
Oct 27, 2017
Ok, HotHamBoy here's what I'm thinking
Title: ERA digital pinball tournament: Jurassic Park(pinball fx3 3-pack)

Intro: Welcome to our first Era tournament, hopefully the first of many. With its release this week we've decided to run a for fun tournament for the new Jurassic Park tables in Pinball FX3. This is all for the fun of having some direct competition with your fellow pinball players here on ERA. There's no prize other than the pride of trying your best.

I'll let you cover the fine tournament details, but needless to say we need: board info, rules, and time frame. I'll start that section by acknowledging you as judge, basically along the lines of 'Here is the Tournament rules and setup from our judge and enthusiast hothamboy'

Might end with a comment that future tournaments could be chosen by popular vote as well

Also can't you create custom tourneys on pinball fx3 on switch

Maybe we should really do this right. I could design a banner graphic for these tournies and an avatar trophy.

As for how to conduct the tournament and the possibility of doing it from within the app, well, I just looked it up and prepare for a big bummer alert:

Leaderboards, Matchups and Tournaments are all cross-platform enabled between the following communities and devices:

  • PlayStation Network + Steam
  • Switch + Xbox One + Windows 10 + Steam.
Please note, players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 may restrict their gameplay experience to their platform only if so desired, meaning Playstation 4 players can elect to play with others only on PlayStation 4.

So basically the exact same situation as Rocket League. Fuck you Sony.

And since I only own the tables on my preferred platform, my iPad, I can't participate with any of those platforms. I also can't start a tourny using tables I don't own so I wouldn't be able to do it on my Switch or PS4 unless I bought the tables again.

Also, hurry the hell up bringing Pinball FX3 to mobile, Zen.


Nov 27, 2017
I don't have it yet, and WiFi is down at my school. Let's focus on the thread and we can add the in game tourney setup when we have it. That and I'm switch XD


Oct 25, 2017
Yikes. I have little patience for rom hoarders like this. "However, much like a collector with a rare coin, painting, or manuscript, owning a one of a kind game that no one else in the world has can be quite a thrill and give a sense of euphoria. It has the power to manipulate your thinking." Yeah, it's called avarice. He has the opportunity to benefit the community and by his own admission there are ways to recoup the loss, but nah. I seriously cannot get over the fact that he uses greed and avarice to justify his actions.

He doesn't owe the community anything. As someone in possession of unreleased games and associated materials (not pinball ones), attitudes like yours make it easy to not want to release anything.

It not just regaining personal costs, if other traders know you've released stuff in the past they are unlikely to want to trade with you again, because you just devalued the item for everyone, especially those in possession of ROMs only and no physical item. Is a risk of it killing the hobby for you.


Jan 30, 2018
He doesn't owe the community anything. As someone in possession of unreleased games and associated materials (not pinball ones), attitudes like yours make it easy to not want to release anything.

It not just regaining personal costs, if other traders know you've released stuff in the past they are unlikely to want to trade with you again, because you just devalued the item for everyone, especially those in possession of ROMs only and no physical item. Is a risk of it killing the hobby for you.
You have to understand that from the perspective of those who aren't/can't be part of this high stakes game, it's incredibly hard to care about "killing the hobby for you" since you actively keep people from being able to enjoy the media (which was likely originally meant to be widely consumed anyway). If my attitude makes it easy for you to not want to release anything, then you never entertained the thought to begin with. I absolutely believe everyone should have access to (reproductions of) art and media. The originals are a completely different story, and I respect art collectors so long as reproductions/photographs/whatever exist. Hoarding unreleased content and circulating it among a few wealthy people does everyone, including the media, a disservice, despite whatever high it may give you, or however it might "manipulate your thinking."

Let me provide an example. We have only ever found a single manuscript for Beowulf. The text was almost lost presumably forever due to a fire, but luckily someone made a couple copies, and eventually the text was published. Now Beowulf is a permanent fixture in the medieval canon, and is a beloved text.
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Oct 25, 2017
If my attitude makes it easy for you to not want to release anything, then you never entertained the thought to begin with.

More toxic attitude.

I would absolutely love to release everything I have and discuss it with the fandom, sharing that experience would bring me so much joy to be able to talk about it and hear other opinions and reactions.

But I can't, for one thing it would mean never getting anything of the sort again, and more importantly, it would be betraying the trust of who I received it from and screw them over.

One thing I don't like though, is those who tease and show off stuff just to make a point that they have something and you don't. Are unfortunately a lot of these types and it just ends up making people angry and to make comments like I quoted. I'll never show off my stuff and it leaves the community nothing to be angry at. Ignorance is bliss and all that.

Anyway this off topic so apologies, just wanted to show it not a matter of greed or self importance for everyone.


Oct 27, 2017
More toxic attitude.

I would absolutely love to release everything I have and discuss it with the fandom, sharing that experience would bring me so much joy to be able to talk about it and hear other opinions and reactions.

But I can't, for one thing it would mean never getting anything of the sort again, and more importantly, it would be betraying the trust of who I received it from and screw them over.

One thing I don't like though, is those who tease and show off stuff just to make a point that they have something and you don't. Are unfortunately a lot of these types and it just ends up making people angry and to make comments like I quoted. I'll never show off my stuff and it leaves the community nothing to be angry at. Ignorance is bliss and all that.

Anyway this off topic so apologies, just wanted to show it not a matter of greed or self importance for everyone.

I view it the same as tomb robbers, tbh. People who go to archaeological sites and take pieces of history for themselves when it rightfully belongs to the world.

Buying and trading in artifacts and fossils in a black market is illegal. That's basically what you guys are doing with gaming history.

Maybe you shouldn't dump the rom and distribute it but should it not at least go to a preservation museum where people can go check it out for themselves and play it on location?

Let's steer this back in topic.

Pinball has a similar issue but minus the ability to back up the games. There are rare prototypes in private collections that really should be in pinball museums like the one in Vegas or the one in Pittsburgh. Otherwise no one ever gets to even look at them and we risk losing those games forever to damage.

These museums would pay a good, fair price for these games but the collectors would rather have the bragging rights of owning it themselves.
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Oct 27, 2017
These museums would pay a good, fair price for these games but the collectors would rather have the bragging rights of owning it themselves.
Would they though? A lot of these places barely seem to make enough money to keep the lights on, let alone spend a stupid amount on a single machine.

It also depends on the actual machine, too. I bet there are some sweet Trudeau photos/whitewoods that are going cheap now ;)


Oct 27, 2017
Would they though? A lot of these places barely seem to make enough money to keep the lights on, let alone spend a stupid amount on a single machine.

It also depends on the actual machine, too. I bet there are some sweet Trudeau photos/whitewoods that are going cheap now ;)

Actually, a lot of these places are indeed just breaking even but they aren't in it for the money. They want to preserve pinball.

Lord Error

Oct 27, 2017
Fun thing that happened last summer: I found a place with the remaster model of Medieval Madness pinball (There's a company that sells the remake with improved LED lights etc). Now, MM was at the time my by far most played pinball in TPA, on PS4, iPad, any platform really. I got quite good at it on PS4 especially. Obviously, I jumped at the opportunity to play the real deal, and to my surprise, I did really well! All the practice with TPA seriously paid off, my muscle memory from the video game actually got me through the real pinball. It was pretty awesome, I felt like a real pinball wizard for the first time in my life :P

It must be said however, playing the real pinball is just an incomparably better experience. The ball jumps and jitters, table vibrates, there's this whole real physicality of it where you feel each hit and bump.


Oct 27, 2017
Fun thing that happened last summer: I found a place with the remaster model of Medieval Madness pinball (There's a company that sells the remake with improved LED lights etc). Now, MM was at the time my by far most played pinball in TPA, on PS4, iPad, any platform really. I got quite good at it on PS4 especially. Obviously, I jumped at the opportunity to play the real deal, and to my surprise, I did really well! All the practice with TPA seriously paid off, my muscle memory from the video game actually got me through the real pinball. It was pretty awesome, I felt like a real pinball wizard for the first time in my life :P

It must be said however, playing the real pinball is just an incomparably better experience. The ball jumps and jitters, table vibrates, there's this whole real physicality of it where you feel each hit and bump.

Yup, you got it. That's the key to my own success.

I liken it to poker. A guy who plays a lot of online poker is going to do way better in a real game than a guy who doesn't play much poker at all, but the real game against people in the same room is still a whole other beast. And just like it helps to know the particulars of their opponent, one needs to know the particulars of the specific table at that location.

Digital pinball can't really prepare you for real physics or nudging but it does wonders for reaction speed, hand-eye coordination, table rules, etc.

The biggest thing I found I needed to learn and could only learn from playing lots of real pinball is nudging. It took a couple years before I was able to nudge naturally and effectively and now it feels like the table is an extension of my body and as important a tool as the flippers themselves.
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Jan 27, 2018
I see a lot of people who have been long time pinball fans. And pinball was perceived in the last decades as a nostalgic thing of the past. But fortunately by reading threads like this, one can perceive a resurgence of pinball machines in the US.

In my personal experience, I'm in my 30s and in Spain. I remember playing some pinball as a kid, but you know, I was really bad and it's just a distant memory from my childhood.

And when I started to become passionate about pinball two years ago, I found that in my city is impossible to find any location with a real pinball machine. And yet I was fortunate of playing a real pinball last year, because in a party in the house of a friend, his family had a pinball cabinet in the basement.

So I don't know, taken into account my experience or limited knowledge of the genre, if this recommendation will serve to any pinball player with more experience. You know, until last year reading some table guides for FX3, I didn't know that skill shots were a thing, and I'm still learning a lot of the conventions in the genre. I'm really bad with nundging, like, terribly bad.

But after interesting me for pinball, I tried various digital games. And there was a game that converted me in a believer. The first pinball game that captivated my imagination.

This game was 'Hyperspace Pinball'. Seeing from the perspective of time, I'm still impressed with some of the things made by this game.

Its sound design is fascinating and very synesthetic. And its pace is very different to any other pinball game that I have played, becoming an hypnotic experience that can absorb you for hours, thanks to its use of visuals and music. Also it does some crazy things only possible in a digital pinball game, like changing the layouts of the table or including mechanics more close to a shmup. It's like merging a table with the sound design of 'Black Hole' with some crazy contemporary incarnation of 'Space Invaders' in the vein of the Extreme series.

My only complaint with the game is that it doesn't include TATE mode. And this has become an essential part of the pinball experience for me.

But if you can live without this TATE mode and you are in the mood for a more relaxing pinball machine, I still see 'Hyperspace Pinball' as a landmark. And a game that deserves much more love and attention.


Lord Error

Oct 27, 2017
Never heard of hyperspace pinball. Looks interesting, and it's only $3 and even available for Mac. I'll give it a try.

Interesting thing I discovered last night is that Pinball Dreaming, a 3D remake of Amiga's Pinball dreams is also available for Mac on Apple's App Store (and seemingly only there).that might be good because the iOS version was never updated for 64bit and doesn't work on ios11. But even for the Mac version, the last update was a few years ago so I'm worried it won't work on High Sierra, and not sure if I'm willing to spend $7 to test.
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Jan 27, 2018
Never heard of hyperspace pinball. Looks interesting, and it's only $3 and even available for Mac. I'll give it a try.

Interesting thing I discovered last night is that Pinball Dreaming, a 3D remake of Amiga's Pinball dreams is also available for Mac on Apple's App Store (and seemingly only there).that might be good because the iOS version was never updated for 64bit and doesn't work on ios11. But even for the Mac version, the last update was a few years ago so I'm worried it won't work on High Sierra, and not sure if I'm willing to spend $7 to test.

It seems that 'Hyperspace Pinball' was also released in iOS and Android, as a free game with in-app-purchases. And in a weird way, these versions have vertical orientation.


Oct 27, 2017
Never heard of hyperspace pinball. Looks interesting, and it's only $3 and even available for Mac. I'll give it a try.

Interesting thing I discovered last night is that Pinball Dreaming, a 3D remake of Amiga's Pinball dreams is also available for Mac on Apple's App Store (and seemingly only there).that might be good because the iOS version was never updated for 64bit and doesn't work on ios11. But even for the Mac version, the last update was a few years ago so I'm worried it won't work on High Sierra, and not sure if I'm willing to spend $7 to test.

Pinball Dreams is available and works on iOS 11/full screen on iPhone 8 etc. so is Fantasies - the original versions. The HD remakes are not.

Lord Error

Oct 27, 2017
Pinball Dreams is available and works on iOS 11/full screen on iPhone 8 etc. so is Fantasies - the original versions. The HD remakes are not.
Yep, I have the originals, but the HD versions were never updated. So I guess the Mac version of Dreams (if it works) is the only one left of the HDs.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep, I have the originals, but the HD versions were never updated. So I guess the Mac version of Dreams (if it works) is the only one left of the HDs.

Sorry, Didn't where you said 3D remake.

I wish they would update the HD versions. I don't think they are a Dev tram anymore, but then when they updated the originals a couple of years ago that was surprise at the time

Lord Error

Oct 27, 2017
It seems that 'Hyperspace Pinball' was also released in iOS and Android, as a free game with in-app-purchases. And in a weird way, these versions have vertical orientation.
Yep the iOS version works well, and the amount you can play for free seems very generous. I actually like this game a lot conceptually, but I wish its technical execution was a bit better. Ball physics are serviceable, but feel a bit off, and the worst offender is that the game is running at 30FPS.

I think that when it comes to these non-standard pinball games on iOS, PinOut is still the king. Surprised that game has not been mentioned yet - it's really awesome and the aesthetic and music is just incredible.
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Jan 27, 2018
Yep the iOS version works well, and the amount you can play for free seems very generous. I actually like this game a lot game conceptually, but I wish its technical execution was a bit better. Ball physics are serviceable, but feel a bit off, and the worst offender is that the game is running at 30FPS.

I think that when it comes to these non-standard pinball games on iOS, PinOut is still the king.

Oh, that is a game breaker for me. Fortunately, I have only played the PC version which runs flawlessly at 60FPS. But I really miss the vertical mode from the iOS version.

I'm currently in a Mac desktop, so I will probably install the game in my computer to have some pinball in my spare time.


Oct 28, 2017
Picked up a Gottlieb Sure Shot EM today. It's a project game and I'm unsure if it works, so this will be fun and I'm excited to have a simplish game to work on. Fun fact, its add-a-ball brother Bank Shot is the game Roger Sharpe played when he testified for pinball being a game of skill, and subsequently got pinball legalized in NY


Oct 27, 2017
Yep the iOS version works well, and the amount you can play for free seems very generous. I actually like this game a lot conceptually, but I wish its technical execution was a bit better. Ball physics are serviceable, but feel a bit off, and the worst offender is that the game is running at 30FPS.

I think that when it comes to these non-standard pinball games on iOS, PinOut is still the king. Surprised that game has not been mentioned yet - it's really awesome and the aesthetic and music is just incredible.

I mentioned it in my first post but it's really easy to miss.

I like the game but the flipper physics are terrible

Lord Error

Oct 27, 2017
I mentioned it in my first post but it's really easy to miss.

I like the game but the flipper physics are terrible
Yeah, they use some kind of guided physics, instead of normal real world physics. What I mean by that is that the ball slows down around the position on the flipper when you're supposed to flip. This makes it particularly easy to play if you cradle the ball every time before you shoot it. I think they put a lot of effort into what the have there, to make the game playable for newcomers, but I do really wish they had an option to play just with normal physics.


Jan 27, 2018
By looking at this 'PinOut' trailer I'm truly impressed. It seems like the psychedelic world of 'Thumper' set in a pinball environment. Amazing concept and art style.

Deleted member 26684

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
PinOut is wonderful. Thumper meets pinball is a flawless way to describe it.

He doesn't owe the community anything. As someone in possession of unreleased games and associated materials (not pinball ones), attitudes like yours make it easy to not want to release anything.

It not just regaining personal costs, if other traders know you've released stuff in the past they are unlikely to want to trade with you again, because you just devalued the item for everyone, especially those in possession of ROMs only and no physical item. Is a risk of it killing the hobby for you.
Releasing ROM files doesn't actually devalue anything. That's a pretty strange fallacy that is decisively proven wrong by the hell of retro game sales. It means even less in pinball, where electronics are only a part of the game and were even a comparatively recent invention. Some of the pinball community is actually centered around taking advantage of this, modifying the electronics to make the physical table more interesting or unique.


Oct 27, 2017
Releasing ROM files doesn't actually devalue anything. That's a pretty strange fallacy that is decisively proven wrong by the hell of retro game sales. It means even less in pinball, where electronics are only a part of the game and were even a comparatively recent invention. Some of the pinball community is actually centered around taking advantage of this, modifying the electronics to make the physical table more interesting or unique.
It's like saying releasing albums digitally devalues physical ones. Remember how the value of the numbered Beatles' White Album original pressing plummeted once they released their catalogue on Spotify?

Neither do I.


Nov 27, 2017
Current challenge: making sure to find my grandpa a pinball table repair/restoration guy. Otherwise repairing it might become my summer project. Should finally get pics this week. It isn't a complicated table, and it's from the 60's, and in theory i could do the maintence, and replace all the rubber and wax it, but some of the artwork is cracked and really needs resealing, and that is beyond my skill grade


Oct 25, 2017
It's like saying releasing albums digitally devalues physical ones. Remember how the value of the numbered Beatles' White Album original pressing plummeted once they released their catalogue on Spotify?

Neither do I.

It's a poor comparison as Spotify is wildly available to anyone.

If one person has a physical beta, and one has just the ROM, that ROM has huge trade value to other people who only have a ROM for another game, independent of the value of the physical copy.

Release it to public and who is gonna trade their still private ROM for it? Nobody, because it became worthless and they can get it for nothing.


Nov 27, 2017
Say, anybody know of any good places on the east side of Sacramento/surrounding towns? My Aunt and Cousin live in a town just east of there, and I realized it'd be a fun opportunity for them(and me when I have the chance to visit)


Oct 31, 2017
Say, anybody know of any good places on the east side of Sacramento/surrounding towns? My Aunt and Cousin live in a town just east of there, and I realized it'd be a fun opportunity for them(and me when I have the chance to visit)
Is a map with lots of games listed. It doesn't have everything of course, but it's better than nothing.

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Oct 31, 2017
Just had the most amazing game of Funhouse. and cracked 56million. Unbelievable. I think I woke Rudy up at least 4 times and had gotten 3 or 4 extra balls. The whole game took almost 30 minutes. I can't wait to try a real machine. Once I figured out how to get the ball to the flipper I wanted and what shots are needed, it became an amazing game.


Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone here spent any significant amount of time with a World Poker Tour pinball machine? If so do you think it is worth getting for a home environment?


Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone here spent any significant amount of time with a World Poker Tour pinball machine? If so do you think it is worth getting for a home environment?
I've only played it a very small amount of times, but by almost all accounts it's a bit of a sleeper machine that plays pretty well and has a very deep ruleset. As a first home machine I don't know how it would go (it might be too complicated and not "fun" enough), if it were in my collection it'd probably be something I'd only keep for a year or two... aesthetically and thematically it's somewhat off-putting.


Oct 27, 2017
I've only played it a very small amount of times, but by almost all accounts it's a bit of a sleeper machine that plays pretty well and has a very deep ruleset. As a first home machine I don't know how it would go (it might be too complicated and not "fun" enough), if it were in my collection it'd probably be something I'd only keep for a year or two... aesthetically and thematically it's somewhat off-putting.

Sounds like that's a go for me then. I already have an Aerosmith and World Cup Soccer. I figure I can keep it for a few years and trade up.

Slam Tilt

Jan 16, 2018
I'm pretty sure World Poker Tour is a Steve Ritchie design, so if you like his other pins (Terminator 2, High Speed, Spider-Man, Star Trek reboot, Game of Thrones) you should be good.


Nov 27, 2017
So I've decided I think I'm going to try and do the maintence on my grandpa's table(well... cept maybe the paint resealing, that requires a more delicate touch). I'm going to be home for a week or two in a few weeks, and thought I'd try to do the research(and parts list sheet for his budget approval). Before hand... except I last saw it back in December,, and it's currently behind something in his office so he can't get a picture till someone else is back next week to help him get at it. I'd recognize the model by sight, but it's a 60/70s, artistic race car (like Indy/high performance) themed, mechanical scoring machine, with a level of light/artwork based progression(doing laps if I remember, but without at least the brand googling won't do the trick. No custom molding as far as I remember

It hasn't been maintained in a few decades, and while all the electrical and flippers function, all the rubber needs to be replaced, it could use a waxing and as I said before some of the paint needs resealing. While I can't do any parts hunting until I get the actual I figure it wouldn't hurt to ask for some of the general advice


Oct 31, 2017
Mandos, if it's a Grand Prix you're in for a treat. I just missed out on picking one up a year or so ago. I really dig the 2 spinners on that one. It really feels like you're getting something done when you get one cranking.

Ray's pinball tech tips has lots of great advice on YouTube but there's a TON of usless filler/banter. I wish they would do some condensed videos with just the meat of the info.


Nov 27, 2017
Mandos, if it's a Grand Prix you're in for a treat. I just missed out on picking one up a year or so ago. I really dig the 2 spinners on that one. It really feels like you're getting something done when you get one cranking.

Ray's pinball tech tips has lots of great advice on YouTube but there's a TON of usless filler/banter. I wish they would do some condensed videos with just the meat of the info.
It's not a Grand Prix, the top art has a chick in a racing suit holding a helmet. That's part of why it's so memorable


Oct 29, 2017
If you're ever in Hesse, Germany, try to visit "For Amusement Only" in Seligenstadt! I've had the fortune of visiting this awesome pinball/arcade museum a couple of weeks ago and spend the whole day there. Unlike on regular open for public days this was a private event with only about 50 other people - instead of the usual about 200.



Oct 27, 2017
There are a ton of video games I have never played there. That place looks amazing.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like that's a go for me then. I already have an Aerosmith and World Cup Soccer. I figure I can keep it for a few years and trade up.
Ah, I didn't realise you already had some machines! In that case, if it's a good price I'd go for it. Rules will be a lot deeper than you're used to though, it's a Keefer title (who worked on TSPP).

I'm pretty sure World Poker Tour is a Steve Ritchie design, so if you like his other pins (Terminator 2, High Speed, Spider-Man, Star Trek reboot, Game of Thrones) you should be good.
It definitely is, but it was Ritchie's first shot at a stop-and-start (ie. non-flow) style game. Still has elements of his style there, but if you didn't know it was a Ritchie you'd never guess.


Oct 27, 2017
Well missed out on the World Poker Tour due to a hospital visit, but have an offer in on a Wheel of fortune, and have some feelers out on a another World Poker Tour and a Shadow. We'll see what I end up for my third. Already told my fiancé that this one is for me, but the Wheel of Fortune tells another story.


Jan 27, 2018
It seems that Zen Studios has canceled the work in the patch for 'Pinball FX3' in Switch to increase the framerate in portable mode.

Hey Megatorterra,
thank you for contacting us!
Your question is fair enough sadly since then the developer team realized the fact that we have to recreate every table from the bits to achieve this quality.
Right now we have very limited resources and the team is focused on a few big projects so it's not going be released.
Sorry about this!
Kind regards,

Now I regret for each single table pack that I purchased to support their work, based in the promise of having the game at 60FPS in portable mode.


Oct 27, 2017
It seems that Zen Studios has canceled the work in the patch for 'Pinball FX3' in Switch to increase the framerate in portable mode.

Hey Megatorterra,
thank you for contacting us!
Your question is fair enough sadly since then the developer team realized the fact that we have to recreate every table from the bits to achieve this quality.
Right now we have very limited resources and the team is focused on a few big projects so it's not going be released.
Sorry about this!
Kind regards,

Now I regret for each single table pack that I purchased to support their work, based in the promise of having the game at 60FPS in portable mode.

Ouch, that really sucks. From the terrible image quality in docked mode and the 30fps in handheld, switch version is pretty terrible.


Oct 28, 2017
It seems that Zen Studios has canceled the work in the patch for 'Pinball FX3' in Switch to increase the framerate in portable mode.

Hey Megatorterra,
thank you for contacting us!
Your question is fair enough sadly since then the developer team realized the fact that we have to recreate every table from the bits to achieve this quality.
Right now we have very limited resources and the team is focused on a few big projects so it's not going be released.
Sorry about this!
Kind regards,

Now I regret for each single table pack that I purchased to support their work, based in the promise of having the game at 60FPS in portable mode.

This is freaking ridiculous.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If you're ever in Hesse, Germany, try to visit "For Amusement Only" in Seligenstadt! I've had the fortune of visiting this awesome pinball/arcade museum a couple of weeks ago and spend the whole day there. Unlike on regular open for public days this was a private event with only about 50 other people - instead of the usual about 200.

Wow, would probably spend a whole day there myself, this is paradise for me!!!

Also, played a bit with the Switch physical release of Stern Pinball, it is legit and runs very well, can't ask for more!


Oct 31, 2017
Now I regret for each single table pack that I purchased to support their work, based in the promise of having the game at 60FPS in portable mode.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Zen regret. I'm still cheesed off that they pulled all the FX2 DLC from Steam without notice and won't allow people who buy the FX3 version of that same DLC to have the DLC added to FX2 as well.

They're a seriously tone-deaf company when it comes to not screwing the customer over.