Oct 25, 2017
Best Mario game.
Best Mario spin-off (Yoshi's Island! fuck you it's not a mainline game no matter what the box says)
Best Zelda
Best game ever (on most days) in Chrono Trigger

It just makes me so happy.

'3y Kingdom

Oct 27, 2017
I actually think the NES is at least at the same quality when it comes to games, and I love them for their snappy and more arcadey simplicity, but it's really hard to go against SNES aesthetics, as shallow as that might be. Mario 3 might be the best platformer ever, but Yoshi's Island is pure art.

There are exceptions, of course (Mega Man looks way better in 8-bit) but the general trend is difficult to ignore.
NES games are unplayable.
They're probably more playable on a purely mechanical level than everything that followed on console (outside of EyeToy, Kinect, many Wii games, etc.) due to their incredibly simple button layout. Modern console games are generally more forgiving in many respects, but getting a grip on even the basics of most of them is far more demanding. It's a tradeoff.
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Oct 25, 2017
The SNES was great and I had a lot of amazing memories that I treasure such as my late mother's love for Final Fantasy 2, the excitement and anticipation leading up to Mortal Kombat 2, hours and hours of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2, the fanaticism surrounding Street Fighter 2, and others.

But no positive memory can overcome the fact that the PS2 was objectively the greatest system of all time in terms of quality and variety. The only thing that might compare is the PS3 and that's purely because that generation was so damn long.

Edit: changed from 360 to PS3 for my runner up because of those great exclusives


Dec 13, 2017
To be honest I like the Snes a lot. There are over 50 Snes games I love. Maybe more

Still the lack of Blast Processing is crucial and that's why Megadrive will be forever number one in my heart (68000 on fire)


Oct 25, 2017
It's great, but there were certainly (in hindsight) some big weakspots in the hardware they had to band aid with expensive cartridge add-ons.

Even the first year of the systems life, having to have DSP-1 added to games like pilot wings shows how big concessions were made to keep the base hardware cheap.


Oct 30, 2017
For me, both the SNES and PlayStation 2 still remains the best consoles of all time.

Two successors with a ridiculously high quantity of quality games across an array of genres.

And I say this as somebody who has mostly owned/played on an Xbox console since my teenage years.


Oct 27, 2017
Slow CPU did it no favours in an era of fast paced arcade games, PAL never got most of the beloved RPGs, no backwards compatibility (although Super Gameboy was cool) and I've never liked the sound chip with developers primarily using it to make orchestral songs from farty MIDI samples. Sorry, but even though I owned a SNES for Nintendo's platformers I've never liked it anywhere near as much as the NES, that to me is Nintendo's best console.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm usually a big Nintenso fan boy, but I gotta admit, my heart is with the Genesis. But Super Mario World will always be the most perfect game in my eyes.


Oct 26, 2017
Apart of Nintendo's stellar output Capcom and specially Konami where at their best: Contra III, Castlevania IV, Turtles in Time, Parodius... The SNES had it all.