
Oct 27, 2017
I'm having a hard time understanding why posts like this keep happening to the point where I feel maybe I'm misunderstanding something? His "coming clean" account is a hit to his credibility. And yet people are coming away from his account thinking he's truthful and genuine.

You haven't misunderstood anything. This reminds me of republicans who have thrown in with Trump. So hard for them to fucking disengage, man! No matter how un-credible he is. This is supposed to be a liberal, diverse forum, yet my GF still thinks it's gross. (it's not just her, many women on ERA voiced similar complaints, and too many were driven away...)

These "#metoo has gone too far" people remind me of "desegregation has gone too far" assholes back in the day. I've seen the footage man.

My girlfriend was a huge fan of NGT, but after reading both his account and the woman's account, she said what he did was creepy and inappropriate beyond reason or excuse.

If she had been the assistant in this story, I would be very mad at Neil.

He wants extra-marital sex? He can afford a high end escort.

He wants an emotional and sexual bond? He can divorce his fucking wife so women who work for him understand he's back on the market. My GF would NOT have accepted a "cheese and wine" invite at some bachelor's pad.
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hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Over this time I had a brief relationship with a fellow astro-graduate student, from a more recent entering class. I remember being intimate only a few times, all at her apartment, but the chemistry wasn't there. So the relationship faded quickly. There was nothing otherwise odd or unusual about this friendship.


For me, what was most significant, was that in this new life, long after dropping out of astrophysics graduate school, she was posting videos of colored tuning forks endowed with vibrational therapeutic energy that she channels from the orbiting planets. As a scientist, I found this odd. Meanwhile, according to her blog posts, the drug and rape allegation comes from an assumption of what happened to her during a night that she cannot remember. It is as though a false memory had been implanted, which, because it never actually happened, had to be remembered as an evening she doesn't remember. Nor does she remember waking up the next morning and going to the office.
what does this remind me of? ohhhhh...
Okay, so, this is a personal and somewhat complex web of nonsense involving a highly unstable individual I was friends and briefly FWBs with
The woman in question ended up being completely psychotic and held a grudge against me after a bizarre love triangle situation developed a few years ago between me, her, and another girl (the other girl I ended up in a long-term relationship with shortly thereafter). This NOLA story she apparently just put up on social media is a delusion of a deeply disturbed person who had a total psychological breakdown as a result of me and the other girl getting together, because she (phew, yeah…) became obsessively infatuated with the other girl (she's bi) on sight when the three of us met up. I wanted to just stay friends with the girl making the accusation and made it super super clear ahead of time that me and the other girl were interested in each other romantically and that could play out as such when we met up. Supposedly this was not a problem for her from accusation, but in reality she uhhh wanted me to die painfully after seeing me and the other girl interact. Plus she became infatuated with the other girl simultaneously to this (she's bi), which created the aforementioned bizarre love triangle that ended up causing her to implode and have an apparently very intense and long-lasting grudge. The whole story about how that love triangle thing played out is, frankly, nuts and scary, and involves this girl bringing us to a compound of dangerous scientology spinoff cultists on that same trip, who roofied us, attempted to recruit/scam me and attempted to abduct/rape the girl I ended up dating


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I am. But I don't live in America, where the celeb-culture is - like you said - even more exaggerated.

She is definitely the underdog in this. It must be horrible to go through something like that, and to be confronted by the perpetrator indirectly in media over and over again. I can't even imagine the mental agony - to be reminded of the single most horrible event of your life because the perpetrator happened to prosper and become a beloved celebrity.

But I can't assume what she said is the truth. Not because I enjoy Neill's output, but because I have to believe in due process and for the truth to be presented in a light that leaves no ambiquity. Its a damn hard bargain. If Neill turns out to be a rapist - and the case will continue to pile up against him if he is - I know that I am going to be devastated for giving him the benefit of the doubt ( because that, in a way, adds to the suffering of his victim ).
I can only hope the truth will be known at some point in time. But in most cases, that doesn't happen.

Mr Jones

Oct 25, 2017
I'm fucking gutted.

Damn it, Neil. This hurts. A lot.

And yeah, I don't believe the innocent nerdiness thing. This is a black man who has stated before how he understands the privilege that he had been given when he was able to run in circles with folks like Carl Sagen, and knows how rare it is that someone from his background is able to get to where he is today.

When the sister says that she and Neil were the only two black folks in their class, and instead of treating her as a friend and colleague, he preys on her? Yeah that hits me.

Fuck I hate this. He's married too. So his wife gets to be publicly embarrassed by her man being a creep and a rapist.

Oct 31, 2017
A fourth woman comes forward.

Tyson quickly promoted Watson to be his assistant. She met his mother, wife, and son when they came to visit, and he met her dad, sister, and fiancé. She thought he was a charismatic and friendly guy — until the night of May 16, when she was driving him home after a long day.

Tyson invited her up to his apartment to "unwind" over a bottle of wine, she recalled. She felt uncomfortable as he gazed into her eyes and held her wrist to feel her "spirit connection." They spent two hours together, as he made sexual references to song lyrics and described his need for physical release. As she was leaving, he took her by the shoulders and said, "I want to hug you so bad right now, but I know that if I do, I'll just want more."

On the car drive home the next day, Watson said, he told her she was "too distracting" to ever make it as a producer. She couldn't stand the idea of working with him any longer. The following day, she reported the incident and her resignation to a line producer, who suggested that Watson tell everyone she was leaving due to a "family emergency." So she did.