
Nov 13, 2017
I think they've done a pretty clear job of that. Every time he's asked about his abilities he just says he can turn into a tiger instead of a tiger and a snake.

But of course, people just assumed that the writers are shitty and that it's a plot hole, instead of assuming that the writers know what they're doing.

There's so much evidence that the writers have no idea what they're doing. But I give them credit for this and the whole "Bruce Wayne brought us all together" thing as actually magic instead of Bruce hacking into all their phones, Raven's mind, Dove's truck radio and Vegas televisions and creating a commercial just for Starfire that referenced the exact kind of donuts Donna liked. If only Dick going to jail was a dream/magic sequence too, but alas.


Nov 2, 2019
The Netherlands
There's so much evidence that the writers have no idea what they're doing. But I give them credit for this and the whole "Bruce Wayne brought us all together" thing as actually magic instead of Bruce hacking into all their phones, Raven's mind, Dove's truck radio and Vegas televisions and creating a commercial just for Starfire that referenced the exact kind of donuts Donna liked. If only Dick going to jail was a dream/magic sequence too, but alas.
TBF outside of hacking Rachel's mind, Batman can actually do the rest lmao

Also, while Dick did actually go to prison, the imaginary Bruce there is also magic.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Has Conor actually talked about leaving the show since she left? I saw her Insta post a few weeks before the finale ended that hinted she was gonna get killed off but I haven't been keeping up with it ever since.

It's such a sudden, unceremonious exit I kind of feel like either she quit really abruptly or the writers decided to write her out pretty much out of the blue.


Nov 13, 2017
TBF outside of hacking Rachel's mind, Batman can actually do the rest lmao

Also, while Dick did actually go to prison, the imaginary Bruce there is also magic.

He can do the rest, but he is really going to put in all that effort to bring these girls together? You don't think like a phone call from Batman would get them to meet instead of tricking them all to go to a small diner in the middle of nowhere, only for them to have to trek all the way back to the city (and the jail, which Batman doesn't even tell them about)?

Also, I thought the imaginary Bruce was like Dick being crazy, what makes you think it was magic?

Rachel's whole dream about saving Dick went absolutely nowhere. He didn't need them at all to deal with Deathstroke. At all. At most, he needed Ravager who wasn't even part of this all female team that met up. The plot is basically Rachel is panicking because she sees Dick die in her dreams, she manipulates everyone to come group up in the desert to save him. She goes to rescue him with Starfire but he's already set himself free, got his mind right, went to get his new duds and saves them from Deathstroke while they wait in the car, after which they go confront Conner with no plan whatsoever except have Rachel do magic. You can't tell me the writers weren't either messed with or had no clue how to bring this all together. This is before the magic death by electrocution that everyone just loved.


Nov 2, 2019
The Netherlands
He can do the rest, but he is really going to put in all that effort to bring these girls together? You don't think like a phone call from Batman would get them to meet instead of tricking them all to go to a small diner in the middle of nowhere, only for them to have to trek all the way back to the city (and the jail, which Batman doesn't even tell them about)?

Also, I thought the imaginary Bruce was like Dick being crazy, what makes you think it was magic?

Rachel's whole dream about saving Dick went absolutely nowhere. He didn't need them at all to deal with Deathstroke. At all. At most, he needed Ravager who wasn't even part of this all female team that met up. The plot is basically Rachel is panicking because she sees Dick die in her dreams, she manipulates everyone to come group up in the desert to save him. She goes to rescue him with Starfire but he's already set himself free, got his mind right, went to get his new duds and saves them from Deathstroke while they wait in the car, after which they go confront Conner with no plan whatsoever except have Rachel do magic. You can't tell me the writers weren't either messed with or had no clue how to bring this all together. This is before the magic death by electrocution that everyone just loved.
True, that's most likely why they didn't have the actual Batman do it.

They didn't say it in the show but I heard bts that the idea was that Raven was affecting the entire team without knowing it. The team's negative emotions have been amplified but Rachel ultimately just wants the team together so more magical stuff is happening that leads into the team getting together. One of those things is imaginary prison Bruce.

The plot is that Rachel saw Dick die and thought it was prophecized that Dick was gonna die by Deathstroke's sword, Ravager joining the fight changed that.


Nov 2, 2019
The Netherlands
Has Conor actually talked about leaving the show since she left? I saw her Insta post a few weeks before the finale ended that hinted she was gonna get killed off but I haven't been keeping up with it ever since.

It's such a sudden, unceremonious exit I kind of feel like either she quit really abruptly or the writers decided to write her out pretty much out of the blue.
The writers came up with it but Conor agreed with the idea. She didn't quit or get fired or leave without wanting to or anything like that.


Nov 2, 2019
The Netherlands
Anyway uh, Season 3 spoilers

- Starfire will appear in every episode this season and will have plenty of screentime along with a new look and abillites.

- Dick will have a lot of weight off his shoulders this season. He will resume his role as the Leader where he directs the team and leads the fights.

- Rachel will have a small arc on Themyscira for the first bit of the season before returning to be with the team.

- Gar will deal with the aftermath and trauma of his time at CADMUS. He will learn to control his powers better and turn into new animals.

- The Titans will be operating as an actual team this season.

- Connor will be learning more about himself this season and learning to use his powers better.


Nov 13, 2017
True, that's most likely why they didn't have the actual Batman do it.

They didn't say it in the show but I heard bts that the idea was that Raven was affecting the entire team without knowing it. The team's negative emotions have been amplified but Rachel ultimately just wants the team together so more magical stuff is happening that leads into the team getting together. One of those things is imaginary prison Bruce.

The plot is that Rachel saw Dick die and thought it was prophecized that Dick was gonna die by Deathstroke's sword, Ravager joining the fight changed that.

That would be something super important to hint at in the show so we don't think Dick is just this insane character. Who is still wanted by the authorities, by the way.

Also, Raven is one of the ones who ditched not only the team but then inexplicably Donna even though she asked to go with Donna.

Ravager joining the fight changed that, but nothing that Raven did got Ravager to join the fight.

It's not to that point yet but this is becoming another Heroes, where I keep sticking around because people promise it'll get better for real this time and I just end up disappointed.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Just try and enjoy the episodes on an individual level and don't hope for it to coalesce in any satisfying way and it'll be a better watch


Oct 29, 2017
Watched season 2 on Netflix over the past couple of days. I liked it, besides
the Donna thing at the end. I mean, Superboy was present, he is faster and stronger and could have easily caught that pole.

Another issue I had was actually Deathstroke's casting. Esai Morales did a fine job with his material, don't get me wrong. But we got a pretty badass version of Slade Wilson in Arrow just a few years back. Manu Bennett's Slade is still so fresh in my mind that I always thought of him anytime we saw Deathstroke's face without the mask.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently watching and i'm on episode 7.... Holy shit i genuinely bursted out laughing when i saw this....

you'll know what this is


why did they do it like that? Was so ridiculous, lol


Oct 31, 2017
Finished the second season since it released on Netflix an eternity later.

Enjoyed the second season more than the first and was mostly positive on it but the season finally ended on such a bummer, killing Donna in the last episode after the big fight because of some magical electrical construction, Star Fire's character just has been bad for two seasons and her deal just seems like a carbon copy of Martian Manhunter from Supergirl.

Acting was pretty good though and Iain Glen was fantastic as Bruce Wayne and Conner was a delight to watch. /spoiler]

This show has so much potential if it had some good writers and a vision , DC just catch a break it seems.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
My wife didn't like season 2, probably because she was most into the Raven and Starfire plotlines from season 1 and those took a huge backseat in season 2. I liked it well enough, but I didn't warm up to it entirely until Superboy showed.


Oct 26, 2017
Love season 2 even though wondergirl death was a but meh...btw is it just me that thinks that the actress that plays dawn is one of the most beautiful women on the Planet?? Goddamn shes dropdead gorgeous...


Oct 27, 2017
LOfuckingL. Donna's death is one of the funniest things I have seen. Her flopping over into the electricity is fucking hilarious. How was THAT what they came up with!?

I know I'm late, but just finished this season. How many plotlines can a single season of a show have? Holy shit. Should have just focused on Deathstroke. Instead he's barely in the show and goes out so quick and easy it's laughable.

Did not like this Bruce Wayne, despite being all for the actor. I mean, at least it wasn't really him for 99% of it. But, kind of quippy smart ass Bruce is not something I am into.


Oct 25, 2017
The show is fine, but they can't wrap up plotlines for shit. Really disappointed with the Donna Troy ending like everyone else watching
Oct 25, 2017
Donna's death is the reason im dropping the show, I don't even care if its an eventual fakeout or something.
Just one of the most stupid things i'd ever seen on tv.


Oct 25, 2017
Season 2 was just so bad. Everyone constantly makes dumb decisions. The episode where Dick let's himself go to prison felt like a parody.

Deleted member 4353

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Glad to see it's at least returning for 1 more season. Season 2 was fantastic except that final episode. They need to be able to stick the landing.


Nov 13, 2017
Season 2 was just so bad. Everyone constantly makes dumb decisions. The episode where Dick let's himself go to prison felt like a parody.

And what was the payoff? They even go to rescue him and he's already gone, like what was the point? It felt like they rewrote that script five too many times. Also I highly doubt they even follow up on the whole "Dick Grayson is a wanted fugitive who escaped from prison."

I just don't want them to lose their budget and have some "Superboy and Krypto returned to their home planet" panel before the season starts because they have no money. I mean I have to believe they ran out of something (budget, patients, giving a crap) when they had the whole Donna Troy plot. Or even the resolution to big bad Deathstroke.