Oct 25, 2017
It annoys me when these yuppie fucks write a stupid article or do a stupid "experiment" where the headline is some shit like "MAN SHOWERS ONCE A MONTH, WHY DON'T YOU IDIOT?" implying that you only need to clean yourself once a month and then you read between the lines and the guy is washing himself with a fucking washcloth full body using a gym sink or some shit. The guy is still cleaning himself. It's just clickbaity bullshit.

Solid SOAP

One Winged Slayer
Nov 27, 2017
your mom's house
I tried a "sink bath" and it actually took longer, I don't get it
Yea like literally why would you do this. Showers are refreshing, relaxing, and even kind of fun. The same people who take "sink baths" instead of showers about to be like "life-hack: instead of wasting time putting my garbage on the side of the road I delivered it straight to the dump."
Oct 25, 2017
i imagine long term, the idea behind sink bathing is using a lot less water, if we were in a scenario where water became scare.


Nov 4, 2017
In this thread we can tell who on ResetEra is responsible for the infamous "gamer funk" at conventions.

"I don't shower everyday and I rewear my clothes multiple times before washing and I don't smell." Yeah dog, you do.

That is the thing. I work in IT so I have to deal with a lot of swampy meeting rooms and people who will wear a northface jacket with just a t shirt underneath on their 4h train ride and then sit down next to you.
Even if you just sit on your ass all day, you need to shower. And when you travel, make sure to keep deodorant on hand and a shirt to change.
So funny that it is usually people with massive bagpacks who stink at conventions, but don't bring any AXE.
And yes, those are exactly the kind of people who hold these ted talks on how they don't smell.


Oct 25, 2017
I sweat like a pig even at 40 degrees. I will stink. Fuck that I will shower daily (or more!)


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I used to shower every other day, but since I've also started to work out pretty much every day I'm showering every day. I've been developing some itchy skin at the same time. I do actually think it's linked.


Oct 26, 2017
"nobody says I smell"


I used to shower every other day, but since I've also started to work out pretty much every day I'm showering every day. I've been developing some itchy skin at the same time. I do actually think it's linked.

It is. A good moisturizer will make the difference.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I tried a "sink bath" and it actually took longer, I don't get it
Yea like literally why would you do this. Showers are refreshing, relaxing, and even kind of fun. The same people who take "sink baths" instead of showers about to be like "life-hack: instead of wasting time putting my garbage on the side of the road I delivered it straight to the dump."
Do people taking sink baths wash as thoroughly as people taking showers? I thought the time saving aspect was tied to the idea that you only had to wash certain body parts, like people just cleaning their genitals and calling it a day.
Oct 28, 2017
I don't shower because of social norms or because I'm afraid of people thinking I stink.

I shower every day because I physically feel gross as hell if I don't

this. i cannot, under any circumstances, wake up and go about my day without showering. if l'm leaving the house, i'm showering immediately in the morning. and even if i'm sitting around doing nothing. by the early afternoon, i need to shower.

and i also co-sign using lotion

Krauser Kat

Oct 27, 2017
What is a shower? like full water and soap every part?

If its just a quick rinse with water? do that as much as you want, but full soaping all the time multiple times a day means you need to add that moisture back with oils and lotion which could be differnt ph than your body wants, easier to wash just the stinky bits and call it day.

I have to not wear deodorant every other weekend to give my pits a rest from all the chemicals and heal a bit.


Oct 25, 2017
Love these threads every few months.

I shower every other day but if I get dirty enough, I'll double up. Has worked for me so far.


Oct 25, 2017
Invest in bidets folks, it'll cut down the need/urge to shower every single day, lol

This is a good point. Having a bidet definitely helps me "feel cleaner". I may shower every other day but I blast that ass at least once or twice a day, especially if I had to shit at work. Never know what could be going down later that night and don't want dookie crumbs to interfere/get all in the bed sheets.
Oct 28, 2017
For the love of god, you friggen stink. Take a god damn 5-8 minute shower. The internet is not going to miss you in that amount of time and you aren't going to die from exposure to soap.


Oct 27, 2017
I usually shower every other day unless I've worked out or done anything super physical or manual. If I shower every day my eczema gets aggravated and it's a pain in the ass.

Get a bidet though, keep your ass clean.


Oct 27, 2017
If the debate is "I don't shower every day and risk being the stereotypical smelly gamer that is so common it's a fucking meme and I don't even know it" or "but my essential oils!" I think I'll just take the shower.


Nov 15, 2017
I go to the gym 6 days per week and run 3-4, if I didn't shower afterwards I would constantly stink.

I would also probably have athlete's foot 100% of the time

It's not plausible for people who are active

I do sometimes jump in, rinse myself off with a little soap then leave though. They're not all significant showers that use a lot of water

Soap NickTavish

Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
I exercise almost everyday, therefore I shower everyday.

Take a shower, you stinky fiends, and stop looking for an excuse to be lazy.


Oct 20, 2020
As someone living in a country where 33-35º C is the norm, showering daily is like mandatory unless you hate yourself for some reason.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
Era not questioning or asking for clarification on basic hygiene on a weekly basis challenge: [Impossible]


Dec 2, 2017
Yea like literally why would you do this. Showers are refreshing, relaxing, and even kind of fun. The same people who take "sink baths" instead of showers about to be like "life-hack: instead of wasting time putting my garbage on the side of the road I delivered it straight to the dump."
Not only that, I work in a nursing home and "sink baths" with a washing cloth are a daily thing for old people with a shower weekly. I'm taking my daily showers while I can, I repeat, fuck that noise.


Oct 25, 2017
Wash y'all's stinky asses

For real why is there a 4 page thread about this when the premise is completely undermined by the author taking bird baths every day either way.

Btw every single person I've ever met who proudly claimed to not need to shower more than a few times a week or use deodorant or what have you smelled like a fucking farm animal. Every single one. Y'all are deluding yourselves. My buddy who stopped doing daily showers and using antiperspirant (in hot as fuck Texas) claimed that he didn't stink, but had a harsh dose of reality when he had to return to office for his new job (no more remote work) and HR told him he fucking stank and needed to bathe or find a new job


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe some of y'all (or the people in your lives) need prescription-strength deodorant.

I've never smelt a person unless it's been a long day in the middle of summer.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
I'll be showering every day instead of being some scruffy smelly person looking for any excuse to not do the bare basic hygiene


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of this thread:
I'd rather be that seven days of the week than going out dirty and in old clothes under the guise of "it doesn't smell like anything to me" and hoping people in the room won't say anything to my face while knowing they're waiting until you're gone to talk about it.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I'm sure there's no real harm in skipping the occasional shower, especially if you're staying inside all day, but something about this coming from the BBC in 2024 feels like I'm watching another step in the collapse of civilization in the UK


Oct 31, 2017
I don't tell people in public that obviously have BO "hey, you stink." I just stay the fuck away. So, people probably aren't going to tell folks "Jesus Christ take a shower you stinky jerk.". They'll just stay the fuck away.

I shower in the morning when I wake up, and when I work out, I take a shower after that, too. I won't admonish someone for taking a light shower after exercise, or someone who didn't shower for a day if that's how things worked out, but JFC people, at least keep yourself deodorized, and make sure your ass is clean. You really don't want to be the person at the office with swamp ass.


Oct 27, 2017
If it hasnt been said, wash yo damn clothes. Even if you shower but wear the same shirt or pants for days or weeks, youre gonna have that stank.


Nov 1, 2017
Every third day is good enough for me as a desk-worker in a personal office with good ventilation.

Once a week should probably be fine aswell - i bet no one would notice.

Still - taking a shower feels nice on it's own aside from the hygiene part.


Oct 25, 2017
This is obvious. Every second or third day is fine and that's what I do. No I don't smell. I My friends, family and co workers would 100% tell my in incredibly blunt language I'd that was so. Yeah if you're working out or in a dirty physical job then have a shower but otherwise there is no need. The way people on here act regarding showers is absolutely nuts.