
Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 27, 2017
People are also forgetting the ability of the unreal engine 4 and how hast games can be built with this engine, i have hope in sqaure to get each part out once a year.

Yankee Ruin X

Oct 31, 2017
I think early 2020 is a good bet too. Will release this on PS4 and then when Episode 2 comes they will release an upgraded version for PS5


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
Whenever PS5 releases, so it can launch on both systems. I don't want to buy a PS4 Pro so close to PS5 :(


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I am betting on this year or early 2020.
June is when we'll get a "2020" announcement (which is then followed by delays that push it back to 2021/22)

This is what I've come to expect from SE
SE has been pretty rock solid once they announce an actual date. Last few games havent been delayed iirc.


Oct 27, 2017
Square is expecting a big title for this fall that may end up early 2020. their next financial report should be out next week. was May 11th last year. anyways they stated that the reason for that spike would be announced in the lead up to E3 which FF7 Remake just did. I's expect us to get a release window revealed in June. If it comes out in November (before black friday) what direct competition would it have? (personally i'd guess December at the earliest though) If it comes out in the first part of 2020 it should also be fine, but I think they should plant their flag down to clear out other games.


Fallen Guardian
Nov 2, 2017
For some odd reason I sort of expect it to release late this year or early 2020, just based on some of the verbiage used in the press statements.
Oct 28, 2017
Prediction: Part 1 comes in March 2020. It is much shorter than people would like, and more linear than people feel like it should be/remember Midgar being back in the day. Also not as much in the way of "new/expanded content" as people are hyping themselves up for. You end the game leaving Midgar as people are imagining.

It does however lay a solid foundation, and when part 2 launches in late 2021/2022 (exclusively for next gen systems) it covers significantly more ground narratively/systems wise than part 1 and becomes the fan favorite of the remake series.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm suspecting a November 2019-January 2020 window. I don't think they would set an initial release date so close to the end of the fiscal year, because if they need to delay, then that would ruin the expectations for fiscal year report to their investors? Just a thought.

Plus I'm pretty sure they've been trying to stick to the short reveal-release plan, and I'd consider June to be a rereveal, so that makes sense to me.
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Oct 27, 2017
There's a big chance.

I don't think Avengers is their big game for the end of the fiscal year. Avengers probably is a late 2020/early 2021 title.


Oct 25, 2017
We are getting a 2020 release date, then a crossgen+delay announcement a few months later.

You heard it here first folks


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
In the recent shareholders report, Matsuda said a big game will make money this fiscal year (something like that). FF7R is the only one eligible
This is the major factor in its favor. That and the recent twitter changes also seem like hints. They specified "news up until release" and changed their icon/banner to the FF7R symbol, which says to me they likely have a specific timeline in mind here leading up to release.

Given CC2 had somewhat of a framework done in their two years on the project, ~3 years with the in house SE team should be plenty of time to have episode 1 finished. I am fully on team 2020 for FF7R. I would say late 2019, but that seems a tad too hopeful.

We are getting a 2020 release date, then a crossgen+delay announcement a few months later.

You heard it here first folks
My ideal would be Episode 1 January 2020, Episode 2 November 2020 or January of 2021, and Episode 3 late 2021 with a Trilogy Pack for PS5/Xbox NEXT


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
ya I think early 2020 is totally possible, I wouldn't be surprised if Square gives an early 2020 release window at E3.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
I think it will be September 2020, right before the new systems launch (PS5 will be back-compat so it'll kind of be like a FFIX situation we had in the States).


Nov 16, 2017
It's funny how people are saying its going delay when their isn't even a release date lol. I say it'll on ps4 and launch on Ps5 simultaneously


Oct 27, 2017
So are they still planning to do all those parts, or is it all one full game like the og?


Oct 27, 2017
I can see a simultaneous release with PS5.

This title would be an enormous incentive for people to spend early on a next gen machine.


Oct 31, 2017
The only thing I 'expect' is part 1 of this remake.

Maybe the whole thing releases before March 2020, but I doubt it.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
That's going to be some wait. Though I don't see a problem with how they have this planned out. We're getting full fledged games out of it.

Probably but I don't mind. Even if it's really good I feel like it won't recapture the magic of the original anyway, so I'm not really fussed about having to play it day one.

Plus nothing worse than getting into the story and then having to stop and wait months for the next part. I'd rather play it all in one go.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
PS5 will be BC, they have no reason to launch on both consoles, my bet is that they'll release a patch to use the potential of the ps5 but that's it.
I imagine that being the case, but if FF VII releases before the PS5 I will have to buy a PRO because I want to play it with the best performance and visuals possible.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know about 2020 but I do think they're finally trying to do things like most everyone else in the industry and not talk about a game until it's within 2 years of release.


Nov 2, 2017
I'm legit shocked that this is still coming out on PS4...I for sure thought it was gonna be a big PS5 launch title.
Wouldn't be hard to have a ps5 version ready for launch. Since ps5 launches same year. If this comes out in March and ps5 comes out in the fall it could be a difference of only 6 months.
I could even see a patch (free or small fee) to upgrade your version of the game to ps5 assets.