
Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I am dead.


Has Hecht’s Number
Oct 25, 2017
Do all yourself a favour and read the Star Wars Tales comicbooks, an anthology series where authors are given absolute free reigns to do whatever they want in 4-12 pages each. And it's freaking amazing*.

*As with any anthology, the quality between each "episode" varies a lot, but overall is a fantastic series.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't believe it. Why would they be whaling? I'm sure whatever "whales" they have would be caught in underwater traps around the city if they actually do like to catch whales for some reason. They'd have automatically navigating droid powered boats, if they even have boats. Why would they have boats though? They live underwater in a secret city. Where are they gonna park their boats? Above water? And give themselves away? And if they did, they'd still have to swim to the boats, or take a Bongo, which would beg the question, why not just use the Bongo?

You can't explain away stupid writing. Even Lucas wouldn't have made that mistake. Nope. This is the dumbest thing I've seen in Star Wars in a long time.

Yes this is making me unreasonably mad. lol
it's a parody comic where the joke is that jar jar's family all look and talk like morose poetic 19th century whalers but jar jar himself still talks and acts in exactly the same stupid way he did in the movie

there i ruined it for everyone

Reven Wolf

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This is the story that implies Chewbacca is the basis for Bigfoot, right?
Yeah that's the one!

Wait, considering Han seems to have been killed by an arrow/bolt, does this means Chewie killed him?
Nope, what happens is they crash on earth a hundred + years (I think) pre Indiana, and Han is attacked by locals with bows n arrows.

Han has an emotional line to chewie about it looks like he'll d the first to see the great unknown.