I can understand why someone might feel safer having a gun, especially given the recent escalation from the gun loving right wing nuts. But feelings aren't truth. The truth is guns, to any kind of extent, do not make you safer. They do the opposite. They make it more likely that you'll die from a gun. Guns for safety is as anti science as anti-vaxers, flat earthers, whatever.
I keep seeing the sentiment that the left or minorities need to arm themselves to push back against the right wing terrorists. But arming themselves isn't a counter to white supremacists. Its just contributing to a race to the bottom.
The majority of gun deaths are suicides from white males. Most gun homicide victims are black men. Guns aren't helping anyone. More people arming themselves, regardless of political ideology or training etc, is only going to make it worse.
I watched that video too and its deeply disturbing just how pointless yet fatal all of it was. Neighbors stupidly bickering over shoveling snow ended up with two people executed and a suicide because guns became involved.
Honestly Sandy Hook sapped almost all of my hope that the US will ever do anything in regards to guns. If that didn't motivate people to change, its hard for me to imagine what could. But I don't know. Like others mentioned, maybe if we're able to boost our safety nets and address some of the desperation people feel maybe that will solve it from a different direction.