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Oct 25, 2017
The Sith Chanting and heck just the new look at the sith lore makes me really want them to do a movie or a series of movies on the Sith and Jedi of old. Really get into the crazy side of the force when it was more mystical and less structured Orders.


Oct 27, 2017
Like the Lando's daughter revelation but not quite scene, it felt a little weird when he said "send my love to Leia", as if he was thinking "she's single now?"


Oct 28, 2017
New York
Just got back. My lowered expectations helped I think as I thought it was enjoyable enough. I was expecting BvS levels of terrible after all the reviews but it was fine. Def the weakest of the ST atm though and was def meh on Rey being Palpatine's granddaughter and Reylo kiss at the end, but the action was really good, 3PO was great, the funny parts were funny and weren't cringy or anything, seeing Luke again was great, the flash back with Luke and Leia was cool, the ending with Rey on Tatooine was great, the lightsaber force swap fight with Rey and Kylo was cool, seeing Lando was great, Finn and Poe had better roles, Rey saying she was a Skywalker at the end, etc. so there was def alot of positives. The store was a mess though and def felt rushed as JJ was under such a time crunch. Def feel it would have been better if he had more time/an extra year and this came out Dec 2020 instead of now. Oh well.

It's def a bummer and feeling of melancholy now that the trilogy is over though...feels like just yesterday there was the teaser trailer for TFA and how amazing leading up to that release was and seeing it in theaters 4 years ago, etc. I will be seeing this again tomorrow and I always feel the second showings of much anticipated movies are more enjoyable/I'm able to judge them better since there's no build up of anticipation and I can just watch it for what it is, etc. so curious if my feeling change (for better or worse) after additional viewing(s).
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I think the biggest problem with this trilogy is the lack of a planned overarching through-line. TFA, TLJ, and TROS all feel like they want to do their own thing and have nothing to do with one another aside from a few character beats. It ends up feeling disjointed as hell. You can't convince me 90% of the shit they did in this movie (both plot and character-wise) was planned when they made TFA. And it really shows.

Deleted member 42105

User requested account closure
Apr 13, 2018
I love the idea that Palpatine learned from his fight with Mace so he got more power to avoid the lightsaber deflection but her having two is what did him in.


Adding a 2nd weapon really does add an whole new dynamic to a fight so I can't fault Sheev lol


Oct 25, 2017
Lando just got em all! The Resistance didn't need Luke for the spark the reached slave kids on backwater planets. Not they just needed Lando to get in the Falcon and rally the troop. WTF man. Did JJ and Terrio actually watch TLJ?

They repeated the line "The first order wants you to think no one was listening" a couple times.

I wonder if that was supposed to infer that they blocked the signal on Crait and made the Resistance think the message was received and no one had heard them? When in fact, Lando going out and asking was the support they probably would have gotten had the First Order not blocked it?

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
The biggest problem with this movie is nothing gets to breath. It's not that the movie is fast paced, it's poorly edited.

TFA was fast paced but it had scene transitions that flowed, and a cohesive narrative. JJ completely wiffed the structure of this movie so bad.


Oct 27, 2017
Guys, I really like "The Final Order".

Bullshit like this is what I want from Star Wars.
This feels like the kind of thing where fans used to complain that Order 66 sounds so stupid but now it's just accepted

Like I said before, the movie could have been titled The Final Order really. People already wanted A New Order.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys, I really like "The Final Order".

Bullshit like this is what I want from Star Wars.

It's straight EU crap. I consumed a ton of EU content as a kid, and had a lot of fun with it but almost none of it ever struck me as dramatic storytelling worthy of a mainline Episode film. IX just feels like very expensive fan fiction cut from the same cloth as some of the goofier Legends EU stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Got back from my viewing. Definitely agree that the writing is all over the place. The pacing was at breakneck speed, but if the major scenes had any room to breathe, the plot would be under even more scrutiny. Not going to list them, everyone's already discussed them ad nauseam.

For the good, finally actually Finn/Poe interaction. I did like Rey Palpatine even if the execution wasn't there. And Palpatine scenes were always hype.

I was genuinely surprised the movie used his line from ROTS considering how badly they wanted to distant themselves from the prequels with this trilogy.


Oct 25, 2017
Saw it twice tonight, it's just a rough film on every level.

Heavy-handed exposition, another reuse of planet destroying lasers, and fairly high-rate of fan service that just doesn't work.

It's a waste of a stellar cast on a script that just needed more time in the oven.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Obi Wan was struck down. Yoda died of old age.

People hated when Luke died for no reason. And now Ben's death is even more laughable. Hell, at least Luke's scene was reverent and elegant. Ben just falls over, disappears, and we immediately get a transition to another scene. It's just laughable editing and execution.
I thought Kylo giving his life for Rey made sense. It was Leia that I thought was absolutely ridiculous to die over distracting Kylo for one brief moment.
Oct 25, 2017
The biggest problem with this movie is nothing gets to breath. It's not that the movie is fast paced, it's poorly edited.

TFA was fast paced but it had scene transitions that flowed, and a cohesive narrative. JJ completely wiffed the structure of this movie so bad.


it felt like a fan edit of two movies together. It's incredibly slapdash.


Oct 27, 2017
The biggest problem with this movie is nothing gets to breath. It's not that the movie is fast paced, it's poorly edited.

TFA was fast paced but it had scene transitions that flowed, and a cohesive narrative. JJ completely wiffed the structure of this movie so bad.
This movie is really, really similar to ROTS. Both movies are cramming a lot of story into one movie, start with something major (Palpatine's been captured, getting right into killing Dooku), leave scenes little room to breathe, and rush Anakin and Ben's turns.


Oct 28, 2017
Doylestown, PA
Just got out of a showing and I have to say that it definitely is better in motion than I expected having read the leaks and spoilers that have been around.

It really just felt like a summer blockbuster/marvel action film that happened, despite that, to have some genuinely good parts. I think it was a fine conclusion at best, and I absolutely understand the divisiveness.

There are lots of open doors for future developments with other teams that aren't Abrams and Terrio using these characters, though, and honestly I'm fine with that. I would like to see Rey interacting more with the force and past Jedi and all that.


Oct 28, 2017
Same. Daisy and Adam have ridiculously good chemistry with each other.

If they ever do a KOTOR movie, I would want them to cast Driver and Ridley as Darth Revan and Bastila. It'd be fucking perfect.
The sad part is even if they continue their adventures into episode 10 reylo is already established. Its just. ugh. But I guess if it means getting more of them I could live with that.
The intent was clearly that she was dead. I mean, I know in life there's a bit of a sliding scale of death. Heart stopping, loss of brain function, etc.

But in movie world, limp, eyes open and staring into the middle distance is dead.

As for the cause of her death, the movie seemed to be saying that being on the receiving end of that much force lightning energy, even when blocking with a lightsaber takes every ounce of a Jedi's energy.
I guess I just dont buy either of those explanations. Being stabbed through the chest with a lightsaber seems to be just about as on par with rey somehow dying from forcing too much (side bar, can we stop making this a thing in these movies haha).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the overall idea of the movie could've worked if they were given more time, but this is what we got instead


Oct 27, 2017
Hard disagree. Revenge of the Sith is a way better movie
I think TROS is the better movie myself, but I don't think you have to like one movie more than the other to see that they both suffer from very similar issues. ROTS could have been a way better movie of scenes breathed more and Anakin's turn was more natural.


Oct 28, 2017
WAIT, that girl was Lando's daughter? Jesus christ JJ slow the fuck down. This is like fanfiction on meth. How did I miss that?


Oct 25, 2017
Nerds will come to me in tears begging forgiveness for their words and deeds against Rian Johnson and I will turn my back to them.

Long live the King.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
How did Rey find a yellow kyber crystal?
What was Finn going to tell Rey?
Couldn't Rey and Kylo just life swap forever and enjoy their time together in the little two minute intervals before one of them dies and they need to swap again to reset the two minute clock?

Really though, I liked it. It was really sloppy in parts, the ending battle is insanely underwhelming compared to the throne room scene in TLJ and the CG Luke and Leia were rough but it was a solid conclusion chock full of fan service, decent action and some great send-offs. 6.5/10 for right now, may change on rewatches but I don't see that happening, I feel pretty sure about this one.(The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi were 8/10 for me.)


Oct 24, 2017
Kylo lying about the "They were no one on purpose!" thing also doesn't make sense.

He seemingly doesn't know about her being a Palpatine until Palpatine tells him.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually really liked TFA, even if I think TLJ outshone it in every regard, so I was cautiously optimistic about this one. Having said that, I cannot believe what a farce this movie was.

The wayfinder hunt sequence was extremely long and mostly padding. Chewie getting captured was largely irrelevant, was undone soon after, and then had no further influence on the plot. C3P0 getting reprogrammed was largely irrelevant, was undone soon after, and then had no further influence on the plot. The new droid was largely irrelevant, was made totally irrelevant by Rey broadcasting her tracking signal from Luke's X-Wing, and then had no further influence on the plot.

Rose was sidelined in what felt like an attempt to placate the crowd that hated her in TLJ. I've seen people comparing her to Wedge or the likes to justify it, but she had more screentime in TLJ than Lando did in ESB or ROTJ, and possibly both combined.

Everything TLJ did with abolishing the "magical bloodline = destiny" nonsense was completely walked back here, for the worse. In the end, magical bloodlines were the only thing relevant to the grand plot, and Rey ends up as a Skywalker and a Palpatine.

Bringing back Palpatine was also a weird, barely justified move. I never minded Snoke having no backstory, but that's very different from shoving in a previously deceased villain who's barely even been mentioned in the previous two movies, and then just handwaving it as "Oh, Sheev's back now". It had no continuity with TFA or TLJ, and again managed to undo the good work TLJ did by killing off the supposed big bad and focusing the conflict on Kylo and Rey. And considering the writers seemed to be heavily influenced by Palpatine's fan-favorite/meme status (I chuckled/groaned at "Do it"), they amazingly managed to squander his most popular aspects: no interesting facial expressions or body language, heightened by the lighting that makes it impossible to see his face half the time; no good dialogue (not to say anyone else got good dialogue, though); and a corpse-like delivery of the lines he does have.

Speaking of the lighting, it even looked worse than TFA or TLJ, or even the prequels at times. The giant Sith cube was a visual bore, and extremely generic: giant chains; giant statues; spiky throne; very dark; lit by lightning. Coming off of the Death Star ruins, which had a very similar palette, there wasn't anything interesting to look at, and it managed to make the simultaneous space fight and on-foot confrontation blend into each other, which is a first for Star Wars.

I can at least say I'm glad Chewie finally got his medal.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
What was the most disappoint part for you?

Hmm that's tough.
A few standing out now, I'm still processing it all.

Just happening to fall in the quick sand pit thing and just happen to fall right on the ship holding the dagger Luke had been searching for for so long then just happened to be standing right where they needed to for the daggermap to "show them the way" on the death star. The Rey being Palps grand daughter. The OMG I killed Chewie then 20 seconds later, Hes alive!. The Hux being the spy, how it was revealed then dying right away. The knights of Ren being pointless. Han showing up. The way Lando was thrown in. The Snokes in incubator tank things. Kylo not going full dark and getting a redemption arc. The kiss. The way he died right after (that scene got a good laugh from a lot of people). Del Toros character is just gone. Introducing even more people we should care about and dumping on ones already established like Rose.

That's just off the top of my head. There are a lot more.


Oct 26, 2017
I was expecting more force ghosts, I honestly can't believe Hayden didn't physically show up. I would have bet money that he would. Would've been cool if force ghosts showed up behind Rey when she was advancing towards Palpatine


May 29, 2018
It was super rushed and messy. A number of key moments were played way too fast and I didn't like the Palpatine reveal a ton. But it was also super fun and the fanservice moments did hit me. A solid 7/10, Between like a B-/C+. I'm a huge TLJ fan but hey if the anti TLJ crowd gets a movie they like there's nothing wrong with that, let's be happy both groups got a Star Wars movie they loved!

Anyways I'll see all you guys in 10-20 years for the Sequel Sequel trilogy :)

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
This movie is really, really similar to ROTS. Both movies are cramming a lot of story into one movie, start with something major (Palpatine's been captured, getting right into killing Dooku), leave scenes little room to breathe, and rush Anakin and Ben's turns.

ROTS doesn't have hyperactive editing, and has a cohesive easy to follow narrative.

This does not.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I mean that also allow for Kylo's face turn.
Agree about Ben but disagree about Leia.

she was clearly guiding him up until his death and responsible for Han vision. She did not become one with the force until after he does.

Do you think she gave her life and used her powers up to turn him good? I could see that as a worthy enough sacrifice. It just seemed to me like she reached out to him and he froze up momentarily.


Apr 27, 2018
Since the film was already fan fiction level I'm going to throw out my own and say I wish that Force Ghost Anakin/Vader concept art had appeared to Rey in the final fight with Palpatine and sort of merged with her like an avatar before she beat him to keep the chosen one angle sort of intact.


Oct 27, 2017
Its never outright stated but apparently cut scenes make it pretty clear she is. Landos daughter was kidnapped by the first order etc.
I think that was the original intention but they realized how monumentally lame that is and/or cut it for time, so now it's not the case but the bones are still there.


Oct 25, 2017
Got back from my viewing. Definitely agree that the writing is all over the place. The pacing was at breakneck speed, but if the major scenes had any room to breathe, the plot would be under even more scrutiny. Not going to list them, everyone's already discussed them ad nauseam.

For the good, finally actually Finn/Poe interaction. I did like Rey Palpatine even if the execution wasn't there. And Palpatine scenes were always hype.

I was genuinely surprised the movie used his line from ROTS considering how badly they wanted to distant themselves from the prequels with this trilogy.

Using his line was the perfect asspull to somehow explain why this dude didn't die in that planet sized explosion.
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