Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
These points were summarized by Resident Evil French fan site "http://www.biohazardfrance.net", but the source of these tidbits come from Japanese interviews made in the last couple weeks from places like 4gamer, game spark, IGN Japan, Dengeki and Game Watch. However, there is a ton of new tidbits within this that I think some may want to know. I'm going to summarize the bits in English that are interesting, but the original articles most are online to be found if want to read the full interviews.

-Earlier in development they wanted to release the game in time for RE2's 20th anniversary, but that proved to be too limited a time table. They did manage to get it done for the 21st anniversary week though.

-The corpses of zombies that the player has killed will remain the whole playthrough, even when you leave and return to locations, and it can be hard to know if a zombie is ever dead. On-top of this, they wanted to give the feeling of zombies "invading" rooms, when they're bursting through doors to come for you they tried to make it scary and put as much pressure on the player as possible and use distinct scary sound design to know they aren't safe and the zombie is coming for you. They want zombies to be scary and give off a sense they're an impossible to overcome force, you have to merely hold them back enough to do what you need to do. They also mention that boarding up windows is important, while there's not infinite number of zombies, over time more and more zombies will break into the police station in areas where the windows are not boarded up. In your first playthrough they recommend just boarding up as soon as you can certain areas you want to be safe, and in the second playthrough you can strategize more knowing the sorta' path you're going to take.

-They clarify to the above point that this is not an action game, it has action in it, but they focused far more on the adventure game elements this time around. If you try to kill everything, you're going to find really quickly you'll put yourself in a tight position with almost no resources for anything to come. They think if you could take out zombies easily or kill nearly every enemy, the fear of zombies would be reduced by at least half. The game has much bigger emphasis on exploring, puzzles, and other such things this time around as well. This said, they think making an easier difficulty for less experienced players was important, since this game is harder than your typical RE game. They also wanted to make modes for those who wanted additional challenge as well though. They say the difficulty modes in REmake 2 are very different to one another and change up a lot about the game for different kinds of audiences.

-They tested Fixed Camera, First-Person, VR, and Behind-The-Shoulder all for REmake 2, but for the game they wanted to make, they ultimately thought Behind-the-Shoulder was the best for this remake.

-For making a remake compared to a wholly original game, there's parts of it which are easier since you kinda' have an easy to rely on blueprint to follow and can forge ideas to how to re imagine it, but then also it can be tricky to decide what's crucial to the original, what can't be changed, what should be changed, and how to recreate feelings of the original for a modern audience. So while some parts of development and design are easier, other parts in turn become harder because you have to balance both modernizing but retaining what the original did, which can be tricky.

-This is a smaller point, but they comment why they don't have QTEs because they think it's not "interesting" to them or players, and wanted to come up with more interesting solutions to it. As an extension to this, RE7 and REmake 2 both experiment with how to make certain moments fully playable rather than making certain gameplay moments being wiggling some sticks or mashing buttons, which in REmake 2's case lead to the revival of the defense items from the original REmake.

-They mention there's an optional thing you can turn on for REmake 2 if you're having too much difficulty which sorta' simulates the "auto-aim" in the original RE2, where when you aim at an enemy it'll lock onto their weak points and you can put ammo into it. This is by default turned off, but can be turned on for those who need the help or those who want to play it more like the original RE2 where zombies take a certain amount of bullets to take down that's fairly consistent.

-On Resident Evil 1.5, they mention there was only one aspect they directly took from 1.5, and that was the Shooting Range from 1.5 is in the REmake in RPD, but they only added it since it made sense with the setting rather than that they specifically wanted to pull something from an abandoned version of the original. They do mention some things were done that they wanted to do for the original RE2 but couldn't back then due to limitations of hardware, one such thing being Mr. X and how he can constantly stalk the player through areas. This was something they wanted to do in the original, but the technology to do it back then wasn't possible.

-They think Capcom is well known for fantastic audio design, and think REmake 2's audio design, which they fully constructed within their own studios, will be a new hallmark for them.

-About remaking Leon and Claire, they wanted to capture that this is their younger years as both characters are fairly iconic at this point for the franchise. Leon is unreliable as he lacks experience, this is his first day as a cop and he isn't prepared for anything like this, but he is courageous and his heart is in a good place. He has a strong sense of justice and a certain charm to him, but at this point he wants to be better than he actually is, which they think leads well into his over-arching plot in the series. For Claire, she came here to find her brother, her gun is now a personal model rather than a police model like she had in the original, one she took herself in case there's any danger. She's spunkier and a bit more wild, but she does have a caring maternal side and wants to make a difference and save people in this disaster.

-For Sherry, they mention in the original it seemed like she was 6-8 years old or something, but she was actually 12. They want Sherry to be a bit more independent and capable than she was in the original RE2, she's still a child but a bit more independent and mature and feels more her age.

-For Ada, the reason she comes in a trench coat is because she sticks out too much in her red dress. More so, Ada reveals to Leon fairly early that she's a spy, but wins him over by convincing him she's a spy trying to save the world and put a stop to a danger to the world. She hides her true intentions from him. The red dress was too iconic to leave out, but they thought the trench coat transitioning to her regular red attire made a good physical representation of Ada's outer shell opening up a little bit more to closer to who she really is through Leon's innocent sense of justice and the two coming to rely a bit on one another.

-On Annette Birkin, she is a bit less physically attractive and messier than her original self. They thought this fit better and more realistic with her being a person who dedicates her life to her research, she's not caring too much about her appearances and lacks certain social niceties.

-Mr. X will be in both Leon and Claire's scenarios, and no matter who you play as first or second, he'll be in both.

-They mention for additional modes, they are "still undecided", which might mean they have some post-release plans or debating something right now?

-On HUNK and Tofu, they knew from the beginning they couldn't be cut from the remake. They think if you ask any RE2 fan, HUNK and Tofu's modes are an important part of RE2.

-The reason Elza Walker has a costume in REmake 2 is because of Hirabayashi. He really likes the character of Elza, and originally wanted her to be a character in the remake, but she didn't really fit into the narrative naturally anywhere. Some were against her costume inclusion, but ultimately they agreed to make it a costume for fans as a bonus DLC thing.

-They focused on two darker and more fleshed out campaigns than A/B scenarios this time around. They get to focus a lot more on fleshing out those campaigns and expanding the characters due to this though.

-They mention that the "entire final scene" of the game is only playable once you've completed Leon and Claire's campaigns.

-They mention they have not added any new creatures to REmake 2, but some of the creatures will appear in very different and expanded ways. They give an example with G-Mutant, who appears in a completely different way than he did in the original RE2, and they think there is more novelty to the bestiary that people know in how they're used in the REmake. They also tease that William Birkin will be transformed in a totally different way according to his different mutations, so people can look forward to being surprised by what Birkin has in store.

-They also mention there's a lot of new guns and gadgets though from the original RE2, as well as lots of new areas, puzzles, and the like.

-The red highlighted "R" and "E" in the Resident Evil 2 logo is supposed to stand for "REmake, or RE-Resident Evil 2". In Japan, the logo is more obvious since it's titled "Biohazard RE: 2", which can be taken as Resident Evil 2 or a Redone Resident Evil 2.

-On potential remakes in the future like REmake 2, they comment there is no doubt at this point that REmake 2 will make back it's cost and will make profit. It is natural to think about the next step after RE2, but right now they're focused on getting RE2 into the hands of buyers, but they sense the enthusiasm of fans, but have nothing to announce at this time.

-On what they to say on REmake 2 before its January 25th release; "RESIDENT EVIL 2 is full of "creativity" and "memories". It's also a frightening adventure, a human drama and a game-feeling focused on the fear of zombies. We hope that those who have experienced the original version will appreciate it and that new fans will also want to play it. "


tl;dr summary of the biggest bits (but I recommend reading as lots of interesting information)

-Game focuses a lot more on Adventure game elements than action. Far more puzzles and exploration and the like, and if you try to kill everything you'll run out of resources quickly and end up in a tight spot.
-They think the zombies being easily killable and easy to manage would reduce the game's fear in half, they think enemies being a hurdle rather than an easily overcomable obstacle is important.
-The last point said, if having difficulty or want to play closer to the original RE2, there's an optional "auto-aim" mode in REmake 2 (that is off by default) which locks onto enemies weakpoints when aiming at them to make zombies take more a certain number of bullets to take out rather than based on your own ability. There's also big differences in the game based on what difficulty you select.
-On remaking Leon and Claire, they wanted Leon to come off as courageous and with a sense of justice, but incapable and unprepared for the nightmare he came into. For Claire she's spunkier and came here to find her brother, but has a maternal side but a bit more of a wild spirit.
-They knew HUNK & Tofu were needed in the remake.
-Elza's costume is in the game since Hirabayashi really likes Elza.
-There is a "final scene" you only unlock once you complete both Leon and Claire's campaigns.
-Mention for additional modes past Tofu and HUNK, they are still "undecided", which is ambiguous in its meaning.
-There is no new enemies, but the enemies have a lot more to them and some appear in drastically different ways, like the G-Mutant they mention is completely different than in the original. They also tease William Birkin has some surprises up his sleeves with his mutations, and hope people look forward to that.
-The RE2 logo highlights the "R" and the "E" to stand for "REmake" or "RE: Resident Evil 2".
-On potential future remakes, they say REmake 2 at this point is sure to make back its whole cost and they hear the enthusiasm of the fans.


Oct 25, 2017
Still lamenting the fixed cameras, but I hope that maybe modders deliver this.

That option is about the only thing missing from me calling this a perfect remake. Everything else still makes it poised to be the best game in the series, regardless.
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks Dusk for the great Tidbits

I wonder about that Final scene after completing the two campaigns , could be an epilogue showing Claire heading to Europe , Sherry and Leon at the government , Maybe Tease of Jill in the clock tower


Oct 26, 2017
Clealry the best Resident Evil game nade to date. Thank you for posting this.

Also what's Resident Evil 1.5? I never heard about it? What does it have that original RE2 lacked?


Oct 27, 2017
Interesting that they actually went and tested a bunch of different camera/perspective styles. I'm glad they went for behind-the-back camera though, it's what I always imagined since they first announced it. Really, the only one I was hoping against was the first person cam. I'm fine with that being the new style of RE game going forward, but I think they should stick to behind-the-back or fixed camera for the remakes.
Oct 25, 2017
Also what's Resident Evil 1.5? I never heard about it? What does it have that original RE2 lacked?

It is the Scrapped Version of RE2 , It reached great levels of development but it was scrapped in the end , I guess there is even a playable build for it released unofficially covering most of the game

It has a lot of differences compared to the Final RE2 , One of the most Major differences is that the other protagonist beside Leon wasn't Claire Redfield but Elza Walker

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
All of these tidbits are incredibly encouraging but this in particular

-They think Capcom is well known for fantastic audio design, and think REmake 2's audio design, which they fully constructed within their own studios, will be a new hallmark for them.

excites me the most. RE2 had my favorite sound design in the series (Even over REmake) and it's fantastic to hear that they're meticulously taking that aspect to heart just as they're doing with practically everything else.
Dusk Golem

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
Clealry the best Resident Evil game nade to date. Thank you for posting this.

Also what's Resident Evil 1.5? I never heard about it? What does it have that original RE2 lacked?


But to give a more full response, Resident Evil 2 was Kamiya's first directing role, and there was a version of RE2 that got like 80% finished before it was scrapped. It had some interesting ideas, but it wasn't very fun to play. It got scrapped, redone, and became the RE2 we know today.

Resident Evil 1.5 starred a character named Elza instead of Claire, and though some beats of the game are the same, the actual structure and location of the game is entirely different. Like you still have the police station as the first main setting, but the rooms in the Police Station are VERY different. There were various monsters from the final RE2 not in 1.5, and monsters in 1.5 not in the final RE2. The cutscenes were completely different as was the story with only a few similar beats. There were some mechanics in 1.5 that didn't end up in RE2, like a more in-depth damage system where you'd need to patch yourself up in specific parts of your body to heal where was damaged, and if hurt a certain amount you'd bleed and make zombies more aggressive. I could go on, but it essentially was an almost finished early version of RE2 that got scrapped and completely redone from the ground up.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
To ensure them zombies really dead, blow their heads with close range Shotgun.

But alas, Shotgun ammos aren't plenty.


Dec 18, 2017
If they added a mode where you play as akuma, I would completely lose my shit


Dec 12, 2018
Everything I hear about this game is good! It's seems so focused in what it wants to be and everything is being put into place perfectly to capture it. I absolutely can't wait to play this.


Self-requested ban.
Jan 28, 2018
I'd be surprised if RE2 scores lower than 90 MC.

94 is the dream.

Deleted member 10314

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So hyped for this.

As a massive RE2 fan I can't wait to see what they've fine. Kind of given myself a media blackout of any info from it, so I can be surprised with what they have done with it.


Oct 27, 2017
Can't wait for HUNK to take off his mask and reveal he was Chris the whole time.


Oct 26, 2017

But to give a more full response, Resident Evil 2 was Kamiya's first directing role, and there was a version of RE2 that got like 80% finished before it was scrapped. It had some interesting ideas, but it wasn't very fun to play. It got scrapped, redone, and became the RE2 we know today.

Resident Evil 1.5 starred a character named Elza instead of Claire, and though some beats of the game are the same, the actual structure and location of the game is entirely different. Like you still have the police station as the first main setting, but the rooms in the Police Station are VERY different. There were various monsters from the final RE2 not in 1.5, and monsters in 1.5 not in the final RE2. The cutscenes were completely different as was the story with only a few similar beats. There were some mechanics in 1.5 that didn't end up in RE2, like a more in-depth damage system where you'd need to patch yourself up in specific parts of your body to heal where was damaged, and if hurt a certain amount you'd bleed and make zombies more aggressive. I could go on, but it essentially was an almost finished early version of RE2 that got scrapped and completely redone from the ground up.

It is the Scrapped Version of RE2 , It reached great levels of development but it was scrapped in the end , I guess there is even a playable build for it released unofficially covering most of the game

It has a lot of differences compared to the Final RE2 , One of the most Major differences is that the other protagonist beside Leon wasn't Claire Redfield but Elza Walker

That's very interesting. In fact it's even intriguing. This makes me wonder: how much RE2 reamke takes from RE 1.5? Is it just the shooting range thing or there are more stuff they imported from it?

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Can't wait for HUNK to take off his mask and reveal he was Chris the whole time.


What do you think?

Deleted member 35598

User requested account closure
Dec 7, 2017
I'm in embargo mode for this game. I don't want to see or hear anything about it. My most anticipated game of 2019 ( with the Prime 4 ).

Edit : 2019 of course
Last edited:


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so hyped for this. RE7 engine is fantastic, but going back to over the shoulder is exactly what I want, and best of all, the game looks like a continuation of the brilliance of RE4. I always thought 5+6 felt like outsourced games, from a different Dev house, lacked the spirit of RE, from enemy counters, environment and music.

I hope this means we get the same treatment for 3 and 4. No need to revisit 5+6.


Oct 27, 2017
Every single thing there, every single thing sounds awesome. Capcom have nailed this game, I can feel it.

Move over other games in Jan.


Oct 28, 2017
SĂŁo Paulo - Brazil
I liked this topic. And I liked what I read in it. I dislike the fact I can not yet play RE2. Well, I can, not this one though.

I wonder about that Final scene after completing the two campaigns , could be an epilogue showing Claire heading to Europe , Sherry and Leon at the government , Maybe Tease of Jill in the clock tower

My dream tease would be the camera first showing the characters walking away after their escape and when you think it's going to end the camera goes back to the city and you just see the silhouette of a woman running and one of a bigger monster, just to hear... STARS... it would be an unlockable, secret ending by the way.

I believe something that points so strong to a R3make is unlikable though. But the strong suggestion it's in development makes me not entire without hope. But I do hope they took RE3 into consideration when remaking the second game. And therefore made Jill and Nemesis presence in the Police Station more noticiable, even if in very subtle ways.


Oct 27, 2017
It's an old joke from GAF. Tons of users on the RE7 OT were reeling from the last-minute cameo of Chris, showing off a radical redesign of the character (new voice, face, hair color, working for Umbrella, and even lacking his boulder-punching biceps). It got to a point where basically half the ongoing discussion on the thread was arguing over whether he's Chris, or just HUNK posing as Chris.

We know how that turned out, of course. Not a Hero drops all ambiguity from the get-go.


Oct 27, 2017
My most anticipated 2019 game so far, thanks for the thread. It all sounds amazing as usual.


Alt account
Sep 15, 2018
Still lamenting the fixed cameras, but I hope that maybe modders deliver this.

That option is about the only thing missing from me calling this a perfect remake. Everything else still makes it poised to be the best game in the series, regardless.
I think this pretty much verifies that you have nothing to "lament"
-They mention there's an optional thing you can turn on for REmake 2 if you're having too much difficulty which sorta' simulates the "auto-aim" in the original RE2, where when you aim at an enemy it'll lock onto their weak points and you can put ammo into it. This is by default turned off, but can be turned on for those who need the help or those who want to play it more like the original RE2 where zombies take a certain amount of bullets to take down that's fairly consistent.

When Dusk Golem mentioned that they had been working on a bonus mode with fixed camera angles, but that they may have dropped it. This exact question went through my head "how could they do it without auto-aim and targeting specific parts?"

Now I have my answer. This "option" so very clearly gives away the presence of an unlockable fixed camera mode. Which is pretty darn amazing as far as extras go.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
This all sounds excellent particularly the combination of details that:
-zombies are hard to kill
-you have to be strategic with boarding up windows
-their bodies remain for when you backtrack
-the adventure elements have been expanded

This indicates to me that finally we'll have a Resident Evil game again where planning your routes through the map will actually be an important tactic, as you have to weigh what enemies you think are in each path, your current resources, and the game has to actually encourage reuse of old paths for this to happen. The first REmake is really the only RE game that fully commits to that kind of strategic tension underpinning the whole thing, but it sounds like this is following in its footsteps.

I would have liked one or two new enemies though, but if they can expand the roles of some of the lesser used ones like tarantulas and the moth then it might be just as good. Either way this will have better variety than 7 at least.
I usually try to keep my hype levels in check, however i'm completely failing with this. I can honestly say i've never, ever been so hyped for a game in my life. The original RE2 is my #1 videogame of all time, and everything i've seen so far - has me believing this will somehow still exceed my already ridiculous expectations.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
It's an old joke from GAF. Tons of users on the RE7 OT were reeling from the last-minute cameo of Chris, showing off a radical redesign of the character (new voice, face, hair color, working for Umbrella, and even lacking his boulder-punching biceps). It got to a point where basically half the ongoing discussion on the thread was arguing over whether he's Chris, or just HUNK posing as Chris.

We know how that turned out, of course. Not a Hero drops all ambiguity from the get-go.

Ah ok lol, I remember reading stuff back then. Some just couldn't let it go could they.


May 29, 2018
Sucks about Elza but i feel like they COULD have fit her in......have her as a stranded motorist early in Leon's campaign , or have her as a sort of side quest character that he helps escape the city.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
The amount of passion, thought and love they're showing for this game is really unique.
They really want to make this the best remake anyone can think of, and I think by this point it's safe to say this game will be a massive critical and commercial hit.
Capcom really reinvented themselves this gen.