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Oct 25, 2017
Oh god we're out of the shadows.

Uhhh... go buy the official Super Sentai and GARO releases on DVD & Blu-Ray. Good ways to get started.

Deleted member 3815

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Oct 25, 2017
Hey guys what's happening---

Congrats TokuERA, you're one of our next Community Spotlights!

Oct 25, 2017
Build 23

Aw man I hate when they incorporate movie concepts, especially when we won't see the movie for months.
RIP Kiba. By the end of it, I imagine that entire group will die. Including Sawatari.
Aw snap, Gentoku's back, and he's hardcore. Loving Rogue, and that jingle. Reminds me of Dangerous Zombie

Lupin vs Pat 2

I'm actually liking the mix of CGI and miniatures in that chase sequence. The ending of it was great. The CGI giant battle too. Though I get the feeling those will be rare and we'll be back to the awkwardness.
Oof, that got dark. Frozen and shattered, lots of people.
"My employer, a descendant of Arsene Lupin..." Holy shit, Lupin III is real!
Loving the fight choreography too. Amazing what fighting a fellow person in spandex instead of a monster that can barely move can do.
"Refusal to Comply Strike" That's a bit on the nose. But hey, the Patrangers can fuse so that's cool.
Man, lots to process in this episode. Looking forward to more. Except the opening, it was pretty weak.

Deleted member 13550

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Oct 27, 2017
Hey i'm back and i finished Faiz while i was gone
I really liked the suits for both the Riders and Orphnochs. Really good stuff. Music was neat too. Faiz's upgraded were dope as well, but i wish he used Blaster mode more often. Unfortunately i already knew about the big twist and didn't care much for the villain group. And you guys didn't lie when you said most of the conflict happens because no one's talking to each other lol. Also wish Delta was more interesting, amazing suit but the guy wearing it was just... meh. I loved how it started as a roadtrip and man i wouldve loved if the whole season was one. I wasn't really into it overall, not as bad as Ghost, but not one of my favorites.

Now i'm watching Ryuki again, which i didn't like at first but around the time Zolda got introduced i got more interested in it. And now the new Riders wont stop showing up it seems lol. I really enjoyed the episodes that introduced Gai, with the weird death battle/videogame club thing.

Build continues to be awesome and i actually really enjoyed the first 2 eps of Lupin vs Pat. The cops vs robbers theme is awesome and the fights have been pretty good too. I'll keep watching this one along with Build.


Feb 4, 2018
Finally started catching up on my Super Sentai DVDs again, on Disc 3 of Kakuranger. Just got to not Rito Repulsa, and man, seeing him angrily beat a Youkai with a guitar over failure was quite the contrast from what I remember him being like in Power Rangers. Glad to finally have what could be a major villain though. The MotW were fun, but a big looming threat's always nice for these shows.

Between this, the fun of Lupinranger vs Patranger, and us finally getting a Go-Busters adaptation, I'm quite happy with how Toku's going right now on the ranger side.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey, good to see you guys get a showcase. I mainly just stick to the Power Rangers side of Toku, though, and even then I rarely watch the shows.
Oct 25, 2017
Makoto is the walking embodiment of wasted potential. I like how they decided to give him a V-cinema where he can be given some much needed focus and drama only to create an unfocused mess that has Alain involved, the tertiary characters faffing about in the background, Takeru trying to convert the most pointless character in the whole film (the villain's daughter?) and even Saionji inexplicably turning up to save Kanon's useless ass.

I hate Ghost. Not as much as Wizard, but god, I hate Ghost.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Its good they do this from time to time though it just confirmed how SUPER CANON the movies are.
Actually, the Newton eyecon flashbacks in early Ghost were referencing Drive's finale, not a movie.

Makoto is the walking embodiment of wasted potential. I like how they decided to give him a V-cinema where he can be given some much needed focus and drama only to create an unfocused mess that has Alain involved, the tertiary characters faffing about in the background, Takeru trying to convert the most pointless character in the whole film (the villain's daughter?) and even Saionji inexplicably turning up to save Kanon's useless ass.

I hate Ghost. Not as much as Wizard, but god, I hate Ghost.

Regarding Saionji, he actually returned in the HBV 2, which took place after Ghost and explained some stuff about the early Ganma monsters.

I'd guess they knew Ghost wasn't really popular among older fans and wouldn't get the multiple V-Cinema focused on different characters that other shows got, so they tried to cram everything into a single movie... and the writer just loves Takeru so they had to add a subplot completely unrelated to anything else just to set up the mother of his kid from the finale and why he was special (even though it's clear they didn't even have budget to show their battle).
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Oct 25, 2017
I kind of took a hiatus from watching Kamen Rider after stopping around 30 episodes into Ghost.

A friend of mine keeps telling me to watch Ex-Aid and Build.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I like the megazord being alive and able to make choices on formation


Oct 25, 2017
Sin Specter thouuuuugh Makoto got a bigger coat after all this time.


I haven't seen the Specter V-Cinema, Specter was the better part of Ghost for me. But his movies and his team up movie was just gaaaaaaaarbage.

Makoto is the walking embodiment of wasted potential. I like how they decided to give him a V-cinema where he can be given some much needed focus and drama only to create an unfocused mess that has Alain involved, the tertiary characters faffing about in the background, Takeru trying to convert the most pointless character in the whole film (the villain's daughter?) and even Saionji inexplicably turning up to save Kanon's useless ass.

I hate Ghost. Not as much as Wizard, but god, I hate Ghost.

Wasted potential? How about how horribly unimportant Alain became after his character arc completed? I dare say he became Kurokage level of powerful when he turned. Even when he uses the only two Eyecons he possesses (seewhatididthar) he's still used to mop the floor. Can you name another Rider who just perpetually lost every fight he was in other than Sigurd? I wanted Alain to be on part with Deep Specter at the very least and I cant even get that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
He does get stronger than Deep Specter in the Specter V-Cinema... and yet still ends up almost dead.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
They did not know what to do with Specter after he got houdini
Oct 25, 2017
Ghost would have worked better if it was just Ghostbusters with more fisticuffs. Having to bust the ghosts of the Hero Eyecons to get them. Busting makes them feel good.

On another note, the new Reboot show is just VR Troopers. Bleh...


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Ghost would have worked better if it was just Ghostbusters with more fisticuffs. Having to bust the ghosts of the Hero Eyecons to get them. Busting makes them feel good.

On another note, the new Reboot show is just VR Troopers. Bleh...
Ghost would have worked better as almost anything else. It is like they gave up writing after the first dozen eps


Oct 25, 2017
We got someone in the Anime thread. The Butcher delivers.

Kamen Rider Gaim-

The evolution of Micchy:

Episode 3 | Episode 28 | Episode 45

After watching the new Thunderbolt Fantasy movie, I was on an Urobuchi high and decided to watch Kamen Rider Gaim which I've seen people praise over the years. It's a 47 episode series that Urobuchi wrote back in 2013 and falls under the tokusatsu genre. The only tokusatsu thing I've seen in my life was the original Power Rangers back when I was a kid. So let's get this out of the way, it's not Urobuchi's best written show or best work. I wanted to state this because I've seen some rankings with this on the top. Now that said, Micchy has the most fleshed out character arc and development out of any of his shows. One of the criticisms I've seen of Urobuchi is that his characters are static and don't really develop over the course of a series, I should note I don't completely agree with this but can see where that criticism is somewhat founded, and so Micchy is the clearest example out of all of his shows where a character goes through clear changes. Micchy is by far the most interesting thing about the show and the character where Urobuchi's influence shines through the most. His character arc can be summed up by this classic tweet:

Micchy is vastly more interesting than the main character and some of the side characters because unlike the rest of the characters, besides ironically his brother, he ends up repeatedly compromising his beliefs. The show really has a deuteragonist format between Kouta Kazuraba and Kaito Kumon, but Kouta is the main character. Kouta and Micchy start out as close friends and that relationship quickly degrades. Unlike Micchy, Kouta constantly reaffirms his ideals despite the surrounding pressure in which logic would have dictated for Kouta to give up. In a sense, Micchy was too smart for his own good as Kouta ended up lucking out of a number of hard scenarios. Gaim actually reminds me a lot of Madoka Magica in how the show is set up and concluded. Kouta has very clear comparisons to Madoka besides the obvious one
in which they both become gods and end up leaving their friends behind to go to a different dimension/world.

The other lead, Kaito Kumon, is probably the most un-Urobuchi like character out of any his shows. The closest I can think of Bones of Creation in Thunderbolt Fantasy. Kaito is obsessed with power and repeatedly repeatedly says how he wants to rule from the top and purge the world of weaklings. He only respects you if you can demonstrate some form of strength to him. I don't know if this was due to the writing or the acting, probably both, but I found Kaito completely unsufferable. His actor dramatized every single line and when half the lines coming out of your character's mouth has to do with power/strength/victory, that shit gets old really fast. The most intriguing part about Kaito was his background as he watched Yggdrasil, an evil corporation ala Shinra, take over and wipe out his town. He's a character the world left behind and what he learned from that was the victor writes the rule. I like his character in concept as he presents a striking contrast to Kouta, who is concerned not only about how to use his powers but also helping others. This leads into a bigger problem I have with the show, mainly the acting. I understand it's Japanese television and so not only are the actors not of the highest caliber but Japanese acting is different from Western acting which emphasizes naturalism. I understand that but I still can't get over some of the line delivery that comes across as extremely stilted and fake. Since I finished the show I've read reviews and seen the acting being praised in particular so maybe this is just how Japanese television is and I'm not used to it. When I earlier stated this wasn't Urobuchi's best work, it's due to the production values and acting. It's not that either are bad but they can be frequently immersion breaking unlike a number of his other shows which are more consistent across the board.

In regards to the production values, the show sometimes had really excellent camera work in fights during which the characters would be well framed and the camera would follow both along as they ran in parallel. It used that trick a number of times and every time it looked outstanding. There were also episodes such as episode 28 that expertly utilized shadows for dramatic effect. Overall the fight choreography wasn't particularly noteworthy or impressive except the final battle between Kouta and Kaito in which the show went all out and there was a noticeably jump in quality. There was one thing that bugged me and that was Kouta occasionally flipping off a wall and all I can think about was that stupid Arrow gif every time he did it.

The framing in this show was beautiful though for a large percentage of its run. Just look at the above image in which Sid, a villain, is spouting off this line. The camera is slightly tilted to show how off-kilter his perspective is. Also the lens flare works to give off the impression that he said and did something heroic when it was exactly the opposite. As for the music, this morning I was ready to call it the best OST out of any Urobuchi work, which is extremely high praise. I've walked that opinion back a bit but it's still an outstanding soundtrack done by Kousuke Yamashita. It reminds me a lot of Toshiko Sahashi's style. Watching a show like this reminds me of the value a great OST can bring to a show, something important after listening to how limp-dicked the Darling in the FranXX OST is.

I found the setting of the show fairly interesting in that it feels heavily inspired by Jet Grind Radio. As there are gangs which are dancing and fighting turf wars indirectly, along with a large corporation running the city and police. DJ Sagara reminded me a lot of DJ Professor K. That said, while I found that setting interesting, I'm not sure I liked it as the dancing came off as a bit corny at times. Early on I found the story fairly boring as it's doing a lot of setup and it feels like a typical MOTW show. It's around episode 11 or 12 where the show picks up as there starts to be large scale public ramifications for the characters' actions. For a time I was thinking the show was heading down a Devilman route with the mass hysteria and public outcry. The second half really goes places with the entire world in turmoil. The motivation for Takatora, an early villain, is complicated and some of his initial actions in retrospect could be justified. Actually, a more interesting show could have shifted perspectives to follow Takatora and made Kouta into a villain (of course it's still a kid's show so that would have been too much).

I can't help but think if this was an anime I would have loved this to death. There are some really great acting scenes in the show but the low points are just too much for me. I should warn anybody interested though there is a gay stereotype type of character that could rub some people the wrong way. He's extremely flamboyant and the show makes fun of that but there weren't direct homophobic jokes in a mocking manner as far as I can tell. It does come across as a bit insensitive though so that is something to be aware of. The show was definitely a fun watch otherwise I couldn't have burned through all 47 episodes in a couple of weeks, although I have zero interest in watching the side material or future tokusatsu shows. You can tell Urobuchi didn't have as much control as say Thunderbolt Fantasy but his writing style definitely came through.
Oct 25, 2017
Wasted potential? How about how horribly unimportant Alain became after his character arc completed? I dare say he became Kurokage level of powerful when he turned. Even when he uses the only two Eyecons he possesses (seewhatididthar) he's still used to mop the floor. Can you name another Rider who just perpetually lost every fight he was in other than Sigurd? I wanted Alain to be on part with Deep Specter at the very least and I cant even get that.

Look, man. He whips out a repainted version of Specter's weapon from his arse and wipes the floor with a randomly re-appearing and fully nerfed Javel at one point. What more do you want!? /s

And speaking of Javel, what a fall from grace for that guy. Imagine being him. You initially start off as an intimidating new villain, job several times to each new power-up for the heroes, get nerfed substantially, see yourself be practically written out of the show for lengthy periods, come back from out of nowhere just to job to the heroes again AND be saved by your Lord and Saviour Onari, who goes on to mentor you.

Ugh, that V-cinema should have at least been an Alain movie instead of a clumsy attempt at fleshing Makoto out after the series proper failed him.

EDIT: Alain does receive a one-time, gaudy new upgrade form in the V-cinema, but since it isn't an Alain movie, he still loses the fight due to the power of bullshit and as mentioned above, nearly dies.
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Oct 26, 2017
Kanon should've stayed an Eyecon and Specter should've got an upgrade with her called "Imoution" (c'mon Toei would do that) to parallel Boost.

After Kanon was revived they pulled some Garren shit with Makoto to keep him relevant.


Oct 27, 2017
I never go to OT 'cause it feels like a place you'd get lost in, never to return. But since you guys are on the main page: Hi folks! Toku fan since '04, but I wandered away briefly between Zyuohger & Ex-Aid.

I was lured back with Kyuranger and Build, and between Build and Lupin/Pat I'm addicted again. Trying to go back and watch some older shows while I'm in the mood. Currently I'm trying to make my way through Gingaman and Boukenger.
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I feel a lot about Kaito was lost in translation.

Micchy is the guy who keeps betraying himself and distorting his own goals and ideals to justify his actions and feelings.
Kouta is the determined guy who never changes... up until the end.
Kaito is the middle man. He does slight revisions of his ideals, eventually distorts things in bigger ways, and in the end he recognizes all of that and tries desperately to go back to where he started.

Or maybe he was just badly written from the mid point on to the end. But I disagree he is the worst one on that front, that easily is Minato and her nonsensical submissive persona.
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