Oct 25, 2017
it'd still be sad if sharing my opinion is "bannable" and "shameful" while insulting epic games people for buying exclusives (the oldest trick in the industry) is normal behaviour

Quit mis-characterizing the blowback you're getting and victimizing yourself. It's not an "opinion" that's going to get you banned, and you know it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
it'd still be sad if sharing my opinion is "bannable" and "shameful" while insulting epic games people for buying exclusives (the oldest trick in the industry) is normal behaviour

Wait, I thought it was quite different from console exclusives, how is it the oldest trick in the industry then?
May 25, 2019
I'm not grateful when I'm told sorry after being slapped. People still love to conflate legality with morality when it's about corporation.

Oh I'm not saying it's moral, but if you're concerned about corporations making moral decisions, I wouldn't be ponying up money to their concept art and napkin pitches 4+ years in advance.

Bottom line remains this: don't pre-order games and don't crowdfund games.


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
I've had this opinion for a long time but haven't discussed it here before, and I'm not trying to be banned or trolling, I just explained my opinion and having 900 users making fun of it shouldn't mean I deserve a ban for it. Everyone is shitting on epic store stuff and I can't have a neutral opinion about it?

It's because you ignore context that has been posted in every single thread about EGS. Educate yourself or you'll end up getting warned or banned as many other users have.

EDIT: wow watta surprise he was banned :^)
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Then what are you complaining about? You'll get a refund if the game goes Epic exclusive, which is written into the Kickstarter TOS.

Literally why should i fucking back a game if the worst case is me losing the money to a never finished project like project phoenix or unsung story and the best case is me getting a refund after they sold for epic exclusvity like Shenmue, Outer Wilds and Phoenix Point did? Where is the "win" scenario there? Why shoukld i accept this scenario?


Oct 28, 2017
it'd still be sad if sharing my opinion is "bannable" and "shameful" while insulting epic games people for buying exclusives (the oldest trick in the industry) is normal behaviour

Buying a user base from another company and making them use your software so they can access what they already paid for is 101 unethical in the PC space. Educate yourself about it.


Dec 6, 2018
Seens fair enough and the minimum to do. If a costumer is not happy about it so refund him


Oct 25, 2017
If the options are either:

A) I get no money back
B) I get money back for a product I no longer wish to support

Then your flippant response is objectively wrong. Unless you just like to give away money, in which case I have a Paypal account you can contribute to out of the goodness of your heart.


Oct 28, 2017
it'd still be sad if sharing my opinion is "bannable" and "shameful" while insulting epic games people for buying exclusives (the oldest trick in the industry) is normal behaviour

So you're saying it's OK to buy exclusives because of the length of time it's been going on? This is some weird logic.


Oct 27, 2017
Buying a user base from another company and making them use your software so they can access what they already paid for is 101 unethical in the PC market. Educate yourself about it.
This is fair criticism if the kickstarter promised steam keys specifically, but in future crowdfundings, if they just promise pc copies, then it shouldn't be a problem. In this case I understand it's scummy from shenmue 3, but I was talking about the "ruining future kickstarter projects" discussion.


Oct 27, 2017
This is fair criticism if the kickstarter promised steam keys specifically, but in future crowdfundings, if they just promise pc copies, then it shouldn't be a problem. In this case I understand it's scummy from shenmue 3, but I was talking about the "ruining future kickstarter projects" discussion.

People have no interest in funding games that are at risk of epic exclusivity, even if that was made clear from the outset.


Oct 30, 2017
The huge irony is that if Epic Games wanted to help get exclusivity and fund development of good games, then the Kickstarter games they're buying exclusivity for never would've had to go to Kickstarter in the FIRST place.


Oct 25, 2017
Even more reason to hope I can get a refund for my PS4 selection: screwing Epic.

I have no "skin" in the game, but they scammed PC gamers and I don't want to support anyone who knowingly scams people.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
If the options are either:

A) I get no money back
B) I get money back for a product I no longer wish to support

Then your flippant response is objectively wrong. Unless you just like to give away money, in which case I have a Paypal account you can contribute to out of the goodness of your heart.

If I pledge money for a project and the developer completes the product but doesn't offer it under the same conditions under which I gave them the money in the first place, a refund should be basic common courtesy. There's no need for anyone to be grateful about that.

If I send you money are you gonna spend it on a dictionary to look up what "objectively" means?
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Oct 28, 2017
This is fair criticism if the kickstarter promised steam keys specifically, but in future crowdfundings, if they just promise pc copies, then it shouldn't be a problem. In this case I understand it's scummy from shenmue 3, but I was talking about the "ruining future kickstarter projects" discussion.

They also promised PC DVDs physical copies. The ones you can play without any DRM and without downloading. They have now changed that to all physical copies will come with just an Epic key, no DVD. They're forcing those people that don't have a way to download the game to use the Epic store.


Oct 27, 2017
If only Epic would put 1/10th of the effort into their store, as they do taking games away from other platforms.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Okay. I'm not going to back anymore crowdfunded projects.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, well, I think Kickstarter as a platform for games is dead. We need Early Access more or another platform.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand people who actively want to harm the developers of Shenmue III in the hopes that they won't ever make another Shenmue game, even to the point of trying to get a refund for a non-Steam pledge. Do you hate Shenmue and its developers that much? Do you not want any other beloved, no longer selling franchises to get remade? They aren't going to assume a PS4 refund has anything whatsoever to do with the Steam/Epic Store issue, so you wouldn't be sending them any message about that.

So they made a bad decision with their choice of a publisher (though that decision meant the game was able to be far more complete than if they had gone with just the Kickstarter money). I don't think the developers should get punished that hard for making a mistake.


Oct 25, 2017
When people hate your store so much that you need to surprise people with it and guarantee refunds just for a chance at adoption, you really need to take a step back and rethink.


Apr 5, 2018
What about funding those games yourself in the first place, Timmy boy.

If Epic cared about games this is what they would do. The problem for them is that games take years to make and EGS is interested in gaining market share right now. Generally they have been announcing exclusivity for games releasing within a year. They swoop in at the last minute on games with guaranteed user bases because the users are what they want.
Oct 27, 2017
If Epic cared about games this is what they would do. The problem for them is that games take years to make and EGS is interested in gaining market share right now. Generally they have been announcing exclusivity for games releasing within a year. They swoop in at the last minute on games with guaranteed user bases because the users are what they want.
Yep. He wants to take down the 'Steam monopoly'...by building one.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
In other words, "oh, we're going to keep doing it. You can just have your money back or whatever."

Pretty shitty.
Oct 28, 2017
I don't understand why people here are so frustrated about clicking a different program in their desktop to run their games, console exclusives are way worse than that and I see no such drama.
There is a search bar at the top of the page for a reason. Odd that you chose to ignore it while being so confused.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't this guy once said he didn't want this shit to happen again? Now he's okay with it happening?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The huge irony is that if Epic Games wanted to help get exclusivity and fund development of good games, then the Kickstarter games they're buying exclusivity for never would've had to go to Kickstarter in the FIRST place.

That would take flair in regards to finding good pitches and studio as well as time.

They just want to buy an audience right now.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't this guy once said he didn't want this shit to happen again? Now he's okay with it happening?
Yeah but Metro didn't sold too hot so he tried again, this time with a game people already theorically bought so that they have no choice to use his platform.

Long story short: Don't take a CEO's words for granted, ever.


Oct 25, 2017
Guess I won't back any games for the PC platform then. Thanks Tim Epic for ruining Kickstarters.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Literally why should i fucking back a game if the worst case is me losing the money to a never finished project like project phoenix or unsung story and the best case is me getting a refund after they sold for epic exclusvity like Shenmue, Outer Wilds and Phoenix Point did? Where is the "win" scenario there? Why shoukld i accept this scenario?
Yeah, I'm not using KS anymore.
Because then amazing games like shovel knight, hollow knight, bloodstained, undertale, ftl, divinity original sin 1-2, hyper light drifter, darkest dungeon, super hot, pillars of eternity 1&2, and many others wouldn't get made. That's why you kickstart them.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
We've had developers lie about what their funding going to, projects mismanaged in an almost criminal fashion, some be delayed for several years after their target date, and outright steal from people and never get compensated but Epic is killing kickstarter?

Cmon now, there's plenty of other things to criticize that are way more legitimate than this (I will openly admit to using EGS as its differences don't bother me but I'm also aware and understand people's issues with it)

I think it's whatever since this nowhere near the most egregious turn that a funded project has undergone, as long as the funded project actually exists then I consider it a win in my book, especially since I've backed projects that have disappeared without a trace.


Oct 25, 2017
Because then amazing games like shovel knight, hollow knight, bloodstained, undertale, ftl, divinity original sin 1-2, hyper light drifter, darkest dungeon, super hot, pillars of eternity 1&2, and many others wouldn't get made. That's why you kickstart them.

The big point out of all of those games. Epic wasn't around for that, and now Epic has poisoned the well.


Oct 26, 2017
We've had developers lie about what their funding going to, projects mismanaged in an almost criminal fashion, some be delayed for several years after their target date, and outright steal from people and never get compensated but Epic is killing kickstarter?

Cmon now, there's plenty of other things to criticize that are way more legitimate than this (I will openly admit to using EGS as its differences don't bother me but I'm also aware and understand people's issues with it)

I think it's whatever since this nowhere near the most egregious turn that a funded project has undergone, as long as the funded project actually exists then I consider it a win in my book, especially since I've backed projects that have disappeared without a trace.
So Epic buying kickstarter backers like cattle isn't a legitimate concern? Forcing users to use their barebones launcher instead of a fully featured one? Killing Linux ports out the gate?


Oct 29, 2017
We've had developers lie about what their funding going to, projects mismanaged in an almost criminal fashion, some be delayed for several years after their target date, and outright steal from people and never get compensated but Epic is killing kickstarter?

Cmon now, there's plenty of other things to criticize that are way more legitimate than this (I will openly admit to using EGS as its differences don't bother me but I'm also aware and understand people's issues with it)

I think it's whatever since this nowhere near the most egregious turn that a funded project has undergone, as long as the funded project actually exists then I consider it a win in my book, especially since I've backed projects that have disappeared without a trace.

I mean the whole raison d'etre for Kickstarter are projects that can't get conventional funding from publishers who need to rely on backers.

Tim's basically breaking that kayfabe here and saying Epic could be funding it themselves if it takes off so yeah people are gonna ask why the fuck should I bother and lay out an interest free loan.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure how anyone can trust KS backed games again if the threat of someone (namely Epic) buying out exclusivity will always be looming around.

KS has always been a interest free loan, but now with the added risk of not getting exactly what you were promised even if the product was succesfully completed.


Dec 7, 2017
Always curious that they seem to moneyhat a lot of crowdfunded games. Do they find those ones that they can exploit by promising more money than the visible amount they've got in their crowdfunding campaigns?

I'd guess because the game has already marketed itself to their audience. Epic doesn't have to try to gamble on winners and losers, they're just grabbing games that have an established founding either through Kickstarter or games that were previous listed on Steam and got some interest there.

Seems like rather than take submissions and curate them themselves, they're going out and spending money on things that have already generated interest on other platforms. In the process, they're killing the idea of crowdfunding for a lot of people, and I bet that Steam changes some of their terms to prevent or discourage games from being listed on their service only to be dropped because of some other exclusivity agreement.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Gotta be honest, this is really souring me on the idea of crowdfunding. And I've backed a *lot* of games.