Dec 23, 2017

Did you already beat them? Well, play'em again! Didn't finish the DLC? Go finish those! This is an Order from your Commanding Officer!

I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. :)

Whether you liked VC1, VC2, VC3, VC4, or even Valkyria Revolution... I think it's important to keep Valkyria Chronicles close to your heart. I have a feeling it's going to be awhile until we see anything from this game series again. Right now SEGA is focused on bringing back some old IP's and they need time to cook.

With that said, I'm currently finishing up my second playthrough of VC4 with the PC version on my Steam Deck. I used to own the VC1 Remaster and VC4 back when I had a PS4 but having them again is quite nice. I never got to finish the DLC so I'm hoping to right that wrong this time around. Man, do I miss playing these games though. The art style is still unique and charming. I'm very picky when it comes to turn based gameplay but I find it fun here. The rag tag cast of characters are also enjoyable; Rosetta being one of my favorite Scouts and Odin with his amusing dialogue.

This reminds me, I still haven't played VC3 or Valkyria Revolution. Maybe one of these days I'll get the opportunity because I'm still interested. I know Valkyria Revolution wasn't well recieved by fans but I'm down for any kind of spin-off titles. Anyway, if you have a Steam Deck I highly recommend picking up the VC1+VC4 bundle off Steam if you don't have it already. I plan on doing another playthrough of VC1 when I get the chance.


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Sep 29, 2018
I'll be honest, I booted up this game one time and once I noticed there's a bar that deplends anytime that you move, I knew it wasn't for me and dropped it right then and there. Oh well.


Oct 27, 2017
Ah Valkyria Chronicles, a nice cautionary tale of how not to run a franchise. Sega made every bad decision they could to kill it.


Oct 25, 2017
I played through the first game and thought it was pretty fun, loved having Vyse and Aika and Fina in the squad. I played some of 4 years later, got up to the point where the two girl commanders or whatever ambush you in some snow level and kinda stopped there since I was having some trouble defeating them I think.


Oct 27, 2017
I really like the first one, but wish it stayed with the war setting only, and not the
tone from the middle of the game.

Hoping for BC on Switch 2 to play it again and also VC4.


Oct 27, 2017
I absolutely loved Valkyria Chronicles 1, dropped 2 (a combination of the school theme not gripping me the same way the first one did and I also didn't like that maps were split up into smaller sections), and never tried 3 (I assume there's probably a fan translation but I've never looked into it).

I didn't get around to 4 because it came out at a time when I was playing something else, how does it compare to 1?


Jul 16, 2019
I played 4 and it was fun but also very frustrating at times. Weird game, but I did enjoy it for the most part.

Happy Puppy

Oct 29, 2017
Always try, always lose interest in like the 5th mission. The setting is not that interesting for me, tanks and guns are ugly.


Oct 28, 2017
I loved 4 but got stuck on one mission that involved a big tank in a desert. I kept dying and just gave up, but thanks for reminding me to play it, forgot all about it and have been meaning to hop back in months back.


Dec 17, 2020
I've played 1 and a bit of 4. 1 was alright as in I don't regret spending time on it, though I wasn't a big fan of
game generally favoring rushing due to rewards given for small turn count, and scouts being too good in it which inevitably leads into optimizing fun out of the game.
I ended up dropping 4, can't remember why.


Oct 27, 2017
Always try, always lose interest in like the 5th mission. The setting is not that interesting for me, tanks and guns are ugly.
Yeah same for me. At 38 I'm like yeah I should play that one day but not today. I bought it day 1 and if I was 16 - 18 again (The days I was all over stuff like this) I'd possibly be all for it. Maybe one day I'll give it a proper go. Maybe.


Jul 11, 2022
The one thing that always jumps to my mind whenever I think of the Valkyria Chronicles series is that scene in VC2 where Cosette needs to cut a certain coloured wire on a bomb, but sees in black and white because she's colourblind (because that's how being colourblind apparently works) due to trauma, but then magically sees in colour thanks to the power of friendship. I will never, ever get over how "anime" that moment was, lol. And the series has had plenty of other kinda facepalmy deus ex machina moments like that if I recall correctly.

I like the games enough but I've also always found them a bit... lacking? I remember playing VC1 on the PS3 maaaany years ago now, and initially dropping it about halfway in. I only went back, replayed and finished it with the PS4 version a few years ago. I think the main issue I have with the games is how easy it is to cheese a lot of the missions, and I'm not a massive fan of how the gameplay is in general. And while the artstyle is great, I've yet to really love any of the characters or storylines. Then there's obligatory beach scenes and other stuff that makes it hard to take things seriously, especially when it very much was taking itself seriously 5 minutes prior to out of place moments like those.


Nov 2, 2017
This is the movement system that I would like to very much see in a future turn-based FF, if that happen. I think it could still be plenty strategic if situational positionning was more exploited in games.


Oct 4, 2023
It's a game that I loved literally everything about the gameplay mechanics but I absolutely hated everything about the story.


Dec 31, 2022
Loved VC1 (especially) and VC4 with their mix of turn-based and real time gaming and would love to see more games lean into that style. There's also quite a bit of thought put into each mission; not much just thrown at you to pump up the length of the game (in so many games I feel like I'm asked to play the same fight 10 times, can't say that about VC).

Is there a way to play 1?

Yes you can download a remastered PS4 version. Still goes on sale every few months from what I've seen.

I absolutely loved Valkyria Chronicles 1, dropped 2 (a combination of the school theme not gripping me the same way the first one did and I also didn't like that maps were split up into smaller sections), and never tried 3 (I assume there's probably a fan translation but I've never looked into it).

I didn't get around to 4 because it came out at a time when I was playing something else, how does it compare to 1?

From what I remember it's better than 1 in that it's better balanced between classes, but the OST isn't quite as impressive and the leads aren't as compelling as Welkin and Alicia.

Virtua King

Dec 29, 2017
I loved VC1 & 4, amazing games. I used to think we'd eventually get a collection with 2 & 3, but I think SEGA has shelved the franchise. :(


Oct 30, 2017
Absolutely love the franchise! Played all 4. Loved 1 the most (that last photograph always hits hard) and was very positively surprised by the fan translation of 3.

I should platinum 4 this year, thanks for the inspiration!


Sep 23, 2023
I really liked the original. It was probably the best reason to own a PS3 throughout that entire generation.

I own the others (minus 3) but haven't been bothered to play them yet.

Honestly I'd rather Sega tried again with Sakura Wars, but go back to something more traditional than the last outing because it was kinda a mess.
Shinobido Heart
Dec 23, 2017
I absolutely loved Valkyria Chronicles 1, dropped 2 (a combination of the school theme not gripping me the same way the first one did and I also didn't like that maps were split up into smaller sections), and never tried 3 (I assume there's probably a fan translation but I've never looked into it).

I didn't get around to 4 because it came out at a time when I was playing something else, how does it compare to 1?

VC4 is basically more VC1 with some of the new mechanics that were added in VC3 and more. The maps are bigger too! It even has DLC featuring Squad 7 so definitely check it out. The story can be hit or miss for some. I remember people having an issue with the character Raz.

Now that I think about it, VC2 and VC3 are the only games in the series that have melee units. Wonder why they didn't include them.

Y-You disobey your Commanding Officer?! Five more laps! On the double!
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Jan 27, 2018
I literally got all the achievements in this game like a week ago after a 9 year hiatus. Amazing game though. You think its this tactical strategy game at first, and then it turns out it's an alicia does everything simulator. Even if you know what you are doing, its still slightly difficult.

Happy Puppy

Oct 29, 2017
Yeah same for me. At 38 I'm like yeah I should play that one day but not today. I bought it day 1 and if I was 16 - 18 again (The days I was all over stuff like this) I'd possibly be all for it. Maybe one day I'll give it a proper go. Maybe.
Haha same age. One day we will conquer the gritty harsh war while looking pretty.
Apr 9, 2018
I must give 3 a go, but 4 was just too anime for me, couldn't finish the second half of the game, I don't remember VC1 being as cringe


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Nov 17, 2017
Really wish they'd make another one. Yeah, the stories ain't great, though, to put it mildly. I remember playing the demo for Valkyria Chronicles 4 and being rather impressed by how bad the cut scenes were. Luckily, I managed to push through.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the reminder that I still haven't finished VC4.

Why I haven't finished VC4 is an issue that I think plagued almost every game in the series to some extent: you eventually get to a level that's an enormous difficulty spike from the one before. VC1's is the most infamous, but VC3 has one too arguably several, but the one I'm thinking of is where you have a small arena with a train bristling with turrets on one side, and artificial valkyria all over the place; there's barely any cover and it's not at all clear what you're even meant to do with all this fuckery. VC4 has one or two moments like this as well the TWINS WHAT THE FUCK. I think I beat that mission by the skin of my teeth, set the game down, and haven't been back since.

Weirdly the only game I don't remember having a huge difficulty spike in it is VC2, which has a bunch of other issues (military academy? really? grinding parts for certifications? help? loli valkyria and beach episode whyyyyyyyyy).

I've been watching a streamer play VC1 for the first time recently and it's still a blast to watch. Such a good cast, a lot of fun strategizing, graphics still hold up over a decade later.

Honestly I'd rather Sega tried again with Sakura Wars, but go back to something more traditional than the last outing because it was kinda a mess.

In an ideal world we'd have both. For me personally the biggest issue with Sakura Wars isn't even replacing the SRPG stuff with the pseudo-musou gameplay (which at worst is just mindless), it's how terrible the story gets once they leave slice-of-life territory and try to do something with real stakes. I'd so much rather just be hanging out with the theatre troupe than "oh shit [enemy X] is opening the [whatever the fuck tech evil thing or whatever] and if we don't stop it [terrible thing I don't even remember what]!!!!!!!" That definitely doesn't feel like a problem that's foundational to the franchise, but I don't know Sakura Wars that well besides the new one.
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May 9, 2018
Valkyrie Chronicles is what led me to buy a PS3... after playing VC2 on PSP, god awful highschool setting aside on the second game, they're some of the most fun tactic games out there.


Nov 28, 2023
My daughter is playing through the first game at the moment. I think my save is 15-20hrs in,but I dropped it for some reason. I will give it another crack when I polish off ff xvi.
Oct 28, 2017
I replayed VC1 about a year ago. The story-telling, aesthetic, music, and setting all hold up really well, but I forgot just how easy the game was to break. Still worth your time especially if you've never played it.

It's a shame the even numbered sequels let down the odd numbered ones. 2's pivot to the cheesy academy setting is legitimately one of the worst changes I've seen to a series tonally, and 4 was such a safe, basic sequel that it really squandered the buzz the PC port of the original gave the series.

I adored 3, though, I have to run through it again when I get the chance. Basing it around the Gallian Militia's "Suicide Squad" was a brilliant idea, what they should've done with 2 to begin with, and it gives it such a distinct feel from the other games. Damn shame it's so constrained by the limitations of the hardware, were it not for that it'd easily be the best of the series. The fan translation is very solid, too.


Oct 25, 2017
Every now and then I ponder going back and actually finishing VC4, as someone who once held VC1 as their fave PS3 game it stings that 4 is arguably a better game yet just so much harder to stomach with it's awful main cast and dumb plot.

That and it felt like VC 1.5 despite the series already having sequels, 2 was certainly a mixed bag and I'm not sure how much I could tolerate it these days *avan laugh intensifies*, but I felt like it really gave a bunch of new concepts a fun swing and did a good job adapting to the psp, while 4 just reeled it all back in and only added the grenadier.

I'd love to replay VC1 with the various rebalancing mods on steam, every now and then when it goes on sale for switch for mere pennies I almost triple dip, but I should probably just play the PS4 version I've been sitting on for years.
Truth be told, it's hard for me going back to VC with its CUTSCENE/LOADING/CUTSCENE/LOADING/ setup (that 4 revisited for some dumb reason), once again I was a lot more tolerating of all that when I was 18/19, less so now as an ancient 30 plus player.

As for 4, I got up to the bit in the ice/snow where you meet up with some ship/icebreaker unit I think
I feel like the switch version of the game is a bit "off" but I can never quite pinpoint why

I recommend skipping all the cutscenes if you play 4

But the people then won't know the lore of "scaredy Claude" where he's frequently berated and shunned for not running into a burning building as a teenager to try and save Riley's parents because he's not a suicidal nubbins, or something to that effect
Shinobido Heart
Dec 23, 2017
I replayed VC1 about a year ago. The story-telling, aesthetic, music, and setting all hold up really well, but I forgot just how easy the game was to break. Still worth your time especially if you've never played it.

It's a shame the even numbered sequels let down the odd numbered ones. 2's pivot to the cheesy academy setting is legitimately one of the worst changes I've seen to a series tonally, and 4 was such a safe, basic sequel that it really squandered the buzz the PC port of the original gave the series.

I adored 3, though, I have to run through it again when I get the chance. Basing it around the Gallian Militia's "Suicide Squad" was a brilliant idea, what they should've done with 2 to begin with, and it gives it such a distinct feel from the other games. Damn shame it's so constrained by the limitations of the hardware, were it not for that it'd easily be the best of the series. The fan translation is very solid, too.

Yeah, the first game has a very memorable cast... I love them. Alicia's character design is top tier imo.

She's in a Gallian Military Uniform like everyone else but the bakers handkerchief just does it for me. It's a simple yet effective design. As for balance, yeah it was pretty bad since you could Scout rush most things.
Oct 28, 2017
I'd love to replay VC1 with the various rebalancing mods on steam, every now and then when it goes on sale for switch for mere pennies I almost triple dip, but I should probably just play the PS4 version I've been sitting on for years.
Truth be told, it's hard for me going back to VC with its CUTSCENE/LOADING/CUTSCENE/LOADING/ setup (that 4 revisited for some dumb reason), once again I was a lot more tolerating of all that when I was 18/19, less so now as an ancient 30 plus player.

I used the Gallian Crossfire mod on my last replay of VC1, and it was generally an improvement. They buffed enemy intercept fire to a pretty crazy degree that's a little annoying, and the Edelweiss is notably weaker, but it was nice not feeling obligated to spam as many scouts as possible to get an A rank.

The menus and pacing are still completely wack though yeah lol, that definitely wore on me by the end.

Yeah, the first game has a very memorable cast... I love them. Alicia's character design is top tier imo.

She's in a Gallian Military Uniform like everyone else but the bakers handkerchief just does it for me. It's a simple yet effective design. As for balance, yeah it was pretty bad since you could Scout rush most things.

Yeah Alicia is great, her and Welkin are one of my favorite romances in a game. It's pretty understated but it feels genuine, which describes a lot of the game for me and why I find it so endearing tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
It sits in my Steam library unplayed. I'm sorry I didn't do my part.

But at least I bought it? I have the steelbook on PS4 too, so I've actually bought it twice...



Oct 25, 2017
Liked VC4 a lot when it came out. It wasn't a perfect game -- I wish the ranking wasn't purely speed-based, the anime child assassins were lame, and the hot springs scene was cringe -- but it was very good and fun overall. I remember enjoying the map design & objective variety.

I own VC1 but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. Someday.


Oct 27, 2017
Eh, I got a decent number of missions into VC1 and I remember some particular bad one or two that just turned me off it.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to like the series, and I really like the story of VC1, but it combines all the worst elements of tactics games.

Perma-death, surprise enemy reinforcements mid-battle, unkillable story units, randomly activated negative character traits, ambush spots that are basically impossible to avoid without foreknowledge of the map, since basically every enemy unit is in cover head shots only work against you.

Like every game mechanic is designed to have you save scum like 5 times per turn.


Prophet of Truth
Aug 25, 2021
I loved 1 at the time, didn't enjoy 2 at all, and don't think I was even aware they had made a 3 and 4!
Shinobido Heart
Dec 23, 2017
Surprised you mentioned this one. Everyone I've seen pretty much pretends this game doesn't exist lol

Honestly, I'm surprised I remembered it too lol. Valkyria Revolution came out in 2017, roughly six years after VC3? I wonder how well it would have been received if it came out after VC4. It seemed like SEGA wanted to do something different in the Valkyria Chronicles universe but it didn't go well. I still like the idea though!