
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to keep you waiting. Perhaps if you read the actual post you would know that it's not something to be dismissive about. This is a serious issue to discuss that requires a formal summary, but I guess you won't be reading this either.
Don't forget about all the things you're supporting when you consider any THQ Nordic games.

Here's a helpful summary post of all the events for the uninitiated.

Mod statement: "To address a few recurring points: We will not be banning games published by THQ Nordic and subsidiaries like Deep Silver. You are instead welcome to continue raising the issue in threads relevant to the publisher and its games."

If you use Steam and want to ignore all games that THQ Nordic publishes, go to their publisher page while you're logged in, then click on the little gear icon below where it says "Beta" and choose "Ignore this creator."

These games are being published by THQ Nordic. For those who may not be aware or who may have forgotten, THQ Nordic had a marketing effort where it intended to gain attention using a website that is known primarily for its support of child pornography, as well as for support of Neo-Nazism, doxxing, and other extremely damaging behaviours.

THQ Nordic's provided no response to this fiasco except for an apology claiming they did not do enough research. As the website is unlisted by Google, they had spoken to the board owner about removing "nasty stuff", and content was viewable both before and during the campaign, this claim is beyond belief. The individuals responsible are known not to be rogue PR interns, but go up to THQ Nordic's board. THQ Nordic has not dealt with the individuals responsible.

Consider that by supporting their games, you are supporting a publisher that is complicit with child pornography.


Whilst it's absolutely horrendous what happened to this poster, and them or anybody is entitled to not give them their money, to call this even tangentially related would be a stretch.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to keep you waiting. Perhaps if you read the actual post you would know that it's not something to be dismissive about. This is a serious issue to discuss that requires a formal summary, but I guess you won't be reading this either.
Don't forget about all the things you're supporting when you consider any THQ Nordic games.

Here's a helpful summary post of all the events for the uninitiated.

Mod statement: "To address a few recurring points: We will not be banning games published by THQ Nordic and subsidiaries like Deep Silver. You are instead welcome to continue raising the issue in threads relevant to the publisher and its games."

If you use Steam and want to ignore all games that THQ Nordic publishes, go to their publisher page while you're logged in, then click on the little gear icon below where it says "Beta" and choose "Ignore this creator."

These games are being published by THQ Nordic. For those who may not be aware or who may have forgotten, THQ Nordic had a marketing effort where it intended to gain attention using a website that is known primarily for its support of child pornography, as well as for support of Neo-Nazism, doxxing, and other extremely damaging behaviours.

THQ Nordic's provided no response to this fiasco except for an apology claiming they did not do enough research. As the website is unlisted by Google, they had spoken to the board owner about removing "nasty stuff", and content was viewable both before and during the campaign, this claim is beyond belief. The individuals responsible are known not to be rogue PR interns, but go up to THQ Nordic's board. THQ Nordic has not dealt with the individuals responsible.

Consider that by supporting their games, you are supporting a publisher that is complicit with child pornography.



always appreciate you posting this


Oct 25, 2017
Whilst it's absolutely horrendous what happened to this poster, and them or anybody is entitled to not give them their money, to call this even tangentially related would be a stretch.

1. Did THQ directly link and signal boosted a site known for linking to child pornography, both fictitious and real, for around 15 hours on their social media platform? - Yes
2. Did the act increase traffic to the site? - Yes
3. Did the act increase the number of users to the site - Likely, how much is unknown
4. If someone linked those videos of me to the site, is there a chance, no matter how small, that the additional users that the site likely received can cause more redistribution of that material? More so than usual? - Yes
5. Did this event effect my own mental health by making me afraid that more people might have seen, downloaded, and shared that material of me? - Yes, it even brought up my PTSD episodes and forced me to make more therapy appointments as usual. (I'm fine right now, but very, very angry)

Nah, it's not a stretch, to call it that is insulting. 8chan was always going to link child porn, always going to be a board filled with far right terrorism and white supremacy. But by signal boosting or advertising the site directly (linking it on a social media account), you risk increasing usership and visibility on that site. THQ did that, they wanted to try doing an edgy lol version of woke marketing, and it worked for them, but it comes at a cost.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I literally cannot believe that the overall conclusion was not to ban all THQN threads and deplatform them completely in this community. Fuck off.
I'm not sure what the right way to handle that is. I think the current method serves the same purpose without completely screwing developers who were bought by, or signed with, THQ-Nordic prior to what happened. At least their works can be seen such that people may be interested in their next game that may not be with the same publisher, or if the company makes larger overtures to repair the damage they did. In particular I think the dichotomy between seeing their games while being confronted by what they did presented together in each thread, might accomplish more than outright banning discussion. Drives more awareness I think, vs not being seen/heard might just allow it to be swept under the rug over time.

Much like I think reminding everyone about Sugiyama, vs banning all DQ discussion, probably makes more sense in driving awareness about him.


Jan 13, 2018
I literally cannot believe that the overall conclusion was not to ban all THQN threads and deplatform them completely in this community. Fuck off.

I honestly wanted to say this for the longest time.

I am not gonna lie, I don't share some of the general sentiments this board have, but the decision to ban all and any THQ Nordic mentions or discussions should have been a very easy, basic, and indisputable decision.

I just don't understand how that was even up for discussion, let alone arriving at the decision they made.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
This is why we need to keep talking about what kind of company THQ Nordic is. Not everyone knows about the events. Which is not surprising considering how fast that was swept under the rug by almost everyone.
I know when it occurred and where, but not the specifics of what was posted there because I don't go on that site.

It really is a shame that some of these developers are under such a terrible publisher like them honestly.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I definitely think/wish the people involve would've been removed from the board/fired, but I think banning discussion or assuming that every developer under THQ Nordic supports what that board stands for is going too far. There are plenty of shitty companies (or at least at the executive level) in all industries, such as Tesla, Chick-fil-a (poignant especially because it is Pride month and I am gay), etc., but I'd never ask for all discussion to be banned regarding these companies.
Nov 4, 2018
If y'all want to talk about THQ stuff without having to see people bringing up the 8chan stuff it'd probably be best if you engaged in these topics on other websites.

Resetera is one of the less forgiving forums when it comes to corporations, so until those guys get fired you're gonna see people bring it up for the rest of time. Everyone has already made up their minds on the matter and there's no changing it at this point.

On that note, I'm looking forward to seeing what THQ has to offer. As a publisher focusing on less super high budget developers and games, I'm always curious to see what their output brings.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to keep you waiting. Perhaps if you read the actual post you would know that it's not something to be dismissive about. This is a serious issue to discuss that requires a formal summary, but I guess you won't be reading this either.
Don't forget about all the things you're supporting when you consider any THQ Nordic games.

Here's a helpful summary post of all the events for the uninitiated.

Mod statement: "To address a few recurring points: We will not be banning games published by THQ Nordic and subsidiaries like Deep Silver. You are instead welcome to continue raising the issue in threads relevant to the publisher and its games."

If you use Steam and want to ignore all games that THQ Nordic publishes, go to their publisher page while you're logged in, then click on the little gear icon below where it says "Beta" and choose "Ignore this creator."

These games are being published by THQ Nordic. For those who may not be aware or who may have forgotten, THQ Nordic had a marketing effort where it intended to gain attention using a website that is known primarily for its support of child pornography, as well as for support of Neo-Nazism, doxxing, and other extremely damaging behaviours.

THQ Nordic's provided no response to this fiasco except for an apology claiming they did not do enough research. As the website is unlisted by Google, they had spoken to the board owner about removing "nasty stuff", and content was viewable both before and during the campaign, this claim is beyond belief. The individuals responsible are known not to be rogue PR interns, but go up to THQ Nordic's board. THQ Nordic has not dealt with the individuals responsible.

Consider that by supporting their games, you are supporting a publisher that is complicit with child pornography.



Every thread with THQ Nordic in the title should automatically embed a link to a master post like this at the end.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Darksiders Genesis, I bet a bunch of you guys rather it be called Darksiders Mega Drive.

So we are never going to get what happens after the first game are we, worst tease of all time.

Darksiders Dreamcast will be out years later, nobody will buy it at first but about a decade later everyone will be talking about how great it is
Oct 27, 2017
Six months ago I would have loved a new TimeSplitters, but now I'm not sure I care. I don't want to support this shit-tier company any more.


Dec 6, 2017
How has it been SIX YEARS since the last mainline Saints Row game?

I would love if SR5 was a PS5 launch title


Dec 5, 2017
Oh no, how dare they remind people that this company they may potentially give money to signal boosted and endorsed white supremacy, Nazism, pedophilia, and homophobia. What a monster.

Pretty sure everyone knows by now and is already at whatever mentality they will be with it at this point, so it's more like preaching to the converted or an atheist. I know some people were dying to call out other users but that seems off limits too.


Dec 6, 2017
Also count me in for a potential solution for TGQN threads to have something embedded at the bottom of every single OP related to them which will get everything out of the way right away. That's kind of a win win for exposing the shit and still discussing individual topics imo

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure everyone knows by now and is already at whatever mentality they will be with it at this point, so it's more like preaching to the converted or an atheist. I know some people were dying to call out other users but that seems off limits too.
Except this thread alone has at least two people who didn't realize the extent of the controversy before, and learned about it thanks to the posts made here, so no?


Apr 9, 2019
Cool. Probably Red faction in there. Kinda hoping for destroy all humans just to see what that would look like in 2019


Dec 5, 2017
Except this thread alone has at least two people who didn't realize the extent of the controversy before, and learned about it thanks to the posts made here, so no?

Then they've been living in a cave or barely read this forum. I would say I only post casually and have probably seen over 50 different topics either derail or made specifically about this matter. I still think banning discussion outright would be simpler until some agreeable apology is done that the higher ups consider acceptable. As it is now it seems a bit sketchy to allow topic derails but not be strict enough to put your money where your mouth is and shut them out completely.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
should we put a disclaimer on every dq thread that sugiyama is a racist war crime denier?
Yeah, go for it.

Then they've been living in a cave or barely read this forum. I would say I only post casually and gave probably seen over 50 different topics either derail or made specifically about this matter. I still think banning discussion outright would be simpler until some agreeable apology is done that the higher ups consider acceptable. As it is now it seems a bit sketchy to allow topic derails but not be strict enough to put your money where your mouth is and shut them out completely.
Okay, but your experience is your own, and others may not be as engaged with the current discussion to know fully what happened, or why, or to what extent, and if we can inform those people, then we should and we will. Dismissing the users with actual valid concerns to me seems more like handwaving them away because you don't like the discussion to sour your excitement for your video games.


Oct 25, 2017
A vote was taken on how people felt about the situation, and the pro ban people are in a minority. This site is community driven, a few outspoken members should never decide the course for everyone

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sure. Though a lot of DQ threads tend to mention that Sugiyama is a piece of shit anyway.
Yup. For example, when I made my thread praising DQXI, and how much I loved it, I had this note in the OP:

Now, I do want to address the major point: Sugiyama is a trash heap of a human being. I understand many will not want to buy this game, no matter how great, if it funds his anti-LGBT/war crime denying rhetoric. What I can say in that case is, track down a used copy of the game, so that you at least can still enjoy what is a great work, without any of your money going towards Sugiayama, or Square.


Nov 15, 2017
If y'all want to talk about THQ stuff without having to see people bringing up the 8chan stuff it'd probably be best if you engaged in these topics on other websites.

Resetera is one of the less forgiving forums when it comes to corporations, so until those guys get fired you're gonna see people bring it up for the rest of time. Everyone has already made up their minds on the matter and there's no changing it at this point.

On that note, I'm looking forward to seeing what THQ has to offer. As a publisher focusing on less super high budget developers and games, I'm always curious to see what their output brings.
The bolded is one of the reasons I'm really interested in seeing how they do. The industry needs successful games that aren't necessarily AAA while not quite being indie either.


Oct 25, 2017
You know what's funny, I said back when this shit was fresh on everyone's mind that THQ will likely get away with it and people will just not care about victims like me, they'd just move on.

What I didn't expect is for some people to actually openly mock those that do still care and even go as far as to dismiss the concerns of those that are effected by it, on this forum of all places too. Not only on this thread, but on other THQ threads since.

Just, fuck me, right? It's one thing for people to ignore your concerns, it's another to actively get laughed at for caring or saying get over it. Man, I just woke up and I'm already tired. Might go to bed soon.

A vote was taken on how people felt about the situation, and the pro ban people are in a minority. This site is community driven, a few outspoken members should never decide the course for everyone

Tyranny of the Majority

At least in this case, they also allowed us to talk about the issue in all threads relevant to THQ discussions. For that, I'm fine with the current arrangement.
Oct 27, 2017
Sorry to keep you waiting. Perhaps if you read the actual post you would know that it's not something to be dismissive about. This is a serious issue to discuss that requires a formal summary, but I guess you won't be reading this either.
Don't forget about all the things you're supporting when you consider any THQ Nordic games.

Here's a helpful summary post of all the events for the uninitiated.

Mod statement: "To address a few recurring points: We will not be banning games published by THQ Nordic and subsidiaries like Deep Silver. You are instead welcome to continue raising the issue in threads relevant to the publisher and its games."

If you use Steam and want to ignore all games that THQ Nordic publishes, go to their publisher page while you're logged in, then click on the little gear icon below where it says "Beta" and choose "Ignore this creator."

These games are being published by THQ Nordic. For those who may not be aware or who may have forgotten, THQ Nordic had a marketing effort where it intended to gain attention using a website that is known primarily for its support of child pornography, as well as for support of Neo-Nazism, doxxing, and other extremely damaging behaviours.

THQ Nordic's provided no response to this fiasco except for an apology claiming they did not do enough research. As the website is unlisted by Google, they had spoken to the board owner about removing "nasty stuff", and content was viewable both before and during the campaign, this claim is beyond belief. The individuals responsible are known not to be rogue PR interns, but go up to THQ Nordic's board. THQ Nordic has not dealt with the individuals responsible.

Consider that by supporting their games, you are supporting a publisher that is complicit with child pornography.


Thank you for posting this. It was and is a given that people want to play and discuss these games because at the end of the day they're selfish and couldn't give a shit about morality. There's no arguing that what they promoted is despicable. It's why as much as many on this site want you to think it's progressive, it really isn't. It's just more progressive than the blatantly outright bigot, racist, sexist, and homophobic places on the web. It also speaks volumes that the discussion hasn't been banned considering the context and reason why this place exists in the first place.