
Oct 25, 2017
I love Endgame but are you actually insane. It was 3 hours of blatant pandering and trying to earn brownie points with the fanbase.

Marvel earned it considering they actually build up to it.

Star Wars didn't it. They just decided to add everything they could to prevent the same mixed reaction from last time. Thankfully fans can see throught that and are calling them out.

That's a wrap for me.

Disney botched it so hard with this trilogy.
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Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Anyway, if this movie opens at less than $200 million (how much is it tracking?)

Heads are gonna roll.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Updated with the newest batch of impressions. Quite the pivot.

Um you might spoiler tag that image. A few things on the "Light Side" could be considered spoilers.


Oct 27, 2017
There's much more negativity than positivity on the critic side

If its not well reviewed I think it's a definite one sign of a kind of end of era for Star Wars. It's been limping around for a while, but that'll be a big sign that its definitely way past its prime and headed into a new phase where it's not going to be that big of a deal anymore.

Critics were willing to give certain things a pass before because it was a cultural milestone type of thing, but its losing that.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved The Last Jedi, and I was ecstatic that JJ was back for episode IX. I also loved The Force Awakens. Just because a vocal minority spout off on the Internet doesn't mean it speaks to the whole. This goes for TLJ haters and JJ haters, and RJ haters, etc etc.

I loved both sequel movies for what they were, not what I wanted or expected them to be. I don't agree with every single thing the filmmakers did in their respective films, but I loved them.

JJ coming back set me at ease, because I know the kind of filmmaker he is, but he also has an existing Star Wars film under his belt, so I know his take on the characters and world. A new director would have potentially added to some trepidation about how this movie was going to be resolved. If Rian Johnson has directed episode IX, I'd have been ecstatic as well, again, because I know his take on the characters and world.

Not everything is so black and white. And not everyone that loved TFA hated TLJ, or loved TLJ hated TFA. Not everyone thinks RJ or JJ are hacks and "ruined their childhood." Not everyone was expecting a sequel trilogy to a 40year old franchise to somehow magically recapture the feelings they had when they first saw the movie as a kid. Some people just aren't as bitter, jaded, and cynical as countless YouTube personalities and armchair film critics.

And this goes for both sides of the argument. Not everyone is on an extreme of love or hate. Some of us just want to sit back, Gabe a good time at the theater, then be able to discuss that experience (both positive and negative opinions), without it turning into an embarrassing shitshow. Unfortunately, discourse about the ST has been the latter, which has turned off a lot of the gray area, more objective fans from even bothering to engage in discussion. Obviously, there are still those people around, some even posting in this thread and others, but it's often drowned out by that vocal minority of extreme lovers and haters of the new movies.

I know I personally stopped discussing Star Wars online up until recently, because the discourse has been obnoxious, and not enjoyable in the slightest.

^Pretty much this.
Both sequel trilogy films have issues but they're still quality films at the end of the day with way more good additions to Star Wars than problems. And the problems that are there are mostly minor (with exception of Canto Bight).

The same cannot be said of the prequels. They're not even ironical good or so bad they're good. I just rewatched them. It was painful.

I'm looking forward to RoS, I'm sure it's going to have things I take issue with, but given how much I enjoyed TFA and TLJ, I think I'm going to be in for a good time.

At the end of the day, Star Wars films are not Blade Runner, they're not Citizen Kane... they're family fun sci fantasy movies that can appeal to everyone. If RoS sticks to that, it will be a plus in my book.


Oct 25, 2017
You know, the whole Trevorrow thing always felt like a complete knee jerk reaction on Disney's part over the success of Jurassic World.

"Well, this guy directed a nostalgia heavy revival of an old property just like what we're doing over here, he'd be perfect!"

Then Book of Henry came out and they realized what kind of director the guy actually was.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like in the end, Disney may have fucked up by playing Star Wars way too much like Marvel. They're going for fan service stuff, when Star Wars doesn't work as well like that. You give the fans too much to work with in SW, mainly stuff with too close of ties to the OT, and it's just a recipe for disaster. Going the fan service/nostalgia ball tickle route wasn't the right call.

The sequel trilogy should have just been a brand new adventure. Having everyone start on a similar level with something fresh would have been smarter in the long run. Instead of releasing follow ups to an already intensely debated series with massive ranges in generations and tiers of fans to scream at each other.

TLJ was actually their biggest shot at this, but since it was connected still so strongly to the OT too it was destined to be ripped in half.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
If its not well reviewed I think it's a definite one sign of a kind of end of era for Star Wars. It's been limping around for a while, but that'll be a big sign that its definitely way past its prime and headed into a new phase where it's not going to be that big of a deal anymore.

Nah Star Wars will live on.

But all this talk about them just undoing TLJ actually makes me fearful for the fate of the characters in a post IX world.

LFL clearly gives no shits if it means trying and pleasing the Tier 3


Oct 27, 2017
You know, the whole Trevorrow thing always felt like a complete knee jerk reaction on Disney's part over the success of Jurassic World.

"Well, this guy directed a nostalgia heavy revival of an old property just like what we're doing over here, he'd be perfect!"

He had Spielberg really supporting him.


Oct 27, 2017
this is just how it is now

Don't get me wrong there will be a shit storm for about a year or two from now about this film (lol) probably (good or bad), but I think after that things will calm down.

Some people ramped their expectations through the roof thinking this trilogy would be the second coming of the OT after the success of TFA.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah Star Wars will live on.

But all this talk about them just undoing TLJ actually makes me fearful for the fate of the characters in a post IX world.

LFL clearly gives no shits if it means trying abd pleasing the Tier 3

It will live on, but it won't be as big of a deal. It's well past its prime and its painfully evident.

This trilogy in some ways is going to be a painful decoupling for some people once they have to come to grips with that because this trilogy was the "great hope" of bringing back all the "feels" from the OT and it can't do that.


Oct 28, 2017
I loved The Last Jedi, and I was ecstatic that JJ was back for episode IX. I also loved The Force Awakens. Just because a vocal minority spout off on the Internet doesn't mean it speaks to the whole. This goes for TLJ haters and JJ haters, and RJ haters, etc etc.

I loved both sequel movies for what they were, not what I wanted or expected them to be. I don't agree with every single thing the filmmakers did in their respective films, but I loved them.

JJ coming back set me at ease, because I know the kind of filmmaker he is, but he also has an existing Star Wars film under his belt, so I know his take on the characters and world. A new director would have potentially added to some trepidation about how this movie was going to be resolved. If Rian Johnson has directed episode IX, I'd have been ecstatic as well, again, because I know his take on the characters and world.

Not everything is so black and white. And not everyone that loved TFA hated TLJ, or loved TLJ hated TFA. Not everyone thinks RJ or JJ are hacks and "ruined their childhood." Not everyone was expecting a sequel trilogy to a 40year old franchise to somehow magically recapture the feelings they had when they first saw the movie as a kid. Some people just aren't as bitter, jaded, and cynical as countless YouTube personalities and armchair film critics.

And this goes for both sides of the argument. Not everyone is on an extreme of love or hate. Some of us just want to sit back, Gabe a good time at the theater, then be able to discuss that experience (both positive and negative opinions), without it turning into an embarrassing shitshow. Unfortunately, discourse about the ST has been the latter, which has turned off a lot of the gray area, more objective fans from even bothering to engage in discussion. Obviously, there are still those people around, some even posting in this thread and others, but it's often drowned out by that vocal minority of extreme lovers and haters of the new movies.

I know I personally stopped discussing Star Wars online up until recently, because the discourse has been obnoxious, and not enjoyable in the slightest.

Yeah. I thought TFA was too safe but ok, and love TLJ and arguing with people about it in good faith, but the mainstream online discourse is poison. It's the same that prevents me from engaging in GoT discussions, even if I really disliked the ending and most people is theoretically on my side. It's a bitter consequence of some kinds of fandom.


Oct 25, 2017
we should have probably expected the final third of the story being a bunch of retreads and fetch quests after JJ put an MGSV reference in TFA
Oct 29, 2017
I'm not sure trading "this side of the fanbase is angry" for "the other side of the fanbase is angry" is a good trade.

Yeah I mean I agree, I'm just looking at this from a "what do I, myself, expect to get out of this film" kind of perspective. Not really looking at a community perspective, with that comment.

I like Star Wars, so I liked TLJ. But it wasn't my favorite. And if this new one panders more to the TFA side of things I'm, personally, okay with that.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck it, I'm gonna start a Gofund me and raise money to do a fan made trilogy. I'll hire Mark Hamill and that youtube guy that looks like Harrison Ford. I'll get Denis Villeneuve to write and direct. Anyone willing to pitch in?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty sure JJ set rebels being on the run in motion as well. There was a scene in TFA where Hux tells Snokes that they have the rebel fleet tracked and they have nowhere to run.

99% of this trilogies problems is JJ being an idiot and having the first SW movie end on a direct cliffhanger. Meaning RJ couldn't do the traditional timeskip where characters develop over years off screen. It was silly to end TFA on Luke.

just cause you have that scene doesn't mean you have to pick up right there. Never once after TFA did I think the next movie would pick up right there, that's never happened before in this series. I always assumed we would get a time jump and the crawl would explain where we are, this is not rocket science. When I heard the movie would start right from that scene I was extremely confused.


Mar 6, 2019
Los Angeles, CA
I like both TFA and TLJ, but I'll be damned if I didn't say that this trilogy could have been so much more. TFA was a great start for these characters, TLJ is a great movie on its own merits, but just... this conclusion, I'm not as excited as I thought I'd be.

I'm honestly more excited to see the conclusion of this Halloween trilogy after Kills comes out next year in 2021... which, fine, because I love both franchieses but... wow, I really thought I'd be amped!

I'm sure I'll enjoy myself opening night though but... just is a bit sad, I feel a bit bad for everyone involved. I think everyone, JJ, Rian, Kathleen, all had great intentions, truly. But... it just... overall, it's just unfortunate.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved The Last Jedi, and I was ecstatic that JJ was back for episode IX. I also loved The Force Awakens. Just because a vocal minority spout off on the Internet doesn't mean it speaks to the whole. This goes for TLJ haters and JJ haters, and RJ haters, etc etc.

I loved both sequel movies for what they were, not what I wanted or expected them to be. I don't agree with every single thing the filmmakers did in their respective films, but I loved them.

JJ coming back set me at ease, because I know the kind of filmmaker he is, but he also has an existing Star Wars film under his belt, so I know his take on the characters and world. A new director would have potentially added to some trepidation about how this movie was going to be resolved. If Rian Johnson has directed episode IX, I'd have been ecstatic as well, again, because I know his take on the characters and world.

Not everything is so black and white. And not everyone that loved TFA hated TLJ, or loved TLJ hated TFA. Not everyone thinks RJ or JJ are hacks and "ruined their childhood." Not everyone was expecting a sequel trilogy to a 40year old franchise to somehow magically recapture the feelings they had when they first saw the movie as a kid. Some people just aren't as bitter, jaded, and cynical as countless YouTube personalities and armchair film critics.

And this goes for both sides of the argument. Not everyone is on an extreme of love or hate. Some of us just want to sit back, Gabe a good time at the theater, then be able to discuss that experience (both positive and negative opinions), without it turning into an embarrassing shitshow. Unfortunately, discourse about the ST has been the latter, which has turned off a lot of the gray area, more objective fans from even bothering to engage in discussion. Obviously, there are still those people around, some even posting in this thread and others, but it's often drowned out by that vocal minority of extreme lovers and haters of the new movies.

I know I personally stopped discussing Star Wars online up until recently, because the discourse has been obnoxious, and not enjoyable in the slightest.
Amazing post.


Oct 27, 2017
Fair point. It was def worse. Guess l was more hyped for this than I thought.

I remember actually being so stunned I turned off my computer and had to lie down, lol.

Then rationalizations started popping up like "well it's not gonna be Empire good, but it's still gonna be Jedi good, the critics are just being harsh and they don't like Jar Jar because they're stuffy adults and don't have the heart of a child" etc. etc. etc.
Oct 28, 2017
I guess now we know why the cast was low-key shitting on TLJ during the press tour.

edit: you know what I think I need to take a chill pill and stop posting.