julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
This has to be a cult like thing right? Collectivism, idealization of a power that is theirs and only theirs by divine right, the loss of the self, charismatic leader, etc etc.


Oct 25, 2017
As a non-American, this is just USA, USA, USA to me! Evangelical Christian fascists/white supremacist terrorists are the bread and butter of the GOP. This is just some televangelical conference where they're doing their silly fascist prayer. GOP/Republicans believe in this. It's why Roe Vs Wade was overturned among many other things done away with or about to. They actively want a civil war. Then you get liberals wanting to tone police others for wanting to fight for their basic rights, don't protest too hard, don't use violence because all you have to do is vote. Act civil and the crisis will be averted. Keep getting distracted by respectability politics while this has been happening forever.


Oct 27, 2017
Look at it from a positive angle, now you can see for yourself how the rest of the world has been looking at the USA for decades.


Oct 31, 2017
This has to be a cult like thing right? Collectivism, idealization of a power that is theirs and only theirs by divine right, the loss of the self, charismatic leader, etc etc.

Where the nation is personified by one man, and the people come together for the "collective" good of the nation?

Almost like a...national socialism.

Punch nazis, folks.


Oct 27, 2017

Christians will do literally everything but follow the teachings of Christ...


Nov 1, 2017
13 Declarations is a weird number to land on - especially for a bunch of superstitious people that believe in bullshit.

Like, they couldn't trim that list by one? or add another one?
Had to land exactly on Thirteen?

Deleted user 119316

Account closed at user request
Jun 22, 2022
13 Declarations is a weird number to land on - especially for a bunch of superstitious people that believe in bullshit.

Like, they couldn't trim that list by one? or add another one?
Had to land exactly on Thirteen?

Maybe it's one for each of the Thirteen Colonies? That works with their whole BioShock Infinite vibe.


Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely insane.

Inhumane deeply evil people and most of them won't even realise it.

Anyway, went on a bit too long as well, lol.

WyLD iNk

Oct 27, 2017
Here, duh.
I've been actively warning people about these Dominionist asshats for three decades now. Project Blitz is just a step in their dystopian plan.


Charlie Kirk Wants ‘Church and State Mixed Together,’ Wrongly Declares ‘Our Founding Fathers Believed in That’

Misguided bag of potatoes Charlie Kirk erroneously claimed the nation's Founders wanted religion and government "mixed together."

But there's good news. Nonreligiousity is on the rise (even in the U.S.). This is part of the death throes of the faith. It'll never disappear completely, but the theocrats are tightening their grip and getting louder because they are on the way out. The rational theists and the nonreligious need to not become lax about this. They still must be countered at every turn however possible, and when they inevitably try to dismantle democracy, they MUST be held accountable. Those spineless authorities who refuse to punish violating the law must be voted out and replaced by those who are unafraid to confront this barbarism.

And for fuck's sake, stop letting creationist dimbulbs circumvent demonstrable science with their magic fantasy!


Jun 19, 2018
That's a well known fact from jesus himself, allegdly

Matt 24:5 "For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah,' and will deceive many."

I've been saying it since gaf letting psyhcopaths hijack christianity is one of humanity's biggest downfalls. The no true scotsman fallacy doesn't really apply when god or jesus say look out for these people who will deceive you on their name or word for that matter. Moderates and atheist gonna tut tut me on the subject saying it's all fiction meanwhile fascists gain power.
Weird that crazies are attracted to people saying there a guy with a beard talking to them.


Nov 30, 2020
NE Georgia USA
User Warned: Inappropriate point of comparison
It's basically the American Taliban, this will be how they justify anything they do.


We decree that America's executive branch of government will honor God and defend the Constitution.

2. We decree that our legislative branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and constitutional.

3. We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are biblical and constitutional.

4. We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult and every evil attempt against our nation.

5. We declare that we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.

6. We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.

7. We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in each of the Seven Mountains.

8. We decree that the Blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God.

9. We declare that our nation is energy independent.

10. We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily and technologically.

11. We decree that evil carries no power, authority or rights in our land, or over our people.

12. We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines, in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.

13. We decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

We know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. We know the truth; therefore, we stand for truth and will NEVER be deceived!

We will NEVER stop fighting!

We WILL take our country back.

We WILL honor the ONE TRUE GOD – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

"Working together with Him, we strongly urge you not to receive God's grace in vain [by turning away from sound doctrine and His merciful kindness]. For He says, 'AT THE ACCEPTABLE TIME (the time of grace) I LISTENED TO YOU, AND I HELPED YOU ON THE DAY OF SALVATION.' Behold, now is 'THE ACCEPTABLE TIME,' behold, now is 'THE DAY OF SALVATION.'" (2 Corinthians 6:1-2, AMP)

*Watchman Decree was written and shared by FlashPoint on 7/1/2022.

**Seven Mountains of Influence include media, business/finance, family, education, politics, arts/entertainment, and religion.

(To watch the full word click here.)

It is supposed to be based on this scripture in the bible:
If I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one of their number as their sentinel; and if the sentinel sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people; then if any who hear the sound of the trumpet do not take warning, and the sword comes and takes them away, their blood shall be upon their own heads. They heard the sound of the trumpet and did not take warning; their blood shall be upon themselves. But if they had taken warning, they would have saved their lives. But if the sentinel sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any of them, they are taken away in their iniquity, but their blood I will require at the sentinel's hand.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
And they send unto him certain of the Americans, to catch him in his words. And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not? Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it. And they brought it. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto him, Caesar's. And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they were repulsed by him. For they said, we are Americans, and verily we worship nought but Mammon. Thus they didst rebuke Jesus his teachings and ordained they becometh like Caesar. Henceforth they instituted, the multitudes would render unto them what they so desired, both Caesar's and God's. And verily, Jesus doth spun in his grave threehundred and sixty times. No more and no less. So it is written.
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Future Gazer

▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I couldn't imagine sharing a country with these people.

Sane Americans, you have my sympathies.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
The entire time I watched that I was thinking "some young dude in the audience is going to start gearing up when gets back home".


Oct 25, 2017

Christians will do literally everything but follow the teachings of Christ...

As one that tries it really pisses me off.

This has to be a cult like thing right? Collectivism, idealization of a power that is theirs and only theirs by divine right, the loss of the self, charismatic leader, etc etc.

At this juncture? Yes. The teaching and actions are so far removed from the book at this point that instead of being an inspiration, it's an excuse to do what ever the hell they want.

From a black guy perspective(me) it isn't too different from how it was used to justify atrocities like slavery so I guess this concept isn't new persay. I'm sure someone is going to be like its a cult the whole time here anyway but I digress. These are the type of people to gloss right on by "Not everyone who cries "Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom of Heaven" and its implications while doing their vile ignorance.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
User Warned: Inappropriate point of comparison
The Christian Taliban, everyone. These people are nuts, and dangerous.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
It's ok to hate fascists lol. They're fascists after all.
yeah, but growing up i've always felt it was a dangerous path for your mind to go on, to allow yourself to dehumanize an "other"... but now its ok. these are some of the worst, most psychotic people in our whole history. they are literally a threat to our species, and other species bigger than a cockroach. they are pining for end times, they want to pollute as much as possible and block all climate action, they want chaos and "signs" that their Lord is coming back to vanquish all their enemies. they would even see a silver lining in a nuclear mushroom cloud.

it's beyond scary they now control one of two American political parties, and are poised to gain even more power soon.


Oct 26, 2017
User Warned: Inappropriate point of comparison
If Biden wanted to stop the rise of it immediately, churches throughout the country would no longer be tax exempt.

Yes, the evangelicals wouldn't like it (since when do they like anything), but it would force organizations like the one in the video to have to pay taxes and may shut them down for good.

But then they would go from being the American Taliban to actual domestic terrorists and we may see attempts on Biden and other Democrats' lives.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah tax exempt status for churches should be revoked for any church that reaches a certain size.

Deleted user 119316

Account closed at user request
Jun 22, 2022
Off topic, but ive seen you answering similarly in other threads and also a meme? with other posters in other thread making memes and answering in latin.
I just want to know what the fuck is going on lol

It's a long story. I was joining ResetEra, noticed the terms of use didn't preclude speaking another language, so I pretended to be a time-displaced Roman emperor and spoke in Latin exclusively for about 85 posts.

But I am genuinely serious with that comment in here, about ultimately blaming Constantine for this Christofacist shit. It doesn't get to the other side of the planet in this form without his actions.

Initially I wrote a 1000 word essay here about the timeline of events from Rome being a *relatively* religiously tolerant empire to it becoming a monotheistic empire that would spend the next several centuries just going absolutely fucking apeshit about exactly how magical Jesus was on scale of 1-10... but nobody wants to read that.

Let's just leave it at the observation that this Christofacist doctrine of "One God, One [Emperor], One [Empire]" feels very reminiscent of the dogmatic, authoritarian domino chain that Constantine started. Which Iulian *maaaaaay* have somewhat reversed if he hadn't died so quickly after becoming the last non-Christian emperor.
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Oct 25, 2017
It's a long story. I was joining ResetEra, noticed the terms of use didn't preclude speaking another language, so I pretended to be a time-displacdd Roman emperor and spoke in Latin exclusively for about 85 posts.

But I am genuinely serious with that comment in here, about ultimately blaming Constantine for this Christofacist shit. It doesn't get to the other side of the planet in this form without his actions.

Initially I wrote a 1000 word essay here about the timeline of events from Rome being a *relatively* religiously tolerant empire to it becoming a monotheistic empire that would spend the next several centuries just going absolutely fucking apeshit about exactly how magical Jesus was on scale of 1-10... but nobody wants to read that.

Let's just leave it at the observation that this Christofacist doctrine of "One God, One [Emperor], One [Empire]" feels very reminiscent of the dogmatic, authoritarian domino chain that Constantine started. Which Iulian *maaaaaay* have somewhat reversed if he hadn't died so quickly after becoming the last non-Christian emperor.
Well, thats interesting lol
I mean, ive read the comments you have posted, so i supose someone is reading them hahaha


Jan 24, 2018
It's a long story. I was joining ResetEra, noticed the terms of use didn't preclude speaking another language, so I pretended to be a time-displacdd Roman emperor and spoke in Latin exclusively for about 85 posts.

But I am genuinely serious with that comment in here, about ultimately blaming Constantine for this Christofacist shit. It doesn't get to the other side of the planet in this form without his actions.

Initially I wrote a 1000 word essay here about the timeline of events from Rome being a *relatively* religiously tolerant empire to it becoming a monotheistic empire that would spend the next several centuries just going absolutely fucking apeshit about exactly how magical Jesus was on scale of 1-10... but nobody wants to read that.

Let's just leave it at the observation that this Christofacist doctrine of "One God, One [Emperor], One [Empire]" feels very reminiscent of the dogmatic, authoritarian domino chain that Constantine started. Which Iulian *maaaaaay* have somewhat reversed if he hadn't died so quickly after becoming the last non-Christian emperor.
I mean, I would've loved to read it. I also didn't mind your schtick either, it was fun.


Nov 1, 2017
And they send unto him certain of the Americans, to catch him in his words. And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not? Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it. And they brought it. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto him, Caesar's. And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they were repulsed at him. For they said, we are Americans, and verily we worship nought but Mammon. Thus they didst rebuke Jesus his teachings and ordaining, became like Caesar. Henceforth they instituted, having the multitudes render unto them what they so desired, both Caesar's and God's. And verily, Jesus doth spun in his grave threehundred and sixty times. No more and no less. So it is written.
If this was all you, this is an underrated post.
If it was a copy-paste from somewhere else (I dunno, I'm behind on my meme-culture these days), still a decent post, but I forgive other people for ignoring it.


Oct 25, 2017
For people who say "Christian Taliban" or "American Taliban", y'all know how that sounds? That your frame of reference for terrorists or fascists is an Islamic organisation that was the result of USA intervention in a foreign country, rather than the many homebred American fascist and European fascist terrorist organisations. Maybe let's give this term a rest.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
it's beyond scary they now control one of two American political parties, and are poised to gain even more power soon
I got some bad news for you if you think the Democrats are above this type of shit. Yeah the GOP is basically run by these types... But the Dems aren't as far behind as we may like to think. They just ain't as up front about it.


Jan 2, 2019
I got some bad news for you if you think the Democrats are above this type of shit. Yeah the GOP is basically run by these types... But the Dems aren't as far behind as we may like to think. They just ain't as up front about it.

As democrats are a big tent party, I find this statement difficult to parse. I can't even think of a subset that is this cultish.
Do you have any sources to back that up?

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Citation? What percent of the Democratic Party are Christofascists and what do you base that on?

As democrats are a big tent party, I find this statement difficult to parse. I can't even think of a subset that is this cultish.
Do you have any sources to back that up?
Allow me to walk that back a bit. Fascism, any brand or flavor of it, isn't anything a left leaning party is going to go for, obviously.
What I really meant was that Christian Fundamentalism is, generally speaking, widely accepted in America on both sides of the political spectrum as it pertains to America. So like the full "nationalist" side of it isn't something you'll see widely adopted on the democratic side, but Christian ideals are still held closely to the heart of the party.


Sep 20, 2021
Christianity is declining in the US overall and religion affiliation among young people are the lowest ever. This churches and their leaders know that their followers are getting older and fewer persons are joining the cults.
The last option that they have is radicalizing even more their base and seize public institutions, this is where they are more dangerous and they most be confronted immediately.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
The Christian Taliban, everyone. These people are nuts, and dangerous.
This is an American problem, full stop. Do not bring Taliban or anyone else in this. This is America's own doing.

As a non-American, this is just USA, USA, USA to me! Evangelical Christian fascists/white supremacist terrorists are the bread and butter of the GOP. This is just some televangelical conference where they're doing their silly fascist prayer. GOP/Republicans believe in this. It's why Roe Vs Wade was overturned among many other things done away with or about to. They actively want a civil war. Then you get liberals wanting to tone police others for wanting to fight for their basic rights, don't protest too hard, don't use violence because all you have to do is vote. Act civil and the crisis will be averted. Keep getting distracted by respectability politics while this has been happening forever.


Oct 25, 2017
The part about "acting in the name of God" is haunting. If a group of people believe - genuinely or not - the creator of the universe will sentence them to eternal suffering if they don't lay down their lives to establish a Christofascist state; if they believe death is preferred because they'll go to heaven, then how do those of us who are not compelled by that kind of belief fight them? We don't think we're going to heaven so we don't want to die. We're not afraid of going to hell for not fighting to, say, save abortion and establish a pluralist, egalitarian society. We don't own as many guns, aren't forming militias, sending out street gangs, planning kidnappings and executions of politicians who are actually taking away our rights and sentencing people to suffering and death. How do we match that with electoral politics when it's clear they'll soon ensure the disenfranchisement of everyone they don't want participating in democracy? If the answer is they're still a minority, the rebuttal is that minority is ruling right now, they will expand that rule once they take over state elections, they've have shown the ability to wield and exercise power despite being a minority all over the country and that folks in the middle probably aren't going to rise up and fight a fascist, authoritarian government. Instead, many will just go, "Well, I guess it's better than being socialists!" and many others will decide to adapt and exist within the authoritarian state, likely because they're still in proximity to the ones with power.

We're in a lot of fucking trouble.
We take away the churches non-profit status. They will very quickly change how they organize politically But until then, they will continue to have these sort of clan rallies.