
Nov 20, 2017

Schools are out on summer break by that time, so they can dodge that question too.

Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
I would hope most government HR/payroll departments have a plan for this.

My state's HR does the following for holidays: if it falls on a Saturday, we receive holiday credit. If it falls on a Sunday, we receive the holiday on the Monday.

If you are normally scheduled for that day, it becomes holiday pay. If it is your RDO, you receive holiday credit.
to be fair, their plans for this usually don't entail the holiday in question literally being approved a day before it's observed

(and fair on the rest of that, just wondering whether department SOPs would vary significantly)
Oct 27, 2017
Let's make the southern states ditch confederate Memorial Day too while we are at it (which believe it or not, is real and state holiday in some places). Apparently Memorial Day is good enough for every war in us history but the civil war needs it's own day in the eyes of "some"
Oct 22, 2020
I think it's possible to simultaneously acknowledge that adding Juneteenth as a federal holiday is not a substitute for legitimate federal action to protect and expand the civil rights of African Americans - and also celebrate this as the culmination of decades of Black advocacy for wider recognition of Juneteenth.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
to be fair, their plans for this usually don't entail the holiday in question literally being approved a day before it's observed
That's true xD And knowing these agencies, change can either be very fast because they were prepared or it'll take an eternity and never anything in between.

What I imagine will happen is that many government HR/payroll offices will issue holiday credit to all employees at a later date to use at their disposal due to how last minute this is, just so people can't complain about missing out on the holiday.


Jun 20, 2019


Oct 25, 2017
There are a lot of Very Miserable People online that are immediately entering a full-court press to diminish any positive attitude towards this, which I think is just a total load of BS meant to squash any feeling of progress ever. Emancipation Day should be an official holiday for the same reason Columbus Day shouldn't be. Some people are going to be deflective of progress being made on this, and then also go on to complain about how important it is to cancel Columbus Day (Democratic officials are already functionally treating it as Indigenous People's Day, even if it is still Columbus Day on the books).
Every time it's the same people rushing in to downplay any positive news. God forbid anybody express positivity over Juneteenth being recognized.

I think it's possible to simultaneously acknowledge that adding Juneteenth as a federal holiday is not a substitute for legitimate federal action to protect and expand the civil rights of African Americans - and also celebrate this as the culmination of decades of Black advocacy for wider recognition of Juneteenth.

This is the right way to think about it


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
And none of those people are passing legislation to change what is taught in schools, because the federal government doesn't change that. Different levels of government.
I think it is the idea that we know all of these people absolutely support the laws being implemented in the states they represent.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
That thought process fucking sucks. As if we take more than a certain amount of days off the world will explode. Some companies are moving to 4 day work weeks anyway, we can add holidays without replacing another.
It's still fuck Columbus Day, though. Couldn't care less if we lost that.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh hey the cop is gonna be there too 🥳
Could you just not?

America's first black VP is signing a bill to federally recognize Juneteenth. The Congressional Black Caucus worked hard to make this bill a reality. Snipe at Kamala later.

There's a discussion to be had about Kamala's history as a DA, but that seems more appropriate for another thread.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Could you just not?

America's first black VP is signing a bill to federally recognize Juneteenth. The Congressional Black Caucus worked hard to make this bill a reality. Snipe at Kamala later.

There's a discussion to be had about Kamala's history as a DA, but that seems more appropriate for another thread.
Seems 100% relevant to me considering how much of our current justice and prison systems were built on top of methods for capturing escaped slaves, on top of prison labor being literal legal slavery.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Could you just not?

America's first black VP is signing a bill to federally recognize Juneteenth. The Congressional Black Caucus worked hard to make this bill a reality.

There's a discussion to be had about Kamala's history as a DA, but that seems more appropriate for another thread.
I don't see why it shouldn't happen here when this is a celebration of ending slavery and yet we still have an issue in the states where black men have the highest rates of incarceration compared to any other ethnic group and Kamala absolutely helped to do that as DA. I'm not about sitting around celebrating a holiday that won't get treated as a lesson about our past by the people who need to hear it while we still have modern-day forms of slavery ala the US prison system.
The cynicism of some of you must just make life fucking miserable.
No, I'm relatively happy. It's just that these things matter to me.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The cynicism of some of you must just make life fucking miserable.

White supremacy does more to make me unhappy than my own outlook. Maybe I don't give a fuck that Juneteenth is going to be a national holiday when states everywhere are making it harder for people who look like me to vote. When people who look like me are incarcerated at much higher rates. When people who look like me are still being killed by cops. When support for movements that help people that look like me are lower now than they have been in years.

Maybe don't talk about how some of us are cynical when this country is literally trying to kill us every fucking day and a lot of people are happy to sit by and watch and tut tut when we're not happy about the most miniscule pieces of shit things the government does to "help us."

Fuck out of here with that.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
White supremacy does more to make me unhappy than my own outlook. Maybe I don't give a fuck that Juneteenth is going to be a national holiday when states everywhere are making it harder for people who look like me to vote. When people who look like me are incarcerated at much higher rates. When people who look like me are still being killed by cops. When support for movements that help people that look like me are lower now than they have been in years.

Maybe don't talk about how some of us are cynical when this country is literally trying to kill us every fucking day and a lot of people are happy to sit by and watch and tut tut when we're not happy about the most miniscule pieces of shit things the government does to "help us."

Fuck out of here with that.

100% this. This is a bandaid over a festering wound. Our nation continues to fuck us over and we are supposed to be happy about something that is strictly ceremonial with nothing to actually fix any of our actual problems.

The people working to recognize Juneteenth are not the same people making it harder to vote.
You aren't listening. You think think that those people who signed off on this aren't supporting the bills being passed in their respective states? They don't have to be the exact people doing it. This is about what they could do in other circumstances at the federal level and how they fail to do that.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The people working to recognize Juneteenth are not the same people making it harder to vote.

Your point?

Here is mine:

I give zero fucks about Juneteenth being a federal holiday. I give zero fucks about white people getting time off to "celebrate" something they hadn't even heard of until some Black person was murdered and it became a conversation. I give zero fucks about any of this because it addresses exactly zero issues we have in this country today.

In a couple years, this is just going to be a drinking holiday for white people where they go out to bars in daishikis.


Nov 15, 2017
Me: "Hey, can yall do something about police beating me for looking at them, and them conviently having their cameras turned off?"
Congress: "Don't worry, we see you and we RESPECT you" *kneels in african garments and does this*
Me: "Thanks but that's not really what I asked for...."

is all i can think of at times like this
but let me not be cynical.....


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Like...the fucking audacity to call a Black person living in America cynical is just amazing to me.


Oct 27, 2017
It's still fuck Columbus Day, though. Couldn't care less if we lost that.
They need to officially rename it Indigenous People's Day then. There needs to be some day of observation for them plus it's great having a universal day off in between Labor Day and Thanksgiving.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Nothing about this bill precludes other action.
You say this as though we haven't attempted to get action done and it got shot down at all angles. I know for a fact that if police reform, prison reform, drug decriminalization, or voting rights got bought up tomorrow for a vote, these exact people would laugh or say "oh it just can't be done" or have 500 excuses as to why it shouldn't be done.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing about this bill precludes other action.
I'm a cis het White man. So, I don't want to speak for Black Americans, but maybe I can explain why some Black Americans aren't impressed by this to White people. If I'm wrong, POCs, please call me out. I mean this. Also, I want to be clear I'm not speaking for anybody, but mostly putting out feedback I've received from members of activist communities I associate with locally.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, both, had a strong hand in the incarceration of POCs, a significant amount of that incarceration being Black men. Additionally, a lot of the Democratic party and the whole of the GOP haven't really done much to address those issues. This is from a local level up to a federal level. So, I can imagine there are many POCs who see the bill to make Juneteenth a national holiday is being signed by somebody who had a hand in imprisoning Black Americans, while that same person isn't screaming from the rooftops that officers of the law are murdering Black people and it needs to be fixed, might not be too impressed. Many of those people probably feel this is great for optics, but doubt change will happen.

Now, I believe this is good, on paper. There are people that fought to make this happen and I'm, personally, looking forward to at least some people being educated on the importance of the date. I don't know if it will genuinely lead to any action in the future, but hopefully it will.


Oct 27, 2017
Your point?

Here is mine:

I give zero fucks about Juneteenth being a federal holiday. I give zero fucks about white people getting time off to "celebrate" something they hadn't even heard of until some Black person was murdered and it became a conversation. I give zero fucks about any of this because it addresses exactly zero issues we have in this country today.

In a couple years, this is just going to be a drinking holiday for white people where they go out to bars in daishikis.
Realest post i've seen in a minute

sick of the white people patting themselves on the back for this shit


Oct 25, 2017
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, both, had a strong hand in the incarceration of POCs, a significant amount of that incarceration being Black men. Additionally, a lot of the Democratic party and the whole of the GOP haven't really done much to address those issues. This is from a local level up to a federal level.
I guess I'm just annoyed that this is now a copmala thread, when it's not even her bill. She's just the tiebreaking vote in the Senate.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee was the driving force behind it. I think people just see Biden's name in the thread title and go off.

So, I can imagine there are many POCs who see the bill to make Juneteenth a national holiday is being signed by somebody who had a hand in imprisoning Black Americans, while that same person isn't screaming from the rooftops that officers of the law are murdering Black people and it needs to be fixed, might not be too impressed. Many of those people probably feel this is great for optics, but doubt change will happen.

None of what you mention is false. It's understandable for people to be cynical for the reasons you mention.

That said, it does still mean something for Juneteenth to get Federal recognition. Awareness and recognition is a necessary part of the conversation.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I guess I'm just annoyed that this is now a copmala thread, when it's not even her bill. She's just the tiebreaking vote in the Senate.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee was the driving force behind it. I think people just see Biden's name in the thread title and go off.

None of what you mention is false. It's understandable for people to be cynical for the reasons you mention.

That said, it does still mean something for Juneteenth to get Federal recognition. Awareness and recognition is a necessary part of the conversation.
"Copmala" is a valid aspect of the discussion especially when it involves race and slavery.

You talk about awareness and recognition in regards to Juneteenth, but this must also be a part of the discussion because it is all connected to one another.


Oct 30, 2017
Los Angeles
I...HATE...that name...and while I'll always celebrate it I'll never refer to it as Juneteenth.

Freedom Day in the USA.

Juneteenth...ugh...that's lazy branding 101.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
As someone who does a lot of organizing work and activist work, especially last year (and early this year), to the point where I had to take a mental health break and separate myself from a lot of it, because I began to feel like I was falling into an endless fog of depression and hopelessness...

I am happy about this.

I can be happy about this.

And that doesn't mean the work is done. That doesn't mean I've lost sight that this same government is trying to impede on the rights of Black Americans and our ability to exercise our rights even now, or that taking a moment to appreciate the little victories (and celebrate the people who made them possible) along this winding road that we'll probably never see the end of in my lifetime is somehow betraying what we're trying to dismantle. It doesn't mean that the people who involve themselves in this work on the regular are just suddenly not. For me, it means that sometimes you have to give your soul a break, and note the progress you have made or else, paradoxically, you haven't made any.

I happy about this. Tomorrow, the work continues.