
Oct 27, 2017
Like i said in a previous post. No definition of racism excludes white people but you're free to make up your own.

Okay, others have tried but I'll try one more time:

Yes, a person can be prejudiced against a person of any race.

But racism, as in systemic racism, cannot exist in our current society against white people.

Racism is not "this person is X race and I hate them." That's an incredibly reductive definition and misses out on the broader sociocultural causes and impacts.


Oct 25, 2018
the eprsonal issue I see with the word cracker is that if people say it:

1) im gonna think about the cookies
2) im gonna get hungry and i will buy those cookies
3) i will come home, ignore twitch, and think "can you call crackers cookies or are they something else"

I'm pretty sure white people on Twitter these days consider "chud" a slur, so we'll go with that one

im sorry is this for real? have we lost the plot between insults vs slurs


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
I don't give a shit about being called a cracker because it makes me feel literally nothing when people say it, but I also kinda side-eye people who use it because it is at least slightly contradictory to attempt to insult an entire race of people. At the end of the day though, it really just... feels like nothing. Also to respond to the overall question being raised by weird people on the internet... fuck no those two words do *not* remotely compare in severity. One has history and was used to oppress a group of people. The other one is used to gently pelt people who won't even feel it.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
okay so even if cracker was racist

do you actually live through discrimination because you are white and getting called that term (like black people did all the way through getting called the N word???)


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
im sorry is this for real? have we lost the plot between insults vs racist terms
I'm kidding, but I'm also absolutely not, in the sense that I haven't seen anyone specifically say it, but I know when someone who deserves to be called a chud gets called a chud, they absolutely take it as if it were a slur.

(Also go back and edit that other post of yours just in case!)
destiny, xqc and ludwig got together and decided 'cisgender' is the new c-word.
Elon says cis is a slur, so that's definitely on the list.


Apr 19, 2020
Okay, others have tried but I'll try one more time:

Yes, a person can be prejudiced against a person of any race.

But racism, as in systemic racism, cannot exist in our current society against white people.

Racism is not "this person is X race and I hate them." That's an incredibly reductive definition and misses out on the broader sociocultural causes and impacts.
Correct. Systemic racism cant exist against white people in our society. 100% agree. But that's why the term exists. Because its different than just racism.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Okay, others have tried but I'll try one more time:

Yes, a person can be prejudiced against a person of any race.

But racism, as in systemic racism, cannot exist in our current society against white people.

Racism is not "this person is X race and I hate them." That's an incredibly reductive definition and misses out on the broader sociocultural causes and impacts.
but have you considered that this isn't the definition when you search the word on Google and don't bother searching any further

have you considered that

Correct. Systemic racism cant exist against white people in our society. 100% agree. But that's why the term exists. Because its different than just racism.
Can you address my comment about how critical race theory scholars disagree with you, or is that inconvenient for your "it's defined differently" argument


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I apologize on behalf of literally all white people for this level of inane bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
Cracker is an entirely powerless word. It has no real weight behind it. It doesn't matter.

Getting called cracker


Getting ready to bring back honky


Oct 25, 2017
Won't repost anything Destiny, but he calls Hasan the N-word on twitter todayā€¦


Oct 27, 2017
Okay, others have tried but I'll try one more time:

Yes, a person can be prejudiced against a person of any race.

But racism, as in systemic racism, cannot exist in our current society against white people.

Racism is not "this person is X race and I hate them." That's an incredibly reductive definition and misses out on the broader sociocultural causes and impacts.
I don't understand why this is so hard to understand. I don't understand why anyone would go out of their way to call out people who say you can't be racist against white people. You know what it fucking means. Stop arguing semantics.


Oct 25, 2018

okay i'm gonna have a queer white woman moment right now I AM VERY SORRY in terms of: i *have* read certain kinds of people (those referred as chuds actually) pinpointing any progressive woman-identifying person as a karen as like an "inside joke" between their.. people? kinda in exchange to "woke people" but for women in particular? i actually was reading about this thing on twitter the other day, it wasn't any authored article or anything but one of those tweets that can be interesting, i really don't have anything as evidence at hand sorry! it was more or less in the vein or "misogynists insult criticize say shit about progressive women complaining about misogyny and just add "white woman" to it to make it more palatable to more people outside of their circle"? something like that? i have only seen this on the internet though so not super important

i don't think karen is a slur though... but twas a good name! that it was until we white women ruined it

I'm kidding, but I'm also absolutely not, in the sense that I haven't seen anyone specifically say it, but I know when someone who deserves to be called a chud gets called a chud, they absolutely take it as if it were a slur.

(Also go back and edit that other post of yours just in case!)

Elon says cis is a slur, so that's definitely on the list.

Okay wow I will seriously edit the C word I didn't know it was that bad I thought everyone here was australian.

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
I watched a white student call another white student a cracker last week. The one on the receiving end starting getting all upset and I told him that was a cracker move to get bent out of shape over that word. I'm still waiting for the parent phone call...


Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
Won't repost anything Destiny, but he calls Hasan the N-word on twitter todayā€¦
Hasan and Destiny beef is legendary. I still remember the drama back in 2019 when I was in high school. The sad thing is that Destiny and his fanbase have gone insane over the years. His minions are crawling all over subreddits like r/livestreamfail trying to incite pointless drama between the two. It's pathetic shit.


Oct 25, 2017
The only person here who might be racist is you because you are the one saying that discriminating against some colors of skin is fine and not racist.
Have white people historically encountered racism? Yes, of course.

Can a non-white person share anti-white sentiment? Of course.

When people say you can't be racist to white people, today, it is highlighting the fact that white people - in the vast majority of their current existence, and especially specfixi white people within western socioty - do not exist with racism weighing on them in a systematic way.

You cannot bring the force of this systemic weight to a white person with a few words, but you can easily do this to non-white people usually with a single word.

So, technically, yes. You can make a racist comment to a white person. But it has no real weight hence no real power. You're arguing a technicality, which is usually not the best position to take and even less so here.

I don't know if you are white, so this isn't aimed at you, but when a lot of white people argue this technicality they are arguing it from a dominant position of power and it comes across as - at best - dismissive, and at worst as a deflection of the fact they are actually lamementing a slight loss of control of that dominance, usually by someone who is non-white or some they deem to be a sympathiser of non-Whites, people who they consider lesser than themselves.

It isn't the fact they are being called a cracker that harms them, it is the audacity that someone lesser than them could dare speak down to them that way.

Again, I am not aiming that last part at you, I have no idea of your background or intentions, but you /are/ arguing a needless technicality here.

"You can't be racist to a white person" is shorthand for the fact that the white people we're speaking of - people who exist in relative comfort within these systems - can't have the systemic weight of racism brought to bear upon them, especially not with a few words.

You could make the argument that this shorthand creates too much ambiguity, but as a white person I personally don't fucking care about that. I know I'm not being spoken of when people say things that sound too genralized about the power of whiteness and the racist structures that white people enable because, despite the fact I know I am not an active racist, I understand my immense privilege here and the fact I have in the past, subconsciously or otherwise, probably helped enable this all in some way. I try my best to not do this, but part of trying my best is not being offended when people use shorthand like this or even if they intentionally lash out at all white people.

I understand why those things could happen because I understand how unfair the system is, so I won't argue technicalities, or cry how unfair it is if it happens because that unfairness pales in comparison.

Like, have a little sense here, try to see why people are respondimg the way they are to you even if you are technically right.


Aug 1, 2018
I don't understand why this is so hard to understand. I don't understand why anyone would go out of their way to call out people who say you can't be racist against white people. You know what it fucking means. Stop arguing semantics.

Here, I'll say it this way then.

You can't be racist against white people. That work?


Oct 25, 2018
For the record, I think this word is outright banned so you should probably edit it out of your post

I have, no worries. Now it's a singsongy melody <3 Thank you!
(It's quite interesting how a word that I find way more offensive+misogynistic like the b-word doesn't tend to be ban-worthy? not sure why)


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
Okay wow I will seriously edit the C word I didn't know it was that bad I thought everyone here was australian.
No, you will (or can, at least) genuinely be banned for using it. I'm pretty sure the UKers and Australians amogus have had words about this, but I guess mods erred on the side of avoiding the more outright misogynist connotations it has elsewhere. Globalism, am I right, fellow chuds?


Apr 19, 2020
but have you considered that this isn't the definition when you search the word on Google and don't bother searching any further

have you considered that

Can you address my comment about how critical race theory scholars disagree with you, or is that inconvenient for your "it's defined differently" argument
Sure. As soon as you post the sources of your in depth research. But not sure why scholars are the ones deciding now on how to use already established words but sure.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i actually was reading about this thing on twitter the other day, it wasn't any authored article or anything but one of those tweets that can be interesting, i really don't have anything as evidence at hand sorry! it was more or less in the vein or "misogynists insult criticize say shit about progressive women complaining about misogyny and just add "white woman" to it to make it more palatable to more people outside of their circle"? something like that? i have only seen this on the internet though so not super important
I wanna say sommit more than 'yeah' but also that's kinda the social cap

the critical lease that is forced on everyone is just the backlash everyone experienced before coming back to haunt them in the end
Oct 27, 2017
What always amuses me about white fragility when it comes to the incessant and desperate need to be oppressed is that these people couldn't, for the life of them, tell you where or what the term 'cracker' even originates from.

That's before we get to dismantling their next refrain of 'it's just a word' when it comes to the word they want to say so badly because they're too intellectually deficient to understand that a dehumanizing term with 400+ years of enslavement, lynching, subjugation and far too many other forms of oppression behind it is something that can't be whitewashed into something comfortable to digest for people who are terrified of any sort of accountability.


Oct 25, 2018
I wanna say sommit more than 'yeah' but also that's kinda the social cap

the critical lease that is forced on everyone is just the backlash everyone experienced before coming back to haunt them in the end

i won't lie i have been reading your sentence for a minute and they feel like linkin park lyrics in a way.


Aug 1, 2018
Sure. As soon as you post the sources of your in depth research. But not sure why scholars are the ones deciding now on how to use already established words but sure.

The definition of words change all the time. The dictionary doesn't decide what a word means. People do.

For example, literally can now mean figuratively.


Apr 19, 2020
When people say you can't be racist to white people, today, it is highlighting the fact that white people - in the vast majority of their current existence, and especially specfixi white people within western socioty - do not exist with racism weighing on them in a systematic way.

Except it isn't. Not always. We have people in this very thread saying that you cant LITERALLY and BY DEFINITION be racist against white people.

Again, i 100% agree that whites cant suffer from systemic racism in our society, and i will also say that systemic racism is infinitelly worse than racism on an individual basis.