyed them. The issue is of course now the entire city's guards are all aggro'd and attack on sight.

Is there any way to cool them down like sleeping for a few days or something? I'm thinking I'm gonna have to kill everyone now. > _>

Probably gonna have to reload your save or bribe the guard


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Space, Man
So I'm playing melee build on hard and I'm getting my ass kicked. I'm level 8 and my best melee weapon is a hammer with 140dps but it doesn't feel like I'm doing any damage. Any tips?

Also, questions:

1) my weapons dps number is in red. What does that mean? Does it have to do with the weapons level? I seem To be able to equip level 11 weapons even though I am only level 8?
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Oct 27, 2017
a lot of those complaints are largely budget related, not excusing it, but honestly I preferred the hub/zone setup. games like fallout have too much meaningless space for my taste.
Alternatively, maybe people want a game like Fallout that makes meaningful use of that space?

That said I think hub/zone planets are required for a game *set in outer space*. It makes much more sense for a monster planet than just "a corner of the map infested with monsters". But the game just didn't utilize this mechanic well. Only two big planets that probably weren't big enough, and smaller hubs that felt empty


Oct 26, 2017
Finally starting to feel like I've had enough of Call of Duty for now, so I started this properly last night. Played the first couple of hours and I'm really enjoying it. Nothing about it is really blowing me away, but it's just such a nice, cozy first-person RPG.

That said, the reason I moved on to this for my single-player game needs and not Disco Elysium, Cold Steel 3 or Outer Wilds or some others I have lined up is because of the many posters on this page alone saying how it started out great and then started to get weaker and weaker as it went by. I'm not particularly interested in exploration, combat or anything like that, though, I just want to do side quests and read computer logs and talk to people, so I'm hoping my impressions will end up being a bit more positive.

Pretty much every single game I've played this year has been disappointing to some extent, so I'm hoping at least SOMETHING will deliver, haha.


Oct 25, 2017
It's unbelievable how disappointing this was. Peaks on the first planet and then falls off a cliff on Monarch and never recovers. Time to get rid of it, can't see myself ever playing it again.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Been making some progress into this game now, and while it's fun, it's been a bit too much samey combat encounters for my liking. I've been playing on normal difficulty, and it has felt a bit weird for my character, who's not a combat focused character, to be able to make Rambo runs into nests of marauders and/or beats, without much effort. Need to change up my playstyle.


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
So I'm playing melee build on hard and I'm getting my ass kicked. I'm level 8 and my best melee weapon is a hammer with 140dps but it doesn't feel like I'm doing any damage. Any tips?

Also, questions:

1) my weapons dps number is in red. What does that mean? Does it have to do with the weapons level? I seem To be able to equip level 11 weapons even though I am only level 8?

Red means it does plasma damage


Oct 25, 2017
Im doing missions at Monarch and yes, same feelling here. Game gets worse and worse over time. Nothing really happens and theres no memorable NPCs. I do enjoy it but its pretty dissapointing.