
Oct 27, 2017
As a non-Switch Wii U owner, I don't feel compelled to buy the console on the ports, but at the same time see why they would port the games considering how poorly the Wii U sold. That comes with the caveat that I hope they eventually start focusing on more next content because right now, the only game that appeals to me on the Switch is Odyssey. As long as they build exclusives, I'd be completely fine if most all Wii U's catalog gets ported.


Oct 25, 2017
Ports are fine especially when they originate from a console that not many people bought but that doesn't mean brand new games shouldn't be released at the same time as well. For the general public that never played any of the WiiU games that's fine but for hardcore Nintendo fans it might feel a bit underwhelming.
Hardcore Nintendo fans (like me) got fucking BotW and Odyssey last year and are getting Metroid Prime 4 at some point in the future. Plus a Kirby game in March. The Switch has given us some of the best Nintendo content in a decade already. I don't mind if the Wii U games get the love they deserve on Switch.


Nov 6, 2017
But new games ARE coming, including third party and indie games.

I have a Wii U and virtually every major release on the system. I have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, but I don't plan on buying these up and coming enhanced ports, yet I don't feel slighted or robbed of new games either. I know they're coming. People like us are the minority.

Nintendo is clearly filling in the gaps, ensuring that there is no down time throughout the year. Every month, they have something lined up for someone. That's better than having absolutely nothing.
I never said I felt slighted, just that I had little reason to pick one up at launch. Now that Odyssey is out we have one, and I'll look forward to new games going forward.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm fine with the ports. I already bought all of them on the Wii U, but I barely played any of them due to my heavy investment into Destiny 1 and PC gaming. But my tastes have changed and I much prefer playing a game on Switcgin handheld mode these days.

Nintendo, port over Skyward Sword, strip out all the motion controls and retool the game game for standard controls.

But first give me Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE on my Switch!


Oct 25, 2017
With the limited audience of the Wii U especially I'm glad the top games from that system are getting ports to the Switch. As an owner of the Wii U and most of the best games on that system it makes me sad that Nintendo isn't throwing their most loyal fans a bit of a bone in the form of a discounted price or special bonus. If we've registered the game with Club Nintendo or bought the games digitally it would be very easy for them to see our ownership of the titles too.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad more people will get to play the games.

As someone who already bought all those games though, I'm pretty disappointed because now I have nothing to look forward to. I sure as hell am not rebuying a game at full price that I've already paid full price for years ago. If the ports are around $20 or so I may bite.

Narpas Sword0

Oct 28, 2017
Hell yeah it's great. Ports aside, no first party publisher has been able to put out high-quality games at the rate Nintendo does. That is known. It is "duh." The ports are icing on the cake and they're NOT TAKING THE PLACE OF NEW GAMES. If the Switch keeps selling at the rates expected, the people who owned the WiiU and played all these games are going to be a very tiny minority of Switch owners. These games are practically as good as new to so many people.

Third party support has always been the weak point of Nintendo's hardware. It was hilarious seeing people respond with "oh no Switch doomed" when Emily posted yesterday (paraphrasing) that first party in 2018 might take a slight step back (after putting out the GOTY, plus another strong contender plus everything else) but this will be a strong year for third party support on the Switch.

Seriously wtf?

It's not taking the place of new games? When's Mario Kart 9 coming out? This is probably the longest a gen has gone without a Mario Kart announcement since the series was introduced.

Not on this platform at all, I wager. They are selling tens of millions of copies of the old game at $60 and a new game would just cannibalize that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I bought them on Wii U, most of them aren't good enough for me to want to buy and play a second time, so I can't say it leaves me feeling happy with the line up.


Oct 28, 2017
I was aggrieved to have to buy Mario kart 8 again to get a battle mode that should have been there day one. Just because the machine sold in low numbers doesn't mean that people shouldn't be pissed about the ports.

Release it on switch, fine, but at least update the wii u version battle mode.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Even if I haven't played a lot of these games, there are thousands of people out there who haven't - potentially millions - that own a Switch, and never owned a Wii U to play them, because Wii U was just that much of an underperforming console.

Not to mention, I'm not eager to plug my Wii U back in to revisit these titles when the Switch has a fantastic hook all on it's own that allows me to play the games in a new way. Even just being able to experience some of my all time favorites anywhere and on the go is something about the Switch I will never stop loving, and I know I'm not alone on that front. If there's any console that benefits from publishers slapping a port together of a beloved title, it's the Switch.

Were it possible I'd want every game ever on this damn thing.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm all for it. They could port every wii u exclusive and I'd be incredibly happy. The switch is a better fit for them anyway, and they deserve a second chance.

Wii u ports are perfect filler between major releases. Keep em coming.

Yep, feel the same way.

Hell, I'm even going to pick up things like Super Meat Boy cause why the fuck not? Having a massive collection of great games on the go (or on my TV) doesn't make me upset in any way.

This ain't a Vita situation where 1st party support is non-existent. We're getting ports, glorious 1st party shit, and 3rd party stuff is scrambling to get a piece of the pie now too.


Oct 27, 2017
They will continue the trend for the years to come since Switch already surpassed Wii U in sales. It is the perfect time to make a profit of these unknown great titles that needs a second chance.

I had a Wii U for a short period of time (for MarioKart 8 and Smash 4) and bought some games, but I'll GLADY douple dip with most of them. The portability of the Switch and its extremely fast OS are huge incentives for me. I played almost twice more of MK8 Deluxe than I played MK8 on the WiiU.


Oct 27, 2017
Give me Super Mario 3D World with either playable Wario and Waluigi, or Yoshi and Donkey Kong!

+ New levels, obviously :)


Oct 28, 2017
I'm very happy with it. I played most of them on the Wii U but will happily give them another go on the Switch. Great for preservation, exposing more people to them and giving us the "Ultimate" editions with performance improvements and all the DLC.

Take Donkey Kong TF for example. Atrocious load times on the Wii U. Excited to see how improved they'll be on the Switch.

Hyrule Warriors also had a ton of high-quality DLC that was fairly expensive, so having all of that included with the Switch game will be an incredible value.

Now I'm praying for a Star Fox port with the gimmick controls ripped out and the game reworked a bit. W101 would also be a nice port to have.


Oct 25, 2017
It makes sense. Wii U games were actually pretty great. They deserve some time to shine, and it's not really taking away from my new experiences thus far. I still got BOTW (disagree with you listing this as a port), Mario, Splatoon 2, and ARMs. There's also Xenoblade 2 and Mario + Rabbids even if those games aren't really my style. By the end of 2019, I will likely be able to add games like Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3, Pokémon, and Animal Crossing to that list of new experiences. Maybe even Smash assuming it won't be an enhanced port at this point.

I feel like that's very balanced and generally fair.


Nov 13, 2017
I'm ok, they need to port more.
I lot of people have not play these grest games and there's some i did'nt too.

Son of Liberty

Nov 5, 2017
I love it. I sold off my WiiU collection a couple months back because I had a feeling Nintendo was going to port most of their games over to the Switch. Hopefully Nintendo will continue to give us ports like Smash Bros, Mario Maker, 3D World, Wind Waker HD, Pikmin 3, Twilight Princess HD and Wonderful 101.
Oct 25, 2017
I agree. And I have some of the games that were announced so far, but I never really got to play them because my Wii U doesn't function anymore. So it all works out in the end for me. I'm okay with double dipping this time


Oct 25, 2017
The success of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, selling as well as you would expect a brand new Mario Kart to sell, has proved to Nintendo that as far as the market is concerned the Wii U didn't exist.

I anticipate all these Wii U ports to sell as well as or better than the original versions. Normally you'd see a remaster/port fall short of the original's sales performance, but the Wii U was such a black hole that all these ports will actually see new life on a system that people actually want.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was definitely a litmus test to determine if there was demand for Wii U games. Ultimately, people just want games, period. It doesn't matter if it's a port or a remaster. If you've never played it, it's a new game for you. Enhanced visuals, performance, new content and improvements to QoL sweeten the deal.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not taking the place of new games? When's Mario Kart 9 coming out? This is probably the longest a gen has gone without a Mario Kart announcement since the series was introduced.

Not on this platform at all, I wager. They are selling tens of millions of copies of the old game at $60 and a new game would just cannibalize that.
Personally, I feel that after MK8 on Wii U became so big with all of its DLC, the series needs to change it's formula up with 9.

When 8DX was released and became even bigger, that thought was cemented. 8DX is the definitive Mario Kart experience. I think they'll get ambitious with 9.


Jan 10, 2018
Honestly, I'm kind of happy about it. I liked many of those games, but now I'll be able to play better versions of them, and do so wherever I want. So long as it's not all they're doing, I don't mind - and given all the other non-port releases we've had, I'm quite satisfied.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I love it. There were a lot of Wii u games that I didn't buy for one reason or another so being able to pick them up on switch is great.

Though I do wish I held off on buying Tokyo mirage sessions last December. Especially since I haven't even played it yet.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't own a Switch but it'd be nice if they hadn't dumped the Wii U off a cliff and at least co-developed reasonable releases like Splatoon 2 for Wii U. I think it could handle Xenoblade 2 as well.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm all for it. I've already purchased more ports on Switch than I ever have in my lifetime. I'm up to:

- Breath of the Wild
- Shovel Knight
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

And I actually FINISHED all those games on WiiU, but I bought them again!

I'd never thought I'd re-buy games on another piece of hardware... but here I am. And I'm definitely IN for DKC Tropical Freeze.


Nov 15, 2017
I'm fine with it. I'll buy the ones I want and skip the ones I don't. Its not like these ports erase my Wii U games or force me to buy the Switch version. At the end of the day it just means more people get to play these games.

Nothing wrong with that.


Self Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
I'm literally just holding out for wind waker and twilight princess before the wiiu can retire

And Metroid 3 so the wii can do the same


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I had a Wii U, but the thing bombed. They should port over literally everything. And they should try to get ports of every notable 360/PS3 game they can, too, and any PS4/XB1 games that can be reasonably down-ported, like with Doom. If the Switch ends up being 80% portable ports of indies and older games, with a couple of first-party titles sprinkled in each year, I'm totally ok with that.


Nov 4, 2017
Giving money to corporations with the expectation that it will some day trickle back down to you is never a good idea. Besides, Nintendo has plenty of money to make whatever game they want, I'm not sure what a Hyrule Warriors port is going to enable them to do that they couldn't already.

Btw I have no problem with ports, I just need to see them as bonuses rather than the main course.

I'm not giving Nintendo money with any expectation of anything trickling down. They produce a product, I determine if that product deserves my money. Whether that be something new or something released previously, and where those profits in each case go, are unknown factors to us. We're not in the boardroom determining where and how their profits are allocated.

The great thing is, we're getting( and have gotten) new games so these port jobs are exactly as you've described them: bonuses. We have no evidence to say that releasing them is obstructing their ability to release something new.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm ok with it. I kinda expected that after year 1 we'd get enhanced ports of the best of Wii U library. The only thing is that the games I personally really want ported (Smash, Mario Maker, Xeno X and TMS) aren't announced yet.

In the end, I think it's gonna be like Star Fox Zero and Nintendoland that end up forever stuck on the Wii U.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine with it but I really don't want Nintendo to add content like levels (aside from cosmetics) to games that aren't multiplayer focus like Pokken and Mario Kart 8. Those are of course constantly repayable.

Having to replay a single-player game for only a little bit of added content would be annoying. I like how Bayonetta doesn't add new content. Tropical Freeze has Funky Kong but his mode is separate from Donkey Kong an almost an easy mode. No new actual levels.

For example I do not want to have to play dozens of hours of Xenoblade X to access ten hours of new quest content.


Oct 26, 2017
I feel great. Keep 'em coming, I still want:

Paper Mario: Color Splash Remix
Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Star Fox 00
Super Mario Maker DX
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD: Definitive Edition
The Wonderful 101: Climax Edition
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #OC
Xenoblade Chronicles X+



Devil's Third: Director's Cut


Oct 27, 2017
They should and almost certainly will port most of the better received WiiU exclusives to the Switch. It's about half of the reason I bought it in the first place.


Oct 27, 2017
I own a near complete Wii U retail set and I'm fine with it. More people get to experience the games that were stuck in an undesirable system.


Oct 25, 2017
Even though they are porting games I already have, I don't mind

I want them to port the games I don't already have like new super Mario bros u and paper Mario color splash


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
ON the one hand it's cool that people who didn't get the Wii U will get to play some of it's great games, on the other I kinda feel shitty that I bought those games when if I waited a while I could get better versions of them on a system that is also fully portable...
Dec 18, 2017
My Wii U isn't plugged in at the moment. And having the option to play them off TV is a great option.
I won't mind buying most of the Wii U's games a second time at all.

Also I hope this happens with the 3DS.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I want to get rid of my Wii U and I want more people to play games like Tropical Freeze and Bayonetta so I welcome it.


Nov 13, 2017
I'm cool with it as long as they continue to put out new experiences for the Switch as well. Having not owned a Wii U, I'd love to play 3D World and am very excited to play Tropical Freeze.