
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So how did the FFXIII release work then? Sorry if it's been answered already in here.


Oct 25, 2017
Sony had exclusive rights to quality.
Dec 11, 2017
Former Square President Hisashi Suzuki once let "Father of Final Fantasy" Hironobu Sakaguchi run wild and make a terribly-expensive bomb of a movie called "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within". It lost a ton of money, and could have almost killed Square. Sony apparently felt kind of responsible, having encouraged Sakaguchi to do it, so Suzuki arranged for Sony to bail out Square by buying 18% of Square.

That patched things up, but Square's shareholders were still upset, so they basically fired Suzuki and Sakaguchi (in spite of them putting Square on the map) and put Yoichi Wada in Suzuki's place, and Wada quickly merged Square with Enix, and then proceeded to pretty much ruin both companies for many years (Suzuki laughed on Twitter when Wada's SquareEnix crossed the threshold of being in a worse position than Square by itself was when Suzuki got fired). The merger with Enix also had the effect of severely reducing Sony's ownership of SquareEnix. Although Sony never owned a controlling share of anything, they were just an important major shareholder, and still were after the merger, so... *shrug*

SquareEnix then proceeded to make Final Fantasy games on the GameBoy Advance, and Final Fantasy 13 on the Xbox 360, Dragon Quest 9 on the DS, Dragon Quest 10 on the Wii U... and this is after the PSX Final Fantasy games were ported to PC, where they've been hanging around almost forever.

Sony recently sold their share in SquareEnix.

This reporter is apparently theorizing that the sale of Sony's shares broke some sort of contract that was locking Final Fantasies 7, 8, and 9 (just those three) to Sony consoles (except PC, because reasons), and that those three games could've appeared on Wii U but didn't because Wii U, and that's it's not a matter of SquareEnix simply not caring to port those three games around until now. Well actually, the Wii U part was SquareEnix not caring, but everything else (umm, GameCube and Wii?) was contracts.

That's a shit ton of information. Thanks for clarifying things for me.


Nov 3, 2017
How the fuck does misinformation spread so fast about the whole Square/Nintendo/Sony when we still got google to fetch old articles?

Akitoshi Kawazu, the leader of Square's second production unit and a board member, will head the new company, which will be formed in March. The new company will be responsible for porting some of the existing popular Square titles to the GBA. The company also plans to develop games that utilize the GBA and GC link. The company received development funding from Fund Q, which was formed by Nintendo's president, Hiroshi Yamauchi.

Sony, who owns 19% of Square, agreed last October to let Square develop under the condition that this settlement will not influence future PS2 game development decisions. As a result, to meet this condition, Square will form a new company that will be independent from Sony. It should also be noted that Square invested 49% into the new company while Kawazu's investment represents 51% of the stake. Since Kawazu has the majority of the stake, he will have control over the company's operations.

The Game designer studio was just a shell company, all dev was done by Square Production Team 2 (Kawazu's team) and the only credits of GDS is really just FFCC because SquareEnix merging made the arrangement with Sony pointless.
Why we didn't see PS FF on Nintendo platform before?
Maybe it had more to do with making a cheap port or running emulation on Nintendo's platform than anything else.
No one was interested in WiiU so of course it was never going to happen there.
And Switch is popular and easy to port to so that's why.
Why Steam and not Xbox for FF port? Maybe anything not mainline FF from Japanese branch of Square Enix is deemed as pointless cost with little return after Type0 bombed on xb1?
Not sure about that.
But the whole GDS studio headed by Kawazu to make games for Nintendo? That was a 1 game deal and it managed to score Nintendo's Q funds because GDS was a "new" company and legally the one making the game.
Nintendo didn't care because more game for GC anyway

FFTA was actually released before FFCC and didn't need a complex shell company montage because GBA had literally no competition and any dev made there didn't interfere in any way with PS1 or PS2 games.

Also FFCC exists because Kawazu and his team wanted to make a game centered around GBA connectivity, FFCC wouldn't exists otherwise.

The theory about Sony having shares meaning that PS FFs couldn't be ported to other consoles seems based on fantasy, if Sony shares had any impact on SquareEnix decision making FFXIII would have been PS3 exclusive and KH3 would never see the light on xb1. Heck FFXI on x360 makes absolutely no sense at all in that context.

Heck I have no idea why Dragon Quest enters any equation here when we know perfectly well who gets to decide what goes where and it ain't Square Enix management or Sony.

e : Also just to drive the point home :
The shell company TGDS was created by Squaresoft board on an idea of Akitoshi Kawazu from sources find online, this is why Kawazu himself held a 51% shares of the company while Square held 49% (hence technically it wasn't Square holding the rights at all).
Nintendo never had any part on it.
Last edited:


Jun 14, 2018
2017/2018. We'll even keep your dumb $60 qualifier.
Hi... um I fixed your list for you. It's amazing to me that you included games not even made by Nintendo. They just happen to be on the Switch. but okay:

The only single player games Nintendo has actually invested in, in the past decade or so:
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Super Mario Odyssey*

This is literally an Ubisoft Game. Are you high?
  • Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle*

Not developed or funded by Nintendo:
  • Fire Emblem Warriors
  • Xenoblade 2
  • Bayonetta 1 & 2*
Not developed or funded by Nintendo. This is a sprite based RPG... just because it costs $60 doesn't mean it is a $60 game. This is basically a Tokyo RPG Factory title. Is I Am Setsuna now considered a Sony title?
  • Octopath Traveler

Literally isn't even a video game. It's also toy merchandise apart of the same product, which you are counting as individual single player titles:
  • Nintendo Labo: Toycon 01 Variety Kit ($69.99)
  • Nintendo Labo: Toycon 02 Robot Kit ($79.99)
  • Nintendo Labo: Toycon 03 Vehicle Kit ($69.99)
Side scrolling games that cost nothing to make. Also Donkey Kong is a rerelease lmao:
  • Kirby: Star Allies*
  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Not developed by Nintendo. This is a port of a 3DS game! Lmao:

    • Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition*


Oct 27, 2017
This was very public back in the day or at least outlets covered it. I understand that games are coming to Switch and is news but this thing that has been discussed last week it was always known.


Nov 3, 2017
Xenoblade 2 is made by Monolith Soft which is literally a Nintendo division.
Employees of Monolith soft are as much Nintendo employees as former EAD or

Not developed or funded by Nintendo. This is a sprite based RPG... just because it costs $60 doesn't mean it is a $60 game. This is basically a Tokyo RPG Factory title. Is I Am Setsuna now considered a Sony title?
  • Octopath Traveler
Has OctopathTraveler been released on PS4? Because I can play I am Setsuna on Switch right now, do you need screenshots for proof of this?


Nov 3, 2017
Like for Monolith Soft ?
Description of business
In the field of home entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd., its subsidiaries and associates (composed of 26 subsidiaries
and five associates as of March 31, 2018), primarily engage in the development, manufacture and sale of entertainment products.
Nintendo's major products are categorized into computer#-enhanced"dedicated video gameplatforms,"playing cards, Karuta and other products.
"Dedicated video game platforms" are defined as hardware and software for the handheld systems
and home consoles developed by Nintendo Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries and associates, manufactured by Nintendo Co., Ltd. and distributed primarily by its subsidiaries and associates in
Japanese and overseas markets.
The positions of Nintendo Co., Ltd. and its main subsidiaries and associates are described below. Segment
information is omitted as Nintendo operates as a single business segment.
Nintendo Co., Ltd., Nintendo Technology Development Inc., Nintendo Software Technology Corporation, Retro
Studios, Inc., Nintendo European Research and Development SAS, iQue (China) Ltd., ND CU
BE Co., Ltd., 1-UP Studio Inc., MONOLITH SOFTWARE INC., Mario Club Co., Ltd.
Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Nintendo Co., Ltd., Nintendo of America Inc., Nintendo of Canada Ltd., Nintendo of Europe GmbH, Nintendo
France S.A.R.L., Nintendo Benelu
x B.V., Nintendo Ibérica, S.A., Nintendo Australia Pty Limited, Nintendo RU
LLC., Nintendo of Korea Co., Ltd., Nintendo (Hong Kong) Limited
Nintendo Sales Co., Ltd

Is Nintendo Technology Development Inc. not a part of Nintendo now?
When can we expect Mario vs Donkey Kong series to reach mobile phones or PSVita?
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Hi... um I fixed your list for you. It's amazing to me that you included games not even made by Nintendo. They just happen to be on the Switch. but okay:

The only single player games Nintendo has actually invested in, in the past decade or so:
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Super Mario Odyssey*

This is literally an Ubisoft Game. Are you high?
  • Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle*

Not developed or funded by Nintendo:
  • Fire Emblem Warriors
  • Xenoblade 2
  • Bayonetta 1 & 2*
Not developed or funded by Nintendo. This is a sprite based RPG... just because it costs $60 doesn't mean it is a $60 game. This is basically a Tokyo RPG Factory title. Is I Am Setsuna now considered a Sony title?
  • Octopath Traveler

Literally isn't even a video game. It's also toy merchandise apart of the same product, which you are counting as individual single player titles:
  • Nintendo Labo: Toycon 01 Variety Kit ($69.99)
  • Nintendo Labo: Toycon 02 Robot Kit ($79.99)
  • Nintendo Labo: Toycon 03 Vehicle Kit ($69.99)
Side scrolling games that cost nothing to make. Also Donkey Kong is a rerelease lmao:
  • Kirby: Star Allies*
  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Not developed by Nintendo. This is a port of a 3DS game! Lmao:

    • Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition*
Oh wow, I should've known the dumb qualifiers and "doesn't count" arguments were going to continue. Seems you need a little correction of your own though.

Nintendo had oversight over Mario+Rabbids and they have mutiple production credits on it. They also published it in Japan.

Bayonetta 2 is a 100% 1st party Nintendo game. They licensed the IP but they 100% produced and funded the game. It's not 3rd party by any definition, not anymore than something like PS4 Spider-man is. Nintendo also produced and funded their ports of Bayo 1.

The Musou games (Zelda and FE) are co-produced (and funded) between Nintendo and Koei Tecmo. Nintendo gets global publishing rights while Koei gets Japan and the original devs at Nintendo/Intelligent Systems are involved in production. Nintendo has a long history of doing this with major publishers and splitting the rights depending on region or platform (Mario & Sonic Olympics, F-Zero AX/GX, Donkey Konga, Mario DDR, Pokken, Mario+Rabbids, etc).

Monolith Soft is a 100% Nintendo subsidiary. They ARE Nintendo. This is like saying Sony didn't develop Uncharted or Horizon.

Octopath Traveler might not be high budget exactly, but it's also nowhere near comparable to the Tokyo RPG Factory games. And Nintendo published and promoted it overseas, if Sony had done the same for I am Setsuna and charged $59.99 for it then yes I'd have included it. Unfortunately though Sony doesn't really publish JRPGs anymore.

There are actual games within each Labo kit. It's not just productivity software. And they're each unique products too.

2D platformers might be relatively cheap to develop but Nintendo's generally have higher dev costs (DKCR and KSA both had pretty large staff counts and dev time) and bigger promotional budgets. Kirby also has a notable extended DLC schedule. Both these games cost more to make and release than say Gravity Rush 2 did.

I think the best part of your whole tirade though is that if we held Sony to the exact same standard and only counted games that they 100% own the license, had a full AAA dev/ad budget and were only developed internally by their original R&D software group (which is Japan Studio btw) then the lists would look like this in comparison:

  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Super Mario Odyssey
  • nothing
  • nothing
Amazing "fix". You've really outdone yourself.


Jun 14, 2018
Xenoblade 2 is made by Monolith Soft which is literally a Nintendo division.
Employees of Monolith soft are as much Nintendo employees as former EAD or

Okay, so that's one game that sort of resembles a modern single player title. It was released 7 years after its prequel, which reinforces my statement that Nintendo invests in a single player title "every ten years or so." But certainly it is another example of a Nintendo game.


Oct 30, 2017
He says in those tweets that Sega funded the game for the first part of its development... therefore Nintendo didn't fully fund it.
You realise that Nintendo having to license the game from Sega is them funding what work they had done on it up until that point and beyond?

Are you just ignoring the 2nd tweet then


Oct 26, 2017
He says in those tweets that Sega funded the game for the first part of its development... therefore Nintendo didn't fully fund it.
Sega canceled it early in development. Nintendo funded and more impurtantly owns the game that actually came out.

Here's a list of 7 games, each of which has a budget greater than every Switch game listed (half of which weren't even Nintendo developed games) combined:
Infamous: Second Son
The Order 1886
Uncharted 4
Horizon Zero Dawn
Detroit Becoming Human
God of War
BOTW likely had a bigger overall budget that all these. Over 500 dev staff count, over 5 years in development, multiple trade show appearances, heavy advertising, insane R&D and promo spend.

Sony spends on AAA yes but so does Nintendo at the top end. Pokémon LGPE and Smash are potentially bigger budget overall than those games too, Pokémon especially has astromonical promotional budgets.


Oct 26, 2017
Okay, so that's one game that sort of resembles a modern single player title. It was released 7 years after its prequel, which reinforces my statement that Nintendo invests in a single player title "every ten years or so." But certainly it is another example of a Nintendo game.
lol, keep it up. This is fun.

Xenoblade Chronicles (2010)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (2014)
Xenoblade Chronicles X (2015)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)


Nov 3, 2017
Okay, so that's one game that sort of resembles a modern single player title. It was released 7 years after its prequel, which reinforces my statement that Nintendo invests in a single player title "every ten years or so." But certainly it is another example of a Nintendo game.
Like do you actually know what Monolith Soft do or did you just confuse them with the FEAR developper?
Because :
lol, keep it up. This is fun.

Xenoblade Chronicles (2010)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (2014)
Xenoblade Chronicles X (2015)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)
You know...
And if Xenoblade X isn't single player then Mario Odyssey certainly isn't as well as Bayonnetta2 or Uncharted 4.


Jun 14, 2018
Oh wow, I should've known the dumb qualifiers and "doesn't count" arguments were going to continue. Seems you need a little correction of your own though.

Nintendo had oversight over Mario+Rabbids and they have mutiple production credits on it. They also published it in Japan.

Bayonetta 2 is a 100% 1st party Nintendo game. They licensed the IP but they 100% produced and funded the game. It's not 3rd party by any definition, not anymore than something like PS4 Spider-man is. Nintendo also produced and funded their ports of Bayo 1.

The Musou games (Zelda and FE) are co-produced (and funded) between Nintendo and Koei Tecmo. Nintendo gets global publishing rights while Koei gets Japan and the original devs at Nintendo/Intelligent Systems are involved in production. Nintendo has a long history of doing this with major publishers and splitting the rights depending on region or platform (Mario & Sonic Olympics, F-Zero AX/GX, Donkey Konga, Mario DDR, Pokken, Mario+Rabbids, etc).

Monolith Soft is a 100% Nintendo subsidiary. They ARE Nintendo. This is like saying Sony didn't develop Uncharted or Horizon.

Octopath Traveler might not be high budget exactly, but it's also nowhere near comparable to the Tokyo RPG Factory games. And Nintendo published and promoted it overseas, if Sony had done the same for I am Setsuna and charged $59.99 for it then yes I'd have included it. Unfortunately though Sony doesn't really publish JRPGs anymore.

There are actual games within each Labo kit. It's not just productivity software. And they're each unique products too.

2D platformers might be relatively cheap to develop but Nintendo's generally have higher dev costs (DKCR and KSA both had pretty large staff counts and dev time) and bigger promotional budgets. Kirby also has a notable extended DLC schedule. Both these games cost more to make and release than say Gravity Rush 2 did.

I think the best part of your whole tirade though is that if we held Sony to the exact same standard and only counted games that they 100% own the license, had a full AAA dev/ad budget and were only developed internally by their original R&D software group (which is Japan Studio btw) then the lists would look like this in comparison:

  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Super Mario Odyssey
  • nothing
  • nothing
Amazing "fix". You've really outdone yourself.
Sorry, but this is just wrong. You're presenting Nintendo licensing deals, "co-developing" titles, and helping developers to the finish line as original titles that Nintendo invested in. At the same time you're trying to use technicalities around how Sony licenses its titles to refute the fact that they invest in expensive original ip. SWW studio clearly has budgets in the tens of millions of dollars for the titles it puts out. Nintendo doing a mascot cross over with a giant publisher like Ubisoft isn't the same thing.


Oct 25, 2017
So, given that the TSW stuff (and subsequent crash and Square-Enix merger) happened *after* Final Fantasy X, this would explain *at the most* Final Fantasy X-2, XI, and XII. Do I have that right?


Nov 3, 2017
Sorry, but this is just wrong. You're presenting Nintendo licensing deals, "co-developing" titles, and helping developers to the finish line as original titles that Nintendo invested in. At the same time you're trying to use technicalities around how Sony licenses its titles to refute the fact that they invest in expensive original ip. SWW studio clearly has budgets in the tens of millions of dollars for the titles it puts out. Nintendo doing a mascot cross over with a giant publisher like Ubisoft isn't the same thing.
How the fuck do you know how much Nintendo is spending on games when you don't even look at their salary cost or anything?
You didn't even know Monolith was part of Nintendo until it was pointed out to you.
And btw Monolith Soft worked on BotW extensively too because they're just that big.
And if you think mascot platformers are cheap to make, you clearly can't tell the difference between Sega's Sonic Team and Nintendo's EAD Tokyo.
Heck if partnerships and using external IPs is somehow "cheap" then I guess we need to explain to Sony how cheap the latest Spiderman was to make.


Jun 14, 2018
Sega canceled it early in development. Nintendo funded and more impurtantly owns the game that actually came out.

BOTW likely had a bigger overall budget that all these. Over 500 dev staff count, over 5 years in development, multiple trade show appearances, heavy advertising, insane R&D and promo spend.

Sony spends on AAA yes but so does Nintendo at the top end. Pokémon LGPE and Smash are potentially bigger budget overall than those games too, Pokémon especially has astromonical promotional budgets.
Nintendo is certainly a slow developer. Thanks for reinforcing my point. That doesn't mean they're putting a lot of resources into the games they put out.


Nov 3, 2017
Nintendo is certainly a slow developer. Thanks for reinforcing my point. That doesn't mean they're putting a lot of resources into the games they put out.
Are you gonna make a post without making shit up?
Do we need to trudge out BotW's interviews and shit to explain how extensive the work done there?


Jun 14, 2018
How the fuck do you know how much Nintendo is spending on games when you don't even look at their salary cost or anything?
You didn't even know Monolith was part of Nintendo until it was pointed out to you.
And btw Monolith Soft worked on BotW extensively too because they're just that big.
And if you think mascot platformers are cheap to make, you clearly can't tell the difference between Sega's Sonic Team and Nintendo's EAD Tokyo.
Heck if partnerships and using external IPs is somehow "cheap" then I guess we need to explain to Sony how cheap the latest Spiderman was to make.
Lol wow the anger is so funny. Um have you looked at a Switch game? Do you understand how game budgets work, and how they scale with graphical fidelity? Y'all are over here like "OMG KIRBY!! KIRBYY!!!!" like ... we're talking about a publisher who's suited to produce a F i n a l F a n t a s y game. Do you know what Final Fantasy is?


Jun 14, 2018
Are you gonna make a post without making shit up?
Do we need to trudge out BotW's interviews and shit to explain how extensive the work done there?
I didn't make up anything? I'm not the one who cited the length of BotW's development. I don't know why its even controversial to say that Nintendo does not turn out games quickly. I mean how can you think differently if you've paid the slightest bit of attention to their games over the past two decades?


Oct 26, 2017
Sorry, but this is just wrong. You're presenting Nintendo licensing deals, "co-developing" titles, and helping developers to the finish line as original titles that Nintendo invested in. At the same time you're trying to use technicalities around how Sony licenses its titles to refute the fact that they invest in expensive original ip. SWW studio clearly has budgets in the tens of millions of dollars for the titles it puts out. Nintendo doing a mascot cross over with a giant publisher like Ubisoft isn't the same thing.
I just used your original standard: $60 single player games. And I'm fine with your constant goal-post movng, I'm just applying the same standard to everyone which you seem to have a problem with.

Here's probably a much much much more relevant standard for what you want though:

Nintendo produced Sakaguchi games:
  • ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
  • The Last Story
Microsoft produced Sakaguchi games:
  • Blue Dragon
  • Lost Odyssey
Sony produced Sakaguchi games:
  • nothing

Nintendo is certainly a slow developer. Thanks for reinforcing my point. That doesn't mean they're putting a lot of resources into the games they put out.
Polish takes time. And money. It pays off though, BOTW and Odyssey are probably going to end up being the two best selling single player 1st party games this decade. And they can actually hold their $59.99 pricepoints too.


Nov 3, 2017
Lol wow the anger is so funny. Um have you looked at a Switch game? Do you understand how game budgets work, and how they scale with graphical fidelity? Y'all are over here like "OMG KIRBY!! KIRBYY!!!!" like ... we're talking about a publisher who's suited to produce a F i n a l F a n t a s y game. Do you know what Final Fantasy is?
What the fuck has Kirby from HAL Laboratory got to do with anything?
Do YOU understand how game budget works? You do know that the more employees there are the costlier it's going to get, right?
Speaking of Final Fantasy, you do know that the only reason they've gotten so expensive to make lately is because SquareEnix is so bad at making them, right?
Funnily enough we know that Xenoblade 2 wasn't too expensive to make (and it looks like it actually cost less than XenobladeX even) with interviews and the likes.
You can stop trolling to derail the thread anytime you want to decide to use sources and have sound arguments.
Your shit is easier to knock over than a kirby boss.

I didn't make up anything? I'm not the one who cited the length of BotW's development. I don't know why its even controversial to say that Nintendo does not turn out games quickly. I mean how can you think differently if you've paid the slightest bit of attention to their games over the past two decades?

the time it took to make BotW is because of the scope and the amount of employees it required.
We know Skyward Sword took forever because they nearly ditched motion controls before Wiisports resort came out and proved that they could use them to make the game.
And with the state of the final game we know that it means that they basically restarted the whole game in between.
Do you even follow anything Nintendo or are you just here to troll?

Want to go farther into the past?
Zelda TP, it took forever because they had a lot of stuffs prepared for the game and during the polish phase they had to port the game in 1 year, extending an already overlong development process.
Please show a developper in similar circumstances going faster, I'd like to see that.
I mean Nintendo is slow, amirite?


Oct 25, 2017
What the fuck has Kirby from HAL Laboratory got to do with anything?
Do YOU understand how game budget works? You do know that the more employees there are the costlier it's going to get, right?
Speaking of Final Fantasy, you do know that the only reason they've gotten so expensive to make lately is because SquareEnix is so bad at making them, right?
Funnily enough we know that Xenoblade 2 wasn't too expensive to make (and it looks like it actually cost less than XenobladeX even) with interviews and the likes.
You can stop trolling to derail the thread anytime you want to decide to use sources and have sound arguments.
Your shit is easier to knock over than a kirby boss.
Just ignore and report. This is a low effort gamefaqs system wars troll with arguments without fact that I am surprised it can last so long on a highly moderated forum.


Jun 14, 2018
I just used your original standard: $60 single player games. And I'm fine with your constant goal-post movng, I'm just applying the same standard to everyone which you seem to have a problem with.

Here's probably a much much much more relevant standard for what you want though:

Nintendo produced Sakaguchi games:
  • ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
  • The Last Story
Microsoft produced Sakaguchi games:
  • Blue Dragon
  • Lost Odyssey
You're just a sad, highly defensive Nintendo fan. When I say "investing in" obviously I don't mean putting out any title that is single player. Nintendo has been reskinning "single player" Mario games on handhelds forever. It would be an absurdly broad standard, if that was what I inferred. But it is not what I inferred! "Investing in" refers to a certain scale of budget. The failure of the Final Fantasy series is to cope with modern production standards in the post HD era. Not that Square Enix can't publish any games at all.

And no, your new "list wars" are not any more relevant. Yes, Microsoft gave Sakaguchi the budget for a big title with Lost Odyssey... like 10 years ago. How is that relevant to today? We're already under a completely different development standard. And yes, Nintendo gave him the opportunity to make truncated versions of what he would put out normally. But he is already making games on mobile anyway. Just not the games his fans want from him.


Oct 26, 2017
You're just a sad, highly defensive Nintendo fan. When I say "investing in" obviously I don't mean putting out any title that is single player. Nintendo has been reskinning "single player" Mario games on handhelds forever. It would be an absurdly broad standard, if that was what I inferred. But it is not what I inferred! "Investing in" refers to a certain scale of budget. The failure of the Final Fantasy series is to cope with modern production standards in the post HD era. Not that Square Enix can't publish any games at all.

And no, your new "list wars" are not any more relevant. Yes, Microsoft gave Sakaguchi the budget for a big title with Lost Odyssey... like 10 years ago. How is that relevant to today? We're already under a completely different development standard. And yes, Nintendo gave him the opportunity to make truncated versions of what he would put out normally. But he is already making games on mobile anyway. Just not the games his fans want from him.
I think the "sad" poster is probably the one hurling insults because they're losing their argument here. Badly.


Nov 3, 2017
I don't even have any idea whatever the fuck does Nintendo output has to do in a thread about discussing SquareEnix porting their games wherever they want.


Nov 3, 2017
Gotta make that low effort trolling wherever they can
There's a million threads about Nintendo right now, heck even the Jimquisition seems better indicated for that discussion than here.

Heck Sony investing in Square when Square was riddled with debts because of that movie (that I liked but apparently we weren't enough) was not altruitistic in any way.
It really was Sony securring the future of a partner they deemed important for their future system (ps2 at the time) because after all FF was a system seller for them on ps1.
The early death of the Wonderswan is what pushed Squaresoft in making GBA games and even edging their bets with Gamecube.
Then again it could have been Kawazu's team having an idea that could only work with GBA connectivity and trying to make the games they wanted to make.
Compare FFCC with what SquareEnix was doing at the time and while by no mean cheap looking, it didn't have lipsync, voices or even CG movies.
2 out of these 3 features would be present in the sequel on Nintendo DS!


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
The early death of the Wonderswan is what pushed Squaresoft in making GBA games and even edging their bets with Gamecube.
Given all they made was CC, I'm not certain if I'd call that hedging their bets. Going by some of the articles and theories posted in this thread, it sounds like SE was merely leveraging Nintendo funding while rebuilding bridges. Which, of course, worked out well for then. As far as Final Fantasy goes however, all we might see is ports from previous gen (FF15 Cloud or the game on Switch 2). However, SE desires lower budget "filler" and Nintendo provides the perfect platform for that. So support will maintain, I think