Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017


Talks about how Hollywood and publishers use their medium to push "political agendas".

Anstatt Kuenstler Kuenstler sein zu lassen haben Hollywood und (fast) alle Spielentwickler an der Westkueste es fuer richtig befunden, dass man Film und Videospiele einfach mal dazu hernehmen muss, um die eigene politische Meinung anderen aufzuzwingen. Wenn du jetzt konterst, dass dem nicht so ist, erwarte ich mir von dir als Journalist ordentliche Recherche.

Saying "Cancel culture exists":

Wer nicht mitspielt wird als Depp dargestellt und am besten sollten die Personen dann auch gleich blossgestellt, gefeuert und deren Karrieren ruiniert werden.

Adding this quote:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

JFC. How hard is it to not be a piece of shit?

Edit: English version.

Last edited:


Dec 26, 2023
New York, NY
I like seeing him get dragged by the German gaming community. People who think/talk like this are so far gone - they can't even see how fucking idiotic they sound.


Aug 3, 2021
From what I read he already was a shit to work for, so this on top of it all is not surprising.


Oct 25, 2017


Talks about how Hollywood and publishers use their medium to push "political agendas".

Saying "Cancel culture exists":

Adding this quote:

JFC. How hard is it to not be a piece of shit?

Since Mahler got a lot of backlash from German commenters, he posted the post in English himself on his Twitter account to gather some likes there.

What an idiot.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I would ask for a translation of his tweet but quite frankly i am leaning towards the bliss of ignorance in this case. I've seen enough of his writing when he used to post on this forum (i think that was him).

The question is, is he imposing his own political views in NRFTW?

It will be a product of his relationship with the world, this is unavoidable. Though Mahler himself would probably disagree.


Oct 27, 2017
Wasnt this guy on era harassing over devs and got banned for it too? Or am i thinking someone else
Haven't seen that specifically, but I did see him shit talking other devs and calling them "lazy" etc on here in the past, over things that were objectively not lazy and that any developer worth their salt would recognise as such. Near every time I see him saying anything I come to the conclusion that Moon Studios output quality is despite him and not because of him.


Oct 25, 2017
I would ask for a translation of his tweet but quite frankly i am leaning towards the bliss of ignorance in this case. I've seen enough of his writing when he used to post on this forum (i think that was him).

It will be a product of his relationship with the world, this is unavoidable.
Post translated via Google Translate:
Post translated via Google Translate:
Makes sense, Maurice.

It's now the counter-movement to cancel culture and the like, because everyone is now fed up with the nonsense.

I would also advise you to look at the whole thing a little more differently, especially since you profile yourself as a journalist, but then you have a pretty narrow-minded view and don't seem to question for a second what is actually happening. And that's exactly what you should expect from a journalist!

Just because you haven't been personally affected by cancel culture and the like doesn't mean that there hasn't been and still is a lot of nonsense going on there. And it's always only a matter of time before it hits you.

Remember this:

"First they came for the socialists, and I didn't speak out—
Because I wasn't a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Instead of letting artists be artists, Hollywood and (almost) all game developers on the West Coast have decided that film and video games should be used to force one's political opinions on others. If you now counter that this is not the case, I expect you as a journalist to do proper research.

And at the same time it became normal to always point the finger at others. Others who may also think differently than we do. Instead of letting others be different and listening to them, they are slapped in the face. A rogue who is reminded of the old Nazi methods.

Anyone who doesn't play along is portrayed as an idiot and ideally they should be exposed, fired and their careers ruined.

That has been the modus operandi over the last few years and I know enough people who were affected by it, whose careers were ruined because of trivialities and hoaxes and who are still suffering from it today. You obviously don't and that's why you don't allow yourself to have a more open perspective.

That you stand up and this. 0 Unfortunately, having compassion is not particularly useful and unfortunately shows a lot of ignorance.

Let's look at it critically: You don't do it any differently at Gamestar. Instead of sweeping in front of one's own door, people say 'We report and earn money from our articles, but be careful, those guys over there have really bad fingers!' Just so that the spotlight never falls on you and you line up nicely.

And that's exactly why we turned off the tap to you, because we consider something like this to be extremely questionable morally and we can't and don't want to support it.

There is no research, it's obviously too much work to form a journalistic picture for yourself, after all the next clickbait article has to be ready the next day. Unfortunately, young journalists like you have never known anything else. The more outrage you generate, the more often you click and that's how the bread is earned - it doesn't matter that you cause damage to others, after all WE are the good guys!

I hope for you that in the future you can go through the world a little more critically and openly and that you will actually shed light on both sides instead of joining one side and then trumpeting their propaganda.


Nov 25, 2017
User Banned (Permanently): Excusing Bigotry; Long History of Trolling
Not saying he isn't problematic but saying that media pushes pol agendas and cancel culture existing is like saying the ori games were good. An understatement.


Oct 22, 2018
I would ask for a translation of his tweet but quite frankly i am leaning towards the bliss of ignorance in this case. I've seen enough of his writing when he used to post on this forum (i think that was him).

It will be a product of his relationship with the world, this is unavoidable. Though Mahler himself would probably disagree.
Yeah, I know. I was more being rhetorical since any medium has its creator's political views ingrained in them to some extent. And I agree, that he'd disagree and call his work "apolitical".

Red Kong XIX

Oct 11, 2020
Can you translate please
Deepl translation below. Note that Maurice is the name of the journalist he's replying to, and GameStar is the biggest German gaming outlet.
Makes sense, Maurice.

It's just the counter-movement to Cancel Culture and the like, because everyone is now fed up with the nonsense.

I would also advise you to take a more nuanced view of the whole thing, especially since you're promoting yourself as a journalist, but then you're displaying a pretty narrow-minded view and obviously not questioning for a second what's actually happening. And that's exactly what you should be able to expect from a journalist!

Just because you haven't been personally affected by Cancel Culture and the like doesn't mean that there hasn't been and still isn't a lot of bullshit going on. And it's always only a matter of time before it hits you.

Remember this:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Instead of letting artists be artists, Hollywood and (almost) all game developers on the West Coast have found it right to use movies and video games to impose their own political views on others. If you now counter that this is not the case, I expect you as a journalist to do proper research.

And at the same time, it has become normal to always point the finger at others. Others who perhaps also think differently to us. Instead of letting others be different and also listening to them, they are slapped in the face. It's a shame to be reminded of the old Nazi methods.

Anyone who doesn't play along is portrayed as a fool and, ideally, these people should be exposed, fired and their careers ruined.

That has been the modus operandi over the last few years and I know enough people who have been affected by this, whose careers have been ruined because of trivialities and false reports and who are still suffering from it today. You obviously don't and that's why you don't allow yourself to have a more open perspective.

The fact that you stand there and have 0 empathy in this regard is unfortunately not very meaningful either and unfortunately shows a lot of ignorance.

Let's look at it critically: you don't do it any differently at Gamestar. Instead of cleaning up after your own backyard, you're just throwing around the "We report and earn money from our articles, but be careful, those guys over there are really bad fingers!" club, just so that the spotlight never falls on you and you keep yourselves in line.

And that's exactly why we turned off the tap for you, because we consider something like that morally extremely questionable and cannot and do not want to support it.

There is no research, getting a journalistic picture yourself is obviously too much work, after all, the next clickbait article has to be ready the next day. Unfortunately, young journalists like you have never known anything else. The more outrage you generate, the more clicks you get and that's how you earn your bread - it doesn't matter that you harm others in the process, after all WE are the good guys!

I hope for you that in future you can go through the world a little more critically and openly and actually examine both sides instead of joining one side and then spouting their propaganda.


The San Symphony Project
Sep 2, 2019
United Kingdom
I can't believe a weird asshole who was banned on here for being a weird asshole also has political beliefs that further his weird assholishness.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island


"This guy are sick"
Dec 9, 2020
I feel like it's been known for a while that Mahler's an asshat? I'm fairly sure I've read it before.

What I didn't know, however, is that Moon Studios is apparently Austrian??


Oct 25, 2017
In the comments people called him out about the toxic work environment reports from 2022 and he dismisses them as some hate campaign against him by former employees of the studio and talks bad about one of them.


Aug 17, 2018
Great, another rant about cancel culture and how we should tolerate people with different views… that never mentions which "views" we should tolerate.

Which views, Thomas? Huh?? Which ones should be tolerated??


Oct 27, 2017
Its always the pieces of shit, who have had to answer for their actions being pieces of shit that call out "cancel culture"... weird that.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't know this, truly a pity because of the rest of devs teams great work being tainted by this - wasn't he on Game Two about two weeks ago?


Mar 5, 2018
I'm...just trying to understand where he's coming from. Like what "political agenda"? Who are these "Others that might think differently than we do" that you believe are being slapped and silenced? What are these things that they can't say but you (as this person that seemingly has enough of a platform to bubble up to the surface here) also...can't seem to say? Like, why are you using these vague terms?

I would be so interested in hearing him answer these questions. What art or statement are you trying so desperately to make but can't because the big bad meanies in the West won't let you?
Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm...just trying to understand where he's coming from. Like what "political agenda"?

He responds to a Gamestar journalist complaining about all those "woke" posts in Steam forums. Post in question is someone complaining about Hades 2 and a black character and someone in a wheelchair there. You can see what "political agenda" he means...


Oct 25, 2017
I'm...just trying to understand where he's coming from. Like what "political agenda"? Who are these "Others that might think differently than we do" that you believe are being slapped and silenced? What are these things that they can't say but you (as this person that seemingly has enough of a platform to bubble up to the surface here) also...can't seem to say? Like, why are you using these vague terms?

I would be so interested in hearing him answer these questions. What art or statement are you trying so desperately to make but can't because the big bad meanies in the West won't let you?
It's not hard to understand. Thomas Mahler is an insecure and thin-skinned loser who projects an image of being a smart and articular badass game developer to overcompensate. He picks fights with other developers and puts down other games to feel big about himself while deflecting any criticism levied on his studio or his games.


Oct 27, 2017
He's a liability for Moon Studios. Considering removing him might be the best course of action for them.


Oct 26, 2017
People complaining about cancel culture typically don't actually mention who they think have been unfairly cancelled, because usually it would reflect badly on them if they did.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
He's a liability for Moon Studios. Considering removing him might be the best course of action for them.

Is that actually possible? Seems like he might try to drag them all down with him if that happened. Environmentalist themed games having CEOs who appear to not give a shit about other peoples wellbeing is a mismatch to say the least. Felt that way with FF7 after the company started pushing things like NFTs but this one is actually more closely tied to the games creative output. Afaik it wasn't just him that was a problem in the workplace though.


Oct 25, 2017
He's a liability for Moon Studios. Considering removing him might be the best course of action for them.
This might have been true many years back when the studio was still small and new. Today I would say rather than him being a liability, anyone who chooses to work with him and for him are complicit in the toxicity he spreads throughout the industry.


Jan 9, 2024
Aside from the garbage dude in question, the phrase "I heard this thing is woke, is that true?" is the most rudderless manbaby shit. Get a fucking personality.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Didn't this dude just claim he dropped working with MS for Ori, yet it was actually MS that decided against moving forward with the studio because of him?