
Oct 25, 2017
Seeing this scene in the cinema left a lasting impression on me:


And so did this:


You can grumble about The Last Jedi all you like, but it has the most memorable moments in all nine films.

For me personally, The Last Jedi is second only to Empire Strikes Back.

Nah, Luke in the core of Cloud City with Vader, Han being frozen, Luke in the dark side cave etc in ESB are more memorable imo. Luke before the emperor in ROTJ too.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
This is a fairly superficial question, but is there any reason Luke's force projection is younger than his actual self?
My interpretation is he's trying to look cooler and more collected, to keep Kylo Ren on edge, because he looks more in control. Part of the mind game, to create the distraction.


Jul 28, 2020
This is a fairly superficial question, but is there any reason Luke's force projection is younger than his actual self?

It's the version Kylo remembers, same haircut and all. He's trying to psych him out.

Would have been more effective if they went for the green blade, imo, but neither here nor there. Great scene.


Oct 25, 2017
You're right, it's not on par with BvS. That would be insulting to Zack Snyder or even Michael Bay to compare thier works to TLJ.

You're the gimmick poster who constantly compares TLJ and Kathleen Kennedy to the Trump presidency. Your opinions on Star Wars aren't to be taken seriously.

She produced The Last Jedi, and the reason that stunk on ice was because she wanted $$$ and rushed out a massively inferior product. It's the equivalent of a Sous Chef treating you to a "gourmet" undercooked hot pocket. And looking at her work process and results, she is to Star Wars what Donald Trump is to the presidency.

It sounds strange, but hell, i'd watch it.

It sounds better than the cinematic metaphor for the Trump presidency known as The Last Jedi.

"The Last Jedi is to Star Wars what is what most sane people view Donald Trump is to Presidents."

This, so much. It turns out that "subverting expectations" isn't always a good idea to build a movie around, especially when you decide to do so with a similar mentality to Donald Trump and the presidency.

Calling TLJ "excellent" is using it in the same tense as calling Donald Trump an "excellent" president, or saying The Last Airbender was an "excellent" movie. It treated Avatar better than TLJ did Star Wars, at least.

After TLJ, wanting Rian to do more Star Wars is like wanting a second Trump term.

He's had a shot, and that shot was a big NO. Hand it to literaly anyone else so they can do a Better job.

I mean, on the one hand i'm glad they made thier money back, on the other hand they created TLJ. I guess i'm happy for them overall, but they didn't have to go ahead and create the cinematic equivalent to the Trump Administration just to obliterate Star Wars itself that badly.

The damage has already been done. You can't retcon TLJ any more than the next president can retcon the Trump Regime.

TLJ did to Star Wars what Donald Trump did to America.

Making a Star Wars movie that would be worse than the Holiday Special was something that shouldn't be possible, but HOO boy, TLJ wishes it were half as good as AOTC. It is the Trump Presidency of Star Wars movies, and an entry that takes a decent franchise and kills it six ways from sunday is a bigger failure than Endgame ever could be.

The Last Jedi is to Star Wars what Donald Trump is to America.

...but is RIan Johnson STILL directing that trilogy? After The Last Jedi, that's like giving Trump a second, third, and fourth term.

It's like saying Trump is the best president of all time because he "owns the libs" with that mentality. Regardless if Rian Johnson can't outdo the prequels, the Holiday Special, or the atrocity to part 2's that was Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

Writingwise, these bad ideas make Anakin's speech about sand look outright oscarworthy. Killing off any interesting plot threads that were left in TFA, as much as a "mystery box" as they were, in part 2 of 3, is an outright buttfucking stupid idea that i'd expect only out of the Trump Administration, hence the comparisons, but here we are. People worshipping the entry that collides the Titanic of Star Wars with the Iceberg of Shit. I saw it with a friend who paid, and I STILL want my money back.

Mass Effect 3's ending subverted my expectations. It's such a flaming hot piece of dog shit that it's the only appropriate metaphor to The Last Jedi that can be made gamingwise. Otherwise you'd have to resort to other anomalies like comparing the Coronavirus to Fresh Air, Donald Trump to Presidents, Comcast is to Companies, etc.

Ugh. It's the cinematic equivalent of "Trump Wins Re-election!"

Kill it, bury it, and move on or give it to literaly, LITERALY, any one else. Hire the writers of GOT s8 to make a new trilogy if that's what it needs.
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"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
The thing is, the more I thought about it, the more I think Finn's storyline, in the hands of a proper Episode 9 director, could have really taken it and went places with it.

What Finn uncovered was essentially a military industrial complex. Retroactively, this could explain why the FO gained so much ground so quickly and why the events of the last movies played out so similarly. The financial forces backing them set up a repeat of the Empire vs Rebels narrative in order to profit off of it. And there is a significant paradigm shift to it because the reasons why the war is fought is fundamentally changed, and thus requires different resolutions to hte story than the last trilgoy did of merely defeating the FO. Until they fix the forces that profit off there being a constant war going on, another FO-like force will eventually rise again.

There's a lot of potential with that if people pursued it. I don't think that makes Finn's character journey in TLJ better in itself, but it does go a way of making it significant.
My opinion is that TLJ killed any chance of him being more than a side piece. There really isn't an excuse in my mind for his treatment post-TFA. At least in TFA he had a character arc that made him appear more than just the jokesy sidekick, even if Abrams didn't intend it. Bait and switch included, his TFA arc is still his best, and where his character pretty much lived and died.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Top 3 Star War:
ESB > Mando > TLJ.

I hope Rian's trilogy, if that's still happening, is far more cohesive and satisfying.

Seeing this scene in the cinema left a lasting impression on me:


And so did this:


You can grumble about The Last Jedi all you like, but it has the most memorable moments in all nine films.

For me personally, The Last Jedi is second only to Empire Strikes Back.
The "Holdo maneuver" dropped my jaw. The duel with Luke was also great but the Vader fight with Luke was still better. Really enjoyed the bombing sequence in the beginning of the movie too. The Yoda scene. Lots of great stuff in TLJ.
Dec 21, 2017
User Banned (3 Weeks): Inflammatory Points of Comparison; Long History of Similar Behavior
You're the gimmick poster who constantly compares TLJ and Kathleen Kennedy to the Trump presidency. Your opinions on Star Wars aren't to be taken seriously.

In the sense of "Throwing out everything TFA stood for", as much as Trump did for Obama.
Now that he's elected, I can continue the metaphor. People bitching about TROS aren't any different than the republicans complaining that Biden sucks because he has to clean up Trump's mess. Should Kennedy not be held accountable for the Sequel Trilogy disaster, or who exactly made the boneheaded plan that not having a plan whatsoever was a good idea?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
In the sense of "Throwing out everything TFA stood for", as much as Trump did for Obama.
Now that he's elected, I can continue the metaphor. People bitching about TROS aren't any different than the republicans complaining that Biden sucks because he has to clean up Trump's mess. Should Kennedy not be held accountable for the Sequel Trilogy disaster, or who exactly made the boneheaded plan that not having a plan whatsoever was a good idea?

You are comparing a movie you don't like to a white supremacist who admitted to sexual assault on video.

This is embarrassing on every level and you need to stop.