Deleted member 11039

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I still get excited and interested in watching new takes on Star Wars, but yes I agree that Star Wars is the OT. Its simply great. Unparalleled.

Everything else, Prequels, EU, games, Disney flicks, etc all are a mix of some cool stuff but ultimately feel fanficky in comparison to the originals. They almost always try to needlessly explain the force, robbing it of its mystery, or making someone or something EVEN MORE POWERFUL!!! yada yada. Bleh.

Deep lore and official canon and all have never meant much to me. Its easy for me to watch the OT and imagine the characters triumphing over evil and living out the rest of their days in a better world without the terrible Anakin backstory or the misery the new films have added to Luke, Leia and Han mucking it up.

Trying to attach new stories to the OT when that initial story was so well done is near impossible to do right. That's why the best stuff like KOTOR is fair removed from it. Here's hoping we get more stories without the impossible baggage of the OT moving forward.
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Oct 25, 2017
Ehhh the EU was a convoluted mess that covered so much it would be almost impossible to work around. Hell, it seems like it was difficult for a lot of the writers because there are so many contradictions and retellings of stories in the EU

That's been my argument all along: the most interesting parts of the EU all happened within the first 10 years post ROTJ...and by the time the ST got announced the OT actors were too old to do any of the cool shit. And if they based the sequels 30 years later with all of that baggage as cannon it just wouldn't have worked. Who wants to see old man Luke reminisce about shit the average viewer would know nothing about like that time someone dropped a moon on Chewie because they ran out of ideas on how to translate wookie banter into text?


Oct 25, 2017
OK, but that doesn't take away from how horrible they are. Using Lucas to defend the story isn't going to win anyone over he's been terrible at SW ever since the prequels and that's why he didn't make these and sold to Disney instead, its too bad they actually went ahead and decided to listen to his ideas going forward although I don't think they did with TLJ I don't think even Lucas liked any of what happened with that disaster.
I didn't say anything about the quality. I said the claim that it's all fan fic is factually inaccurate because many of the main ideas came from the franchise creator.


Oct 30, 2017
OP should have started the thread title with "Am I the only one who thinks..." in order to highlight the bold and original nature of his view that the Sequel Trilogy isn't legit.

I wonder how upset everyone would be at the new trilogy if it was Lucas running the show into the ground again.
I'm sure we'd have plenty of tools insisting he's a genius for filling the screen with mind numbing clutter in between the scenes of breathtakingly awkward dialogue.


Alt Account
Dec 4, 2018
Disney wan't to make the sequels happen. But...


Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Problem is tonally the prequels don't match up at all with the OT. Too goofy, cartoony.

Disney movies at least match up tonally and feel like the OT.

I don't think that's true either.

The PT is wannabe Shakespearean, the OT was more flash gordon-like but the ST is really modern in how it presents things. Neither of the trilogies flow well into each other based on tone.

Although visually, the PT resembles the OT more than the ST resembles the OT but that's more because of technology and special edition stuff that Lucas used to modernize the OT a bit.

Laser Man

Oct 26, 2017
Star Wars is a victim of the "scale" and "blood from a stone" new age corporate narrative. It's been stripped by the capitalist bear, revealing a malnourished weak body under the fancy attire that has been blinding the casual cinema goer for decades now. The money makers are scrambling to dress up the corpse in flashy new robes to parade them in the streets, baffled by the reaction of the simple but willing masses throwing their money at the colorful zombie creation. It's a farce and a crime against the divine beauty if all things creative and honest in their intentions.

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
Will never see TFA again but enjoyed TLJ , I don't wholly agree with you in that there's some stuff I'm glad we got in the ST. That said I also don't have much of a connection to most the characters/see them as missed opportunities like you yourself stated. Also, it's so nice that it looks like we can be open about our feelings of being underwhelmed with parts of the ST without it turning into a huge flame war.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I'd love for this to be the end of the Skywalker storyline. Give me nothing but side stories set in the Star Wars universe from now on. More Rogue One and The Madalorian, less Solo though.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, the new movies are pretty lame. There's not a single compelling character outside of Kylo Ren, the rest are blandos and wasted potential. I'll shout it from the rooftops how silly it was to have Rey and Poe not meet until the end of the second film. That's a surefire way to build a likable dynamic trio! /s
Now that you mention it... They return to D'Qar together. What the actual fuck. They definitely met in person there, after landing when Finn is taken away by the medics, Poe even turns around and looks at Rey for a moment. They later stand together in a room and look at the map to Luke. Before Rey left for Ahch-To, she changed her clothes, so at least some time had passed. Surely they would have introduced to each other by then?!
I never noticed this until now, lol. Seems like a major oversight.

(Actually, a minor oversight, but for major characters)


Oct 27, 2017
You know who cares, everyone who watched the first movie who never got the questions resolved as they expected. I haven't even watched The Force Awakens as much because of said question. Its worse than Syfo-Dias from Attack of the Clones because Episode 7 is a better movie.

Yep. With the Prequels you can forgive the failing much more easily as they are barely coherent B movies. When you amp up the production/craftsmanship and gloss it makes the glaring faults harder to ignore and boy does the ST had fundamental issues on a deeper level than the PT.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think that's true either.

The PT is wannabe Shakespearean, the OT was more flash gordon-like but the ST is really modern in how it presents things. Neither of the trilogies flow well into each other based on tone.

Although visually, the PT resembles the OT more than the ST resembles the OT but that's more because of technology and special edition stuff that Lucas used to modernize the OT a bit.

If Shakespeare was writing Saturday Morning cartoons for 8 year olds maybe.

This is just so far removed from the OT mostly that it's hard to take seriously, Greivous is a cartoon character and Obi-Wan riding around on a cartoon dinosaur ... ugh.

It's like going from fairly gritty sci-fi fantasy into a cartoon.

Cartoon baseball announcers announcing the pod-racing

It just doesn't match up at all with this tonally at all:

I mean even "bad" or dissapointing sequels like The Hobbit trilogy and the Matrix sequels still feel pretty close in tone to their better versions, but Star Wars OT vs. PT, no way.


Oct 27, 2017
Rotorua, NZ
If Shakespeare was writing Saturday Morning cartoons for 8 year olds maybe.

This is just so far removed from the OT mostly that it's hard to take seriously, Greivous is a cartoon character and Obi-Wan riding around on a cartoon dinosaur ... ugh.

It's like going from fairly gritty sci-fi fantasy into a cartoon.

Cartoon baseball announcers announcing the pod-racing

It just doesn't match up at all with this tonally at all:

I mean even "bad" or dissapointing sequels like The Hobbit trilogy and the Matrix sequels still feel pretty close in tone to their better versions, but Star Wars OT vs. PT, no way.

Watching that Empire clip reminds me how perfect that movie is from performances to the score.....going to rewatch the whole movie now 😃


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
If Shakespeare was writing Saturday Morning cartoons for 8 year olds maybe.

This is just so far removed from the OT mostly that it's hard to take seriously, Greivous is a cartoon character and Obi-Wan riding around on a cartoon dinosaur ... ugh.

It's like going from fairly gritty sci-fi fantasy into a cartoon.

Cartoon baseball announcers announcing the pod-racing

It just doesn't match up at all with this tonally at all:

I mean even "bad" or dissapointing sequels like The Hobbit trilogy and the Matrix sequels still feel pretty close in tone to their better versions, but Star Wars OT vs. PT, no way.

I am always surprised the constant cuts to an awful C-3PO gag/pun in AotC don't get more shit. I mean there's so much garbage in AotC already, but still.

"Excuse me? I've fallen and can't get up."
"Oh this is such a drag!"
"I am quite beside myself."
"Is my head on straight?"

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
If Shakespeare was writing Saturday Morning cartoons for 8 year olds maybe.

This is just so far removed from the OT mostly that it's hard to take seriously, Greivous is a cartoon character and Obi-Wan riding around on a cartoon dinosaur ... ugh.

It's like going from fairly gritty sci-fi fantasy into a cartoon.

Cartoon baseball announcers announcing the pod-racing

It just doesn't match up at all with this tonally at all:

I mean even "bad" or dissapointing sequels like The Hobbit trilogy and the Matrix sequels still feel pretty close in tone to their better versions, but Star Wars OT vs. PT, no way.

You're not really debating me since I didn't say that the tone between PT and OT were close. I'm saying each trilogy's tone is completely off.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
If Shakespeare was writing Saturday Morning cartoons for 8 year olds maybe.

This is just so far removed from the OT mostly that it's hard to take seriously, Greivous is a cartoon character and Obi-Wan riding around on a cartoon dinosaur ... ugh.

It's like going from fairly gritty sci-fi fantasy into a cartoon.

Cartoon baseball announcers announcing the pod-racing

It just doesn't match up at all with this tonally at all:

I mean even "bad" or dissapointing sequels like The Hobbit trilogy and the Matrix sequels still feel pretty close in tone to their better versions, but Star Wars OT vs. PT, no way.

Nailed it *applause*

I dont dislike the new movies at all but I don't feel like they are great sequels to the original trilogy.

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
I mean, if Lucas kept the rights and wasn't cowed into a corner by virulently angry fans to stop making Star Wars, he'd be making a sequel trilogy of his own that'd be the end of the Skywalker saga. I guarantee it'd be about as good as the prequels. So, pick your pleasure.


Oct 28, 2017
ROTJ ending was great.

Anakin realizing Luke was right about him before dying gets me every time. Also the final scene with Anakin Obi Wan and Yoda ghost was just perfection.

Something the PT and ST were not able to achieve.


Oct 25, 2017
Once George is dead, they will eventually remake and rework the prequel and original trilogies, so comparatively speaking, whatever retcon they are cooking up for the current film is small potatoes.


Nov 5, 2017
Love how so many people are saying it's not a good ending for the main saga without actually having seen the ending yet. Clairvoyance seems to be a very common superpower these days.

And don't say 'oh we already know, we've read the leaks', you can make every single movie (or any story really) sound bad by writing out plot points on a forum.


Oct 25, 2017
Something being the "End of the Skywalker saga" and then being called "Rise of the Skywalker" just irks me immensely.


Oct 28, 2017
What's happening here? Moderators should be a lot more severe about aggressive answers.
Feb 13, 2018
It's kind of impossible to make a Star Wars sequel with any ties to the original 2 trilogies without basically undoing RotJ's ending. It's a happy ending where there is finally balance brought to the force. You can't really continue the light vs. dark story with the Skywalkers while sticking to that.


Nov 3, 2017
Love how so many people are saying it's not a good ending for the main saga without actually having seen the ending yet. Clairvoyance seems to be a very common superpower these days.

And don't say 'oh we already know, we've read the leaks', you can make every single movie (or any story really) sound bad by writing out plot points on a forum.

Normally I would agree. But these leaks in particular, I mean wow....


Nov 3, 2017
It's kind of impossible to make a Star Wars sequel with any ties to the original 2 trilogies without basically undoing RotJ's ending. It's a happy ending where there is finally balance brought to the force. You can't really continue the light vs. dark story with the Skywalkers while sticking to that.

Which is why the sequel trilogy should never have been made, or if it was, do not include the return of the Empire and Palpatine


Oct 27, 2017
The new trilogy completely failed to establish any real stakes, big arcs or villains so it's going into its final chapter bringing back a long-dead villain and promising to conclude a saga that's been over for literal decades. I think when all is said and done, all three of the 'sequel trilogy' movies will be decent and fun by themselves, but failures at being a cohesive whole


Oct 27, 2017
George himself had off and on again plans to make sequels to ROTJ. He talked about there being 9 movies when he was making the OT. Would you have accepted those sequels?


Mar 17, 2018
What's happening here? Moderators should be a lot more severe about aggressive answers.

This is nothing. I don't understand why people get so worked up over having someone else share a view that doesn't reinforce their own, especially on something like STAR WARS wtf? There is nothing outright or passively aggressive in the OP's post -- nothing at all to make people overreact. It makes it feel like it's not even worth posting on topics where you have a base of people who share a lot of similarities to Trump supporters. Mods really should crack down.


Oct 28, 2017
User warned: backseat moderation
This is nothing. I don't understand why people get so worked up over having someone else share a view that doesn't reinforce their own, especially on something like STAR WARS wtf? There is nothing outright or passively aggressive in the OP's post -- nothing at all to make people overreact. It makes it feel like it's not even worth posting on topics where you have a base of people who share a lot of similarities to Trump supporters. Mods really should crack down.

I was talking about this kind of post:

You're a fucking idiot OP

Should be bannable forever IMO.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
It's fine to think that, but like it or not these are directly connected to the films you prefer. Also like it or not, Han, Luke, and Leia's stories conclude in these sequels and in these sequels alone. You're gonna have to just accept that at some point.

20 years from now kids who grew up on the prequel trilogy will be saying the same shit, I swear.

This is nothing. I don't understand why people get so worked up over having someone else share a view that doesn't reinforce their own, especially on something like STAR WARS wtf? There is nothing outright or passively aggressive in the OP's post -- nothing at all to make people overreact. It makes it feel like it's not even worth posting on topics where you have a base of people who share a lot of similarities to Trump supporters. Mods really should crack down.

Dude I get your vendetta and even agree to most of it, but can we PLEASE stop saying "Republican mindset! Trump supporters!" with every post? I know you think you're combatting toxicity but with those types of comments you're just adding to it. It's such a weird comparison.

Kabuki Waq

Oct 26, 2017
the way Luke Leia and Hans lives turned out is super sad. in the case of luke its really out of character.